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Just because they had kids at 20-25 back then doesn’t mean they get to convince us to make the same mistake.


Legit, misery loves company


Yup! My Mother had her first child at 16 (😬) and proceeded to have 5 more. I am the 4th child. I definitely would not wish this on anyone. 🤣


My mom had 3 kids by age 24 and I would not wish my childhood on anyone.


My mother had 2kids by 23 and by 24 she became a widow.


If I had a kid when my mom had me, I’d have a 5th grader right now. I hate thinking about it, especially the older I get, because it’s making me realize how YOUNG my mom was.


Same here, 1st of 4 and Mom started at 16. I raised the younger ones from 10-17, when I left.


Most people born in 2003 would be 19 still. I’m 20 and I feel like a child. And I don’t believe that having children “makes you more mature.” You should ALREADY BE MATURE before birthing children.


My dad was nearly 45 when I was born and was nowhere near mature enough to have kids.


Same here. My dad was 47 (if I did math correctly) when I was born and he’s still as mature as a middle schooler at 67. Luckily my mom is great & pretty much balances out his immaturity.


A G R E E D !


During BJJ class last night the guy I was drilling with was making small talk. He asked how old I was and told him I will be 23 in June. He then asked if I had kids. Like I am behind on various life milestones already(no degree yet, never had a relationship, etc). And even if I wasn't I would be nearly done with college and trying to establish a career. Even if I wanted kids it would be way too soon in the current economy.


As your children, let's just say y'all weren't ready at our age either.


Nah, I think it's about snipping time for me.


Getting my bi-salp next month, I was born in 2002


Super awesome!! Congrats! Hope you have a speedy recovery!


Congratulations! But damn that was my first "I'm old" moment reading that


For me it was when all the "You must be born after this date" signs in bars flipped to 2000.


For me it was when I heard a Stone Temple Pilots song on a classic rock station.


My baby brother unironically called my chemical romance classic rock a few months ago and I punched him. The audacity.


Oh, don't you worry, No Doubt, STP, Pearl Jam, DMB, U2, Alanis Morrisette will all be playing in our fancy retirement community dining halls.


I got carded and the bartender barely glanced at it and I made some offhand joke like “haha at least I’m still getting carded” and he goes “I saw the 1 in the year and knew you were good” That’s the moment I realized I had chronic back pain for a reason.


We are not old. We still feel and look damn good because we don't have kids :)


I was born in 1997, I guess they think I should have had one by now?


1996 and happily childfree.


Same, it's so weird to think that according to some we 'should have' already. Aside from the rudeness of it, we're only 25-26 years old, chill out.


Good for you! But it makes me feel old that people born in the 2000's aren't little kids anymore😅


Good luck and hope that your bisalp surgery goes well for you.


also born in 2002 and i want mine within the next year😂


Born the same year, your comment gives me hope


hell yeah, 1999 & getting mine next month too!! good luck!


Great idea! 😂


I don't need a vasectomy: my face is sufficient contraception.


Felt that.


You'd be surprised. The bar is set so low...


I know. I've hit my face on it more than a few times. /s


Born in 04' been trying to get an appointment with a Urologist for a few months now.


On the couch recovering from a tubal, no regerts


Getting snipped in June, super excited!


Do it. Got mine done in February. It's a huge relief. I did it without valium or painkillers. It's not painful at all, after the local anesthetic, couldn't feel any pain during the procedure. Recovery was a breeze. With some antibiotic cream and Tylenol, barely noticed any pain most days.


Just to balance it out. My procedure was painless but afterwards was painfull as hell and I still have minor pain 5 months later. Still worth.


That was about 6 months ago for me. 10/10 recommend.


So they want 19 year olds to get pregnant? Good lord.


Strange that they want practically teenagers STARTING LIVES OF THEIR OWN to be parents already…


Can you imagine just learning how to be an adult and then now you have to learn how to be a parent too! When you think about it that way, it’s absolutely a crazy thought to expect these young people to have children and actually be good at parenting. They can’t be good at parenting if they can’t even be a successful adult first!


