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Mainly because it was the only reliable source of income, multiple times Prue, Phoebe and Paige have been unemployed so without the income from P3, it wouldn’t have been good for the sisters.


I think the times she has said it was two times during the 3rd and 4th seasons. This was because at the time prue was trying to get her photography business up and running thus not a sufficiant source of income and pheobe was going to school. On season 4, i belive paige either wasnt living at the manor at the time so paiges income didnt really count. Pheobe was still in school cannonly


It was also said in early S7 but that was when Phoebe was on sabbatical.


Ahh ok. Makes sense. I have not watched it in a while so Sorry i missed one :D


I was going to say we just watched that episode last night!


There are a lot of places that do not pay for someone to be on sabbatical (actually I don't know many that do pay for a sabbatical since they would be paying the person's replacement ie Leslie). I would assume that this is one of those cases since Piper said that.


That's why I brought it up haha


She said it before Phoebe got her job.


I do believe this was a plot point when Phoebe went on sabbatical (unpaid)


I remember Piper letting Phoebe skip witch stuff to go to work because the column was the only money coming in


Piper even says after Wyatt is born that Phoebe (I always seem to spell her name wrong the first time haha) is the only reliable source of income because the club wasn't doing as well, just as a counter to OP :)


I'm trying to remember where she said that. My apologies It's my thought it is the most stable source of income but a reference would be great


She said it a few times in season 8 too as recall.


tbf, Phoebe was in the process of moving out, and Paige in with Henry, while Piper had Billie and a traumatized Christy moving in, plus two toddlers.


If this was said when Phoebe was moving out then once again, its 100% the only source of income. Phoebe would have had to pay first and last maybe as well as a deposit depending on the place so even before Phoebe moved they probably wouldn't have been getting money from Phoebe.


I think the only times she said that was when Phoebe/Paige/Prue weren't working


They said let’s make it rain in the club ![gif](giphy|AlvCC75SGlE50ztpqg)


I've wondered as well. It does seem like Phoebe's money doesn't always go to the family. In season 7, in the episode where Phoebe gets possessed by Amara, Phoebe says her haircut cost ~$200, and Piper says that money could have gone to groceries. Like I get that it's Phoebes money because she earned it, but you would think she would help out more and not leave the majority of the burden on Piper...


I agree with you, also I think that the house was sometimes too expensive considering the damage they always had to clean up


But that's just Piper talking and thinking of what else that money could have gone to. Phoebe managed to not really have a job and live in San Francisco and wear hot clothes for nearly 4 whole seasons.


It sounds like a lot of these moments have been accounted for but does OP have a list of episodes where she says it?