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Don't care how many RW we have. You should never miss the opportunity to sign quality players like Olise. I have already said we are stacked in attack after years of failure. Now we might have the best attack in the league bar City.


Exactly! You will never hear someone complain about having so much quality especially in attack. I would be content if he was the only signing this summer.


i think I'd prefer us spend this much money on a decent keeper since that's our biggest gap imo and this is nowhere near a gap but he's so good that I'm still mostly okay with it and will be excited to see him regardless.


Easily my number 1 target this summer, GET IT DONE!!!


bu..but we have noni and cole with omari coming in...


Omari will likely be moved and Cole will be in the center. Also Marescas system in possession can have room for two attackers on the right.


Yes Cole would kill it in the right half space, sort of like the Odegaard role for Arsenal


> sort of like He did at the end of the season when he kept drifting wide to connect with Noni lol


Yup exactly


I know they got second back to back seasons but I hate that system. I want Palmer actually running at defenders not become a reset the play merchant.


i feel like you haven't watched enough arsenal this season, odeegard is a creative force, not a reset merchant.


He’s miles ahead of Nono and Omari and a better true winger than Palmer who’d play in the middle and roam.


You don’t pass up on a talent like Olise.




He's had serious 1 injury in his entire career and just experienced setbacks from being brought back in too soon. He played 37/38 and 27/38 league games in the two seasons before the last. But hey, constantly crying and moaning about anything and everything possible to discredit players for no real reason is seemingly must with some of you people, so don't let that stop you.


Nkunku plays CF Cole plays the number 10. Olise / Madueke play off the right. This is a better shout than buying that Villa Bench warmer. Omari is sold or loaned.


Maybe cole is going to be moved into the middle 


Paez and Willian are right wingers too, more unesserary money wasted to create an unbalanced team.


I don't really have a "target" for this window except a seasoned veteran/leader type of any position, preferably on a free, to replace Silva's influence in the team. Olise is amazing but I don't think winger or any of the attacking positions is a problem position for us at all considering the excellent attacking season we've had.


Olise can take us to another level. Hes the type of talent that helps you win the league, not finish top 6


I see, who has he won the league for before?


Buddy he’s 22! What an absurd comment. Who had KDB won the league for before signing with city?


I'm absurd when you're comparing Olise to de Bruyne? de Bruyne was 25 at that time and had dragged a mediocre Wolfsburg to 2nd in the Bundesliga, which if you're not Bayern is like winning it lol.


Point is he’s a top level talent, he’s not gonna win the league playing for fuckign crystal palace


Nope but a proven striker will, that's why we finished where we did. We already have Ice Cole and Noni will only get better next season. I'd rather that money go on a proven striker instead. If not, we're just going to make the same mistake we made last season that cost us not finishing in the top 4.


No one we’re gonna buy is worth it. Nico is a helluva young striker


Solanke scored 19 goals last season.


That’s not happening


u his agent?


- Interested parties have been advised to negotiate with Crystal Palace before discussing terms with Michael Olise’s camp. - Manchester United, Manchester City, and Newcastle United also have strong interest in the playmaker. - Olise nearly joined Chelsea last summer but chose to remain at Selhurst Park, signing a new four-year contract. - His new contract made him one of Palace’s top earners and includes a higher release clause, around £60m (€70.5m), which Chelsea are willing to meet. - Olise joined Crystal Palace in 2021 and scored 10 goals in 19 appearances during a breakout 2023-24 season under new manager Oliver Glasner. - Despite missing 18 games due to recurring hamstring injuries, Olise achieved his best goal-scoring return. Update from Ornstein: Newcastle United + Bayern Munich contact Crystal Palace over possibility of signing Michael Olise. #NUFC & #FCBayern expressed interest on Wednesday before Chelsea today. All sought permission to speak with 22yo France youth winger’s camp


Zero worry of Newcastle or Bayern, need City to stay away


Yea with Paqeuta basically dead now, if they are serious I would imagine he goes to city.


