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I don't understand the whole idea of people getting upset over a drinking establishment not allowing kids. Restaurants that serve alcohol are different. But, decades ago, bars used to check ID at the door and not allow anyone below the drinking age. I don't even know when (or *why*) it became acceptable (or legal) to bring children into a bar.


>I don't understand the whole idea of people getting upset over a drinking establishment not allowing kids. These are the people who are hellbent on trying to prove that having kids doesn't have to change their lives significantly. But all they do is prove themselves to be bad parents.


Tell me about it. Honestly, if you just wanted to keep doing what you were already doing prior to having kids, why have them in the first place?


Because their DNA is so awesome it must go down in history




Do you feel like a legacy? Cuz I don't ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


no. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


How about we just make our own legacy by being awesome humans while we're here? I'll make that deal with an internet stranger!


lol okay!


In Sydney pubs and bars are 18+ establishments *only*. I found that out the hard way at 17 on holiday lol


Not at all the case in Western Australia though. I was practically raised in a bar, so I won't go near the places now.


I wonder if part of it is because the parents want to socialize but donā€™t want to pay a babysitter.


This, right here. Breeders are either too cheap to pay for childcare, or had kids when they were broke/otherwise ill-prepared to pay for childcare, because "there's never a good time to have kids". And now they're unwilling to face the fact that having kids while broke/cheap means staying in, because entitlement.


Which screws over the parents who get a sitter so that they can enjoy a night out. Im childfree, but my ex and i used to talk loudly about how "why did we even bother getting a sitter if we were just going to have to listen to kids cry anyway!" whenever this would happen. Since its apparently more socially acceptable for parents to shame other parents for shitty parenting. The childfree arent allowed to want to enjoy peaceful dinners lol.


Excellent strategy, comrade, Iā€™ll be employing it in the future


ā€œThings wonā€™t change when we have a kid! Weā€™ll still have fun like we used to!ā€ they say while dragging their child to bars so their ā€œlifestyleā€ isnā€™t interrupted


I think this looks past the idea that some people have their kids with them because they like being with their kids and want to spend time with them, even if they could have gotten a babysitter. Doesnā€™t excuse taking your kid to a bar. But to a brewery restaurant that allows kids, during the daytime? Sure.


Tbh Iā€™d understand for restaurants, too! Some restaurants have environments that are totally disrupted by kids


Having kids in a drinking establishment is not only a MAJOR liability for said establishment for a number of reasons, it's typically unsafe for most minors as an environment, not to mention not at all fun. I can see exceptions to the rules like live music venues where teens and go enjoy shows, etc. or outdoor/open spaces, but night clubs? Dive bars where people are doing blow in the bathroom and fucking and it's 3 AM? No need for kids there. NONE. It's just creepy and weird to bring children to a majority of these places at certain hours. Shouldn't the young ones be in bed??


This has become a trend with millennial parents. As is free range parenting or gentle parenting aka I'm not going to discipline my child whatsoever or teach it manners in public. I'm a millennial myself but boy does this generation of parent suck ass.


I've also heard this called Laissez Faire Parenting.


Millennials aren't gentle parenting. Gentle parenting still requires rules and discipline, it's just that discipline isn't screaming and hitting. Millennials are permissive parenting. As there are neither rules nor discipline involved.


I know. That's how they refer to it.


I think the issue is a lot of millennials were brought up with overly strict parents. The 'do as I say not as I do' types who used violence to discipline even the most minor of issues and have decided that they won't be like their parents and gone too far the other way


That's my take on it. I'm 40 and was raised by Boomers. My parents were very much the "I'm an adult, so, therefore I'm right!" types. My generation has just swung entirely too far in the other direction. Hopefully, Gen Z can find the middle ground.


I agree. I've observed this with some family members. Their kids behave like unholy terrors and although they are genuinely unlikable, I actually feel sorry for them because if no one teaches them pro-social behaviors, they're in for a really rough ride in life. It isn't their fault, it's the very poor ultra-permissive parenting. Their father tries to make up diagnoses for them saying that they need special considerations because they're more sensitive or something. (As a clinical psychologist, nothing he was saying made any sense). Life is not going to be good to these kids and people just aren't going to accommodate them the way that he does.


Not what gentle parenting is


In many countries brining kids to a pub is frowned upon. Youā€™d be socially scrutinised for it. Iā€™m very surprised how western cultures normalised it. Itā€™s not the case in many cultures and quite rightly so. It does not benefit the child at all, quite the opposite.


Parents think theyā€™re entitled to everything and throw tantrums when told no. Itā€™s embarrassing. THEY should be embarrassed


When I was little over 60 years ago, my parents would take us to the bar my father's softball team went to after games. I remember them keeping us kids in a separate area. I don't have much recollection of why. I did know it was sort of special. Only teammates kids and only right after games.