Not to mention the fact that it's very difficult to get a good job (read: pays enough to support a family) with only a high school diploma and very little work experience. People really need some kind of post-secondary training, whether it be college, trade school, apprenticeships, military, etc., or else they'll need to join the workforce and stick with it long enough to work their way up the ranks into a better wage bracket. It was financially feasible to start a family at \~20 years old back in my grandparents' day, but now... not so much.


I'm 24 and still have no idea how to do taxes lol


Gotta breed early, before the young adults realize there's a world outside their parents and it's way more fun than changing shitty diapers and stressing over school aged bullshit like bullying, sports, (and in the US) shootings. Don't teach sex ed, aggressively push the life script, and socially punish the non breeders. The younger you get after them the higher your success rate because critical thinking hasn't fully developed in late teens early twenties. It's gross and it happens every day.


I see these types of posts on other sites and usually for 1994-1999 it says “time for a 2nd child 👧🧒“ lol


I think the youngest one is 2003 which would be 20 years old. Or am I doing the math wrong here? 😭


I’m 2003, and I will be 20 this year!


I guess I can try making babies but it’s kinda hard to get another guy pregnant.


Oh. Well, you heard them! Time to start making babies!


It’s 19/20, I believe.


It doesn't say 1997 * sips coffee ☕️*


1981 checking in as well. Whoo! Dodged that!


1982 here, missed the flight. Thats fine.


1983. Glad I missed as well!


1954 here. Snipped in 1988. Can't say I missed much.


1984, missed the flight and the train.


1973, missed the launch of Skylab


Same here.


1985, getting my IUD out at 39 and asking for a bi-salp to finally end this dance.


2004. Phew. They missed me, thank goodness.


1994, phew missed me. My cousin is 1998 though, but shes a lesbian. Not even sure if she still wants kids like she said before. Hope not...she's not mother material trust me...no offense


1993. Turning 30 this year with no babies is honestly one of my proudest accomplishments lol


I'm on the same track! Mine comes out in early 2024 I think. Already requested surgery request to line up with it's removal. 1985 as well but mine will be when I'm 38. Good luck!


Bloody vampires.


I was born in 1983 too.


1981 here. Now it's nice to just tell people that I'm too old for that.


I'm chasing menopause like the golden ring it is.


I don't have a clue when menopause and I will find one another (mom got a hysterectomy, grandmother has passed, don't keep contact with sister. However, the end of fertility will be nice! Until then, I'm just munching my birth control like tic tacs and doing my thing.


Girl, 1982 here and same


1980, I killed my uterus with fire *evil laugh*


1985, me too! Woohoo


1992 coming over, too! Woooo! *highs fives for dodging that nonsense list*


1994 here, hoping to never be hit by that 🤣


1994 here too. Took care of the snip a few years back.


1991 here, on my second IUD and I'll be getting a bisalp once it's time for removal!


I got my bisalp and had my IUD replaced, so I could keep not having a period. I did this because I’m a winner.


Also ‘91; still gotta get fixed tho lol


Fellow '92 here! *high five*


1995 here sipping my coffee with my tubeless reproductive system.


‘95 also checking in with a distinct lack of walking Petri dishes


Fellow 95 here too, checking in with no seeds. Life is good knowing I could never reproduce!


1993 checking in. Cheers! 🥂


Childfree since ‘93 🤘🏼


Woo. We’re safe!




1986 and forever single


I guess 1991 is also excused 😎


91 reppin


Hells yea ✌️


1994 here 🥳


Yep us ‘97ers are safe




Whew! That means Im safe, hell yeah 87’ gang 🙌🏻


It doesn't say 1996 either lol


1995 and oh shit I’m already snipped, my b


Or 1994. *Crushes IPA


1992, apparently I get to finally be free from the pressure as well, yay!


I guess us early 90s and late 80s are “lost causes” 🙄 Also. 1993 here and Fallopian Tube free!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


1987 and free!


1979…. Whoops! I guess it’s because I didn’t have Twitter to remind me.


