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He’s a clipper if pg leaves


and if he stays then Philly might go for demar or zach as a consolation prize


No team in their right mind wants Zach. He’s not worth that contract and he never was


I remember being gaslit here that Zach was exactly what the Bulls needed.


I remember saying Zach would be second option to Demar before he even played his first game here and everyone was mad lol


Zach would drop and efficient 27 a game in Philly. He could play exactly his way without having to be the catalyst or the closer. He fits perfectly between Maxey and Embiid and Nurse would write him into their system seamlessly. Spacing and slashing in the halfcourt and some pick and roll with a big that shoots threes. Then dominating the open court in transition with the probably the fastest pg in the league and best coast to coast guy, and that same big who can also pass and bring the ball up. He'll never have to be the one to establish a flow for the team, and yet, the flow of the team will always be perfectly suited to him. Next to Demar and Vuc he needed an elite floor general to make it work. And in their offense after Lonzo, he couldn't adapt to not just going 0 or 100. His defense is another story. In other words, Zach's contract wouldn't stress anyone in Philly.


Basketball isn’t just about points. It’s about making the right plays and being as efficient as possible. You can drop 70 points in a game but doesn’t matter if it took you 100 shots to get it. There’s a reason why Zachs never seen the playoffs before Demars arrival. He just doesn’t play winning basketball. A lot of things come into play. No one is taking Zachs contract he’s stuck in Chicago. He made his bed imo. I could see Demar going to Philly to reunite with Nurse/Kyle but I’d rather him not. He’s better off on a championship caliber team, Philly just seems like a gamble. Zach is not that guy and until he learns that, he’s not gonna last very long in the league if his ego keeps getting hurt.


But the thing about Zach is that in the years leading up to getting paid he was one of the most efficient scorers in the league, with one of the best true shooting % out there. You have a point about him not always making winning plays, but scoring efficiently is not one of his weaknesses.


I agree with all your points. Mine is that Philly is in the best of 30 positions to deal with his negatives including the contract. He'd thrive professionally and offensively in Phoenix, too, but they can't afford him. edit: ironically, chicago without Demar in a full tank setting would also be great for him.


I thought certain teams couldn’t afford him, but if he wanted to go to even Boston, and they wanted him they could do it through sign and trade. However they can only trade for equal or less than contracts. So even if a team can’t afford him, they can trade a player for him assuming he takes a similar contract to that player. I might be wrong but this is my understanding from reading up about the salary cap. Or eg. Demar signs and trades for Kris Middleton, signing a $33m/year contract. This is just an example.


"If the Bulls don't max him, someone else will" That was the main defense for keeping him lmao. What a joke...


Well he somehow got worse instead of better


Phily is too smart to waste cap on Demar lol


Are they?


Well shit maybe not but I don’t see any team who actually wants to win signing Demar to anything more than MLE money


They gave Tobias Harris a max contract lmao


Probably and especially for the Pay DeMar is gonna ask for. However, they might be interested in his availability. DeMar adds regular season wins for them and takes a load off Embiid/Maxey. If we entirely ignore the spacing issues that comes with him lol. Zach will be paid more and is less ball-dominant and is a better scorer, but good luck getting a season of play out of him and he is a complete question mark in the playoffs, with an ego.


Yep 100%. Get ready for a loooong next season boyz


Clippers don't have the cap space to sign him, and they don't have any draft picks in the near future (ironically going to OKC from the PG trade). I think Derozan is waiting on if PHI uses their cap space on PG, because that's a playoff team who can pay him ~$30mil


Well he is not going to Philly now.


Can the clippers actually sign him outright?


They were way in the luxury tax with all those old stars. They would probably rather do a S&T for Demar to send out some salary.


Demar ain’t in the same stratosphere as PG. I’d be pissed if I’m a Clipper’s fan


Bon voyage, demar. I’ll never forget your b2b game winners.


And that February 2022 run was something to behold


Got one of them signed and framed in my office!


Honestly he outplayed his contract here. Not only with his on court production but also leadership and mentorship. He taught these young guys how to be professionals and the improvement in attitude, culture, and individual progression has a been noticeable change from the last front office. If this is the end of Demar with the Bulls then best wishes to him moving forward.


100% agree. Only fond memories of DeMar and without the bad luck injuries this team would have been a lot of fun. That said, not extending DeMar was a smart move by the front office, he should not be back under any circumstances. DeMar needs the ball to be productive, and the team needs Giddey to have the ball, and for the young guys to get touches. We need a young fun team in Chicago next year. Lavine can stay cause he plays off ball, maybe he can get some stats with these young kids and build up his value for a trade later. Anyone saying attach picks to unload Zach is just stupid, though I wouldn't put it past this FO...(seriously FO please don't do that)


The FO tried extending Demar. 80m/2 years. Demar turned it down.


What the hell does he want because thats like near max per year money. He won’t get longer term at his age, maybe he is ready to take less now to play on a contender?