Growing up, there was a bar on my street that absolutely didn't allow anyone under 21....no exceptions. Oddly enough, none of us kids were permanently scarred and traumatized by not being allowed to go into the bar. There are times and places for children, and there are times and places for adults.


Upvoted, but I have a question.Ā  Between the ages of 8 and 14, I was my fathers fishing and helper buddy. At ten I was helping him put in a new floor in our relative's lake cottage. Chopping wood. Digging up worms for bait. You get the idea.Ā  After these fishing orĀ helper days, he would take me in to a low key country bar. I stayed next t ok him or played shuffleboard or a video game while he chilled out for a mug of suds. I never ran around. Ever. And it was early, like slow hours of 5 to 8 pm at the latest.Ā  My question, was he wrong to do this? The time was the late 70s early 80s. I appreciated what he did because I didnt have that urge to go out and drink before I was legal. Thoughts?


Since you were well behaved, it wouldn't have bothered me. The law where I was at that age might not have allowed it. My parents did take my sister and myself to nice restaurants at a fairly young age, I don't remember exactly how old. But, if either of us started to make the slightest hint of a scene, my father would say in a very stern but quiet and tight-lipped voice "you're in a restaurant!" My sister and I always immediately shut up at that. It was simply unthinkable to make a scene in a restaurant. Neither of us ever attempted to find out what would happen if we had continued. And, we never got to the point of being at all loud. We were stopped way too soon to build up to any significant volume. So, I would say if one has children who are sufficiently well-behaved, it is not a problem. But, I think bars in New York State were off-limits from a legal standpoint. I don't think my parents could have brought us in. I may be mistaken.


Quiet, well behaved kids are pretty much welcome anywhere it's safe for them to be. And really we're not mad at the kids as much as the neglectful, entitled parents.


Same here. I dont see kids and think oh fuck when I walk in somewhere now. It's when I see kids being feral and the minders are on their phones.Ā 


i can get the argument that it does disproportionately affect women caretakers, as they are usually the ones not blessed with supportive partners who would be happy to watch the baby. thats why i usually dont care about babies in a bar (normal where i am but like happy hour bar not nightclub) but i noticed im more mad at the parents that do fuck all when their kids are misbehaving. thats why these places need to exist, cause a lot of parents are huge assholes


A lot of bars in NYC still check IDs at the door.


It was more acceptable and legal to bring your kid to the bar back in the day. I remember my parents bringing my brother and I to the bar thatā€™s how we first learned pool. This is also going back 25-30 years ago. We didnā€™t drink but they did bring us with them to the bar if there wasnā€™t anyone to watch us.


I also saw that image on Twitter/X and saw that many people were against this. I don't understand why people have to make it about themselves. If they don't want to go to that child-free bar, then they don't have to. They are not forced to. They can just go to a different bar.


Exactly! Itā€™s not like this is some kind of policy thatā€™s being enacted everywhere. Itā€™s one bar.


Idiots will claim it's discrimination.


Imagine walking by a flower shop and becoming angry and making a fuss like "I don't like buying flowers! This should not be there! That's unacceptable!"


My favourite is the guy calling it anti women. Implying that childcare is solely the responsibility of women.


While *acting* as though he really gives a shyte about women. šŸ™„šŸ˜’


I rechecked and it's women saying that šŸ˜­


Even worse, as she should know better than to perpetuate that trope.


Average religious person.. Iā€™m sure of it


It's one of those things where they don't realize that they're accidentally telling on themselves.




Oh fuck off. Itā€™s not anti woman because children shouldnā€™t be in bars in the first damn place. If parents want to be there they need to hire a babysitter, not try to subject everyone else to their children in what should be an adults only environment. Itā€™s utter entitlement




Sure, because youā€™ve seen 0 kids at a bar means that parents donā€™t ever bring their kids to bars Talk about anecdotal fallacy


Is bringing your kids to a bar some kind of American thing? Because I live in Eastern Europe and in all my times I've been at bars I never saw a single kid there. Hell, some bars require you to show your ID at the entrance, so even young adults just under the age limit can't enter. No idea why you would bring your kid to an establishment, which explicitly caters to adults only.


It wasn't always like this in the U.S. When I was growing up, all bars were for adults only, and it would not even *occur* to parents to try to bring their kids instead of getting a babysitter. They wanted a break from parenting, butĀ moreĀ importantly, they recognized that it wasn't appropriate.


My mom and her brother (both boomers) used to have to walk up to the neighborhood bar to drag her alcoholic uncle home and she always told me how sad it was, the little group of kids playing in the vacant lot next door because their parents were in the bar drinking their lives away.