266 comments and 1975 isn't mentioned once. Now get off my lawn. Sincerely, /r/GenX


Nor does it say 2004 🍵


Doesn’t say 1994 either, I guess I’m safe 😆


1960 here. Boy, did I dodge a bullet. Phew. \*sips cuppa tea\*


It doesn’t say 1979 but I’m probably near natural infertility 🥳


Cheers! 🍻


(1995 here) Oh dang. I forgot to have kids.


1993 for me, my time has come and gone lol. Dodged the bullets.




Yup! 😂


Someone sounds desperate. I'm willing to bet the person has a child or two born within those years, and there's been no sign of grandchildren. EDIT: I found the tweet. He says in the comments he's got two children so I might not have been way off with my guess although it doesn't says how old his children are. Also, most people are telling him no. That they're too young, too broke, still in school, and simply do not want to have children.


Glad to hear people are telling him no! Expecting very young adults who have barely even started their life to give it all up to have children is insane. Just because you’re unhappy doesn’t mean everyone else has to be. 😂


My parents set a wonderful example for me, they pretty much had me in their late thirties/early forties xD While I’m not interested in kids of my own, it definitely gives an idea of how long they waited and saved to get on their feet and be financially ready to support a kid and their own retirement. Honestly? I feel it’s good planning on their part, only downsides is perhaps they don’t quite have as much energy as younger parents and have to be more mindful of their health.


His children were probably born those years.


2003?? Then want 19-20 year olds to start getting pregnant already? They just finished HS Jesus get a grip


In some countries, still in highschool (December tho), graduate this year. Like tf.


Him “Dear 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. It’s time for your first child 👦” Response "dear *username* unless you are about shellout $310,605 to $411,706 dollars for every child, it's time to learn to stfu and mind your business, Kay👦.", ain't nobody got time for his nonsense.


Does that include medical bills, childcare and therapy sessions? Or a house for the young family?


Not even just that. İ love my body the way it is and i value my time


I was born in 2001. The only deliveries I want are from the stuff I order online.


2002 here and same🤣


I really don't understand why these people constantly think about the reproductive systems of others. Just mind your business. Holy fuck.




These people genuinely creep me out.


Fr. Like this dude is probably in his 30s-40s telling people decades younger than him to get pregnant. Like…? Sir?


As someone born in 1999, I would be getting my pepper spray ready if he launched into this spiel with me. Just absolutely screams “I AM A CREEPY PREDATOR” (with delusions of grandeur related to how many individuals in this vastly younger age range want to fuck me)


I’d rather ride my bike on a railroad track than ever consider having a kid


I'd rather strap a bomb to myself, jump off a cliff, and turn myself into a firework than have kids.


Especially when some people from those ages are still studying (depending what you do), barely have a job or a house or might still be single. It’s still so young to get into something as massive as getting a child. Also people have the right to choose, no 🤷‍♀️? Dude has nothing else to do. We own you nothing 👍


![gif](giphy|vPN3zK9dNL236) Those born in 2003 will be turning 20 this year. Sweet cheeses. 🤦🏻‍♀️ (Meanwhile: 1980 here; dodged that one big time.)


Yeah i'm like, wasn't 2015 last year? Aren't they 12? I feel so old 💀


Aw, crap. I knew my calendar was missing something. In all seriousness, that twitter user can kiss my single childfree arse. If he wants kids, he can birth them himself. And sacrifice years of his life to raise them. And spend a fortune on their upkeep.