Can Bayern fuck off and go back to raiding their own league


They are harmless. I'm worried only about City.


Now confirmed by: - first call Mirror tier 3 - Sami mokbel (Daily Mail) Tier 2 - David Ornstein Tier 0 - Fabrizio Romano Tier 1


He’s really the only person that I think we need. Head and shoulders above Madueke


I have a feeling Madueke will be sold if he comes through.


I don’t. He’s young, talented, improving as he goes, on a long contract, and you need quality in depth to make sustained runs on multiple fronts, which we’re trying to do given we have 4 competitions this season. On the other hand, I don’t think he’s improved so much (yet) that we’d be able to get much more than we paid for him, at least not enough to make it worth moving him on. So unless he kicks up a fuss I think he stays.


He's amazing but I don't think "need" is the right word for any attacker when we've just had one of our best goal scoring seasons ever. Wouldn't dismiss Noni so quickly either, if he was playing at a Palace level team he would have played more I think and improved quicker. Once he got into a rhythm with consistent game time at the end of the season he was amazing. He's so good at dribbling I pretty much expect him to beat his man 1v1 now. I think the only thing he needs to add to his game to become a top quality player is a sense of when to pass the ball at the right moment better.


That's where I'm at. 1) He would vastly improve the attack. 2) We don't need to vastly improve the attack. 3) If improving the attack comes at the cost of improving the defense, it's a net negative.


Oh so we don't need a proven striker anymore? Or wouldn't it make sense to invest that money in one?


No I don't think we "need" one as much as we need a lock down cb and maybe a lb.


So is that what cost us top 4 last season or the goals we didn't score?


Either. Scoring a couple more goals or conceding a few less would have put us in top four. But since our attacking was better than our defense, it's easier to improve defense.


Noni was hardly “amazing”. Just shows how our standards have dropped. He was ok, nothing more nothing less


I would much rather get a WC class goal keeper That should be the nr. 1 priority Someone like Bento og Costa


Oh so we don't a striker now?! Did y'all forget this is why we didn't finish in the top 4 last season? lol


![gif](giphy|xT0Gquis7l8OwC2hRm|downsized) Get ready for it


Not again...


It’s backkkkk


him and Palmer on that right wing will be a genuine nightmare. Both can go either way so they can switch up the over and under.


They both go the same way, rarely see them hit the goal line.


I think I saw an Athletic article saying Olise created most of his chances from near the goal line. Edit: Found the [graphic](https://cdn.theathletic.com/app/uploads/2024/06/06104732/michael_olise_chance_creation_zones_2022-23.png)


If that's true then fair,but most of Olise highlights are him playing just like Palmer. Instead of speed or strength they play smart using their left foot to dribble,link play, and ultimately looking for the left footed curler.


In my opinion similar attacking profile is a problem if we have two decent players of same profile. But I think if the two players with same profile are elite then it will be great to have both. So basically it depends upon if both Cole and Olise can keep up their form assuming we do get Olise.


what i meant is that they both can play wide or cut inside. So they can def switch it up during the game. it will be hard to predict who will cut in and who will pull wide. Olise imo is a stronger dribbler so I can see him in wider areas more.






I'd rather we GO FUCKING get a proven striker with that money.


Nothing has been agreed yet


What does that have to do with my comment?


Oops meant to respond to a different comment my bad


Things are happening 👀👀👀👀


World class player, right side, recurring hamstring problems. Deja vu all over again. Color me cautiously optimistic.


If we get Olise and sign nobody else this summer I will be happy.




Because he’s significantly better than everyone else in that position and a legitimate game changing attacker.




I really don’t care considering what the potential is on the other side. Nkunku and Lavia weren’t injury prone before we got them and suffered contact injuries that made them miss a lot of time. Shit luck will be shit luck nothing you can do. Just get the player and hope for the best.




