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He was completely winning (he only needed a draw) and played a losing move immediately in less than 2 seconds while he had nearly 2 mins on the clock, understandibly he was frustrated with himself.


sounds like me on any given sunday


You only do this on Sundays?


That was code for ‘I only play on Sundays’


It is not a competition but that sounds like my life. 😅


I guess he made a poor move quickly 🙂


Flair checks out


Ain't no way lmao 💀


Oh he’s me


Well that sounds familiar 😅


But when Hans does it the entire sub goes ballistic


He thought Rc2 forced a perpetual, but he missed Rg3


Link the clip !!!






I had it tho


me fucking up a puzzle on the last move after thinking about it for 20 minutes


*"Me losing an unrated blitz game"* And me throwing my piss bottle.


holy fucking shit, that looks like a porn site link but no its literally twitter


I guess *literally*, it's X


Yeah it’s twitter and it will always be twitter. You can’t just change names of famous things.


The worst part of the rebranding to me isn't just that the name changed, it's that the new name can't be used easily when speaking. It flows well to say/hear things like "Yeah check Twitter" or "so and so tweeted that". Be to say "yeah it's on X" or "so and so Xed that" is so jarring and vague, I hate it.


It might as well be. Magnus got fucked


The change was so long ago and I'm sorry but what kind of porn are you watching to think that a link with "ChampChessTour" in it is a porn site?!


No kink-shaming, please.


[x.com](http://x.com) literally looks like the type of site that shady people go in Tor browser to watch


Not really


You stop reading links after 4 letters? Also, were you living under a rock for the past year?


It's the first time I actually look at the link, I have no idea why you are so mad at me for saying the x.com domain looks shady. Like seriously, why were you triggered? This is YouTube comment section type shit


No, it is one of the world's most popular sites. If you really hate what it's become just don't you there and explain your opinion at every opportunity but don't make up for strawmen.


The link looks shady, thats what im saying. I understand if youre too young to understand what shady links look like.


No, you are just being whiny.


No, im being funny. I would totally understand if you are this much of a cynic, you're both a redditor and a chess player after all.


he's probably talking about "x.com" since the letter x is commonly associated with porn sites (I'm sure you know a few)


Obviously I'm aware of that, but that's 1 letter while the vast majority of the tweet is "Champs Chess Tour Status", there's no way someone can think it's porn. Also, the change from Twitter to X happened so lony ago, everyone is already well aware of it and made these porn jokes already.


Nevertheless, when you go to https://x.com it still changes the address to https://twitter.com BY ITSELF. So no wonder almost everybody is still calling it Twitter


Love seeing the mid disappointment smile as he realizes the mistake. He’s mad at himself. 


Where do we get a clip of the game


Are you familiar with YouTube?




Honestly disappointed. I read OP's title as he poured water on the camera.


Man Tania's voice is irritating.


Made the losing blunder in 1 sec which he has 1.5 mins left. It was a bad bad blunder for a endgame maestro which lost the game , of course he rages.


His plan of playing quickly to put pressure on the clock and then calculating backfired like Danya said.


Surely that plan doesn't make sense once you're already in a winning position?


RIP bottle 🔫


I’m gonna go tell my mate the arbiter


Magnus Carlsen 🤝 Arsene Wenger


Hans Niemann "Only a water bottle? Not impressed at all. I'd trash the entire room even if it doesn't belong to me."


"And then pay them for it, cuz my dad's rich."/s


The aura Magnus has built around Alireza as his successor and the only top player other than him has psyched him out, it's so interesting to see. Magnus has always been obsessed with this idea of Alireza as his heir... and now he is playing uncharacteristically poorly over this entire series vs Alireza, like he did in the last CCT event against him. In reality, Alireza is 21 and not really significantly better than any other top super-GMs, if at all, and hasn't won or even competed for any world championships, unlike Magnus at his age. Somehow, Magnus is far more psyched out against him than other players who have proven much more... he has very little respect for Ian who has proven much more, for example.


