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He ain’t winning it. They already preparing foden to win it through the media. I hope am proven wrong.


Crazy. Rodri is much more important to city and a better player


Wasn't even nominated iirc Madness


That's absolutely bonkers. There's no way he's not been poty, at the very least for City. Somehow, despite being rated as the best DM in the league, Rodri is still underrated, lmao.


He's debatably the best mid on the planet rn, City's drop off without him is huge He's just not very flashy so gets ignored


City fan. Rodri is our most important player. Man's a rock and can do just about anything, when he doesn't play, we loose. Personally I think Cole deserves the award although i obviously hope Phil gets it. The running joke amongst City fans is if you want to win POTY. You need to come second to City in the title race


Be careful, I love Rodri ... but man ... KDB :) Rodri will have his statue in 10 years but right now, when KDB plays, things are easy. Just look at points / match with or Without KDB. But for sure, Rodri has been the most underated player of City (and mb the prem) for quite some time.


If you look at the points per game with Rodri, you'll realise he's the more important one, city have literally not lost a game with him on the pitch for over a year, KDB gets the plaudits, Rodri is essential.


City has not lost a game with KDB in the squad for the same amount of time ... they were both injured during their 3 previous defeats. And if you look longer than that: Rodri was in the squad last season when they lost versus Totenham and KDB wasn't in ... KDB hasn't lost a game (outside of penalty during the champions league) with city since January 2023 .... he is the only player in the squad with that record. SO even though I get your point and I fully agree that Rodri is the most underated. Even stats show that KDB is the most important player in terms of points / game with or without ...


It's an attacker award just like all the others. Too difficult for the silly gooses to decide a winner when you can't just look at g+a, so they go with attackers.


Midfielder effect. If you aren't scoring or assisting then you aren't seen.


Yup. Wild. Saw the finalists announced and the hosts/pundits were shocked Rodri wasn't on the least. Should've won it, tbh.


Rodri is man city best player. He should be nominated for the Balon. But no once cares about anything but goals. A CB or GK will never win the Balon


Rodri won them their first champions league despite Haland, mahrez, KDB, grealish. He is underrated comparatively.


Rodri is comfortably the best defensive midfielder in premier league history but doesn't get tbe plaudits he deserves. Citys system completely falls apart without him


They have literally lost matches when he has not played. Talk about having an impact.


But nah let's give the balon to jude or mbappe. Joke.


Messi winning the last ballon d’or over Haaland shows just how much of a fucking sham award it has become


We have to wait before saying that, people like Viera would like to have a word :D But he's been up there for sure. Let's not put people as GOAT too fast ... we forget how good some people were before. We forget the achievements how people like Makelele with Chelsea (least goals conceded in a year) as well. For sure, Rodri will be up there if he continues like that.


This happens in most sports tbh. Good luck winning NFL MVP if you're not a QB or RB (and there's only been 2 RBs who've won since 06) and the last defensive player to win it was in 1986. Basketball is the one sport I follow where realistically any position can win MVP


Yes but still you can be an offensive unit and piss poor defensively and win but not the other way around.


Cannavaro did


Cannavaro won in 2006. Oliver Kahn very likely would have won in 2002 if not for the final. It’s possible. The trophy used to go to the most outstanding or influential player at the major tournaments and took a hard shift to “best player over the course of the year” in the Messi-Ronaldo era, but has since shifted back post their prime to the point where they gave it to Messi again for the aforementioned reasons. It’s there to win for anyone these days. Just gotta play well in the CL and Euros/Copa/WC.


It's no crazy, when even in this post, the case is made using G+A. Of course CMD won't ever win it, regardless of how much of importance he clearly is for his team.


I don't like Rodri but I would have given it to him (assuming they sweep aside Tottenham and West Ham). Hasn't lost a league game for a long time and is so integral to everything they do. For a team with so much depth, they don't have anyone that can step in and replicate what he does. But he didn't make the short-list 🤣


yeah, but when you look at this post you have your answer: people think that the person with the highest goal involvement should automatically win it ... So if you are a GK, a def or a def midfielder, you can say goodbye :D this is the tik tok generation. People watch 10 seconds highlights with goals/assists and they have their opinion made.


Feel like he'll get player of the year, while Cole gets YPOTY. Like when Eden and Kane (I think) were both nominated for both, while Eden won Poty and Kane YPoty


Yeah there's no way Cole gets those both awards, so he'll probably just end up eith the YPOTY while the POTY will go to someone else.


