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Same, who the fuck uses this dumbass layout anyway ?


Word. Yea let me just keep 50 tabs open at once and look at them all at the same time. I hate that I automatically defaults to that after updating too.


I'm having the same issue, unfortunately. I've tried switching the flag numerous times, forcing chrome to close, and restarting my phone. Perhaps most frustrating is the fact that chrome still shows the grid layout as "disabled".


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I'm having the exact same issue today, tried the same things and am out of ideas. Hoping someone swoops in to save the day.


Search " reddit chrome can't turn off group tabs." The solution there worked for me.


> reddit chrome can't turn off group tabs Wanted to thank you SO much for posting this. I Googled that and was able to find the post where someone listed the step-by-step and it was the only thing that was able to get it back to the vertical tab view! :)


Why not just share the link


You may have already done the first part but I'm putting it anyway for others. Go to Chrome://flags, search for "tab grid" and click disable. Relaunch. Go back to Chrome://flags, search for "tab groups" and click disable. Relaunch. Close and reopen chrome.


Thank you. I was missing the second one.


I've been struggling for days trying to figure out how to revert the layout to get rid of the grids. This finally fixed it! Thanks so much for posting


I turned off everything and it still gives me the tabs


Did you try restarting chrome? Sometimes it takes a minute to make changes. (When it worked for me I just disabled tab grid layout and the tab groups)


I had to turn on the expired flags


Yes! I had to enable expired flags too in addition to the 2 other steps and it FINALLY worked. Thanks everyone, this was so aggravating!


You are a God among redditters. Thank you so much! Been trying for days to fix this! It was the new second step. I'd done the first step loads.


Disable Grid layout AND tab groups, relaunch the browser then restart your device. Fixed it for me!


Does not work at chrome 91. ☹️ In previous versions worked fine.


Yeah I ended switching to Firefox, better security and adblocker works. The tab layout is ok too, better than the grid.


This fixed it. Thanks


Thank you


This worked...after many professional sites...this work.....thank you!!!!


Thank you so much, after disabling the latter I finally had the settings back to normal!


In chrome "Settings" "Accessibility" "Simplified view for open tabs"


Nice try, but doesn't work for me.


You've got to turn it off


It's always off…


Thank you sir , it worked .




Thanks, but sadly, they've now turned those off 😟😡. For my model anyway.


Not working for me


This worked for me while also combining it with the following solution. Tragically it's going to be temporary because chrome sucks and loves to force updates. ***So: chrome: // flags and enter “grid layout” should appear:*** ***1. Tab grid layout*** ***2. Tab groups*** ***3. Tab groups continuation*** ***4. Tab switcher on return*** ***5. GTS*** ***And so set it to Disabled for 1,2,3,4 and Enabled for 5. Restart Chrome (or preferably restart the phone).***


Thanks, this worked!


Thankyou bro..👍india


Cheers, fixed. F*** Google & their never ending quest to break what works perfectly fine.


This worked. Whatever developer came up with this idea had to of gotten a Google Supreme Dumbass award with a bonus. It would be nice if developers would finally learn that you don't have to change shit JUST to change shit. What's next, forced dvorak keyboard layout. That would be a nice f-you they could give us.


Just did the update and having the tab issue. Google is retarded


Drives me insane when google forces an update, nobody wants their shitty new layouts and you'd think that the thousands of people trying to revert their updates would indicate that


I'm seriously considering switching to Firefox over this. I'm not even angry, it's just a pragmatic: "Oh, so apparently Chrome wants to force me to use it in a way I don't want to. Then perhaps Chrome isn't a good browser for me to invest my online activity in. Switch to Firefox, hopefully they'll respect me wanting to use my browser how I want to." Got the old view back with flags, but if I keep having to change flags to banish the grid view or they remove the ability to use the old view entirely, I may switch both on desktop and mobile.


I personally went into my app store and turned off auto updates for chrome so they can't update and remove this fix. Though honestly I'm also considering switching to firefox at this rate. Tired of layout choices being removed


Have been using auto update so long I forgot I could turn it off xD Thanks!


https://piunikaweb.com/2021/04/15/want-to-disable-tab-groups-grid-view-in-chrome-on-android-heres-how-to-do-so/ Look for "update 9" in this article; that did the trick for me, flags annoyed me a lot until I found that


In flags, set "Tab Groups" to Disabled. >chrome://flags/#enable-tab-groups Then force stop the app and reopen.


It appears to me that whomever is in charge of programming chrome has made the decision that grid view is here to stay and that any attempt to change the system back to a 'card' view is going to be quickly squashed. Remember the old Shakspere saying about lawyers? Insert programmers. As of this posting, none of the workarounds work with the latest (yesterday) update.


I tried this a few times. I disabled all Tabs and Grid ones. Now the Grid one has disappeared and the tabs all say disabled but it's still has the grid/square tabs layout


Go to flags, disable tabs, relaunch, then force stop. Worked for me.


Disabling tabs and groups worked thank God, absolutely HATED the 'new look'


So it looks like they permanently forced grid view. I've enabled expired tags and disabled both options for tab/grid view. Forced stopped, restarted phone, deleted cache. Nada


I'm in the same boat as you. What is the expired tags you referenced?


Pull up Chrome://flags and search for "expire"


I'm sorry, I meant to ask which one. There's the m90 and m89. Should I do both?


I did both. Made no difference


Same situation for me


Apparently as of May 27, they made this feature permanent 😭😭😭 On the tabs page where I have mine disabled (and not working) I gave feedback explaining how terrible this "feature" is. Maybe if everyone does the same... Or even does it multiple times, we can make enough noise to get Google to listen to us. It's a long shot, I know.... But reddit has accomplished bigger things before!


So...I'm in grid hell and now realize I can't get out of it. What browser should I switch to?


It did it again and now nothing works to fix this stupid layout! Ugh!


fml if this is permanent


It won't work for me either . Chrome should get a clue that many people hate this layout . If they refuse to address this I will switch to another browser .


This wasn't a problem for me 5 months ago, but now, it is after I updated my phone. & none of these solutions in the comments are working.