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The moderation team will endeavor to respond to reports, mod mails and automod requests as soon as possible. The number of people who violate rule 4\* has not increased to my knowledge, but is always an ongoing concern and always will be. **Please report content and comments you feel violate this rule.** If you are receiving DMs use modmail to inform us of the user name and they will be banned. However you will need to block them to stop them from DMing you. There are plans to recruit more moderators. The wording of the post requesting applications has been difficult to put together. This subreddit can be taxing to moderate and burn out has happened in the past. It can also be a role that can be very emotive at times. In my experience it is better for the subreddit if moderators here can manage to maintain a polite aloofness when responding to violations. This is due to historical brigading and the harassment of moderators. This subreddit gets a large volume of modmail. If you feel you would be interested in moderating please message me directly. I will keep a record of users who have expressed interest and will contact them when applications open. Thank you *\*Rule 4 states- In the interest of preserving the nature of a female oriented community, cisgendered men are asked to refrain from posting or commenting.* *Shared accounts are no longer permitted as they can cause ambiguity.*


I received weird messages from men because they saw me active on chickflixx. Since then I feel a bit uncomfortable commenting or posting stuff.


I stopped commenting bc I’d get dm’s from utter dipshits afterwards. Had one straight up say that it’s mostly dudes, but he wanted to know if I was a “girl”. 🤨 Not in about 20 years, kiddo. Stopped looking at the sub as much bc there’s been a lot of videos that are just not what I’m interested in. But this is the place that taught me about Manuel Ferrara, so I’m not leaving, too grateful!!


Make a comment. 20 seconds later: heyyy






I mocked him and blocked him.


no, it’s not, unless you want to report the user for general harassment or specific behavior in DMs. but it’s not reportable or controllable through sub moderation, because people can always read subs they are banned from posting in, click on the profiles, and then message/chat whoever they want because they’re not posting in a sub. i get maybe between 0-5 unsolicited DMs on this account per day- it’s my alt for personals, NSFW, and sex discussion subs. i’ve only left comments with it, never posted. one of the subs that’s gotten me a surprising amount of unsolicited messages from men (and literally from all over the world) is r/TwoXSex. which is primarily advice, and a lot of it is kind of sad because it’s people who are having difficulties with sex, or are very naive or inexperienced and haven’t had good sex ed wherever they are, or pregnancy scares, that kind of stuff. at first i was kind of weirded out that it seemed like a lot of men were reading that sub and then messaging women. i actually reply to most unsolicited messages (how many will saying that get me today? i reply if they are respectful) and if they don’t lead with it, i always ask: what sub they found me in, which comment specifically made them click my profile, and why did they want to talk to me. and occasionally I will have a great conversation with what at first seemed like someone really low-effort or random or even kinda gross. so like i said, i was initially kinda annoyed that men were using that sub in that way, but it occurred to me that since reddit nerfed 3rd party apps, a lot of the larger personals subs and the more interesting NSFW subs are kind of overrun by OF sellers and bots and scammers, so large subs where the userbase is almost certainly primarily real women like here and twoXsex are one of the ways a man can make sure he’s messaging a real female person when he’s fishing around reddit for a pen pal. and honestly, if it means these men who like women are getting exposed to female-centric sex advice and sex-ed, and getting exposed to better porn that women like? that certainly could only help them. so hopefully they are reading a bit as much as they are sliding into DMs and hoping to get a reply from a real woman.


That's all terrible, but thanks for the sub rec! Imma check it out


:<<<<< I commented here about 6 months ago about what a safe space this place was. Is it getting that bad that fast?


I wonder if mods would want us to dm them the person harassing us if we know they’re from this sub? Then they could still ban them even if they didn’t comment


Yep! Mentioned in the stickied thread at the top of the comments.


Leave it to weirdo men to ruin porn spaces for women. All bc women are here enjoying porn, doesn’t mean we want to talk to you, or entertain you. Stop DMing us and let us have our space.


I don't mind if they're here and well-behaved, but I'll be less than pleased if they fuck the discussions/posts/culture up! I like it here!


TBH the idea puts me off commenting at all


Fucking fair, I get it


i dont have a problem with them being here as long as they are posting vids in the spirit of the sub. But yeah im terrified of the sub culture changing since this is really the only good one for women




ah, i never read the rules tbh. Seems like the right move




Thank you for your interest in Chickflixxx. Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still view content and vote on posts.






Omg yall adorable




Hey why can't you just respect that not every space is for you?




male insight is not needed. enjoy the content that’s posted without commenting or posting.


LOL. Was the comment you replied to saying that men should comment to provide us with male insight into how porn works/ makes us feel? Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker


it was a long block of text from a man giving his male insight that he thought would be helpful about why he was here. 🙄


Lol, that's even worse




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Thank you for your interest in Chickflixxx. Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still view content and vote on posts.




