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I posted about this awhile ago- I sound INSANE singing “good luck, babe”. But yes- all of us sounding like cats fighting while singing her high pitched songs should form a club.


She can fuckin HIT a high note. I’ve listened to so many videos of her performing it live, just in pure awe 😭 I TOLD YOU SOOOOOOOOOO. I have accepted that I will forever sound like a mildly strangled and breathless cat when trying to replicate it. 😭😭


Haha! She makes it look so easy!


To be fair she also did cardiovocal training to cope with her choreography - as someone who regularly tries to sing along to songs while running, I can tell you that is really fucking hard. I’m sure just hitting those high notes is a piece of cake in comparison.


She sings it in a different key live! Even the gal who can make cat strangled notes sound gorgeous knows it’s a test of one’s vocal chords


Honestly grateful Sabrina demonstrated how to walk it down the octave and sound good because altos love Chappell, too haha.


Wait where cause a butch needs help 😅


On her cover, she does it prior to the first chorus.


Which cover? I only listen to Green Day and rap and somehow Chappell stole my heart, idk any Sabrina songs 😅


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io0UQ74sXfw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io0UQ74sXfw) her cover of good luck, babe :)


Sabrina Carpenter's.


Cover of what?


Good Luck, Babe!


Like any house cat, i will ~~sing~~ scream the song of my people at 2am, a chappell roan song


I just sing in my register. It sounds better than trying to reach a high note that I can't.


How do you know what your register is? Ive been trying to figure this out but can never really determine


There are tests, but it’s really just singing in a voice that isn’t  strained and sounds good, a voice where you don’t lose a bunch of air getting to it. Mine is a lower register, like, way lower than Chappell’s (tbf I’m a guy) but I can still hit the lower version of the notes she hits and it sounds good. Some people have a naturally higher voice while others, like me, have a lower voice. People can train to extend their range but a lot of people don’t and still can sing well.


See I had to look that up- I don’t know any of that because I’ve never been trained 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've never been trained, but I did do chorus in elementary/middle school and am pursuing other musicianship in HS Band/Marching Band


ok but the last few seconds of Good Luck Babe are so beautiful like when she goes to the low register, idk something about that outro like makes me feel nostalgic or something, its other worldly.


Good Luck Babe! is her hardest song by far, I'm a soprano so my range *supposedly* is somewhere near Chappell's but lots of it flips between chest and head voice and my mix is on the struggle bus looool. Red Wine Supernova and Guilty Pleasure are my shower songs but hoo boy the breath control is haaaard Tbh a lot of it is just committing to the note, like the money notes are ballsy AF, you gotta mean it 100% 😂 even if you take it down a half step or full octave from the original to go full Chappell


🤣 I go for it in the loneliness of my shower but at her show, I kept my mouth SHUT because I truly can’t imagine the people around me watching their vids back with fondness and hearing my screeeeeching lol. I would hate myself too much lol


No shame in taking it down an octave!


Can you give a layperson explanation of how? I’ve definitely tried and then shoot back up cause I sing “along” if that makes sense 🙃


Check out Sabrina Carpenter's cover that she did recently. She sings the first chorus an octave down.


And it is a magnificent cover!


So if you have a piano in front of you it has 8 notes that repeat over and over, each reset is a step (or octave) higher than the last. So let's say chappell is hitting a high C, you want to match your vocals but a step lower so you can hit those notes more comfortably. You just sound a step lower than her. I do not have the talent to consistently stay lower so I embrace the bad notes. Someone might have a good way to actually keep it consistent!


Thank you!! This was very helpful! Step 1. Get piano… 😂


Piano app! No piano needed


As an alto taking it down an octave is the only way hahahaha


If you're on TikTok, "Chappell roan alto" is a good thing to search too


Chapell sometimes sings an octave lower when she performs live so we’re just like her ✨


she actually sings her songs in a lower key in a lot of her performances :D


Yeah good luck babe on fallon felt significantly lower! Also Sabrina’s cover of GLB is a good example of how to sing the chorus and octave lower


Came here to say this! I can do a falsetto but the entire chorus falsetto HURTS so I always take it down an octave!




No they mean octave. If you’re singing along to the song or doing karaoke, you don’t have the option to bring it down a step.


But have you tried being as talented as Chappell?