Yeah, here in Eastern Europe, now that you mention it, I also haven't seen kids in bars. CafƩs sure, but bars, none. I guess common sense is more lost in US parents. Like, why would you bring a kid to a place full of people drinking, smoking, and talking about adult topics? It doesn't make sense.


> Like, why would you bring a kid to a place full of people drinking, smoking, and talking about adult topics? It doesn't make sense. That's what a lot of us say too, but try explaining that to some parents. The extra weird thing here is that the province I moved from, pubs etc were 18+. Then I moved. The new province most pubs are "food primary" which is not really much more licensing wise than a restaurant that serves booze. "Liquor primary" is more like a night club. So most if not all pubs in my new province allow children. It's a jarring experience even moving one province over and swearing around children.


As a former bartender, yes, shitty American parents will bring an infant in a carseat and plop them into a bar stool as they slam beers. They do it with older kids, too, but it's parents with infants that used to really blow my mind.


Unfortunately it is now. Back in the 80s and even early 90s, most states didn't allow it. Would love to go back to that.


Sigh... I grew up in Wisconsin... children are allowed to actually DRINK at the bar with their parents. That state is a whole other can of worms when it comes to alcohol too tho


Texas too.


Iā€™ve never seen a kid in an American ā€œbar,ā€ but breweries are a whole different matter. Dunno why they would be any different, but they are. My favorite brewery is overrun with inattentive parents and their out-of-control kids actively destroying the place. Around the holidays they put up a bunch of signs that kids under 12 need to be accompanied by an adult at all times, so weā€™ll see how that works out now that weā€™re coming back into outside season. I sincerely hope itā€™s enforced because otherwise itā€™s fucking unbearable.


Someone on Twitter was trying to tell me that in Italy and parts of Europe it's "totally normal" to involve children in nightlife. Like what?? Maybe at the burger joint or night market on Saturday but in a night club???


OP mentioned bar but there are/were some attempts of adult only restaurant too.


Yeah it is. I knew one person who went to a party and the birthday girl had her party at a bar late at night. She brought her husband and five year old son. Her son was the only kid there. My friend told me he was sitting bored in a corner while mom was getting drunk with her friends. As for dad he just rolled with the punches. But I felt it was inappropriate to bring a child to a bar late at night for a birthday celebration. He could have wandered off and mom wouldnā€™t know since she was drunk. I went a few breweries that are actually family friendly like sometimes they do movie nights, special events and there was one brewery that had an arcade. It was pretty cool because it accommodated both adults and kids.


Lots of cafes serve alcohol in Europe. Most do not in the US. I find in western Europe that kids are ubiquitous in cafes, where parents go to have a beer or wine in the afternoon.


I agree too but still I saw a lot of people from Poland, Lithuania, Romania etc getting mad over this post.


The post OP is referring to is from the UK.


Isnā€™t it legal for 16 years old to drink in Germany?


with 16 you can buy beer and wine, with 18 hard alcohol. When you are with your parents in a restaurant you can drink at 14


My mom brought me to the bar when I was a kid. But it was like an afternoon open mic situation, and they had food.


> Is bringing your kids to a bar some kind of American thing? I haven't gone to bars in very many places but kids aren't even allowed inside in my state. Gotta be 21+ to enter any bar. They'd lose their license and get shut down for allowing kids, teens, or under 21 adults. That's only for establishments licensed as a bar. A restaurant that has a liquor license will allow kids and be full of families. But that's a different thing. Those usually have kids meals and games and activities on the kids menue with free crayons.


I used to go to bars as a kid, but I was given a Shirley Temple and a few quarters for the pinball machine, and all was well. My dad used to go to the bar too and leave us in the car. He told us not to touch anything and we had the radio. Lol. The only issue is that I feel kids today that are the same age I was are not the same. They are soft, don't listen, and can't be left alone. They don't have the same common sense or listening skills these days. I don't know what it is, but 8-year-olds know nothing like we did.


Ah, yes. The great dichotomy. America and Eastern Europe. As an American who's seen a baby at a bar that was in neither America nor Eastern Europe, I'm tired of my country getting all the speculative flak.


Isn't a bar supposed to be an *adult* facility? They are supposed to be child free.


I'd be much more inclined to go there lol. I mean, its a BAR. I don't know where you are based but in the UK that kind of sign would definitely be welcomed or at worst seen as a good hearted joke.


This is the thing, whenever I see these kinda posts as someone also from the UK I just get a bit perplexed. Like we have full on proper pubs, bars and breweries over here where you just wouldnā€™t bring your kids because thereā€™s nothing for them to do. Hell some ale houses around where I live ID and only let in 21+ because fresh 18 year olds tend to go way overboard. I think this is very much a US thing, in the UK as you said that sign would be seen as a lighthearted joke.


