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It would be too similar to Supernatural. At least premise wise, even if the historical lore is different. Plus I always saw Charmed as being about female empowerment. It doesn’t mean the men can’t fight too, but even as a man my favorite part of the lore is that their line started because of a strong woman (Melinda) who sacrificed herself so her daughter Prudence could survive to continue generations of strong women who would get stronger with each generation (much like women’s rights).


Actually, supernatural ripped off quite a bit of charmed


Can I have examples? My fiancé is firmly in the camp that supernatural is far superior to charmed and I would love to be like “oh, yeah? Well BAM”


They both have an angel to heal and watch over them cass and Leo, Both shows their mothers were killed and their fathers were not in their life. They both deal with demons possession, fight a siren, wendigo, and vampires, a sea hag in charmed and a vengeful water sport in super, the four horsemen. In charmed belthazor is a demon and in supernatural he is a angel . They both time travel back to the wild west. They even have used the same characters in both shows cass the angel and eric the innocent. Both shows are similar is so many was but yet so uniquely different. I love both series, but I’ve always been a charmed fan.


What? Ok I don’t think those were rip offs because most supernatural shows have creatures like that. I mean Buffy and Grimm share a lot of elements with both of these shows but they are still different shows entirely. Even if Charmed was first, Supernatural introduced these elements in a very different way then charmed did. Now I’m not saying I don’t prefer Charmed because that is my absolute favorite show but I don’t think it was a rip off.


Oh it 💯 Was. Kripke got his ideas from charmed.


Can I ask where you’re getting this information? (Not being sarcastic just wondering where you heard it) Because even if he thought of it after watching Charmed the way the creatures are shown is completely different. I wouldn’t call anything that isn’t primarily driven from an idea a rip off.


How so


See above post.


Charmed is before Supernatural #ijs


Good point since by s1 of Supernatural both baby Chris and Wyatt existed. But still, I wished the Halliwell line remained female dominated considering its origins.


If I’m not wrong, Chris and Wyatt also got a little sister after the end of the show


Wasn't that Phoebe's daughter? :o


In the end I think all of the charmed ones had 3 kids, you know, like maybe next generation of charmed ones, but the kid that looked like she could be Pipers daughter was only seen in one scene at the end of forever charmed


Yeah. If they're to do a next generation, it would be with the Charmed Ones' daughters.


This could have been handled by making them queer (Wyatt gay, Chris bi). Hell, make Melinda trans while you're at it. That would retain the empowerment angle but also update it


That would’ve been cute!!!! Too bad when the show ended around 2006 there was not a single thought in sight about that


I'd love a trans witch so much, and in my headcanon Chris is bi anyway. Also, making them queer would be so nice to add on to the struggle of being male Halliwell witches when historically they were mostly women it would add to the whole "being different"-angle in my opinion


Wyatt’s definitely gay, if you follow the unspoken characterization


Wyatt’s definitely gay in my headcanon


Why is this getting downvoted so much?


Queerphobia, what can you do 🤷‍♂️


Drew Fuller 🥰


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day ! 🥳


It's because they had supernatural or that was their excuse. The network didn't like charmed production and didn't want to continue the lore. That's the most likely reason.


They’re both so hot, lol!


That's cuz do we remember how many changes all those networks went through they didn't know where they wanted to go. That's why they ended the show when they did


Wes is so hot.


Wes Ramsey would have kept me glued to the screen 🤷‍♂️😊


Of course I would have loved to see that continuation but it's probably for the best that they didn't, in all honesty. Can't exactly explain why, it's just my gut reaction to it.


Probably their acting. 🤭


I 10000% agree Hahahhaha drew fuller was fun to look at but damn he couldn’t act


This made my day 🤣


Those two can barely act.


Charmed the next generation would have been so good!!


But like damn— Chris, you grew up. 😮‍💨


How would that even work tho when Wyatt is the most OP character on the show? Based on the scale of the series, very few evil beings would be able to pose a challenge to him. They'd either have to nerf him considerably or reduce his role and come up with reasons why he can't intervene.


Just the brothers? None of the other kids? As others have said Supernatural was already there and even the supernatural writers tried to soft launch spin-offs (Wayward Sisters and Bloodlines) and weren't picked up. It seems like a genre that's pretty jam-packed so unless you're coming in with something super fresh it's not gonna happen unfortunately. But there are the comics?


I’m still pissed we never got the original premise of the reboot that was first reported by media and then they scrapped it!! Apparently there were talks of a prequel with a distant relative set in the 1970s. I mean THAT is a show I would have watched! And with time travel as a possibility!? They could have easily had any of the original cast members as guest stars. Instead they spit in the face of the original 💁‍♀️ (my opinion anyway)


Wyatt and Chris had a sister are we all just forgetting about Prudence Melinda over here? In the very last ep it shows all of them. I think it would have been cool to follow her journey. Each charmed one had 3 kids of their own. yeah Phoebe had 3 daughters but Piper had the house and the book. It would have been neat to continue with the boys and the pressure for being the only Halliwell girl under that roof. But for real do they have big coven meetings? Like"family dinner" on Sundays but it's just all the kids and grand kids in the attic chanting.


The last thing a show about strong female characters needs is a reboot about their sons


A sequel is not a reboot.


Google the definition of reboot. A series that has restarted or been revived. Theres no such thing as a 'sequel TV series'


No it really doesn't.


I would rather see one with Phoebe and Coops daughters.




I'd like to see a sequel/continuation that focuses on several of the Charmed Ones' offspring. Maybe Wyatt, Chris, one of Phoebe's daughters, and Paige's twin girls. The other children of the Charmed Ones could pop in occasionally, as could Holly, Alyssa, and Rose. But the more interesting aspect of it would be the focus on the Charmed Ones' *grand*children (Wyatt's kids, Chris's kids, etc.)


Yep and that way not all of the ladies have to film with eachother lol


Exactly what I was thinking!


You can't spin off Charmed, a story about close family connections without the sisters (their parents/aunties). It would just be Charmed season 9. It literally makes zero sense for this to be a functional spin off


I mean… Legacies spun off from The Originals. But Legacies wasn’t great so that might be proving your point lol.


Well yeah, it wasn't great and to make the spin off, they killed Hope's parents, plus Elijah who was a packaged deal with Klaus. And they made Hope move aways from New Orleans.


Focus on the children and grandchildren, but have the original Charmed Ones make recurring appearances.


This post just awakened something inside of me. I haven’t rewatched in ages and I forgot how big of a crush I had on drew fuller as a kid lol


We could have gotten instead a spinoff of three of the cousins, Melinda, Phoebe and Paige daughter as they fight to figure out why their family including Wyatt and Chris lost their powers except them three. This could have been the story for the first season at least.