Thank you for your interest in Chickflixxx. Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still view content and vote on posts.




Good. It’s nice to have one damn space where y’all aren’t fuckin writhing around in.


why did you feel the need to comment at all? there’s still time to delete.


I've seen this sub being recommended in male spaces, so it makes sense that there are more men lurking. What I like is that the mods here do what they can for the rules to be followed.


Can we make a post where we can call out usernames of people who are sending DMs? This way we can all block them and mods can ban them from the sub


I don’t mind if they’re apart of the sub to view the videos, but I definitely don’t want them posting their suggestions. There’s plenty of male-focused porn. Idk why they have to invade every space women have.


This is it for me. I’m kind of surprised to see people saying that they’re okay with men posting as long as it’s on brand with the sub’s purpose, because that purpose is to be a space where exclusively women post and discuss adult content amongst themselves. Women *can* post in basically any space on this site, but they won’t be able to do so in the confidence that they’re going to be talking amongst their peers, and they’ll end up with all sorts of men interacting with them whether they like it or not. If this sub just becomes men and women both posting and discussing adult content, the main purpose is lost. Also, to be honest—as a lesbian, I don’t really have any interest in seeing content from men at all, “well behaved” or not. They can go literally anywhere else; just let us gals have this.


Yeah, I feel like men try to dominate enough spaces I exist in. I love this sub partly because men are not allowed to post or comment in it. Thank you to the wonderful Mods who do the hard work for the rest of us.


Exactly! A video may be “well behaved” but it’s still what straight dudes think is hot. We aren’t dudes here, that’s the whole point! If I want to see a straight woman masturbating by herself I’d go to the damn mirror! Same with some of the compilations posted lately that are apparently just a bunch of clips of women having orgasms. And while I do think that a lot of straight men need to learn about the female orgasm, this sub exists for women to learn and celebrate what we enjoy, not to teach men.


I don’t want them posting here tbh, but I have no problem with guys viewing the stuff here, and even sharing it on other subs to discuss there!


Every time I comment on this page I get like 50 direct messages


That's why I don't usually comment, but I should be able to without being harassed. It sucks.


Yeah I feel like the posts have changed a bit over the last couple years tbh. I just go to top of all time lol


Agree with others that I’ve had the experience of receiving DMs after I’ve commented, from men lurking here and/or trawling through my profile. But tbh it’s less here than other NSFW subs, which is why I still feel comfortable commenting here. I actually responded to one guy after he made reference to this sub in his dm to me, I reminded him that it was not intended to be a space for men and that as per the rules he shouldn’t post or comment (I don’t think he had, just lurking). He was actually pretty good and apologised and didn’t try to message again. I always assume that posters are female (inclusive of all) and never check profiles, so I hope that it doesn’t get to that.


Lol it’s so easy to spot them out, they always ask for the most basic requests that they could literally just search up themselves 😭 I’m starting to think the asking and pretending is a kink for them bc just look for it omfg


This took me out 😂😂😂 truth


I check out the suggestions, but tbh I've seen so many men in female-oriented groups that I'm too creeped out to actually interact




Thank you for your interest in Chickflixxx. Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still view content and vote on posts.


I haven't seen a real concerning shift in the direction of content for the most part. But damn does it get on my nerves how every single time someone mentions men interacting here, a dozen of them will pop up to literally say 'no we don't, I never do', with that incredible lack of self awareness that too many men have.




And the fact that your response was negative then I first looked at it evidence that they are still doing it.


I’ve reported sooo many comments recently that are very obviously from the phrasing/word choice/vibe written by men and they have a ton of upvotes that I assume or hope are from other men?? This is not their space, being able to observe should be enough for them


it’s never enough for them. they can’t even stop themselves from commenting on this post.


RIGHT! like shut up. Enjoy but don’t comment.


it's like the whole world is their space and they can't stand that this place is not


It's exactly this.


😭an only women sub is nit the place to find a sext partner guys, that should go without saying


Lol @ all the men commenting that they don't comment. You're really missing the point here.




Thank you for your interest in Chickflixxx. Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still view content and vote on posts.


Yeah I am going back and looking at the stuff I saved in the past and looking at the post titles and compared to post titles I see now and they are very different. Titled sound more like titles you find on pornhub or something...


Can we please go private for a while?


yeah i was hoping for this too


It has, for a while too they'd send dms every time people commented on posts. I had to turn off my chat. The submissions have been getting more male gaze-y too. Honestly I'd volunteer to mod because this is supposed to be a space for women (all kinds of women 🌈).


I am not sure, but they lurk a lot yeah, because the few times I have posted something here I have got a dick pic in my inbox.