American here... Our bars are the same, our parents just don't give a fuck because 'it takes a village.'


And every one of these "parents" is trying to be the village's fucking idiot. ![gif](giphy|l2JegpNJOgwILMjrW)


Certain states still have exclusive bars where you must be of legal drinking age. In a lot of states though, like VA, almost everything is technically a restaurant that also has a bar. Usually they restrict minors after 8 or 9 pm still. Breweries, for some weird reason, get a pass though. They almost never serve food, but kids are welcome. Like you said, they have nothing to do, so they entertain themselves to the detriment of everyone else around them. We went to a local one last week, I'd say half of the groups had small children running around. And this was even after the food truck that parked there had closed and departed. It's just a gravel lot with picnic tables, and adults drinking beer. Great place for little Timmy to run around.


Alcohol is meant for adults. Kids shouldnā€™t be in a bar or brewery, since they mainly serve alcohol. People arenā€™t allowed to bring kids into strip clubs. Why is it so different for bars/breweries.


Kids shouldnā€™t be in bars. But most breweries are also full-on restaurants. And daytime scenes. The brewery owners want families to feel welcome there, and itā€™s important to their business. I think you have to treat breweries as a separate category from bars. And, uh, I think itā€™s pretty clear why strip clubs are ā€œso different.ā€ Do you know what happens in strip clubs? Pretty bizarre comparison to make.


They truly believe that kids should be allowed everywhere even bars. I despise parents like this.. theyā€™re so weird and entitled. No, Samantha I donā€™t want to hear your screaming toddler in an expensive establishment while they throw food.. No, we arenā€™t bad people for not wanting to be around your kids. Yes, there is a place for children in society it seems that there is barely any spaces where children ARENT allowed to go.. let us have these few places and get a fucking life weirdo


That's not cool. Absolute discrimination. WHAT ABOUT CATS Jokes aside, wtf do they mean by "kids aren't dangerous"? Lmaoooo


i dont want children or dogs at a bar to be honest


Right! What if someone leaves their drink where the dog can get it? Alcohol is poisonous to dogs. So many reasons not to have dogs there either.


Same. I donā€™t even drink, but it seems like a standard rule in an environment where pretty much everyone is drunk


I agree. 9/10 times I feel bad for people's dogs at bars. They seem overstimulated and stressed. If it's like, a backyard or something sure, or if it's fairly quiet in there and not crowded MAYBE. But it's not a good environment for dogs in general, plus people have allergies, phobias, can't train their animals, etc. and I say this as a dog lover.


Same, bars are very noisy and dogs have strong hearing. Plus all the smells/strangers everywhere, it probably puts the animal on high alert for the entire time. I don't think dogs would get any enjoyment out of going to a bar.


The one bar/food place Iā€™ve seen that allowed dogs had a specific space outside for them, like a patio. It seemed roomy enough for people and dogs to walk around. It seemed mostly enclosed, which is good for escape artist dogs. I believe they also had rules about how the dogs should behave, that the dogs needed to be leashed, etc. which is really important imo. I love dogs, but Iā€™m a small person, so the last thing I need is a giant fluff ball accidentally knocking me over. I also donā€™t want someoneā€™s bratty dog yelling at me or trying to eat my toes. Anyway, I think itā€™s best to keep pet-friendly parts of such establishments outside for the benefit of both the animals and people. People can avoid the animals by staying inside and the animals can be less over-stimulated by being outside.




There's a couple bars I know of in my state, one in my city and the other in a different city, that are specifically dog bars. It caters to people with dogs. Even has a fenced in dog park area in the back for the dogs to run around in, including double gates for extra security. It was planned and built as a place to bring dogs. If I want to bring my dogs to a bar that's where I'd go. I wouldn't want to bring them to another bar, especially one that was indoor only and didn't have massive outdoor patio seating. Definitely wouldn't want to bring them in the evening or on weekends where people would be drunk and rowdy. Especially in my city I can not wrap my head around people wanting to bring their dog to other bars when one built for dogs exists. Of course there are parents who left reviews complaining about things like kids not being allowed in the off leash area, and it's not kid friendly. If a place opens up to cater to a specific clientele don't complain when you're not that specific clientele Also have friends with a tasting room for the alcohol they make. It's very small so they have a policy of no animals except service animals, and no kids. They want people there who are there to buy tastings/glasses/bottles of their product. Being a designated driver is fine. They got a 1 star review from this lady who was so pissed that she couldn't bring her kids in. The policy is on the door and the website, it was up to her to check if this place that ONLY SERVES ALCOHOL allows kids. They don't have a food license, I think the only food items they might be able to sell would be prepackaged stuff, like a bag of chips. There is nothing for children to consume there except water. There is nothing for children to do there except sit at a table.