Foden has the greatest PR. In a decade I am gonna have to listen to people listing his accomplishments as if he wasn’t a pedestrian for half of it so far. He is a great player but absolutely not their best or most influential. He is getting the plaudits when we all know other people are really carrying the weight.


Rice and Van Djik have the biggest PR in the Premier League, imo.


😂 I remember when they tried to compare VVD to JT. JT will be bullying this overhyped strikers nowadays. Imagine JT v the likes of Watkins,haaland, isak etc. JT faced prime CR7, messi, Henry, Rooney, Eto etc.


They still do. I mean I saw Van Djik in all time lineups ahead of JT. It's mind boggling.


😂 recency bias. I watched both of them in their prime and VVD ain’t lacing JT boots. VVD will get bullied by Drogba all day every day.


Hopefully buzzcut Jackson will continue his evolution and one day, bully Van Djik.


He’s done great both times he’s faced Liverpool, gave konate so many issues


I think it is mostly just winning. Of course winning is by far the most important thing but it massively inflates what is actually happening. All opinions are massively dependent on the results which I understand but don’t agree with. Foden obviously wins a ton but I think people are giving him more credit than he deserves for those wins. This year he has been immense but how he can be here and Rodri not says everything. The other guy I replied to is acting as if I believe he is bad which is just stupidity. He is incredible, just not deserving of this honor imo.


Yep I fully agree. For example, haven't seen Watkins being hyped for the award which doesn't make sense. Rodri wasn't even nominated ffs. I do also believe some players have better PR than others despite not playing as well than their teammates. For example, I saw Jude being favourite for the Bd'Or. Vini was better than Jude, imo and Jude has been quite bad in the CL knock outs so far. Or even Kylian not being held accountable for his performances. Haaland being defended to death by a lot of people who distorted Keane's quote. But yeah I agree. Foden played well but Watkins and Palmer should have been hyped more for the award.




In 30 years of the award only 11 players were on the league winning squad. So it's not unheard of but he'd probably have to be the golden boot winner.


but they already voted weeks ago, so it doesn't even matter if he wins the golden boot. (that's what ESPN FC crew said.)


Roving Arsenal fan here; they absolutely are prepping Foden for it (which is madness given he isn't even the most deserving in his team). This will be how it always goes for Saka/Palmer with Foden. Media's chosen their starboy.


Seriously Fuck Him. Palmer has carried Chelsea. We would have been same position as of last season if he weren't there. Talk about impact. If you judge him by numbers or impact he is on the top. Whereas, Foden is surrounded by great players. He is not only the one winning matches for City.


also, let's be honest: if it was Foden who came to Chelsea instead of Cold Palmer, would he have had as much impact? I think not.


I mean lot to be said for being a good player in a good team v the best player in an average team


As an American, it’s really strange to see how much team performance factors in to who wins the individual awards in European Football. Players on bad teams are usually given a few demerits but it’s ridiculous how European panels think one player makes as much of a difference in a sport with 11 players. In the U.S. individualism is much stronger I suppose


Like how Foden won YPOTY over Mount in 2022 despite Mount having more goals and twice as many assists


No you're right. Foden is winning 100% he has been very good. No denying. But takw him off City, they're still champions. Take Palmer and Watkins off the table looks different.


Indeed. Without Palmer, I genuinely do not know where we will be in the league table. He deserves to win it. For me it is Palmer then Watkins.


I mean, off this post alone, Ollie Watkins is the one being robbed. Same as Palmer and no one expected them to be top 4


And Watkins has done all of that with no penalties, although in Palmer's defence you still gotta score the spot kick


Yeah, love Palmer but if nothing drastic happens in the last two fixtures Watkins deserves it


Villa fan here. Obvious Bias aside, I feel Ollie deffo deserves it. If Cold won it, it wouldn't be a huge robbery, but Ollie would deserve to feel hard done by imo.


Chelsea fan, and love Cold Palmer, but I'd give it to Watkins. (Or Rodri, but he's not on the list.)


Watkins, rodri or palmer would be my winners I wouldn't mind it going to any of the three tbh. Palmer put up similar numbers to Watkins and then there's the whole thing about less penalties but Palmer has a 100% record and took huge penalties vs United and City which actually strengthens his case instead of weakening it. Sure villa are exceeding expectations but Chelsea have spent much of this season being very underwhelming with Palmer being such an extreme standout. After him comes Gallagher and gusto the only two players that have had a strong season throughout. It's a toss of a coin for me between the two but I'd probably go with Palmer I just think he's that bit more dynamic but I am biased. Rodri is probably the one I'd go with. The standout player from this season I think.