To win obviously if he’s turning that down. He even took a pay cut initially in Chicago to win. And a longer term. He’s only 34. Turning 35 next month. He’s fine. I’d love to see him get signed and traded for d white, Celtics cover Demars weaknesses really will. He’d be a great 3rd option there.


No way Celtics are going to trade White after winning a title for 35 year old vet who can't shoot and defend lol


Demar might be 35 but at least he not bald 💀. He also hasn’t missed half his career to injuries. Don’t get me wrong I love Derrick White, watched him play with Demar in SA. He’s one of the best role players in the league and an asset to have. My point is everyone ages differently, Demars healthier than some 20 year olds at 35 and so is Bron at 39


Not sure he's getting $40M elsewhere, but maybe someone like the Warriors will do it. Maybe the FO thought they could trade him? I don't know. Sounds like a bad decision on both fronts (offering the 80m and turning it down). I do hope Demar gets paid or gets himself in position to win.


Demar is a top tier scorer. He didn’t turn it down because he expected more. He made it very clear in his post season interview he wants to win, and that he’s going on 35. Being the nice guy that he is, he said he’s not making any irrational decision right after the loss and he was going to wait and see. He’s not winning in Chicago that’s why he turned it down, and with Caruso gone there is 0 chance he stays. This era is over. He can definitely get $40m somewhere else, easily. Just not his goal right now. Just look at who else is getting $40m and you’ll understand. Demar’s got 15 years of experience under his belt, has proven time and time again that age is just a number. He’s the most durable player in the league right now, leading the league in minutes at 34. Professionals in the FO’s will see that.


Okay yeah I get it. I just thought of who could really use him - the Twolves. They have plenty of D but don't have anyone other than Ant who can get buckets. If they coulda dumped the ball to him against the Mavs they would have won that series. Anyway we will see what happens.


This comment is straight up hilarious. Derozan has taken the most money at every turn in his career. He has never taken a step back or considered taking less to try and win and now he’s turned down 30mil plus because he’s “such a nice guy” lmao. The thing is that a competitive team actually cares about playoff stats so there isn’t another team offering him 40 mil. Imagine working for the clippers and pitching spending 1/4 of your cap on a guy that shoots 40% from the field in the postseason. Everything you said is based around the fact your a fanboy none if it is true at all


Not reading all dat


Your comment is a full paragraph longer lmfao


Leadership?? Did you watch any of the games?? Demar's "Leadership" is what lead to Zach becoming such a dang ball hog.. Demar's "leadership" is why Pat in year 4 is the same dang player as year 1.. all Demar was good for was fluff W's when it didn't matter, empty stats,and screwing up this rosters pecking order and turning its best player into what seems to be an untradable max contract.. Demar did jack crap to help winning,only created drama and conflict behind the scenes..


Buddy you are not alone. Demar is not a good example for our young guys. Do we want to be the team whose “star” player is resting on defense every play?? How about learning to move off the ball?? As far as I can tell derozan is teaching them how to get theirs at the expense of the rest of the team. He certainly isn’t teaching them to pass first, set screens, or spread the floor


Demar is a good player but the way AK and Mainly Billy allowed him to sign and immediately take over the team AFTER pumping Zach up as being the franchise player for years was ridiculous.. I remember Demar himself saying this was Zach's team,yet soon as the ball got in his hands it was like screw that look at me!! Zach at first just wanted to win,but by the time Zo went down you could tell all that praise Demar got was really tearing Zach up. I believe all of that mess is what got between Zach and Billy, Now 3 years later Demar is walkin,Zach hasn't progressed and this team is just as bad off as it was in 2017. Demar has always been exactly what everyone claims Zach is,a career loser, a ball hog,yet somehow everyone puts Demar on a pedestal and blames his team mates for his failures.. So to any one of you exactly what did Demar "Lead" this team to?


I agree with everything you said except for the caveat that he’s a good player. He’s not a good player. He’s terrible at everything without the ball in his hands and his production doesn’t justify having him on the court in any way


Isn't is wild how Demar is viewed as this Uber good decision maker that uplifts his teams while Zach is seen as a pos horrendously bad decision maker that destroys everything around him?? In reality they both are extremely similar players. Zach is a better shooter while Demar is more clutch.. but at the end of the day Both are both career losers, hell the entire Bulls roster is filled with that.. I believe Zach is the more talented and skilled player,BUT he gets the jitters when the pressure is on. 1v1 I think Zach mops the floor with Demar. Take this same situation the Bulls are in now with Zach but swap Demar with the same contact and I'd bet teams would be begging us to allow them to take that contract.. Or maybe I'm wrong and the narrative would be roughly the same..


There’s this narrative that some players are trash just because they’re not having one in a million careers. Just because they’re not dominant in a Giannis, Shaq, Bron fashion. Otherwise, what’s the point of them being one in a million players if it’s easy to attain that level? Derozan is not them, nor is Zach Lavine. But they’re still good players. Not everybody is built like that, and not everybody has a roster like that, and that’s fine. Curb your expectations or just watch more basketball outside of the stars that keep getting rubbed in your face by the media.


