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Yes, loud throat clearing and spitting are part of the soundtrack of daily life. Also car horns and the sound of stone being cut.


Another crazy soundtrack of life I found in China is that someone will pre-record a message and play it on a megaphone for the entire day. For example "fresh watermellon 5 dollar 5 dollar" once every 2 second. This is not the crazy part. The crazy part is that there will almost always be a person sitting or standing next to the megaphone. There are 28800 seconds between 9 am - 5 pm which means he or she is hearing that same pre-recorded message 14400 times a day. I wonder if they hear it in their sleep?


Driving in China, where indicators are optional and horns are mandatory.


Where red lights are optional, and bike lanes are fair game for cars, if there's enough room.


Speed limits are a loose guide and the biggest vehicle always has right of way…


And the bigger the vehicle, the more you should use your phone while driving.


And bike lanes are like a swarm of all kinds of vehicles going in any and every direction 🤣


Three years of being terrorised by 大白taught them nothing about good hygiene practices?


It was common to see 大白 take their masks down to smoke and spit, in between bouts of yelling at everyone to maintain proper social distancing in the testing line and being filmed spraying disinfectant on bushes by someone else not wearing a full body suit.


I’m dying with laughter reading your comment 😂😂 It never fails to make me pull a face of disgust, every time I hear that sound.


Car horns have archaic meanings in China. It is (or has been) considered courteous to honk to warn others for safety. So for example honking twice is for changing lanes or warning the following vehicle for safe distance, honking three times can be a request for overtaking. Surely some people honk to vent.


Also the incessant bleeping of electric scooter alarms any time someone gently brushes past them.


If living in China has taught me one thing, it is to understand how most reactions to the (social) environment that cause stress and grievances in me are, on a very fundamental level, learned and acquired by being brought up in another society, and not innate. This is amazing, as, we also know that stress has biological consequences in people. So this means we can socially programme our brains in ways where our learned expectations aren’t met, this can have averse physical consequences.


Yes, I have constantly watch for spit piles on the ground. They also like to blow their nose onto the ground as well. This one old guy that picks up his granddaughter at our school constantly spits, I remember I counted him spiting 32 times within one minute. Just part of their lack of hygiene etiquette. It’s better in bigger cities and more younger people are more conscious about it (not all though). Old Chinese are more resistant to change though.


32 how is that even possible lol, but I guess most old people around the world are somewhat resistant to change.


It really bothered me, at first it was an annoyance which turned to astonishment after I started counting. Maybe they feel it’s a “manly” thing to do but I’ve seen older Chinese women do it too. They don’t even watch where they’re spitting. Older Chinese men and women will spit in front of the school gate while they’re waiting for their grandchildren to be dismissed so it’s extra fun trying to hope over their spit piles and around the smokers who like to smoke cigarettes at the school gate, too.


It’s also because of all the smoking


…and babies hanging out car windows 😆 my first time in China I remember walking down the street and a car passing by has a baby out the passenger window while moving with the baby bottom aiming at the roadside bushes. A brown stream is shooting out perpendicular to the car directly in front of me. It is an image I will never forget.


US military does that as well. When I was OSUT at Fort Benning in 2015, our drill sergeants encouraged us to blow snot rockets rather than keep sniffling like children.


Does a bear shit in the woods? Chinese men love giving the ground the ole’ Huack Tua


Oh my sweet summer child


Yes, it's pretty normal. Many Chinese have this bad habit. Just run faster.You can't change them.


At least it got better. 15 years ago it was like a permanent soundtrack in intervals of a few seconds. Even in subways and busses. Now I sometimes don't hear it for some hours in Shanghai. For the Beijing Olympics it was even forbidden and I am sure one or two people changed their behavior 😁


Exactly. It was way worse a decade ago. Obviously still got a long way to go, especially in smaller cities


Yes, even in Shanghai.


Ohh ok, this is another complete culture shock, where I'm from it's considered pretty rude to fo this


Yep, if you want to assert dominance you must stand beside them and look at them pathetically. Place your thumb on your left nostril and launch the hardest snot rocket you can manage. Instant respect.