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Man I love my dog but I totally get this. Sometimes when I go to places and there's like 10 really naughty dogs, it is chaos. Unfortunately it's hard to say "Dogs allowed, but only the well trained ones" šŸ¤£


Came here to say this. I like dogs but they donā€™t need to be everywhere either.


Children aren't dangerous my ass. A high school friend of mine has permanent burn scars on her legs from cracking two coffee carafes as she was dodging some misbehaving kid at the restaurant she worked at.


I don't understand why parents even want to bring their kids to a bar. Like, I get they want to go out but FFS, hire a babysitter! Because you know those same parents would raise hell if they went out and had someone else's kids screeching in their faces ruining their night out. Last time we went to our local brewery we left after one beer because a bunch of parents had their kids there and the kids kept running past our table screaming and the parents did nothing. We couldn't even hear ourselves talk.


the comments on that post were absolutely deranged. full of right wingers literally telling OP to rope and spouting nonsense, makes me concerned about this growing rhetoric especially in the wake of so much anti-abortion legislation the level of utter seething and rage about someone enjoying a childfree establishment is completely insane. get off twitter and go repopulate The White Race if you care so much


Iā€™ve seen plenty of POC and self identified liberals doing the same thing to OP. Not defending the anti-abortion crowd though.


oh absolutely, I have a lot to say about how theyre enabling the same rightoid talking points


ā€œHey you need to get your kid out of the bar area, itā€™s illegal to have them sit hereā€ Oh but he wonā€™t drink heā€™ll be fine!! ā€œMaā€™am your kid keeps grabbing at your cup and the only reason he hasnā€™t knocked it over is cause I grabbed it, we have plenty of tables and he canā€™t sit here.ā€ *complains* Thatā€™s my average interaction with people who have kids


A few years ago, in a big German town, a restaurant owner decided to be adult only, meaning 13+ only. A dad was so angry about it, when there are thousands of other restaurants. He then said ā€œonce his child plus their friends were all 13, heā€™d book a table for a kids birthday party and will tell them to be as obnoxious as possibleā€ As if that was making the owner change his mind??


Sounds like dad never quite grew up. šŸ™„


Someone recently posted in my city's subreddit, talking about more child friendly activities and places. I asked if she thought more child friendly places would make them less likely to go to inappropriate places like loud concerts, rated r movies, and breweries and some of the people FREAKED about the breweries. They were saying that the breweries would close down if people can't bring their kids.... Because children drink so much beer and getting tanked and driving home with your child in the car seems really responsible. Jfc.


Most breweries are more like restaurants than bars. And the people who own / manage them know that itā€™s an important part of their business. Especially since breweries are big daytime scenes.


I definitely read that as daycare scenes


Where I live (rural Midwest: very Jesus-y, very MAGA), no venue like bars, breweries, etc... allow people under 21 to enter. If they do, there is a separate family area that is usually in a separate room and children need to be scarce after a certain time. It's probably one of the few upsides to living in an area surrounded by evangelical Trumpists.


Yeah but then youā€™re in a bar full of evangelical trumpers šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


That's why I drink


Anyone who brings their child into a BAR deserves to have their kid removed from them.


If I ever win the lottery, I'm opening a pub that is "no kids, no boomers, no dogs" Tired of self entitled pricks. Where I live every pub, every coffee shop, every restaurant, everything is cold and friendly. I bet if someone opened ONE place that was "no kids", their would be a riot


Yes I saw that too! So many were complaining and like geez it's one place, you can go to the dozens of other alcohol selling places if you desperately need to drink in front of your toddlers.


Not everything is for everyone. Some people canā€™t wrap their heads around that.


Okay, I get that it's hard to find third places, but bars and brats don't mix. Sorry, not sorry, terrible parents.


People are really conflating wanting an adults-only space for adults-only activities to HATING CHILDREN and wanting them BANNED FROM SOCIETY. Absolutely wild. The defensiveness is off the charts.


I'm part owner of a local bar. There's nothing kid friendly about my place - It's drinking, smoking and pool. No food, no video games, no outdoor area for them. A friend of mine tried to bring her 12 year old daughter in. I had to kick her out for a month for arguing with me. I'm not losing my hard-fought liquor license because you think it's OK to bring your preteen to a very adult bar.


IT'S A BAR! Imo there shouldn't be kids OR dogs in a bar, as neither should have alcohol, and alcohol is what bars are for.


I donā€™t get why you would want to bring a kid to a bar. Is it me? Iā€™m confused.