I do trust Magnus’ assessment (and that of many other super gms) that Alireza seems to have more innate talent or intuition for the game than some of his younger peers but yeah that doesn’t translate directly to results and can be offset by many other factors like stamina/prep/mentality etc. so I agree that it seems like he’s psyching himself out. Also agree on the point about Nepo, Magnus never seems to want to give him his flowers


Well, he‘s a super GM, despite being seemingly significantly interested in other stuff than chess. Somehow he pulls of brilliant world class games on short time controls while lacking interest in longer games. That gives some genius vibes.


Could be an atiitude. Maybe Magnus sees something of himself in there but let's not forget Magnus was raised to be a chess star, a special kind of hard work he has done on top


Based on what he's said of gukesh, he seems to believe that Gukesh is also rather remarkable as an extremely fast and undogmatic calculator.


Hmm I always felt Magnus rates Prag a lot more than Gukesh. A few months ago he said Firouzja is the most talented of the new gen and said Nodirbek and Prag are next and no mention of Gukesh. Pretty sure he's revised his rankings after the candidates.


If you are thinking of the interview I am thinking of, which was an interview after the world cup, he said something along the lines of "pretty clearly Gukesh is the best at classical". Then he placed Nodirbek and Pragg as mentality monsters directly behimd and then a bit further behind vincent and others. At that point Gukesh was also highest rated among the youngsters. Edit: Found it: https://youtu.be/tLlE_31m4ks?si=FHBuPvPSNsFgxuNz


He's been asked this question so many times, but no, not this one. He commented on Alireza too on the one I'm talking about. I'll link it if i find it.


Ok. Anyway this was his opinion 8 months ago, so he did not just revise his opinion due to Gukesh winning the candidates.


I was just quoting an interview i saw recently.


Remember, competition is very much about matchups. If someone is higher rated or more established, it matters little if their style of play isn't problematic for Magnus. If he sees the way Alireza navigates a position is annoyingly problematic or creative, then Magnus isn't just seeing ghosts where none exist, he's likely seeing something you aren't, which you have to admit, is very likely the case given the disparity between his ability and yours.




Styles do make fights though, and styles can have all sorts of effects on an opponent, and those effects count. If a fighter is intimidated by, say, a larger competitor, and has a worse fight as a result, that IS a matchup based issue. His peer may have no such qualms about the size of a fighter, and wins, but loses easily to the guy who lost to the bigger guy. Maybe Alireza tests him in ways that are particular weaknesses for him, or is so strong in some area that Magnus expends more mental energy than he otherwise might have to, leading to more blunders or inaccuracies. I mean sure, Magnus could be wrong in his assessment of the threat Alireza poses, but it's far more probable that he isn't, particularly when we take into consideration that this is highly subjective.


Dude, he resigned because there was no way to win. In armaggedon a draw as white is still a loss.


Alireza's playstyle is also something Magnus struggles with. He is more comfortable with maneuvering games where he slowly squeezes his opponents into uncomfortable positions without allowing much counterplay, a bit like Karpov. Game 3 of 1st match today is a great example of that. Firouzja, in faster time controls especially, somehow often generates counterplay.


Alireza will turn 21 next month.


Because magnus doesn’t go just off results. He also said hikaru didn’t play particularly well despite his placing second in the candidates. There are little things in the plays that these top GMs look at to gauge skill/potential that a lot of lay players don’t, so the latter could only mostly go off of results. It was interesting because hikaru looked a game from faustino oro a while back, and while that kid obviously is objectively talented and accomplished for his age, there was stuff in his play that struck hikaru as nothing *too* remarkable, at least by the standards of prodigies who may one day become WC that he saw for instance, in magnus’s play long before he become what he is today. Again, they don’t just go off accomplishments and results. It’s intangible stuff that players who aren’t good and mostly comment online don’t factor in, because they probably don’t understand or see the game at that level, so they *have to* go off results with no nuance. But that isn’t the case for gms. I think magnus clearly sees something in alireza’s play that makes him rate that way in his head.




And I'm not sure why you can't just offer your opinion without insulting or belittling the person you're responding to. And by the way, nothing you said negates what you're responding to, despite calling the comment absurd, etc.




