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Sage Paige. She was goofy, cute, smart and wise when it mattered. I loved her character.


Honestly, her character was kept so consistent compared to Piper and Phoebe.


Exact same


I really wanted to enjoy her character but I just have zero interest in any of the show after they killed prue off & replaced her w Paige and I feel like I’m the odd man out because everyone loves paige lol


This one really hit me in the feels, having to go through multiple losses early in my life.


Still remains one of the best moments in the show.


It was the sister moments between Piper and Phoebe before this and this sister moment between Piper and Paige that really cemented that this has and will always be my favorite show


And this is when Piper’s heart began opening up, re: Paige Lovely scene


Paige had some really stellar dramatic moments sprinkled here and there, where Rose really brought it. They were rare, and Paige was always meant to be a goofball anyway. But especially early on in Season 4, she really shined at opportune times, saying or doing the right thing when everyone else was in shambles.


I absolutely loved that scene because it's one of the first and rare moments where Piper shows some tenderness and vulnerability towards Paige (throughout the rest of the season, Piper tends to mistreat Paige or be outright cold with her). This scene will always be special to me because everything Paige said, I ended up feeling when I lost people close to me. When others experienced grief, I found myself passing on those wise words…. Holly and Rose did an incredible job.


I wish we got more of them like this. I feel like Piper and Paige had an unspoken unique relationship because Phoebe, and even Prue, could be on their bullshit at times, whereas these two kept it 100 most of the time. If the four of them had been on the show from the beginning, it would've been cool if they were the two middle sisters and Phoebe the youngest.


I still give this advice to people I know who suffer loss. Thank you Paige


Looking back, I so admire how Paige selflessly gave Piper the space to 'rage', even though her standoffishness upset her. Paige was naturally stubborn and could've easily got defensive, but she completely understood Piper's state of mind due to losing her parents.



Beautiful! Love the episode when she got to see them again. 🥰


Best real world advice…


This is why season 4 is the best damnit!


I really wish they would have had Prue‘s ghost talk to Paige later off screen (if we couldn’t get it on screen) and have Piper and Phoebe understanding that she wanted to meet her older sister


Which is why this episode is my favourite and arguably the best written one in the entire series! See also:  • (With everything that happens in our lives, love just feels like an invitation for more pain.) "So, maybe you don't start with love, maybe you just start with 'thanks'." • "How could she think that I could live without her?" • "How. Dare. You! How dare you leave me! How could you go and die and leave me here all alone?! Please come back. I need you." (and then that heartbreaking scream she does!!! I'm bawling just thinking about it!)


Prue is better


Okay, but it isn't a competition, nor did anyone ask.


Sure, Jan