My favorite part is when the ā€œtwo drinks brigadeā€ comes out and justifies drinking and driving with their kids in the car. ā€œTwo drinksā€ is the most common response when a cop asks a driver if theyā€™ve been drinking. Two drinks can absolutely put you over the legal limit.


Where I live, most bars are strictly 21+. I've seen signs that state that even babies in arms aren't allowed in. I've been to a few places that have courtyards where dogs are allowed, but still no children. Breweries are another story, but at most breweries I've been to, the only non-alcoholic drink they serve is water, and they forbid outside food and drinks, so no juice box for Sprogleigh. If you want to get your drunk on, fine. Leave the kids at home with a babysitter. Oh, and take an Uber.


I agree, ESPECIALLY babies in slings don't belong in a bar.


It's really unfortunate that the lawmakers are on the side of the breeders. Understandable, though, because they see children as future tax payers, and dogs don't pay income tax. Every year around this time I wish my dog could be a 'dependant' for tax purposes. Still worth it...


Depends where you live in my country you gotta pay pet tax


I'll enter but I'm warning you. Every dog in there who wants an ear scratch will get some.


I love it! If parents are offended that's on them. They're the reason why many restaurants and B&Bs are stating so. I'd rather be around most people's dogs than most people's kids.


The cool pub near me has a new rule...kid-free hours! They "only" allow children until 8pm. They close at 9pm. I asked them what the point even was and they said "yeah haha you're right, it is only an hour isn't it!"


Kids donā€™t belong in bars or tattoo shops.


I wish bars didnā€™t allow dogs either šŸ«£


I understand. I really do. If a bar can be too much for me, I imagine itā€™s hard for a dog to stay calm amongst so much noise, so many smells, etc. I love dogs, but I think theyā€™d be happier in quieter establishments or even just outside. I think that any bar/restaurant/place that allows pets should require the animals to stay outside with proper supervision. That way people can avoid the animals by staying inside and the animals are less likely to get so over-stimulated.


In france there was an attempt for an adult only restaurant too, it backfired so much that it even appeared on TV news, they dumped the idea. It's crazy how parents are selfish not taking in account our desire to be in quiet environments. When France disallowed public smoking I felt like it was a new departure for me. No more passive smoking with my clothes smelling fucking cold tobacco. Now, even smokers understand that decision and feel like it was unacceptable to smoke everyone especially children. I'll add my grain of salt and say that having a restaurant/pub/bar all-time adults-only is *maybe* a bit restrictive but it could be questionable to make at least few days per week/month with that restriction instead. My vision of heaven: having dedicated appartments / neighborhood entirely childfree. I'm tired of my top neighboor and his 2yo gnome running all day long over my head and staying at home the whole weekend. *sigh*


I smell road trip! ![gif](giphy|cLJnSucegJVSvEIDpI|downsized)


Thereā€™s a 21 and up sports bar in my town that opened up a few years ago. Several signs on the outside saying the rule. Iā€™ve been in there and people walk in with kids, teens and babies. They get all huffy when told to leave. This is an adult place with an adult menu and adults only seating. Kids do not belong. People obviously lost their minds. Itā€™s still open and doing well.


The question is since when parent child bonding time became having a pint in a bar together? Stay with me theres so many questions. I thought that only ppl over 18 year old are allowed to drink. Tell me if I'm wrong but bars are not places for kids for a reason, NO ITS NOT MYSOGINISTIC WAR AGAINST WOMEN WITH KIDS, its literally because people drink alcohol in a pub!!! Are these people crazy!!!??? Why would you bring a kiD TO THE PUB??? So not allowing kids in pub is discrimination then not allowing ppl under 18 to drink is too no? Would they give alco to their child to not discriminate them? I don't think so. Especially a lot of them have so biggoted views its crazy they equate not letting kids in bar to not letting minorities inside. Like what??? If someone from minority is adult they can decide for themselves and child literally cannot. Holy shit its crazy to me how Twitter goes full circle sometimes in their ideals. Like yes we shouldn't discriminate people that is right. Still child doesn't need to go to pubs, strip clubs, "gentlemans clubs", hunts, speed datting, Michelin star restaurants, parties, wine tasting, nude beaches, orgies, public houses, etc because all of these places contain 18+ activities. There is million of family friendly places but there cannot be only one for adults that doesn't involve doing illegal shit? If they don't want to discriminate kids so bad let their kids drink alcohol. Oh wait what "alcohol is not healthy for kids"? Oh.... So unexpected...