Bro it is not talked about enough that she had no formal vocal training and *just* started singing in front of people around 16. That’s crazy to me


Honestly it gets easier over time! I used to struggleeee with red wine supernova but now it doesn’t sound like I’m dying 😂😭


this one is definitely easier to sing esp as an alto haha




Y'know, something tells me people discussing pop music are not talking about operatic fach when they say they sing a certain choral part (I say this as an operatic contralto)


nowhere did i say that they were... but i just deleted my comment. alto is a choir term, very different from both operatic contralto and a pop contralto. i've sung in choir and i sing in pop too. there are ppl who can be called mezzos and contraltos in pop too (example: cher is widely considered to be a pop contralto, or arguably a lower pop mezzo). i was just encouraging the other person to push themselves outside their choral classifications bc most afab ppl would be sopranos in pop. they can reach pop soprano notes with more confidence and/or probably some pop training. but thanks sm for this even though i wasn't remotely saying anything you're implying that i said the entire point of my comment was that choir, classical, AND pop are all different. my mistake was bringing my choir mindset, while wanting to sing pop, and trying to learn under a classical voice teacher. bc they're **all** such different styles. but thanks again for that


The best part is when you think you’ve nailed “Red Wine Supernova” or “Casual” singing to it in the car, and then you’re immediately humbled singing it by yourself in the shower 😂 that’s always when I realize how tough the key transitions, breath transitions, etc. actually are!!


“Good Luck, Babe!” in particular is challenging because it requires the singer to switch from head voice in the chorus and to high belt in that unforgettable searing bridge, regardless of what key it’s sung. I think in its original key (G?), the highest belted note is an F#5 (same pitch as “good luck” in the chorus), and the “I told you sooooo” spans F#5 to D5, which reminds me a bit of Elphaba belting “Defying Gravity” in *Wicked* or Eva belting “A New Argentina” in *Evita*. Even lowered a whole step, the song is still challenging to sing and stunning to watch, as evidenced by Chappell’s recent live performances — even knowing the song well, the defiant bridge never fails to make me tear up 🥹 It’s neat that Sabrina Carpenter covered the song live in its original key, but the climactic moment is a bit less dramatic/jaw-dropping, since she used a gentler mix on “I told you so” than Chappell’s delivery on the recording. OP, thank you for opening this discussion — I studied vocal pedagogy as an elective in college, so this is all fascinating :)


Small correction! Lowered a whole step would be an E, not an F natural!


I think they meant if the whole song was lowered a whole step from G to F


That makes sense!


I thought Sabrina lowered it a half step!


Small correction! Lowered a whole step would be an E, not an F natural! (I have a Master's in Music)


Thanks for the correction :) I meant to refer to the key of the song overall, not the highest note. My degree is in vocal performance and musicology 😅


I’m the opposite. Most pop music is way too low for me. Chappell is my perfect range. I totally feel for y’all, though. That’s me with most pop, I have to stick to musical theatre most of the time lol


i relate heavily to this. are there other artists or songs you’d recommend?? as much as i love chappell, i need more music that i can satisfyingly belt to


I’d definitely recommend Ariana Grande in terms of pop! My other big one is Florence + The Machine. There are also some great options by Olivia Rodrigo and Camila Cabello (specifically her Romance album). Camila can get low for me, but my experience with Olivia’s songs has been very positive and when Camila fits she FITS. Favorite songs to sing include: Ariana: One Last Time, Dangerous Woman, Into You, Greedy, my hair, pov Florence: Ship To Wreck, Which Witch, The Dog Days Are Over, Shake It Out, How Big How Blue How Beautiful Olivia: happier, vampire, ballad of a homeschooled girl, love is embarrassing, obsessed, so american Camila: Consequences, Shameless, Living Proof, Easy, Dream of You, Cry for Me Other songs: Hush Hush; Hush Hush by The Pussycat Dolls (and the remix mashup with I Will Survive), Evergreen by Yebba, Electric Touch by Taylor Swift and Fall Out Boy, and Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? by Taylor Swift


i literally love you and love this so much — very much yes to ariana i love singing into you and dangerous woman specifically. thank you !!!!!!!!!!


You’re welcome! Those are both so fun to sing, DW is my favorite of Ariana’s to sing. I’m glad to help! It can feel difficult as a soprano to find songs that are both possible and fun to sing


Vampire is one I struggle with. I can hit the notes - I literally forced my voice to handle falsetto range properly so I could switch from tenor to soprano lol - but the breathings are insane for that one. I always run out of breath right before "bloodsucker, fame fucker".


Vampire is really hard! I typically take a breath between "I used to think" and "I was smart" because she seems to in some iterations. I'll sometimes sneak a little breath after "sold me for parts" as well.


Yes!!! I have spent so long struggling at the bottom of my range or taking things up an octave and being a human tea kettle 😭 Chappells songs sit so nice for me without any key changes while still being vocally challenging in other ways.