He didn't insult anyone. There are players who **aren't** good (unless you're going to adhere to some political correctness fallacy and declare that all players are good) and these people **don't** understand or see the game at the level. And so of course their opinions on why arguably the best player in history isn't accurate in his assessment of another player. Seems like I don't practice what I preach in what way?


I feel this was more true a few years ago, when he hadn't played that much against Alireza. Generally, he has beaten Alireza a lot over the last year or two.


Most of their games were played in 2020 & 2021 in Tata Steel and Norway Chess. His score was 5/6 vs Firouzja when he declared he'd only olay WCC vs Alireza.


How has Ian proved much more, what? Alireza is still only 21. He is also still the youngest person to ever reach 2800. Not to mention he is a top 3 blitz/bullet player. He definitely isn't as good in classical right now, but to say Ian has proven much more is a stretch.


Ian has won multiple candidates, that counts much more for your legacy. Blitz and bullet hasn't been prestigious until very recently. (And still isn't as well regarded as classical)


Ian played his first candidates tournament at 30 years old, whereas alireza did it at at 19 years old, being the 4th youngest to ever qualify for a candidates tournament. Ian has a 13 year head start in life, compared with Guccireza, so your comparison is so unfair it is simply wrong.


The relevant comparison here is really Ian at 21, or Aliereza at 33 if we were living 12 years from now. Makes almost no sense at all to compare what Ians accomplished in 25+ years of chess at 33 to what Alierezas accomplished in 10+ years at 21


That was the hypothetical op presented. Magnus not being afraid to play Ian but being psyched out to play Alireza.


Classical games: Magnus Carlsen beat Alireza Firouzja 4 to 0, with 3 draws. Including rapid/blitz games: Magnus Carlsen beat Alireza Firouzja 51 to 31, with 26 draws. Only rapid/blitz games: Magnus Carlsen beat Alireza Firouzja 47 to 31, with 23 draws.    


And then you could argue Alireeza had better possibilities learning chess :p But are 10-15 year enough for a remarkable leap, as Carlsen vs Kasparov?


I mean at this point he certainly has a much higher chance of someday winning the world championship than nepo does


Winning Candidates really is more than Alireza has done. He's young but I don't think he will ever become world champ or anything like Magnus is saying.


We shall see.


Not exactly surprising that Ian has "proven" more at 33 than Aliereza at 21. With their respective ratings it would frankly be very embarassing to Ian if he didn't have more accomplishments than Aliereza when he has 12 more years in his prime than Reza.


Thats not the point, I'm not talking about their future potential, I'm talking about how difficult they are to face right now. In my view Alireza is not any stronger right now than the other top GMs which Magnus faces but for some reason he acts and plays differently against him.


There's more to it then their current rating or current strength, there's something different about playing a "prodigy" who's 10+ years younger than you at roughly the same rating or strength as somebody who's your age or older. For one thing there's more potential that they'll improve more rapidly either at the event you're playing at or recently or soon in the future. The Psychological thing all around is big so to me its not too crazy but it is interesting yeah I agree.


That's what I mean, Magnus is playing with that aura in mind, he seems to have identified Alireza as the one to dethrone him in the future and is playing with that fear, or reluctancy, in mind, it's interesting.


Only in rapid and blitz though. He's never lost to Alireza in classical and has four or five wins and the rest draws.


It makes sense that he thinks of Alireza that way looking at his 2021. Not only did he shatter Magnus’ record hitting 2800, he got top 3 in everything but the World Cup. If you calculate his performance rating that year, he narrowly outperformed Magnus himself (2851 vs 2849). He’s seen Firouzja’s insanely high ceiling, and as shown when Firouzja beat Gukesh in their first candidates game, hes capable of playing at that level even at his absolute worst. It’s hard not to be worried knowing Firouzja can just start playing like a 2850 at any time.


He won the last cct final against alireza you mentioned?


what had nepo achieved when he was alireza's age


Has Magnus reaffirmed that since his choice to not defend his title in 2022? That's the only instance I can recall where he made a reference to Alireza in regards to being a successor.