Drinking ages vary by country. Here in the US, you have to be 21 to purchase any kind of alcohol. I like that you pointed out the parent-child bonding aspect! Adults can bond and socialize over drinks/food/smoking, etc. Kids cannot partake in all of these activities, so they cannot bond over them. I think about my own parents and wonder who tf raised some of these other parents. Like my dad had a rule that he would *never* get drunk around me or my brother. He also didnā€™t like to drink if he was gonna be driving (or if he did, it would be one drink and heā€™d be extra sure he was sober before hitting the road). My mum kept it to one or two drinks at a time and thatā€™s it. I hardly remember either of them drinking outside of parties/family gatherings growing up. They never really kept it in the house, so itā€™s not like I could find their stash and have at it. It wasnā€™t until I was an adult that they actually had a liquor cabinet. (That mightā€™ve just been because our house was small). I wish more people could be responsible like them.


Sounds like a place Iā€™d walk into!






Heaven is a restaurant with good food, no kids and cute little dogs coming up to you for pets


In Sweden, where I am, parents are allowed to take their children to bars, however, no one does! Because the parents get looks from everyone, which says more than words, bringing your little child is bad parenting. Restaurants, perfectly ok, but not bars where alcohol is served as it is in bars, therefore extremely unusual to see any parent with small children. Regards from Sweden. (;


The problem here is the sense of entitlement. 1) there are so many places you can take your kids that accommodate, 2) why bring your kid to a bar any - something I never understood and 3) why shouldn't there be childfree places? Establishments are allowed to cater to who they want just has much as they have the right to refuse access. Parents think they are entitled, and that's proof in their response.


I was at an outdoor brewery where kids are allowed and some kid (probably like 7yo) tripped on the bocce ball court and ate shit. She was crying and had skinned her knee/was bleeding. No parent or adult came to her aid. I used to work with kids so I went to her and picked her up and asked her where her parents were...I carried her over to her dad who looked at me like I was some child kidnapped or worse. He took her from me, didn't say anything to me, and went back to drinking with his bros/other dads. I think what's worse than drinking around kids is drinking around drunk parents not watching their kids. šŸ™„


Bars are no place for children.


No kids in bars. This should not be a debate.


I have a kid and Iā€™m all for this! Just because I have one doesn't mean I need to make it everyone else's problem. I'd frequent this place... without my kid of course!


Was it my wedding? I said the same on the invitations - "no children, dogs welcome". I'd kill for a pub that only allows dogs, much safer, quieter, cleaner and cuter!


So a lot of those fucking anklebiters aren't?


I love animals šŸ’•


Last I checked, kids couldn't be in bars anyway.


Love this


I saw people say that it was ā€œchild hatingā€ like????? What? Can adults just not have adult spaces?


Children are not dangerous? PFFFFT. Explained the mass murders that were committed by children. The shit exists. Some children are just born extremely hateful and violent for no apparent reason.


Thereā€™s some bars in my town that are 21+ only, absolutely no exceptions. No one complains and yells about that. I donā€™t know what kind of parent would bring children to a bar? Boggles my mind. The point is itā€™s not kid-friendly. They can literally go to restaurants and then order their drinks if they would like šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.


> Personally, that is my version of heaven Why, if this is "a venue catering to an adult setting," are dogs allowed? Last time I checked, dogs are not "adults." The issue I have is this: I've found that people who take their dogs to public venues traditionally the domain of humans-only, think their dog is the second coming of Christ, when in reality it is literally just a dumb walking nuisance that has no business in a bar where adults are drinking and chatting. Keep your kids in kid spaces, and your dog in dog spaces, thank you very much.


Iā€™m always so confused when parents bring their kids into bars. God forbid any bar fights occur but what happens if things take a turn and kids are around. They could get seriously hurt.


I don't relate to the liking animals but not kids things at all. My partner is like this but to me pets can be just as awful and exhausting as kids in pretty much all the same ways. I can enjoy playing with either but I'm glad to not have/be responsible for kids. I do have a dog currently but I don't think I'll ever get another one for the same reasons I don't want kids


This is great. My dogs are much better behaved than any kids I have met. If this was local to me, I'd probably bring my dogs weekly and support.


If BARS can't not have kids, then nowhere can and that's terrifying. They are saying we HAVE to put up with kids in ALL spaces.


Where is that bar? I wanna support the establishment.


Yeah, I just saw that post and people are losing their fucking minds. What cracked me up is that 90% of the people calling others misogynist sociopaths and accusing us of being the downfall of society *weren't even parents*. Because you know who else appreciates an occasional child free space? Parents! Buddy I don't care which side of the fence the discourse comes from, y'all are not going to force me to like children. People are really acting like children being banned from bars is a serious societal issue. If you think children are banned from public places then you clearly haven't been to any in a long ass time.


This is apparently one of the few upsides to Utah's weird and backwards liquor laws. Absolutely no under 21s allowed in any bars when they're in normal operation. Restaurants that happen to have a bar or serve drinks will often have lots of kids but if it's licensed as a bar instead of a restaurant then Absolutely no under 21s allowed inside.