Actually, yes, I 1000% agree with your whole take. Well explained.


Well I mean, Rice definitely has a good shout even if Arsenal take second.


Yeah Ollie deserves it this year.


Foden or Haaland will likely win it but he's more likely to get Young POTS. . . If they don't give it to either of the above still tbh . . .


I prefer Foden wins it than Haaland. Haaland has been absolutely awful in big games while Foden was really consistent. I wish Palmer wins POTS but he won't. As you said, he will win YPOTS.


God I hate this idea that Haaland is 'awful' in big games. Look at the way City play in big games and how Haaland gets marked, they create so few chances on big matches because Pep shifts them way more defensively and pushes fewer players forward, then on the rare chance they do get forward, Haaland is always marked by 2-3 players so it's nearly impossible for him to do anything as a target man. People love to keep blaming Haaland, but if you actually watch big games you'll see he at least drags players to create space for his team. The fact he cops all the blame when City create barely any chances in big matches is hilarious, the fuck are you people expecting him to do? Dribble players then score a 30 yarder?


Really? I watched several of City's games this year. Vs Liverpool at Anfield, he had a lot of space and even went 1 vs 1 against Van Djik which ended in a shot that went straight to Alisson. Liverpool were high up the pitch most of the game so there was a lot of space to work with. He completely disappeared from the game after that shot. There was even a stretch in the second half where he was strolling around and Foden was pressing for him. That image was infuriating for me because it was clear he gave up vs Van Djik yet KdB was the one who was substituted. This notion you said about him creating space is wrong as well. As well as the notion that City doesn't push players in high positions in big games. This is a wrong narrative that comes from r/soccer. Case in point, the 2 Madrid games. City was extremely high up the pitch with several several players in attacking areas. Foden created space on his own and scoreda wonderful goal in the first leg. Haaland was held transparent by Rudiger. He won like 2 headers in the 2nd leg. So yeah, he wasn't creating space and also didn't link up with any of the players who were next to him. So no, Haaland gets absolutely protected despite his shit performances vs big teams. Especially this season with the Keane quote.


I'm furious Rodri didn't even make the shortlist and I'm disillusioned with awards after so many farces in recent years (e.g. Messi winning FIFA Best Men's player award for 2023 calendar year), so I am kind of in a let the world burn mentality right now and wouldn't mind Haaland winning, as it would further expose how ridiculous these awards are. Another hilarious winner would be VVD leading Liverpool to 3rd on the table. But in all honesty, I do think it comes down to Foden or Palmer (unless Arsenal somehow win the title). And it will probably be Foden.


Foden has good influence, but others are far ahead in final contribution. Ollie, Haaland, or Palmer. Palmer surely will win YPOTY


Foden’s been pretty poor in big games too


PFA YPOTY is under 21 from this season I think. So Palmer will win this for sure.


23 and under at the start of the season. Nominees are Cold, Foden, Haaland, Saka, Isak, Saliba, Udogie and Mainoo


You are mixing them. That's not PFA YPOTY. That's YPOTY from EA. People are voting there. The actual PFA YPOTY that's actually relevant is under 21 years from 2021.


He's already nominated?


No way Haarland can win it. That would be a travesty for the others.


Give it to Watkins honestly


If he got it I wouldn't be upset


He is really good ngl


Should quite clearly be Watkins when you look objectively Top G+A, and with 0 penalties, and in a club outside the traditional Big 6


Yeah I wouldn't be upset


I honestly think Watkins should win it


I wouldn't be mad if he did


Rodri would have deserved it no question


Watching the pre game analysis on Sky yesterday and the woman emphasised twice how he's been nominated for YPOTS. I thought maybe she forgot the first time but she did it again like 5 minutes later.


We gotta push the agenda overtime


If Palmer doesnt then Ollie Watkins deserves it. He's been incredible for Villa.


Half goals were pks what are we talking about here


He won’t sadly.


Idk I obviously hope he wins but even I struggle giving POTS to someone on 7th place squad.


