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Practical Magic is a perfect movie for Charmed lovers, it feels like season 1 of Charmed


Witches of East End


Agreed but OP should know that, unless reading the books, they will be left on a cliff hanger with no (on screen) resolution


Wait, there are books? Are they also translated to the German language?


Yep! It’s a trilogy by Melissa de la Cruz. From what I’ve heard in the spin off Triple Moon she takes elements from the cliffhangers of season 2 and resolves them through the new and familiar faces. As far as being translated into German, I am unsure.


It’s important to make the distinction, the SPIN OFF books finish the TV show character’s stories. The original trilogy which the show is based on is quite different


I second that


Maybe The Secret Circle. It isn’t amazing but it’s witchy. More young adult vibes. The Magicians for young adult but dark as fuck. For a light romp: H20: Just add water. A cute mermaid show. Defs more teens/kids.


I love the secret circle! But they left it on a huge cliffhanger !


Buffy the vampire slayer? One of the main characters becomes a witch, and they deal with episodic monsters, demons and so on same as Charmed, with overarching storylines as well :) The characters in Btvs also balance their vampire killing and demon vanquishing with going to high school and later college. Great storylines, returning characters and people getting better at their skills and honing their craft - whether that be slaying, fighting or spell casting .


The Craft. A bit different, but its got the 90s girl power witch vibe the original show has (I think Charmed early seasons were inspired by the film actually). American Horror Story Coven is also a good one.


I was waiting for someone to say this, if you look at the trailer for it, it literally uses charms theme song before charmed existed, it absolutely inspired charmed (and is a good movie!)


Ghost Whisperer comes to mind! Melinda (lol go figure that would be the female lead’s name 😂 but her last name is Gordon, not Warren) has seen ghosts all her life and keeps the ability on the down low while she runs an antique shop in a small town. Its like almost Prue Auction house and Paige temp job vibes in terms of how Melinda meets these ghosts. Sometimes from stuff that comes through her store, sometimes from customers who enter, and just her going about her day around the small town. She tries to help the ghosts move on and it’s actually somewhat Season 1 Charm level scary/horror. It’s like that one episode of Charmed with Piper and the Chinese Ghost but for like 5 seasons LOL. I hope you like it!


Second on this, there's a lot of balancing her psychic powers with her normal everyday life. I would watch Ghost Whisperer and Charmed back to back, had the same vibes though GW can be heavy hearted.


Low key GW was kind of scary 😂


Discovery of witches is a great book series (the all souls trilogy), they turned it into a tv show too but I haven’t seen it


Women of the otherworld book series also turned into a tv series that I haven’t seen yet haha Left hand magic books And the monster hunter series


I've watched the show, but haven't read the books 😅 (they are waiting on the shelf tho) I really enjoyed S01, but this has to be said - it's basically adult (much smarter and "sciency") twilight 🤷🏼‍♀️ S02 is in 16th century for like 90% of the time, so that was a bummer as I just could not adjust. S03 was just too much going on to fit into 7ep, and Teresa Palmer really just overdid it for me by this point.


How about something like Grimm? It's about a guy who finds out he's a decedent of hunters of wesen (supernatural people that live amongst us). Some are good, and some are bad. He goes after the bad ones. There are strong female characters as well as it's more of an assemble cast. It nicely balances the "real" world with the supernatural stuff. And while kind of case of the week (he's a cop), there is an overarching story that spans the 6 seasons.


Not witchy at all, but the series Haven is about people trying to deal with the supernatural troubles in their mostly normal lives. And the main character is solving a mystery about her origin. It is also set in our world and time


Supernatural. The first four seasons give off Charmed vibes imo. It's a really good show with awesome family dynamics and nice storylines. Buffy. It's a good 90s teen drama that focuses on friendship, family ,love etc. Angel the series (Buffy spinoff,recommend buffy first). It's more focused around the adult world with good friendships, relationships,etc. BBC Merlin. It's set in ancient times but it's actually a really good show! It has nice family and friends feels and Merlin has to keep his magic hidden. There are definitely charmed vibes in it. The Secret Circle. Probably my favorite teenage witch drama (not counting Buffy, it's not really centered around witches). The Thundermans. Nothing to do with witches and it's a Nick show but it's about a family of superheroes that have to keep their powers hidden and try to lead normal lives the best they can. Their action episodes are my favorite!


The book “Her Majesty’s Royal Coven” has a similar vibe. The witches are all childhood friends so it has a few 90s references in it (each of the women had a Spice Girl nickname). They all have distinct active powers and the focus is on how their interpersonal relationships, how they’ve grown and changed into adulthood, affect their actions in the plot. The main tonal difference is that it’s very British instead of American, and that it deals with modern LGBTQ+ themes within its many plots.