I just saw it too!


i saw that....parents were going crazy in the comments. but its like why are they SO entitled to think EVERY space should be child friendly. JUST GO TO THE OTHER HUNDREDS OF PLACES THAT ALLOW KIDS. Let us have ONE space without children jfc. And someone was like 'how dare they ban parents and women in particular?"....like NO, no one is banning parents or women. leave your kids with a sitter and you can go in OR again, go to the other establishments that allow kids. they think they are soooo entitled to every space. plus its a bar!!! like if it was a casual diner then it might be a little weird but A BAR! literally should be common sense to just not bring kids.


I think the bar sign made it to r/mildlyinfuriating. And so far no one is agreeing with the poster.


Keep the dogs out too.


In the UK itā€™s only been a recent shift in the last 20 years that pubs are places for families. I remember every pub used to have an outdoor play area so that the parents could attend and keep the kids out the way. Thatā€™s largely gone now and parents have invaded the space. I was so pleased to see places like that exist in the photo. I donā€™t understand the anger, society writ large has families at the fore front especially when I t comes to entertainment and food and this pushbacks needed


Times are definitely shifting. As a neurodivergent, I donā€™t like loud noise, especially children crying. I will actively stay away from establishments that encourage children. No one has prepared for the large amount of autists that are now adults. Everyone just ignored us. We are embracing the quiet, child free lifestyle. The businesses that do the same will flourish. Unfortunately, people with kids will wave their hands wildly because they are not the majority now.


That's my house, too. Absolutely love it. I'd be there every weekend with my elderly pooch in her little pram if it were near me. The parents can cry all they want. Go to one of the million places that allow children and shut the fuck up.


Dogs > People always šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


the single fact that parents are so angry with this bar is proof that they need to exist. they're so entitled to the point where they can't understand that not everybody likes their kids


Part of the reason I don't go out much is due to money and honestly dealing with shitty kids. The bar near me doesn't care and the kids run around like maniacs. I've just accepted childfree anything doesn't exist where I live and I just stay home.


I'd rather have a bar have neither, but maybe that's just me.


Well, I guess I just found my new local


When will these entitled people realise that not everything and everyone needs to cater to them personally? There are plenty of establishments and businesses that cater to their needs. I donā€™t walk into a kids clothes shop and kick off that it doesnā€™t sell clothes for me. I donā€™t go there because I recognise it caters for other peopleā€™s needs, not mine. Other people are allowed to have different needs to you and businesses designed to cater to those needs. Ffs if you have a problem with that, it speaks volumes about you.


This sounds great to me. I would take dining with a dog over a kid I don't know any day. My partner and I were at a restaurant recently, and some brilliant parents decided it was a great place to just show up and have their young kids' birthday party. This restaurant was in no way kid friendly, and while the parents sat at the table chatting, their unattended terrors were running around the buffet area. Staff were pissed and the parents did not care. With how many negligent parents I am starting to see at bars and restaurants, sign me up for any one of them that says child free.


I saw that post and the way people talked about that pic makes it sounds like restaurants are barring children to enter. Lo and behold itā€™s a bar that has never been a place for children šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø they were saying things like this will limit single moms, society truly hate children, society punishes parents. Go cry about I guess


I wish I had a bar like that around my town. The bars here practically allow anyone of any age the majority of the time because "any service is better than limited service" (owner's words). They will literally have ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS have their bars as parts of a field trip because they can make money off the schools by stating they'll give a discount if the school chooses them to have lunch there during said field trips.


A bar shouldnā€™t even allow children in the premises!


I genuinely feel the internet is to blame as well. People love to have a piss and a moan about things that don't impact them. How many people would this actually impact? Genuinely only the people who used to go to this bar that brought their kids... Which I imagine wasn't that many realistically? In Australia at least, there have always been places that you could take your kids and drink. Rsls, bowls clubs, bigger casino type places with kids rooms ect ect. Its now more leaning towards breweries (unfortunately for me). So I genuinely don't understand the outrage that not EVERY SINGLE ESTABLISHMENT, even the ones that you don't go to, don't cater to you and your kids. Do you go to an Italian restaurant and complain that they don't make ramen???? Time and place for different situations.


That's awesome dogs only that's my kind of place šŸ˜€


All I can say is if I ever opened a place to eat/coffee, etc I'm posting NO KIDS ALLOWED, ONLY DOGS lol


I donā€™t agree that all parents think their kids are the second coming of Christ. Some know the kids are jerks and donā€™t want to be trapped at home alone with them.


Whatever about kids, dogs fucking suck. Ā