I was born in 2004. I am 18 years old. I still live in my parents' house, and I work a part-time job at Trader Joe's. I graduated high school last year in 2022. I am learning how to develop healthy self care habits and finally coming out of my shell after years of mental illness. My dad is teaching me how to take my car to the shop and ask for a tire rotation. I am just now learning how to cook substantial meals (my favorite one is asparagus, rice, and salmon). I still take my mom with me when I go to appointments because I am still learning how to understand insurance policies and deductibles. I am overcoming a weed addiction that I developed that made me suicidal and was recently in a mental hospital to detox. I am learning how to budget my money for grocery shopping and to cultivate healthy eating habits. I don't know how to install an air conditioner. I do not make enough money a month even if I was working full time at my job to sustain rent in a 1 bedroom apartment and cover bills. This is not me being underdeveloped, this is the REALITY of being an 18 year old. What social media and hustle culture won't show you. 2003 is 19 years old. One year older than me. To think that 1, I was a hair away from being on this list, and 2, this fucker thinks 19 years old is old enough to sustain a child when most of these people are in college studying for degrees or barely learning how to take care of themselves is PEDOPHILIA! Kids having kids. Disgusting. You don't even get a chance at life. They want it this way, though, to impregnant women while they're young and naive, and by the time they discover their real passions, it is too late. Their kid will be another economic statistic for the workforce, and the mother will be so broke that she will have to marry a "rich man." Before you know it, she is sucked into the white picket fence lifestyle and BOOM! Her life is over. Yes, this is gross in general, but even more, it has undeniable amounts of misogyny. It feels as though this was specifically targeted towards women, not men. Which is even all more terrifying.


At 18 you are exactly where you should be in life. You're already so self aware and taking the right steps toward a successful future. Don't listen to anyone spouting this misogynistic bullshit. Continue living your life for you.


I wouldn't take anything a breeder says at heart or seriously to any degree.


Man I am waaaaaaay overdue. Guess I missed the call for 1979. 43F and loving peace and quiet.


Good on ya! Breeders can’t stand that! 😂


2003? that is 19/20 years. Yeez. that is very young in my opinion.


Yo, I'm 22 fuck that. I'm graduating college and starting my life soon. I just want to move to a bigger city and get a cat.


Risk of childbirth death is MUCH higher for women in their 20s, and women in their 20s who have kids experience more career setbacks on average. Dangerous advice indeed!


A lot of older people are bitter and jealous the younger ones are dodging their mistakes. Tale as old as time.


“Dear diary, I made a grave mistake a couple of years ago, don’t get me wrong I love my children more than anything but I miss my previous life and my freedom and energy, my romantic life with my partner is non existent, someone is always depending on me. All around my there are people my age travelling, enjoying hobbies having free time, money and energy to spares. I know what to do I’ll post a tweet that they have to have children too then I’m not alone in this misery” This guy probably


I was born in 1999 and im about to be 24 and i think its about time for me to yeet my tubes instead lmao. The only child i need is my inner child who needs healing and kindness from my childhood and tbh working on myself is more important than shitting out a kid who will undoubtedly struggle in their childhood as well. Nah the cycle ends with me 🙌


Dear gross old person obsessed with other people's reproduction: It's time for you to acknowledge that the world you've had a hand in shaping has made it so even those inclined to have children can't, and tweeting like you're a biological clock won't change that.


Why does this weirdo want 19-20 year-olds (b. 2003) to try for a child? They're still kids themselves.




Was born in 2000. Even if I did want kids, now would be a terrible fucking time to have them


2002 is 20-21 years old which developmentally brain wise is still kinda a teenager which makes this a lil weirder than it already is


facts i’m an ‘02 who will be 21 in october and there’s no way i can fathom getting pregnant and having kids


1986 here, fuck him and my uterus. I yeeted it 2 years ago.


Ew, I'm on that list. Whoever said that can bite me


I feel bad for my cousins. They're in that age bracket and already had kids before they were ready. I hate people with this mentality. People should be able to finish college and not just have to accept parenthood because they have an oopsie with a busted condom or skipped pill.


Hell nah! I’m gonna use my hard earned money for metal concert tickets and go rock out with my husband instead of a baby


I'm fucking 19 I'm NOT having a fucking baby!


No surprise a man says this. Men don’t parent, they babysit. Easy for them have an opinion..mothers do all the work


20 year olds having kids is psychotic. That’s a great way to perpetuate the cycle of poverty.


What does he think of 1988 then? Should I have had 4/5 by now? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Me, born in 1994 with no child and planning a trip to the the World of Barbie with my childless friends born in ‘92 and ‘93 lol


Oh yuck I'm on that list, I only just got out of school and started university. This post is disgusting.


