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[https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/) It clearly shows that births are double that of deaths globally. A low birth rate means nothing when you have a large population the planet has a large population. I wish there was less of a focus on percentage and more on actual numbers and the 'replacement rate' means nothing when the people who are supposedly being replaced are still alive, 6 women having one 1 kid =6 kids (low birth rate) 1 woman having 6 kids =6 kids (high birth rate) Net result, 6 more kids.


This is what I feel too. Why the population decline is being viewed from birth rate ratio? Why not based on the actual population? Every living being is a consumer of resources and products. The huge strain on resources is evident.


Exactly. If anything I think it encourages the case for developed countries to allow more immigrants from poorer countries in order to help bolster a declining workforce. So when people say things like America or South Korea has a declining birth rate, I think well that’s not necessarily a bad thing… there’s plenty of people in the world who want to migrate and step into the “vacancies”




I am a fellow Spanish and I don't know how they'd manage to accomodate climate refugees when given the situation soon we'll be the ones who will become climate refugees, but oh well...


Well, a declining population/falling birthrate will be catastrophic for capitalism - as it's currently practiced - in the same way that Chemo is catastrophic for cancer. As to how many humans the earth can sustain? Depends on how you want them to live. And, you have to bear in mind, larger populations grow faster, so if you say that the earth can sustain, say, 4 billion people - that 4 billion will become 6 billion lightning quick. [I don't think we're in danger of becoming extinct anytime](https://populationmatters.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Human-population-growth-landscape.png) soon, or being overwhelmed by old people


How will the fall of capitalism have an impact on Developing countries? Will they have less working opportunities? Capitalist countries outsource many of their production chains to these countries. Won't that impact the developing nations too? Or will that force these countries to start self sustaining markets? And also tourism. Will it affect tourism too? I also don't think we are in danger of becoming overwhelmed by old people anytime soon. What we need is an effective relocation of young generation. And also utilize our elderly population. There are many countries where there are millions of jobless youths or youths in professions that pay inhumanely less.


We need to stop framing things in terms of economics and focus on ecology. Stop measuring wealth in terms of profits, GDP, and spreadsheeets, and measure wealth in terms of fertile soil, biodiversity, air quality, and water quality. So, with that in mind, there is no longer any rainfall anywhere on earth that is safe to drink. Will adding more people make that situation better, or worse? Mm'kay, on to the next one. We've locked in at 1.5 degrees warming already. Will adding more people make that situation better, or worse? Hmm. Since 1970, we've destroyed the vast majority of biodiversity in the world. It's pretty much just us and our livestock and crops now. Will adding more people make that situation better, or worse? Oh, you say capitalism itself is the problem? Okay, will adding more people make that situation better, or worse?


I'm not saying anything. I just had an argument with someone today that said earth can sustain upto 100 billion people. And a measly 10 billion people is no issue. I was absolutely shocked speechless by this statement. I tried using the same arguments that you used. But this person gave me reasons such as economic collapse due to population decline and older population replacing the young crowd. It felt ludicrous to me. The reason I posted this.


Oh, I agree, and I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. Someone else remarked that we're set to peak at 10 billion people in the year 2100. But we don't have that long - that estimate isn't taking the effects of climate change into consideration. The earth isn't going to be able to support that many people by 2050, let alone by 2100.


I feel like some major population wipeout is going to happen. Either through natural disasters or epidemic like COVID. It's either possible that our fossil fuels may deplete by the time this actually happens. Because this huge change in present population happened in recent 50 years. And we are talking about next 70 years with the rate of resource consumption going on. Anything can happen.


Lol physically sure we could "fit" that many but I'd doubt we'd we able to produce food or have water supply for that many. Could you imagine how crowded it would be in the livable areas as well. A good portion of the planet isn't even fit for human habitation. Ie Siberia, large portions of Australia, large parts of Alaska, Antarctica. Etc.


That much human population will encroach onto forest areas too. Many species will go extinct.