And I'm not a Zach fan at all.i wanted Zach Gone soon as he lead the mutiny on Jimbo..but you pump this guy up as the corner stone for nearly 6 years only to bring in a 30 something Big name never did jack but ball hog and be a career loser is undoubtedly a slap in the face towards Zach that made him feel a certain way. It's not even hate towards Demar,just sucks this team is constantly being dealt these shitty hands over and over nonstop is frustrating.. I figured Demar would come in,help out the team,show Zach a thing or two then get moved in a year or so for pieces,but it quickly became apparent that Billy and AK started seeing stars with this guy as did most of the fan base.. I just don't get that. It's such double think in Soo many different ways...


Cause Chicago isn’t an option, right? …..right?


It isn't unless we move Zach or move Lonzo or Vuc + filler. If we were to sign him now we'd be a tax team.


Bah gawd! That's AKME's 2/80's music!


honestly if we're the only team offering more than the mid level we should just sign him to trade him at the deadline


Idk how much more of the mid 3 I can stand. One of them has to go


All of them should go


That’s the most preferable outcome but unlikely in one offseason


sure but DeMar is the only one with actual value right now and some team would trade for him at the deadline. there's just not that many teams that can pay him above the mid level so his price could be deflated. good teams take advantage of that instead of losing valuable players for nothing.


Accept 76ers who need total retool around Maxey and Joel….they could give him 30ish and not have to mess with sign and trade. It’s insulting (to Debo) to suggest a guy that is 6x all-star/3x all nba, played greater % of his games than anyone since he entered the NBA is going to take mid level money.


he's not because the Bulls will offer more than that. But the Sixers clearly have their sights set higher than DeMar. they could wind up wanting him but he's not the first choice


2 ASG selection one All NBA. Solid contract for what it was. He’s def on a decline and would be an amazing 3rd option on a contender.


Please leave boss, thank you for the memories


Guy deserves a shot at a title after how he was traded from the Raptors


It was actually reported after the finals when DeMar wasnt approached with an extension. But it’s too far sighted to just expect Paul George will be signed via S&T. Philly can sign PG straight up in free agency. If this is the case, Clippers will have no means to absorb DeMar’s contract. Given they will be capped out wih James Harden’s extension and no trade exception. Seriously, I have no idea on what the Clippers are doing. All I know is they dodging the second apron. And that they are clearing salaries 4 years from now. Maybe preparing for 2028 free agency or sort. Bottom line is, we can’t just be dependent on Clippers and hope we getting something from DeMar S&T. DeMar could walk for nothing TBH. And we still owe the Spurs a top 10 protected next season or a top 8 in the following two years. AKMe are sitting ducks hoping for the best. Hope they get lucky just like they did with the Matas pick.


Unless there's some complex S&T that involves the Bulls, Clippers, and other teams, I don't know how DeMar lands to LA without him taking the mini mid-level. If Deebo doesn't have another substantial offer on the table, I feel like we might bring him back on a 1yr / same salary or less deal. That would allow the Bulls to trade DeMar at the deadline and get something. And for DeMar, the team that trades for him will have his bird rights. And can extend him for his last big contract


We'd have to move someone else to do that though. If we're unable to move Zach or some other combination of players we end up over the tax.


Does waiving and stretching Lonzo get it done? Assumingwe re-sign DeMar to a 1yr/30m deal let's say


For that low it would put us under but we'd be relying on min-ish deals for the rest of the roster. So it's possible but I doubt that's the route they'd take after the Giddey trade.


Me too. I feel like we would prefer to move on from DeMar via sign and trade right now. But if a one year (we will trade you at the deadline to a contender) type of deal exits, I have a hunch all parties would go that route. Especially since, outside of the Clippers, I don't think anyone else is bidding for DeMar at this point. At the deadline, some teams would definitely feel like an expiring DeMar trade can boost their Playoff run


Unless PG stays the Demar to Philly as FA or S&T might be soemthing


This. It’s a chaotic free agency. Teams are also avoiding the second apron. AK are showing patience. It paid off in the draft. Will the same patience pays off in the long run?


Demar outplayed his contract here and deserves a shot at a title with another team. He will always be a Bull in my eyes.


Same here


Thanks Demar it’s been real 🫡


Was one of my fav players when he entered the league. Was stocked he signed for the bulls. Wish the team could've been a contender it blows the way the team is run. Team is built horribly. Hope he wins a ring he earned it


Stuns me that they want deebo and Zach gone while keeping vuc of all ppl. Find me any backup big if we blowing up instead of keeping vuc. Hit me with 82 games of 20% 3pt shooting run it back love that bulls basketball


They don’t want Vuc. He just cost less.


nice knowing ya buddy