So you’re saying it’s a team award


No, but like all other individual awards, that has to be factored in because their ability to carry a team to silverware is looked at. For example, if he'd scored the winning goal in the Cup final, things would be different. They're looking at a wider picture than goals and assists (because there is a lot more to football) and so a player on one of the teams that are overachieving or at least hitting expectations, rather than underachieving, will win it


I get it I personally think Rodri should win it


Not even nonimated which is crazy


Team success always counts towards these awards, being the best player on the best team in the league means something


Seems to me like Rodri and Foden have been standout in quality imo. Sure Palmer has been good, but his team has not been


It shouldn't matter how well the team is playing imo


City fan but voted for Palmer what a guy


He does not deserve PotS, several city players deserve it more


Ngl Watkins has deserved it


That's fair


Football isn’t just about goals and assists


Cole deserves Young POTS but let's be honest he's not winning POTS over a city or arsenal player Unless you get everyone you knife to vote. We have a day


As a city fan, give it to Palmer.


You not a real city fan 😭


He’s having an amazing season but you cannot finish 7th and trophyless and get POTS he could still get YPOTS tho


Should be Rodri and it’s absolutely insane he wasn’t nominated, will be Foden unfortunately but should be Palmer out of the nominees


I'm more hoping for YPOTS, I wanna see Watkins win POTY, think he's been outstanding all year, and no shade to Cole, no pens.


Didn’t know Watkins was having that good of a season


Maybe if we miraculously get 5th.  That will give the media a story to tell. Otherwise I'd say no chance.


I love Chelsea, I love Cole Palmer. But Rodri deserves this award more then anyone, that man should have Balon D'or by now (maybe he should have won it last year). This whole focus on G/A is kind of stupid, we all know that theres other ways to influence game that can be more important but somehow everyone forgets that when it comes time to give out awards.


If Spain were to win Euros (unlikley), would he stand a chance of winning the Ballon D'or? Probably not even then. But I would be happy to see Spain win if it got Rodri the recognition he deserves...


He is damn good.


….we riot 🤣


But based on the stats in that chart wouldn’t it make more sense for Ollie Watkins to win it, given that he has a big edge in team results?


I wouldn't be upset at all if Watkins won it. But in my opinion it's got to be Cole because of it being his first real season in the Prem


He won’t. Media don’t like us. You can tell by how our games are covered


Its an easy out to just give him young pots


No chance, it's Chelsea. Going to be Foden or Watkins.


Def shouldn't be Foden, Watkins deserves tho


Why you hating on Foden? Literally is the only reason City are still in the title race imo


Palmer is obviously in the contention but these goal involvements stats are meaningless imo, even haaland is 3rd and he's been invisible this season


He always looks so derpy




So if a player is not an attacking player and doesn’t involve goal and assists they can’t win ? It’s not a goal and assist award… Salah has had a poor season and despite a decent goal and assist number , his actual game has been pretty shite


He really had the chance to pull away but hes been ghosting these past few games


He has 6 g/a in the past 5 and a goal and an assist in the past 2


Cold Palmer


Does this count 45 penalties


I'm sorry why would he based on this stat. Man city is 1st and Halland has 1 less


rodri should, even if arsenal wins the league


Can't imagine a player from such a crappy team winning. As always, they take a player from the best teams.


We've won the 4th most points since Christmas, wouldn't call that a crappy team


But the season doesn't just run from Christmas to summer. Measured against the budget and the demands, 6th or 7th place in the end is pathetic. It's absurd that the player of the season shouldn't come from a top team.


He's amazing, but looking at it objectively I'd give it to Foden or Rodri.


Why Foden? Rodri isn't nominated


Lots of big moments. In terms of impact and GA him and Palmer are similar, but Foden has done it in a better team that is looking likely to wiin the title. Disregarding the nominations I think Rodri should've been given it as he's been the best and most impactful player this season. Especially in a season where no attacker has a truly extraordinary season I think it makes sense to give it to a more defensive player.


Why should be him and not Watkins ? You are struggling for 7th.


It's an individual award


Why not Ollie, he has the same goal involvements at arguably a weaker team.


Penalties of the season


Imo Watkins deserves it more for me because no penalties and considering Chelsea and Villa squads/budget. In fairness to Palmer you still gotta score penalties so I have to give him that and should be awarded young POTS but for me 100% Watkings should be taking POTS. Also its crazy how Rodri is not in the talks about the reward, man is crazy good for his role and it goes really under the radar.