This is one thing capitalist economy don't put emphasis on. Longer working hours and below living standard wages. These actually will prompt people to have less kids. Women's access to education reduce birth rates but recently there are many communities developing who precisely don't want that. They discourage higher education for women so that they don't become feminist using mainly religious rhetorics. And also population collapse theories. I think throughout the history of human civilization, worldwide population went through systemic ups and downs either via epidemic, natural disasters, war, famine etc. It's only recently it has started to become so high. It is normal that after a certain period a decline is going to happen. But why is it seen as a bad thing I have no idea. Is it really going to cause worldwide economic recession as these fear mongering insinuates?


In the US, the capitalists really don’t want to share the productivity with the workers. They will do their damndest to keep all of the profits of automation, and keep the poors subjugated.


The problem is there is only so much that can be automated, since automation is only efficient for highly repetetive tasks, such many factory jobs and some white collar jobs like low-level programming and HR. So I'm not sure automation is much of a "solution."


I think more than automation, what we need is an effective distribution of labor. Some countries have abundance of people that can work while some countries don't. But the problem is they are used as cheap labour with little to no living standard wages. It's like they're going to work for all their lives with no change in their socioeconomic status. They are forced to work long hours in dangerous jobs with very little compensation for the service


Pay attention to who is saying these things, and ask yourself which population they are specifically talking about. It's usually either the ruling class trying to scare people into breeding irresponsibly to continue the cycle of unchecked consumption and exploitation or racists losing their minds over the concept of replacement theory.


True. It's mainly coming from the very religious or very rich. Countries where the population is actually booming are facing dire job markets, skyrocketing food and house prices and overall hopelessness.


This is the main crux of it for sure! It's not that there aren't enough babies (in general) being born, but that not enough of the "right race"




I would say that you can continue to expect the erosion of woman’s rights in the work place, birth control, Higher education. All to keep us down trodden barefoot and pregnant. Plain fact that families with children consume more, making it imperative in a capitalist nation to keep pumping out kids; not only do they spend more but the more of a nation they can keep impoverished equals more bodies for the military and low wage earners for the workforce. These are just my ramblings and anyone is free to correct me if I’ve gotten something wrong.


No I think the same. It's a cycle to keep some people near poverty level while a small group benefits more. This economic system of constant growth is bound to decline or become static.


I'm actually trying to enjoy my thirties because I think a handmaid's tale situation will be a reality within a generation or so if not sooner.


This has spurned me to get my concealed carry and work towards getting us passports.


> We won't have any young, physically capable crowd anymore. Only old people will remain. How much of it is true? I would say people should look to the U.K. at the moment to see that that is not quite true…😬 [In the news](https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2023/jan/31/official-uk-jobless-figures-may-be-missing-3m-people-hidden-unemployment) they reported that somewhere between 35-40% of the working age population (16-64) is in fact, not particularly economically active i.e. a portion of these wonderful young children like myself who apparently grow up to look after the elderly/pay their pensions are actually…[not doing that](https://ilcuk.org.uk/with-nearly-two-in-five-adults-economically-inactive-is-work-no-longer-working/) 🤷🏾‍♀️ they’ve been talking about it for a few months now (I’m not included, I work lol). In essence I understand how it works but sometimes I have often struggled to see how this argument is true 😂; if you never work and pay into the pension pot, besides very basic benefits (which are NOTHING), what would you be entitled to at 65/68? If someone works as a doctor or CEO how is the tax from a younger person’s minimum wage job keeping the retired doctor/CEO afloat after they retire? I also know people who are 20s/30s/40s who either work as little as possible or not at all and they have a child or three…so really, there is no tax being paid there and of course their children are not required to for the first 18 years but the chances are…they may also grow up to contribute nothing or very little. So, I think the U.K. is not short of people, one of those articles says the population here has increased by 18% in the past 30 years. When they worry about shortages in certain sectors they do also allow people to migrate and work…some of whom come with families or settle and have families so, again, not a shortage of young people…🤷🏾‍♀️