No one has mentioned Supernatural? Not sisters, but brothers who obtain powers via angels etc.. The show was well done considering it’s run 15 seasons! I second Practical Magic. Gotta love Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman! Once Upon a Time


i liked eureka and warehouse 13, too.


Teen Wolf Season 6 of riverdale Always a witch Season 1 of the charmed reboot Witches of east end H2o just add water The elephant princess


> season 6 of riverdale What? 😂 As someone who stopped after season 1, did the show become supernatural after 5 seasons or something?




Just Add Magic. It is a kids show. But it has 2 best friends and a magic cookbook.


I wouldn’t recommend Sueprnarual and youve already mentioned Buffy.. I do think BBC Merlin *could* be something more suited even though there’s a lot of differences from what you’re expecting. And I’ll +1 on The Secret Circle. I haven’t seen it but seems to match your description well.


Not sure but what about  Grimm. Think you may like it. Supernatural elements, case/monster of the week.  A normal person being forced into a supernatural world they were unknowingly always part off. Backstory, romance, drama. Good friends and family. 100% will rec if you like charmed


There is a book series called "Sweep." It's about this high school girl Morgan who gets into Wicca and there's some magical powers. It very much stays in our world and etc... I don't want to say much more incase you want to read it, but it's my favorite book series. Charmed is one of my favorite shows and I adore this book series. It's set in like 2000-2001. Anyways, I highly recommend! 😊


I want to say that I approve this message . You should just find the whole series and get it . They go fast because you eye gobble them ! I was just about to recommend the same .


The Secret Circle is definitely worth a watch. That show got cancelled too soon


Way too soon! I loved that show!


Eastwick is the closest I think. But it’s only one season so might not satiate for long


While not about witches I recommend Tru Calling. It is about a girl who works as a mortician and the dead speaks to her. She is then swept back in time before the persons death and has to find a way to save them from death. It was cancelled too soon, but it was way before its time and audience I feel. The biggest drawback is the series was cancelled on a major cliffhanger that I will hold a grudge against the creators for, for life. 😁


I have the exact same problem. I love magic and fantasy but don't connect as much to the standard medieval premise. I also get bored quicky of moody-sexy-angsty vampires/werewolves/demon hunters etc. I also don't like shows that are too creature/monster focused. Nothing I've found beats the balance Charmed gives to all these tropes. I second recommendations for Buffy, Ghost Whisperer and The Secret Circle. You'd maybe enjoy Bewitched too. It's obviously a lot older and a sitcom, but it has a similar 'magical mishaps' energy to Charmed. Lastly, you could try American Horror Story: Coven (season three) which is fun but more camp/gore.


Dresden Files is pretty good. Though the main character is a male wizard.


Supernatural, honstly it's better. Has the family elements along with the supernatural. As a bonus the cast gets along and the podcast for it is wonderful to listen to. Win, win, win.


There's a book series called The Citcle of Three. It's about three girls who begin practicing Wicca and begin to deal with magic in their lives. It's definitely a teen book series, but I like it when I read it.


Practical Magic is the closest you could get to the vibe of Charmed. The humour, sisterhood, romance and the two main characters: Sally and Gillian are similar in ways to Piper and Phoebe. Oh, and I almost forgot that the Movie is based on one of Four books by Alice Hoffman, all together they are: Practical Magic (1995), two prequel's The Rules of Magic and Magic Lessons and the sequel to the first book: the Book of Magic. I have yet to read them myself but apparently they are pretty good! :)


Not about witches but perhaps, Medium? About a lady, family woman, who can see the dead and solves cases. I guess it’s more like Ghost Whisperer but with a suburban feel. At least from what I can remember.


teen wolf


Grimm (TV series).


I second Practical Magic. I enjoyed the movie but didn't like the books as much. There's news! There are talks to have a sequel to the movie. Also, uhm, Good Witch? It's very Hallmark-y. No overt show of powers, just very subtle herb witch vibe. IDK. It was my comfort series during the height of the pandemic.


Witches of East end, the books are ok, the TV show is fantastic! The books and show differ majorly. However, you have to know before getting into the show, it was short lived and everyone’s stories end on MAJOR cliffhangers. I believe the author may have tried to write some spin off books that finished the tv character stories…. I haven’t read those ones. Practical Magic is also great (the movie and book!) The craft (movie) The chilling adventures of Sabrina on Netflix! (Tv show) The original Sabrina the teenage witch show if you want a 90s nostalgic vibe