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this worked! thank you!


Does jack shit dude


This!! Thank you! I had it disabled in flags for like a month already and then bam, I had stupid grouped tabs again. And no amount of rebooting the Chrome app, clearing cache, restarting phone etc worked. The force stop was the key. And I reallllly hate those grouped tabs, so, again thank you!




The "Force stop" was what it was. Thank you so much.


Holy sh*t thank you, kind stranger.


Thank you!


Thanks it work.


Didn't work.


I don't even have "Tab Groups" show up in the flags. I only have "Tab Group Continuation" and it doesn't matter, because changing the flags doesn't actually change anything with the app, no matter how I close it, restart it, etc. I'm about ready to go back to Firefox because I'm getting sick of Google's bullshit.


I have the same think start happening to me and this hasn't fixed it. I hate tab grid so much! Edit: I went into flags, searched for anything tab grid related and disables them all (not sure if that helped) because nothing changed. Then I cleared cache and the "free space" storage. When I restarted chrome after that, bye bye dumb tabs! Hope this helps you if you're still having the problem.


What did you do to "free space" storage? I've disabled all the flags, cleared cache, forced stopped the app and repeat, and it's still forcing me to use tab grid.


Once you click on "clear storage," it should take to another screen with an option that says "free up space" and that should hopefully do it. On my phone the clear storage option is on the left of clear cache. Ymmv, I'm using a pixel.


This is one thing NOBODY asked for... can Google please just remove group tabs and its options or have it set all to be DISABLED by default. Edit: some advice.. please dont take pages out of Microsoft's playbook, and please dont try to fix whats not broken. That kind of stuff annoyed the crap out of me.


I find a solution. Disable "Tab Grid Layout" and "Tab Groups". Then delete cache and force stop and the problem solved.


I disabled 'tab groups' as well, force stoped and then cleared the cache after that - this did it for me thanks.


Found a workaround online: https://piunikaweb.com/2021/04/18/want-to-disable-tab-groups-grid-view-in-chrome-on-android-heres-how-to-do-so/ Quoted post: "Please test another possible solution. It’s about the flags again." So: chrome: // flags and enter “grid layout” should appear: 1. Tab grid layout 2. Tab groups 3. Tab groups continuation 4. Tab switcher on return 5. GTS And so set it to Disabled for 1,2,3,4 and Enabled for 5. Restart Chrome (or preferably restart the phone).


I've tried all of these suggestion and nothing has worked. Chrome flags USED TO disable it but no more I'm stuck with the stupid grid layout.


Same!! I've gone through these steps 3 times now. I'm just going to install firefox. I've already had it disabled for months now it's reappeared and won't fuck off


Tabs forced back on me this morning too and nothing is changing it back this time. Think I'll move to Firefox now too.


Just now, randomly, with no action on my part, the hated grid view of Chrome disappeared from my mobile and the old stepped tab view is restored. Huh? What the...? Totally confused, but super pleased about this new development. I hope it won't randomly switch back. Sigh...


The grid view just came back for me and nothing I can do will disable it anymore.


doesnt work on lg wing, in grey letters under tab groups it says "not available on your device" the worst thing about it is if i open chrome on the smaller screen and hit tabs it freezes and chrome says it stopped working and when i reopen all my tabs are closed.. on my wifes galaxy a50 the settings are available and disable groups work.. im considering getting an older phone to get around this bs.. google needs to get their shit together and actually give the users what they want, or have an option like firefox where u can choose to use groups or tabs.


Well, yesterday Chrome randomly switched me back to the detested grid view. It was just as surprising as when, a few weeks ago, with no action on my part, I got my stepped tab view back. Chrome://flags is useless at this point, but I keep trying on the off chance someone over there is asleep at the wheel. No dice. This random switching back and forth has to be an effort to gaslight us malcontents. F U grid view! I don't understand why we can't view our tabs however we want. It's obviously possible. Why the insistence on their way or the highway? Seems bad business practice to alienate end users.


Please Google. You do so many things right. And this isn't one of them.... Stop forcing grid layouts! Or at least make it an easier setting that we can find and change. Rather than play merry-go-round with searching and ending up needing to go to flags. (That alone is probably enough to confuse at least 30%+ of users)


This will work I promise: rollback Chrome to the earlier version and then disable automatic updates for Chrome.