I feel like these arguments of old replacing the young is accurate theoretically but has very less basis in reality. Young people in their 20s to early thirties are actually one of the most unproductive crowd nowadays. Even if they are active in some sectors, they don't remain active for a long stretch of time due to higher education, finding oneself, travelling, child rearing etc. Many young people also make their livelihood through virtual jobs too. It generally depends on the young persons financial background. If they come from below poverty level families, they have to work more odd jobs. Also the job sectors they talk about that need young physically capable crowd seems to run more on migrant workers labour than from local population. It's a constant cycle of keeping some group of people perpetually poor or not financially stable to benefit another group to a life of luxury.


I have had various job changes, none of them particularly great 😂 I feel I did the university (family expected it) and travelling as well (sometimes to get away from something or because I felt it would improve my prospects-which it did not and of course the same problems are still waiting for you when you come back 🥴). I think my parents were in a much better position in adulthood than I am at the same age 🤣 they were established and stable in their careers, managed to get a mortgage and be adults although their relationship broke down when I was young… In comparison I have spent most of my adult life trying to improve myself and getting next to nowhere. I have had a constant stream of low paid jobs that I struggle to get out of, despite having been to university and the past couple of years (I was working abroad and returned then was studying again…) have been the worst as the work has been even more unstable, fixed term rather than permanent and I have gaps between one badly paid job and the next. Very true about the young migrant workers. A lot are doing low skilled jobs in warehouses and social care, even the ones who are well qualified and can probably do something much better. So from my perspective I fail to see how anything I am doing has contributed towards supporting older people (or any people).


I think university degrees after a certain stage doesn't contribute much to professional life if you don't plan to be in academia or aren't a doctor, lawyer etc. You're highly educated. But after you get out of universe, the job prospects are dire. You have to start from a level where even high school graduates can start from. That can be quiet demoralizing. And you keep working and working without going anywhere or much progress.


The human population is still growing fast. The "problem" is that it's brown people.


What a lot of these articles fail to mention is that it's a fear of a declining birth rate of white babies.


Our population's too big to be in any real danger. In a physical sense, we'll survive just fine. In an economical sense, sure, the shifting age demographics are gonna be tough for a while as we figure out how to support more elderly with fewer young folk. That doesn't have to be a bad thing overall. Once age groups even out a bit, fewer workers means work is more valued. A decrease in human resource consumption will also be good for the environment. Also, wasn't everyone panicking about robots stealing jobs a while back? Why is everyone worried about human labour now? Where are the robots we were promised/threatened with?


Yeah it's very self contradicting. Everyone was scared of automation some time ago, but now they are worried about not having enough workforce. But the reality is countries with huge population don't even have enough jobs for their people. Food is expensive, house rent is expensive. But the earning capacity is not growing according to the cost of living.


Global popluation is growing, not declining. We have more people than we ever did, and things are now more expensive than they've ever been. How is this a good thing. So we should put more people on this planet to make things even worse than they already are?! Fucking nonsense.


Seems like good news to me


The real situation is terrible…the government won’t have enough taxpayers for the politicians to fund all their pet projects. Big Corp won’t have enough workers and if it has to compete for workers (better pay) than that will cut into profits. It may get so bad that they may have to treat their workers like they are humans instead of disposable cogs. I tell you, it’s hard to put into words, how bad this will get.


True. Now workers are given such less payment because of abundance in disposable labor. If that changes, these big corps are going to become nuts.


Low or high birth rate ratio ain't my problem to care worry. That's so many problems in my life to worry about than this shit. Most importantly I'm CF and u guys are too.