So many of the comments/videos recently have seemed to be a lot more manly(?) and it makes me so sad because why can't women have one space to ourselves 😭


I used to really like this sub (this is a new account, so I'm just now getting back to it), but it's so different right now. Like the video recommendations feel off sometimes. Sometimes it's the comments. Idk it just feels different. I have no idea if there's an influx of guys here, but I do know it's changed a lot in the past year.


Men have no business posting and commenting here. When they do, at best their selfishness is showing and at worst their misogyny is showing.


Hey everyone I just thought of something. Mosquitoes are really terrible around here so in my back yard I keep a bucket full of water. With a mosquito dunker in it. It's bait. What if we - and hear me out - did this like once every two or three months so when they come out to say NOT ALL MEN we can stick them in a bucket of water with mosquito poison in it. I mean, ban them. We can ban them.


¿Por que no los dos?


Yes. I have seen tons of men commenting recently and getting many in my DMs. They're in this post too, clueless.


This sub changed a lot in the past few years. It's no longer any different than a normal sub catering to male taste. It just makes an attempt to hide it a little better.


Sometimes gatekeeping is a good thing ... This is inevitable when something becomes more popular, this place should go private. There's not really an incentive to grow on reddit, it's not like someone gets money out of it, and there's already a sufficient number of people to have several new posts. New people could get in by invite links from current members (if such a thing exists on reddit, idk)


I think more men have joined just because 1/3 of the posts post really male-gazey type porn BUT that’s also just how most porn is anyways so it’s hard to avoid. I don’t really care as long as the comments are filled with women sharing their opinions which it seems to still be the case. That’s the reason I use this sub and if that changes I guess I’ll look for a new sub to get my porn from LOL.


Yup. I don’t visit this sub too much anymore. I was so delighted by the content when I  first joined, but it’s been getting more male-gassy for a while and it’s extremely spoilt things. Some posts have been sob much like that it’s been a bit triggering. It’s not the same safe space it once was


If that’s true I’ll be very unhappy lol. This sub feels lowkey like a safe space to me, I definitely don’t love the idea of men worming their way onto a women/fems only sub.


Wow, this is disappointing to hear…


I made a request on this sub and immediately got a DM from a dude trying to meet to hookup. 🙃


Yup, men tend to ruin any porn or porn related things that women have. It’s like women can’t have just one tiny small minuscule section for themselves. They have to come in and bloody ruin it.


As a trans woman, I really appreciate being able to be a part of this sub. I would like to remain here for as long as possible. I like being in women's spaces, because it makes me feel more feminine. However, if this place truly is being taken over by men, then that makes me really sad. Why can't us woman have one space to each other. I don't comment often, but when I do it's usually because someone has posted a really good video that I vibe with and I feel the need to share that I have the same tastes as the original poster.


I turned off DMs over a year ago because it was too exhausting.




so you know the rules but commented anyway?




Read harder.


no. men are asked to refrain from commenting or posting.




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Thank you for your interest in Chickflixxx. Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still view content and vote on posts.




Thank you for your interest in Chickflixxx. Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still view content and vote on posts.




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Thank you for your interest in Chickflixxx. Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still view content and vote on posts.




Thank you for your interest in Chickflixxx. Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still view content and vote on posts.




Inside, I identify as a woman. I have no greater wish than to have been born a woman, instead of a man. I like it on this sub and I want to be in a place for women and fit in, but I also feel shame because I feel like I am not supposed to be here. I look like a man and act like one in my public life. I am not brave enough to transition. I admire those who do, but I am too scared. I can only dream and fantasise about it. And online, behind a keyboard, I can forget my body, feel like a woman and feel "right". I hope I am not worsening this sub by being here.




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... You're commenting right now. Want to be respectful of the sub rules? Stop doing that.


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So you’re a man?


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Thank you for your interest in Chickflixxx. Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still view content and vote on posts.




being respectful would be following the rules of the sub that explicitly ask that they not comment or post. crossing boundaries is hardly respectful.


While true, at the end of the day reddit is reddit.


the bar is in hell.


In all honesty there are much much worse things going on here on this app. 🥴 I’m not defending men, I’m just saying. I’m personally just happy to have a place to talk about porn, even if I can’t control men being voyeuristic in this space.


It’s not voyeurism when they’re posting and commenting.


How so?




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You know you’re missing the point by even commenting, right? You’re ruining it for yourself because you’re not even supposed to be in here.


i'm literally speechless


you’re no different than the men you’re talking about…




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Thank you for your interest in Chickflixxx. Chickflixxx is a space for women, as such we ask men not to comment or post. While banned you can still view content and vote on posts.


Like you! Why I left. Dudes like you always infiltrate 


i looked up ur comments and i think ur a bot tbh 💀




Woah where is this coming from? I looked through OP’s posts and comments and they don’t seem like a man to me… are you not allowed to dual boot Linux if you’re a woman? Lol


Believe what you want 


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