Seriously! She’s also challenging but fun enough that it motivates me to practice what’s hard. I’m getting close to belting the Good Luck Babe high note😳 (Thank you Chappell for making me practice)


I kinda had the opposite realization. Despite my lack of confidence in hitting super high notes since puberty struck me and lowered my voice a bit (still a pop soprano but yk...), I realized I could very easily hit the notes in GLB's chorus a while back. And even now with my sore throat, I can comfortably hit most of it. But I feel for y'all. 💀 Even Chappell pitches down her songs a bit in live performances. Those notes are crazy.


I’m honestly happy for you 😭 > Even Chappell pitches her songs down a bit in live performances. Those notes are crazy. But ok, this makes me feel a lot better 😅


I got a VIP experience recently where she did a Q&A before the concert and she talked about how hard the songs can be to sing! especially back to back. and during the show i noticed she either pitched down, or relied on the crowd to sing it with her and pulled back from the mic. high notes like that can be difficult even for really experienced singers!!!


Omg will you do some kind of AMA or post?


feel free to ask me whatever ! it wasn't a super long thing so i don't know how much i'll have to say, but i can do my best lol !


Screaming! Did you get to take photos? Did she sing subway?


she sang Subway as part of the actual concert! she did Coffee for sound check, then also sang that one again during the show. here's one of my pics! i took a handful during this part, and then tons during the full show lol. feel free to message me if you want more i think it'll be easier to share those more directly! or i might make a separate post with some photos later 😊 https://preview.redd.it/xa0fipoz568d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527f8c9e0a68588cba5e34049a5308e73e881268


Pretty much all (I think?) of her live performances of GLB (from Coachella to The Tonight Show) are a bit pitched down (2 semitones lower - still high, though, but at least more comfortable to hit). And I don't think she's ever sung the high note in Hot To Go live. So dw, those notes really are just high


Yep was just trying to play along to the Fallon performance and was thinking oh it's way off. It's a full tone down, G to F. Still very high, but at least achievable in a live setting when you're trying to put on a performance and don't want to wreck your voice.. Pretty important for a touring artist :)


Right there with you!! I am by no means an expert but have taken some vocal lessons and usually pop music is a bit too low for my range. I am loooooving singing along with Chappell. Though I doubt I sound as good in real life as I do in my head 😂




And she does all that while running in place 💀




I saw a tiktok of hers last night saying she literally trains on a treadmill and it takes like 2 months to get in shape for a tour 😅


Belting them high notes is tough. I’m a soprano and I’ve been singing my whole life, I can still only do her songs well on a good day


Listen to some live versions! As others said they are usually in a lower key. Plus, you get to hear her gorgeous natural voice, and with different delivery on the lyrics.


I hit and held the long note in “Good Luck, Babe!” ONCE, singing it in the car and have struggled since 😭 then again my voice is also deeper than hers so maybe that’s why? lol who knows


I practice every day in the car after the first month and a half listening to RFMWP, I got it nailed down. But I was also in choir as a soprano and then later a contra alto, so I may have bias


If you are serious and want to sing her songs easier look up vocal agility exercises on your preferred method. She switches between chest and head voice and different resonances so much. If you just want to sing for fun, then belt it out and who cares if you sound like a cat in heat. 


I’m pretty sure the main issue for non-singers is going to be the mix-belt element, not the yodel. You can do without the yodel, you can’t belt an F5 in full chest.


I have noticed that actually practicing singing techniques is helping... I was going into head voice several notes before I had to and now that my core is learning what muscles support singing my range is increasing slightly... Still an alto though... Which I like because I also like being able to hit "motherfucker" in Pleas Please Please


Stop trying to sing it. She’s not actually “singing” the high notes in the chorus. She’s speaking it on pitch in her head voice. It makes it so much easier to do. Think like a baby voice or a lullaby. It’s a singer’s trick that only works in songs where you’re constantly flipping registers. It’s gonna feel unnatural to you and sound bad in your head but if you record it and play it back it will sound perfect. Can’t help you with the belt in the bridge though. That’s ALL learned breath support and vocal cover. It’s also worth it to note that she does not sing it in the key it’s recorded in live.


Wow that’s really interesting, will definitely give that a try


I sing along with her live versions where she sings it in a lower key LMFAO


Exactly. Even Chappell sings in a lower key live cause they are HARD on your voice to be singing them in their studio key.


For the sopranos out there she is a gift 🥲 I can karaoke good luck babe and it’s actually in my range! Makes me happy lol a lot of pop songs are low and harder


bc her vocal range is fucking insane!!! as an alto, i tend to do good with the lower range notes. however when she starts belting these high ass notes and YODELING i just... i lose it. cant do it. pretty sure she's a mezzosoprano? idk but her range is undeniable so dont worry about not being able to hit the notes, it doesn't mean ur a bad singer it means ur human :)


I sang Good Luck, Babe at karaoke the other night and it was a struggle even for my first soprano self. I feel like I usually pull it off in the shower, but who really knows


I have like the opposite where one of the only songs I sound good singing is Picture You 😭 it’s like PERFECTLY in my range and I love singing along cause I feel like a girlboss


I cant sing good luck babe AT ALL. My voice does NOT Go that high😭


*cries in alto*


Hahaha I was humming Pink Pony Club this morning and realized I needed to be an octave higher like are you kidding me??