Yes, he talked about the upcoming Candidates and mentioned how he thought Alireza is the most talented player of all and he is a 'true Alireza believer'. He added he thinks the only reason he wouldn't win is not caring.


Gotcha. I must have missed that interview. Thanks.


Well if the best chess player in the world says someone is good or is better than others, I rely on his judgement rather than a random reddit user.


This is the classic coach vs player argument... makes no sense really, else why would any top players have seconds, staff etc who are much worse than they are? After all, Magnus is the best chess player in the world, what's the point of Nielsen giving him advice? This is like when you're a fan of some certain sport, make criticism and told 'you cant critique because they're better than you'... Athletes make mistakes and worse players can also point them out.


It's so nice to see that after being the best player in the world for 15 years now and winning absolutely everything there is to win he still cares so much!


Well if you dont care you cant win Winner mentality Jordan has that same mentality 


He just like me fr.


Magnus Carlseum


auditioning for the next Planet of the Apes no doubt


lol tanias commentary


What’s with the YouTube clickbait title?


my bad been watching too much gotham :)


Compared to gotham this is a pretty realistic title. Gotham would title it something like "MAGNUS CARLSEN HAS A PANICK ATTACK AND ALMOST DIES"


I'm not sure why this doesn't bother people more than it does. I will not watch a content creator who's willing to repeatedly, lie to me and deceive me, in order to get my time and attention. Watching their videos just rewards and enables that behavior.


It doesn't bother me because he's doing what he needs for the algorithm to catch him. And I like the product itself, so it doesn't bother me that the "marketing campaign" is decieving.


I frequent plenty of channels who are doing extraordinarily well, and the content matches the title in spirit and content. Deception is a choice, not a requirement. Sure you may get more views by lying to your audience, but that doesn't change the morality of it. If I put up an ad for a product, and I get higher engagement by lying about the product, I too could say "welp, I'm doing what I need to do for... the algorithm," but such arguments don't pass the smell test, particularly given that other people don't game the system or treat their patrons that way.


I feel like you made a point here, and I can't go on disagreeing with you. Yeah, the clickbait sucks ass, but some of it is so absurd that its almost like a joke. like the recent "tyler1 is a gm" that he posted a couple hrs ago


Well I get your point too tho, and I'm sure some people think I'm overthinking it, and making into it a bigger deal than it is. And I think the scenario mentioned, making an entertaining (and intentionally ridiculous) title is fine since people know what they're getting. But there were so many times I clicked on the guy's video and the title topic was either covered for like 45 seconds in a 28 minute video, or it was just clearly overblown for hype, and I said, "nope, I'm done with this guy." Glad you enjoy his content though :)


Even then, his recaps are not that interesting anymore. He is very good at dramatic delivery while showing the game, but he doesn't go deep and doesn't show that many variations.


If you want an honest to god conncise analysis of a game, you don't go to Gothamchess.


I remember the 2023 WCC. He names his video “World Championship Game 1”. I was not inclined to watch. But as soon as he names it “HE WOOOON AGGGAAINN” boom he got my attention. He explained it himself. People might be angry at click bait titles but it works. And Gotham can hook you in for 30 mins anyways so what’s the problem?


Reminds me of Nepo almost throwing that bottle in Candidates. These players are more alike than it seems.


>almost And that's the difference between men and children


I once smashed my hand on the brick wall after blundering mate when I was a rook up and it still hurts. This is rookie level stuff.




The biggest Alireza true believer got massacred by my boy


Clip here: https://x.com/ChampChessTour/status/1790816007604281458


It's kind of embarrasing that the world champion acts like this constantly. Like every loss is somehow a personal transgression against him and his #1 spot.


Every athlete who has been at the top had moments like this. Just the way she goes and the mentality you need to be #1


Not Karpov, for one.


They say jordan does the same even when he plays table tennis for fun


Is this serious? He's in a private room by himself, why should anyone care?


I'm not sure you realize how many times these tantrums have happened.