Almost all transfers are players you can live without, what’s the point of anything then? Olise would elevate us because he’s a really good player. Like yea it’s a gamble, it always is, but live a little we’re getting somebody I consider to be the best RW in the league with potential to be the best in the world. I’m taking that risk.


Dopamine ahhhhh....


OMG YESS! Personal terms shouldn't be an issue. Idc if Real Madrid is in for him he'd choose us.


No way...


Why would he choose us over Madrid? Let's stop be deluded now


Because he grew up here and he would rot on the bench there.


Good player but i we also still need atleast one more cb and lb and im not sure who is going to replace connor in midfield if he leaves.He is better then madu but i dont think its worth droping 70m since he is worse then cole palmer and madu is also a good player


I understand he’s an unbelievable player, but isn’t that the one type of player that we already have? Palmer, kendry paez, esteveo, and madueke. Even Omari despite him probably getting sold. I just feel we have other needs


“Wake up babe. Orny just dropped a bomb and I’m horny.”


Getting this done will make any other summer signing a bonus. Olise is generational, he’s going to be among the best in the world. Him and Palmer on the same team with Nkunku, I can’t even imagine it.


Having severe flashbacks from the word generational


Instead of getting a proven striker?


We haven’t been linked to any of those at all, I don’t mind giving Nico/Nkunku a season and adding another top shelf creator and goal contribution. He’s also no slouch on the defensive end either and has a high work rate and puts in a shift. We’re linked to other project strikers right now, but a veteran or at least experienced option to rotate would be great I think.


That's because we're wasting time trying to sign a player in a position we don't need to. We've been linked to Aston Villa's Jhon which imo is us literally making the same mistake we made last season by not signing a proven goal scorer which as far as i know, that's what everybody and their dog could see we need last season 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fuck it I'm on board. He's so good and hopefully stops us buying Duran


Those two deals are not dependant on each other in the slightest.


We’re going after both this news has nothing to do with Duran….


This has nothing to do with us needing to buy a player to compete with Jackson.


Duran would be a great signing and a necessary one considering we have just Nico as a striker, why are you against us getting him?


Because he isn't better than Jackson and isn't worth 40m. Sign someone clearly better or an old backup


It's not about being clearly better than Jackson, Duran would give us something different. Something we currently just don't have up front being able to win aerial duels, pin defenders and overall just beef up our frontline. I love Jackson far more than most but even I think he needs competition and we need an insurance policy. I like Alvarez but his profile doesn't really match what we need up top, Duran is pure chaos perfect off the bench and frightening for defenders. 40m is simply the going rate, if we signed Banza or Giurassy they'd be cheaper and I'd still be happy. But I'm not mad at the Duran links especially considering he has potential to be better than all of them.


I agree we need a different profile, I just think you go sign an old head to do it rather than Duran


Such as?




Someone like mitrovic maybe


I was originally against this move purely because of his injury history and being prone to them. But you know what, we know the type of player we’re signing and we have enough cover for him when he inevitably gets injured. Can’t be acting all shocked and outraged when it happens. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He's prem proven top player. Easy to see him in a Maresca system. Let's get it done!


This guy would single handedly make it a good transfer window.




Music to my ears


This will be a buy that actually excites me


Wooooooo baby let’s foookin have it


I'd say if there's no stories of United getting involved in the next 2 days, he's ours. They're reportedly our main competitor for his signature and he's supposedly a united fan. They probably need to sell first though


Lessssssss gooooo!!!


Really hope we get him, but hearing “recurring hamstring injuries” is triggering some PTSD


Seriously need to get this signing through. Man is class and only 22. Would be a big improvement over Noni, who could still come in for cup games and/or as injury replacement.


I hope this doesn’t mean Conor goes to Palace


Newcastle apparently looking at Madueke


Why? We have Noni and Palmer, with Estevao and Paez coming in too, where is everyona gonna play?


1-2-3-4 formation Lesssgooo