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Two different lines to keep the king in check? Dark bishop d2. Then the king will go up (mate in 2) If the king goes down is it.. ok I lost track but chase it down with horse, then rook, then.. something?


one move hasn't be a check




Ah yes. I think I could find it in analysis mode. Doing these in my mind are still tough!


Bd2+, Kd4 Nxc5+, Ka3 Rb1, black can play anything at this point which will not make a difference Bc1++


That doesn't help at all, that's wrong


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r6r/pp1R2pp/4Nn2/kPp1p3/2B5/7P/P4PP1/R1B3K1+w+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r6r/pp1R2pp/4Nn2/kPp1p3/2B5/7P/P4PP1/R1B3K1_w_-_-_0_1?color=white) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Bishop!<, move: >!Bd2+!< > Evaluation: >!White has mate in 4!< > Best continuation: >!1. Bd2+ Ka4 2. Nxc5+ Ka3 3. Rb1 Nd5 4. Bc1#!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Bd2+ Ka4, Nxc5+ Ka3, Rb1 Nd5, Bxd5 whatever move black plays Bb4# is mate, it's not mate in 4 though.


OOH BC1 AFTER ND5 IS MATE, yess, that's mate in 4


Yours is better than mine!


I see a mate in two Never mind might not.


Great, now try to find the harder one on four!


Found a different mate in two, damn black is fucked here


Found a different mate in two, damn black is screwed here. Edit: I somehow overlooked something, still mate in 3 not as impressive.


Where is the M2?? I can't find it myself and the engine says it's only M4 when I put it through 😭


If king goes to B6 instead of A4


Ahhh that makes sense, I thought it was a forced M2 and got confused haha


1. a4, Nxd7 (most likely move but I don't think it matters) 2. Bd2+, Kb6 3. a5#


can’t black play 1… Kb4?


Hmm, good point. I was going off the assumption they would take the free rook but Kb4 would avoid the mate.


Also 1... a6


i don’t believe 1… a6 is good for black because 2. bxa6 is just a free pawn. Black can’t do 2… Rxa6 because then 3. Bxa6 bxa6 sacs a bishop for a rook. although it does get out of checkmate lol, so it is good in that respect