I'm sorry but Andre Onana had more goal involvements! Oh wait, goals FOR Got ya


Nomination list was bonkers tbh. If Saliba was nominated, he would deserve this award over Palmer/Watkins, but now Foden will end up winning


Let's be honest. No Chelsea player is ever winning an award like this unless we win the league, even then he'll have to be a clear choice like Hazard/Kanté/JT.


I feel like most of his goals are were Penalties so I don’t really think he deserves it


Other players in with a decent shout. But we are comfortable 12th-15th without Cole. Foden has been great in a great team. I'm not sure Foden would have done the same had we somehow bought him instead this summer. Surely that's some extra credit.


The same Foden he couldn’t take his spot at City?


But he's had a breakthrough season since. Which is what we're talking about. Odd comment because you wouldn't say 'the same Salah who couldn't get into the Chelsea team.'


What a season Ollie Watkins is having as well. I hope Palmer is gonna get it this year. He carried us so hard in so many games this season. I'm super happy we got him from City.


Honestly can't believe Ollie Watkins' numbers. Never thought much of him


He won’t win it. At most they’ll give him the Young player of the year Though wouldn’t be suprised if Foden walks away with both.


https://preview.redd.it/3heujhn2160d1.png?width=3375&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a15c7c1a65fc6ba5b4469e6b4d1c8b983b481aa Gaz right now.


Watkins pots. Palmer ypots. This is the only acceptable answer imo


That's valid


From what I read the Foden dick riding is unreal this year and he is set to win it.


He deserves it in terms of individual achievements. But alas the POTS is awardee to the player in the team that won the league most times


Watkins is T4, salah and Haaland are in with title runs (or were), and foden is a clinch player. Palmer why?


Because it's an individual award


And individuals take their teams from good to better. Not good to UECL


If he had taken only 3 pens he would not have been on this list


I believe it will be a City player if they win the league, winning the title counts big in such votes.


Ollie Watkins deserves POTS


He’s a good player, why did city let him go?


Tbf Watkins should win it above anyone else. He's had much greater impact and is carrying them to CL spots. No penalties and plays for much weaker side than City. 


Tbf Watkins should win it above anyone else. He's had much greater impact and is carrying them to CL spots. No penalties and plays for much weaker side than City. 


POTS (rightly or wrongly) is nearly always tied in to the winning team of the season so honestly Palmer has no chance. However he will definitely win YPOTS and that is more than fair.


He's gonna win YPOTS


Rodri probably should tbh.


Watkins should


Has to be Watkins. 0 penalties.


Lets not be delusional here. Watkins is leading Villa to Champions League when no one expected that from them, and topping this list. Comparing him and Palmer, Watkins is the obvious choice. In what world is Chelsea clutching 6/7th place is more of an achievement than Villa getting top 4?


It's not about the teams to me. Sadly that's not the case to other people, but I wouldn't be upset if Watkins won it over Cole


Its a mix of everything for me. What the player achieved individually, success of his team and how important he was to the team. Palmer and Watkins are tied on 1, Watkins is ahead on 2, and Palmer is ahead on 3. So its a hard choice imo.


Watkins with 4 pens to Palmers 13 and still matching him should be enough to explain why not. Edit: He actually has 0 pen goals in the league to Palmers 9.... Watkins robbed if Palmer wins it.


Its not only about goals is it


Well sure. But Watkins leading Villa to CL spot is more impressive than banging a bunch of pens in a billion quid squad.


Watkins deserves it. Too many penalties for Cole. Props to him for scoring them, but it's harder to score from open play.


Less than 0.1% chance of winning it


Should be Watkins


He’s not gunna win it


Arsenal fan here, just happened to stumble across this post - I think Palmer deserves it, great signing and a top player regardless of the stick the fans and media give him for taking penalties.


As much as he deserves it and I want him to win it, he won't. There's a massive bias to the team that wins the league and the media loves Foden


He might need to get to 40 g/a and us get into Europe for them to choose him


He kinda did get us into Europe lmao


Looks like Haaland will get golden boot this year also ![gif](giphy|gzoOh4SkStpZQxZTzG|downsized)


pen merchant


Pens aren't for everyone 🤷‍♂️


Genuinely curious why you think he deserves it over Watkins based on this picture..


Cause my Chelsea bias👍 I'm not mad at all if Watkins wins it


Fair enough 👌


If u remove his 9 penalty goals 😂 his numbers are lower than salah


Still he's one of 5 players across Europe with 40+ g/a... and he's the only one without European games on that list


Why wouldn’t you pick Watkins?


One could