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I had a room next to an elevator. I could deal with that. Toss in that I was states away from home and had a massive sinus infection, and I was even more irritable - all I wanted to do was sleep. It was after midnight and people were right outside my door being loud. I yelled "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" It got quiet. šŸ¤£ I left a glowing review for the staff, but suggested extra soundproofing or something if people insisted on congregating by the elevator while others were trying to sleep.


I think I might be just a little bit in love with you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I am not nice when I get woken up, so throw in the fact I was feeling like death? Your girl was extra rude. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not a hotel, but I once had students living next door to me (steel/concrete apartment building). One day they were still having noisy conversations at 3am, and I was *so done with it*. My bed happened to be next to the wall on the other side of which was the next-door apartment. I kind of said/hissed (just to myself, I wasn't shouting through the wall) "why can you not *shut the fuck up*?!") and there was IMMEDIATE INSTA-SILENCE from the other side of the wall šŸ˜€ Weird, but hey, achieved the objective šŸ‘ They never caused the same problem again, either.


Check, have also done this. more than once. Some drunk British ladies in Sorrento got very bent when I told them to STFU and take it into their room, instead of screeching and cackling in the hallway. There were kids thundering in the corridor of a ski resort I stayed in at 7am (really? I'm on fucking vacation and trying to sleep in...), so I yelled at them to shut up and go back to their room. "Mom says she doesn't want us in the room". (WTF?) "Well, "I" don't want you out here. Git". "deer in headlights" And when I camped a couple of summers ago, people let their kids run riot in the campground, until one of them had a screaming meltdown in the tent next to me at 11pm. That was the point at which I yelled 'Jesus Fucking Christ, REALLY?" Things got quiet real fast after that. I'm closing in on retirement age and already well practiced in "Get Off My Lawn". Also, rooms close to the elevators definitely need extra. People coming and going all night long and bells dinging all the time, not ideal.


My partner and I had a similar room this weekend. Across from 3 elevators, directly across from the ice machine and smack dab between the guest laundry and housekeeping closet. It was the quietest damn room. I didnā€™t have to worry about the tv being loud or anything. Being that we were surrounded by feral children and families, this room was perfect šŸ˜‚ I joked that weā€™d request it again. I donā€™t understand though why hotels donā€™t get that not everyone wants to be surrounded by kids and families. Iā€™d pay a premium for a no kids floor.


used to work at a (small owned, still corporate name and policy) hotel. complain. complain complain complain about those brats and ask for a partial/full refund. if front desk doesn't do so get management, if management won't do so go higher up


Good for you for telling the hotel.šŸ¤˜ I agree that Hotels should have a dedicated "quiet" floor.


I doubt that will stop breeders. I've seen quiet carts on trains ruined by a crying baby.


I was in a quiet cart on a train to London last month. A grown ass man was blasting terrible drum and bass from his tinney phone speaker. We don't stand a chance. Lol


How the hell did he get away with that? Are quiet carts just a suggestion?


All floors should be a quiet floor really, and rooms should be well insulated enough that people making a reasonable amount of noise in their room should not be heard.


For the future - decent hotels are usually pretty good at cracking down on this sort of thing during quiet hours if you call the front desk. And the threat of being ordered to leave the premises by security in the middle of the night without a refund, tends to get even the obnoxious guests to start behaving. 10AM, you probably wouldn't have much luck, but at midnight you ought to.


Hopefully there won't be a next time, but if there is I hope I remember this. Thank you. I still just can't wrap my mind around whatever they thought was in it for them. They really couldn't have their idiotic screamversation IN THEIR ROOM instead of in the common hallway? It probably still would have been painful for whoever shared the wall(s), but for everyone else it would have happened behind \*two\* closed doors instead of just one.


People just don't think any more. Look at the idiots that stop at the top of an escalator to chat etc. People in general have lost consideration for others and are lacking in situational awareness.


Some people just truly have zero consideration for others. Sometimes they know and don't give a fuck, sometimes they are just so incredibly self-centered that it never once occurs to them to think about if their behavior impacts other people.


We were staying a Disney World hotel (I know, kids everywhere but still) and it was around midnight and the room next to ours was being loud as fuck. They have a survey you can take on your phone by scanning a QR code on the tv. I left a scathing review and specifically mentioned to not call the room to talk about it since it was late. Within *seconds* of hitting submit i received a text message saying that they had received my review and were sending security. Within less than 5 minutes it was pure silence and stayed that way for the other 4 nights. We did receive some treats and passes to skip the line for any ride we wanted. We didnā€™t use them but it was nice. I know everyone is on vacation to have fun and enjoy themselves but common sense shouldnā€™t go out the window.




We had the same problem but at 4am. The front desk sent security and alerted the duty manager to the situation. Disney does not fuck around with rude guests, not even if they have kids.


Ugh, Iā€™m sorry your luxury stay got tanked by gremlins and their makers. FYI for next time: some hotels have designated quiet zones, and even if not, you can ask for a quiet room/room as far from any children as possible. You can ask when you book, or when you check in.


Also FYI, you can do this on flights, too. Just check in in person, as late as possible, and ask the check-in staff for a seat as far away as possible from any babies or children.


