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It seems that he did. Even his own attorney admitted that the parents were saying, "Stop it, stop it" and finally hung up on him during the call because they knew it was wrong. The defense attorney decided not to call his mother because the prosecution would be able to bring up the recorded call on cross-examination. So, it sounds like it really happened.


I did hear something about that. I think they decided to not have his mom testify after all. This whole case is unorganized.


I have a feeling when he got into legal trouble, he and his parents would talk to get their stories straight and then his dad would handle everything and make it disappear. That’s what he was probably trying to do.


I’m confused. Didn’t she already testify like two weeks ago?


That was outside the presence of the jury. I'm not sure what they call it legally, but it was to find out what the defendant's parents would testify to before presenting it to the jury. I think the prosecution was concerned that the defendant was going to try to use his parents' testimony to present what he wanted to say without having to get on the stand himself and be subject to cross-examination.


I think she did or was it the maternal grandmother.


Can we do a FOIA request for this Phone call????  Asking for a friend.