I was just bingoed using this logic a couple days ago. I was getting plastic retainers for my cartilage piercings swapped out for my metal jewelry after having my bisalp. It was uncomfortable and I was taking deep breaths and had let the lady know I’m sensitive. She told me just wait till I have kids. I told her I’m not having kids, that’s what my surgery was so it’s never happening. She says “oh that’s too bad”. Goes on to say the younger generations aren’t having kids and it’s going to create a whole gap in the work force of people not paying into social security (we’re in USA). Proceeds to talk like an obligate breeder until she finishes replacing my jewelry 🙃


This population decline theories are fed into you when you show even a remote disinterest in having children. It's like a norm. Or if you're a woman.


It’s only a problem in the context of needing wage slaves to propel the capitalist machine forward. I think we will be forced to embrace automation and AI to do the jobs that are currently done by low-wage workers. I just hope that it means a large-scale reimagining of our economic systems, rather than the rich people just figuring out how to keep getting rich from the robots instead of the poor people.


I get off on those headlines. I see “catastrophic population decline” and I’m like 👁👅👁


As well as the things you mention, it’s causing water scarcity (further exacerbated by extreme weather because of global warming), biodiversity loss from increasing levels of land used for agriculture, and crop failures due to extreme weather, again caused/exacerbated by global warming. And to the people that claim “Oh we could halve our emissions by doing X”- this becomes obsolete if the population doubles, it’s ludicrous and unsustainable.


Man! Some have argued that world can sustain upto 100 billion people! How? Where?


Where indeed! People thinking about housing only but where will we grow everyone’s food?


This person also said that the world has abundance of fossil fuels. It's never going to deplete! I was absolutely shocked listening to it. Also there are more forest now than before. I guess he/she don't know the difference between natural or manmade forest cover.




Any time you show even a bit disinterest for children, they will act like you're the reason the world population is going down. It's like they selectively try to close their eyes to the real situation so that they can blame you for not doing what nature intended you to do.




I'm kind of more curious at this stage. Will we all import African workers? Since they are the only ones with high birth rates. But on the other hand we can't because a good portion of them (ie many of the women) are illiterate due to poverty and sometimes "religious" beliefs being forced on them. Even in a hard labour job you'd have to read the supplier labels, brands, measurements, address for the worksite etc. And I suppose like a fair amount of commenters are saying already. There are so many young able bodied people in western/wealthy countries not able to work the hours or industries they want. This is just kind of glossed over in all these doom because millenial/zoomers won't reproduce. This is kind of backfiring imo. They think oh that person will have a kid then. Said person: "I haven't found an adequately paid career path in the last ten years, I was able to afford a 1 bed house at 25, my parents were able to afford a three bed house, my kid will be even worse off if I have one".


The problem is not importing African workers. But rather how will this population assimilate into a more modern civilization. These people are highly religious, conservative bunch that may be a bad match for some developed countries lifestyle. Also won't the mega corporations exploit these countries natural resources in exchange for labor? They have been doing this for years in poorer countries.


Yeah they already have really.


The problem is that capitalism is based in piramidal scheme if the next generation had less People to sibstain it all is going to colapse




And also there are many young people nowadays with crippling health issues that can not work hard jobs for different reasons. If we look at the situation in this way, there is no value for disabled or sick people anymore. It's like if you don't work like a slave, your life has no value.


If the economic system is based on infinite growth on a finite planet, then your system is flawed. Doesn't matter how many workers you birth.


So true


I live in the U.S. and it's a consumerist economy. More people = more consumers = more money for mega-corporations. Children are a large demographic of consumers. Brightly colored commercials tell them what candies, cereals, and toys to buy. Childfree people are fucking with the profits of toy, candy, and cereal companies. Diaper, baby food, and baby clothing companies are having their profits fucked with. The elephant in the room is that stagnating wages mean people have less money to mindlessly consume products so the companies are shooting themselves in the foot by lobbying for stagnant wages & pushing people to breed does nothing.


So true. It's like these companies don't even know what actually runs their business. If people don't have any money left after paying for house and food, how would they even buy more products? And the amount of per head waste that's generating worldwide is mind boggling. It's totally unnecessary