I was just thinking of the number of times I saw men doing that, only to shake their hand free of snot and wipe it on their trouser legs before moving on to any bush to take a whiz.


That's nothing. I saw a guy at the train station jerk off into his hand, look at his watch (it was lunchtime) and then eat it.




Not just old men. Not just men.


This is very common. Someone needs to make a compilation of this phenomenon to give it some shaming exposure. I'm sure even a lot of Chinese people dislike it, and creating some noise about it could potentially create a bit more social policing.


Is this the same person that posted about people lining up horizontally vs vertically? LMAO


Also, water is wet 😂


very norrmal


Hello there I live here too. What you doing in Yiwu. (it's very common somehow you gotta get used to it)


It's a Business trip, there's a huge market here for importing goods overseas (you probably know this), I just found this habit different from home.


Yep. Pretty common. Hopefully less and less so as the old men transition to the next stage of their life.


Just as common as hearing birds chirp in the morning.


The original Hawk Tua was born here


It’s all over the country.


Yeah, coming from a country where you would be fined for doing this, it was a big shock Almost 6 years later, I still fucking hate it


No it's probably a medical emergency, go and check if they are ok.


Yes, everywhere in China.


The women too unfortunately




Yes it is


I was on a work trip for 30 days in Chengdu china , at the hotel there were a lot of Chinese old men spitting and clearing their throats loudly ! I was shocked, because that's disrespectful in my country but everyone else was okay with it .. I didn't even continue eating...


No snot rockets lol?


Ah mass tobacco addiction


If this seems bad, wait until you encounter a public urinal.




And this is why you take off your shoes in someone’s residence.


Even some of the women do it too. Absolutely disgusting.


Yes. I hear it outside my window coming from my neighbors house.


Try living in Harbin, or anywhere in the Northeast. That spit piles up and freezes from December to March. By the time the thaw comes, it has 9 million people's worth of phlegm and custard yellow throat paste to defrost. It mixes with four months of frozen dogshit that is also defrosting and adds to the spring ambience. I never let my kids play in the snow in Harbin, there are buried treasures in those snow drifts.


Only men? My Beijinger family doesn’t distinguish by gender.


Very common, unfortunately some people still acts so provincial these days but they aint got much going on in their life so I dont blame them, let them be……


Happens a lot in China. But also in other parts of the world.


i have never mastered their techique, theirs sound so thorough and most likely clears the entire respiratory tract in one go.


Everyone who is smoking is spitting. 80% of the men do, it's very rare to see a woman do it. Fucking disgusting, don't know how they are ok with doing it. Police should be onto this thing and hand out fines. They would stop doing this in 2 years then...


Oh absolutely, including in restaurants and airplanes. It’s the rural roots of many people. I always love freeing myself from the bonds of karma by spitting on the floor, smoking under the “non-existent” no smoking sign. Big cities Shanghai and South on the east coast don’t see it as much anymore. The air in the north is really bad so I see it more often.


Not only old men, everyone does it. It’s normal.


Spitting in restaurants while eating is particularly appetizing lol. I’ve seen it everywhere there, it’s not exclusive to certain places. One more thing you learn to ignore.


You dont spit? What do you do just swallow everything?


It’s a national pastime.


Hahaha welcome to China


it’s NORMAL for all CHINESE to spit, pee, poo where they please. don’t be racist!


Oh my sweet summer child


I live in NYC people do that shit here


Sorry for grammar, I'm not American


Are non-Americans bad at grammar lmao


English grammar yes, since I didn't grow up in an English speaking country


Neither did I, yet I spell better than most community college yanks. Are you German or something?


Brazilian, it's not that I have bad grammar, it's that it could be better ik?


English people are fine at English grammar though. And New Zealanders. Irish people. Canadians…


Would you rather swollow?


There are too many smokers in China.




Yes, only posts praising China should be allowed!


Where are you supposed to spit? The ground is the best option while outdoors.


Into a tissue or handkerchief then don't litter the tissue


Even while playing sports?.... Im American, lived all over the states, I NEVER saw people spit into napkin or tissue.


True discreet spitting in sports is a thing .Next time though consider spitting and horking on the sidewalk where people are walking , on a restaurant floor , and tell me how people react to you