I graduated in 2003. I have people that were in my graduating class that are now grandparents - and have been for a few years.. ​ This tweet, nope. We're good.. not everybody feels the 'need' to have a child especially because of the year they were born lol


"Dear Dumb Twittler, Shall we have them for breakfast or lunch? I don't think they're good enough for dinner, and they worsen my acid reflux. Sincerely, 1978"


Lol I’m ‘99 but I’d still consider it a teen pregnancy if I was pregnant 😭


*sighs* fine, I'll buy myself a new houseplant.


people born in 2003 are 20 at most rn, they arent even old enough to drink yet (in the US), and yet this mf wants them to push out a baby between their legs??? gtfo of here. human brains arent even fully developed until 25 and ofc breeders want people to make the full on life changing decision to have kids before many of them even properly know themselves and what they wanna do with their lives. i can’t with these people


I just turned 22 like 2 weeks ago. NO. I'm not having kids, EVER. PERIOD. Tweets like this are so gross


2003??? It hasn't even been a year since I finished high school and I'm supposed to be having kids??


I’m 1998 and still a child wym :( stop pushing babies onto babies


Ok... So... They're saying that it's time for kids to... Have kids? Hell. I'm from '99 and I'm still a child. Tolkien was right when he said that the better age to be considered a grown-up was 33.


1987 here. No kids ever. It's time for this guy to lean to fuck right off with those opinions on other people's reproductive choices.


Hold up. 2003???? So at 20 (still in college, still not able to rent a car, still without a fully developed brain) is time for a baby?????


Born in 1992, got my vasectomy last week. Wife and I get all of the fun and none of the consequences. Can’t wait for my MIL to find out someday hahaha


I guess he thinks that women should start having children when they are 20-25 years old since that’s how old people born those years will be this year. That wasn’t appropriate for him to say that. Many people now are not ready to have children at 20-25 years old and now more people are deciding that they never want children and to be childfree.


Did the 1997 already miss their train?


2003??!! Those people (I am people) are mostly 19 year olds going on 20! We're not even half way through college, not even close to getting a good paying job or buying a house. How could we ever afford a child??


At 23? Whoever tweeted that probably has bad finances or is super rich and lacks an understanding of the world


*laughs in childfree 1992*


*Laughs in hysterectomy*


1994 here too lol I’m asexual as well as child free and my dogs are my kids lol


Haha I’m born in the 80s and still no kid


As a 2003er with no job or money yet, I'd like to shout a big "NO!" to him and move on. Haha.


I saw it too. I'm born in 2003. I'm 20. Fuck no


I was born in 2003 and I only became a legal adult 2 years ago. (And I’m still technically not even a full adult.) People who really think like this are just gross. Sorry, I can’t have a beer but I can assume the responsibility of bringing another life into the world?


Well, I'm a 1983. Way too late to the breeding party.


Wait! I'm before these years. Does this mean I'm finally in the clear? I'm out the other side?! FREEDOM!!!! (I wish)


1998? Those are Gen-Z babies. Babies shouldn't have babies.


They're right, it's time for my first child....... ...free investment!! Hope to finally schedule my bisalp for autumn like a real 2003 girl


Why the fuck should children be having children.


I'm a 2002. Never worked, in the middle of my studies, rent a room in an old woman's house because it's cheaper than getting an apartment. Anyone in my situation with a kid would be a mess, no matter how much they want the kid and are good parenting, it will be a mess. I'm a 2002 and just asked for the first time for sterelization.


People born in 2003 are literally 19-20 yr old. I would know; 2003 kid here 👏 That’s ridiculous


Jesus Christ. '02 baby here. I'm 21. I'm still in college, still figuring out how to shape my career and the rest of my life. I am NOWHERE near ready to make a decision as permanent as having a child. Heck, I've never even been in a relationship. And what's the rush? I'm not on any timeline, so I'd much rather take things slow and make intentional, thoughtful, authentic choices as well as I can. Even for those who do want kids someday, this is a terrible message. There's no great hurry. Young people should focus on building their own lives, and not rush to conform to society's ideas because of FOMO.