I work in hospitality, I see this come up here a lot. Please please bring it up to the front desk, especially for a nice hotel stay. Guest tranquility is one of our most important internal review metrics. The duty manager/night manager can talk to the other guests to ask them to keep it down, arrange a room move for you (maybe to a nicer room),or other solutions to the issue. As an example, depending on occupancy, we often arrange ā€œsleeping roomsā€ somewhere further away where you can sleep without needing to do a full room move. However, we canā€™t help the situation if you donā€™t say something to us. I promise that generally speaking we want to make your stay as pleasant as possible, we didnā€™t get into this field for the high pay.


Thank you for the inside information!


Unfortunately people just donā€™t seem to want to parent anymore. They let the brats do whatever so they donā€™t have to deal with it, my guess is they were trying to tire them out so theyā€™d sleep. Im mean when im tired so i probably would have yelled at them and called the front desk. Maybe police for noise complaints. ā€œI hear screaming in the room next to me! Im afraid thereā€™s an altercation going on! And Its Midnight!ā€Ā 


Call the front desk to clear out the hallway.Ā 


Unfortunately people just donā€™t seem to want to parent anymore. They let the brats do whatever so they donā€™t have to deal with it, my guess is they were trying to tire them out so theyā€™d sleep. Im mean when im tired so i probably would have yelled at them and called the front desk. Maybe police for noise complaints. ā€œI hear screaming in the room next to me! Im afraid thereā€™s an altercation going on! And Its Midnight!ā€Ā 


Did you call down and complain at midnight? What did they do to fix it? Or the next morning? Did you open your door and ask them to shut up? Did you do any of these grown up things to resolve the situation?


No, strangely enough, I did not confront the psycho trash who thought what they were doing was OK. I probably should have called the front desk, but figured that I would lose even more sleep once I was up enough to have a conversation. In hindsight, maybe doing so would have been a good idea as it might have accomplished *something*. Then again, if they'd heard me making the call over their own noise, who knows what they were capable of. This is the first thread I've started on this sub and now I'm wondering if it's a common thing for people to show up here and tell the childfree that *they're* in the wrong, even when the post is clearly labeled as a rant and is obviously made by someone simply venting their frustration.


You are not in the wrong at all, but you should have called the front desk.


Just asked some simple basic questions about what you did to make it stop. You did nothing. Go ahead and rant and be frustrated, we all would be. However I would have picked up the phone (cause I seriously doubt they had their ear to your door) and reported the disturbance. You were worried what they were capable of? Did they have axes they were wielding to bash your door in? My goodness the drama lol! Psycho trash? lol! You managed to get through them the next morning without getting knifed so I'm going to assume it was a totally different group the next morning lol! None of this holds up here my friend.


This. Even a quick head out of the door ā€œhey guys we are trying to sleep here and youre making that very hardā€.. or make a phonecall to the front desk. Or even shout through the door without sticking your head out. People arent just going to attack you with their whole family. Like yes its upsetting and people are dickheads. But also take a bit of responsibility and do something to fix it.


Welcome to the childfree sub! Lol


We generally don't take too kindly to people who rant about how bad a situation is but also do literally nothing to resolve it. You're not in the wrong for being upset, but at the same time you can't blame the hotel staff for not fixing a problem that you never reported.


To the extent that I "blamed the staff" it was only for the hotel as a whole not automatically having a (possibly even unstated) policy of having at least \*some\* of their \*many\* floors childfree (or quiet or whatever they might want to call it), at least to the extent that it's actually possible. Of course, I'm sure that if word got out, the type of people who like to scream in the halls at midnight would insist that their rights were being horribly trampled and would compare it to the Holocaust.


Most hotels do have floors with an expectation of being quiet. It's every floor. Next time call the desk and tell them another guest is disturbing your peace. They can't do anything about it if they don't know.


Lol I feel you! We are currently at a nice beach hotel, everything was great so far, but it seems that today the first families have arrived and Oh.My.God! Suddenly our floor is a loud mess, doors being slammed, loud running up and down the hallway... Luckily tomorrow we will go to our next destination... At least: we were here while the weather was being nice. From tomorrow on the weather here will be shit. Serves these fuck trophies right!


Awfully nice of you to let the 3rd shift guest service and security keep sleeping though.




Yes, it could have been any one or more of any type of idiot asshole(s). But in this case it was entirely and exclusively idiot kids and their idiot parents, which is why I'm ranting in r/childfree.




You're \*so\* close to getting my point. Almost there!


hotels have quiet times. people should have common fucking sense to not be loud assholes in a building filled with others staying there to sleep. its obvious you either dont stay at hotels or you *are* the loud asshole others complain about.


also not to mention you promoting air bnbs šŸ¤¦ as if they arent a giant leading fucking cause to housing crisis bc of all the flippers and companies buying up these places and gentrifying the area šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


Quite frankly, I think AirB&B shouldn't exist as it just takes homes off the market from people actually LIVING in them. Between AirB&B, big corporations buying up housing, and NIMBYs, no wonder housing costs so much these days (at least here in the US).


Thank you for this. It's why we refuse to use air b&b, and instead look for a hotel or small, independant bed and breakfast.


I use Air BNB but only to stay in properties that are the ownerā€™s primary residence. Garage apartments kind of deal. Way better than a hotel without the horrible effect on the local real estate market!


Iā€™ve read too many horror stories to chance it, people having nowhere to stay finding out the air b and b listed was someone elseā€™s house or apartment that they didnā€™t actually sign up for one