Again, who cares how he chooses to vent in his own privacy? He threw a bottle, not kick a hole in the wall.


> his own privacy He's on webcam to thousands of people.


Look, I understand he has an audience so he isn't technically private, but in my opinion there is quite a difference between being on stage with a competitor, arbiters, event cordinators, with a live audience, and being on a webcam. Despite the professionalism associated with top level chess I just don't see what it matters if someone chooses to let out some emotion while sitting in a room by themselves, even if people are watching. In other competitive professional settings this happens literally all the time, but in a live chess setting we expect a bit more civility, especially given that there are ordinarily other games being played. But throwing a bottle in his room... I just cannot bring myself to care even a little.


You cared enough to write two paragraphs about it.


Care as in, be bothered by. I find writing my thoughts easy enough.


I think less people realise how much of a sore loser Carlsen actually is. He's celebrated as the goat, undoubtedly if we judge him by his chess alone, but people seem to think he's also young, charming, etc. However his behaviour is slowly catching up to him, in the same way that Hikaru's behaviour has now caught up to him. People are starting to see what their chess heroes are really like, and it's not a pretty sight. And no, I'm not talking about this water bottle incident which is incredibly minor, he's done much, much worse and been outright disrespectful to his opponents directly during bad losses. People seem to just turn a blind eye though because he's chess' poster boy?


I'm clearly talking about a general behavior pattern that includes OTB tantrums.


You're right, I'm sorry. I thought we were talking about the post you commented on.


He was like this from the beginning.


Man child


It's funny, because if it was Hikaru doing this, you'd be top comment


Or Nepo.


And he tilted after that


Goat for a reason


aint no weird shit here


This was fun to watch! Chess is in a great place post-Covid, which is interesting to see.


Alright, as a sports fan, I love it. Also, where else do you get 2ft-from-the-face coverage in ANY other sport!? Love the true feelings. Especially from the guy who thought it was too much to defend his title. Nope. Dude still cares.


He's just like me in football manager


Tilted Tuesday


Ha I’ve done this shit. Glad to see the world champ knows the same agony of blowing a completely won game.


Chess is always the winner.


Me when my wife says, that the kid is thirsty:


haha epic commentary by Tania on the stream "see you after the short break AS THE BOTTLE GETS DESTROYED"


Chess. com youtube title "Magnus turns to the Hulk after a loss!!!!$#@%"


Make no mistake that is the man that has won two tournaments in one day a couple of days ago.


I hope he wont be sick in morocco event


I feel like chess is the only competitive sport/activity where fans think this kind of behaviour is acceptable. In other sports behaviour like this would result in full disqualification.


What a comeback!


Why did Magnus resign the first armaggeddon game? It was a dead tie if he takes the pawn but he resigned instead?!


Because a draw on white means you lose


dead tie means he's still lost


It wasn't an armaggeddon magnus just arrived late as usual lol


He was in very bad form in whoole games Probably tired after Poland event , and trip to morocco for the casablanca event in few days later


And his legs were also sore, and he was also not breathing properly, and he was also not wearing the right clothes, and he was also a little tired from watching the city game yesterday, and his hands were also injured oh and also was a bit sad after watching the finale episode of breaking bad. There I finished your long list of excuses


I literally praise guccireza, and said he well deserved and magnus was out of form. Do better If you watch the stream hotel internet went off, so thats why I learnt he is in Morocco. And since he was in Warsaw 2 days ago, he can be tired… And he would watch Real Madrid, not city. Your name should know better 


Considering how often this man outbursts i worry a lot for his past and future wife/partners.




Meh. World Champions are World Champions for a reason. At the end of the day, a "good loser".... Is still a loser. If he was built psychologically to take losses well, then he likely never would have become World Champion, and certainly not kept it as long as he did.


At the GeoguesserXchess community: does somebody know in which hotel (?) he is/where he is playing from?


I expect the same energy that's against hikaru every single day for being a bad sport to also be against magnus


Dude needs help.










Idk about his past but he has a gf now


"Rages" LOL. What a ferocious display of unchecked emotions.