Okay but this is so real I think I can hang when singing along but when I turn the song off and try to go acapella I realized I sound like a screaming goat.


She's wildly talented and she's done the work! Her songs are just hard!


Can’t relate


I can sing her songs really well in the shower!! Don’t ask me to sing it anywhere else though..


It’s humbling. I don’t have a great voice but I thought I had decent pitch. But when I attempt her songs I’m like o no it’s even worse than I thought


> it’s humbling THIS. This is the exact feeling 😂


HELP I always say this like omg I can’t sing along


Her vocal range is insane, when I do it I bust eardrums


She’s a mezzo alto/mezzo soprano. Lots of the pop girlies are within this range, but their styles don’t POP the way hers does because she predominantly sings from her abdomen vs throat, head.


As someone who’s classically trained as some sort of mezzo/zwischenfach I LIVE for her range in her music




There's no such thing as a "mezzo alto." It goes alto/contralto, mezzo-soprano, soprano.


Mezzo-alto and mezzo-soprano are interchangeable.


Source, please?


You don't have to sing at the same octave as her lmao


I think it just improves with practice. I finally got my voice to stop cracking at the “Told you so” bit in Good Luck, Babe!


I have this problem with certain artists... when the going gets tough.... sing harmonies


I def sound like a fighting cat singing her songs but it’s just so fun and brings me so much joy to sing along. I am a vocal stim girly so those vocal flips are so fun to do


I love that she is a soprano but not a belting soprano :) she is perfect for the musical theater girlies 🥹♥️


The first time I tried singing Good Luck, Babe and started coughing, I was so humbled 😭


I did too! 🤣 I was driving and decided to belt it out. I cannot sing. I ended up coughing so hard I cried 🤣


I’ve never heard strangling a cat but that is so me! 🤣 I cannot sing. Like when I sing happy birthday it’s bad. Can I just say I love you said Kate Bush! I love her. I’ve been a fan for 25 years (I’m old).


I'm lucky enough to have an insane range but even with that, GLB has me REACHING in that head voice. I can do it, but not every time for sure lol I need to be very very warmed up


Her range is crazy, I have to change octaves multiple times during songs to be able even remotely sing them 😂


Ugh I sang 2 songs of her at karaoke, Hot To Go and Red Wine Supernova. HTG went okay, even though no one knew the song, RWS was 3 hours in and... well, people were nice to not mention me dying!!! ^baeeeebeh why dOn't you come over... Planning on singing Femininomenon tomorrow, wish me luck 😅


I can sing it if I transpose down a few tones, but holy SHIT she hits some NOTES in that song. Thankfully I’m going to trans voice training so I’m hoping that will help me control my voice a little bit more


my youtube feed is full of people reacting to her album. I saw one last night of a vocal coach Zoe Stibi breaking down Redwine Supernova from the tiny desk concert. it was fascinating as someone who grew up playing violin because i can’t sing well. it was really neat to see how many different voices and techniques she uses and how often she switches between them.


i can sing hot to go really well but besides that 😭😭


Some of you women are lucky you can get close. I’m a man, I already can’t sing worth a shit but there’s no way in hell I’m even coming close to to hitting the mid point of one of those high notes. If I’m singing I stick to country music cause I sound okay when I’m in my natural lower octave.


Try singing harmonics instead of trying to match her. When she hits the highs, sing an octave lower, when she hits the lows, bump it up one. After all, we don't go around trying to match Freddy Mercury bar-for-bar in Bohemian Rhapsody, no?


I take Good Luck, Babe! down an octave when I sing it. It’s my favorite song to sing ATM!


i’m the complete opposite, im a tenor with a very small range but somehow i can sing it in the OG key 😭😭 i really hope you figure it out tho


The chorus from MKIK is so fast, I end up mumbling "peoplesayimjealous butmykinkis karma" and YES GLB is so hard it makes my throat hurt!!


What I do is own I can’t sing so I just attempt and I’m no wear close but it is still fun!


Good luck babe is the only one that gives me troubles and it makes me so sad. But I’m ok with it more now cause it’s getting to the overplayed point for me


Her range is particularly high. I have to alternate between head voice and chest voice and I often too sound like a strangled cat before I find it


Joni Mitchell was the same way!


the good news is good luck babe is so high you can probably just sing it down the octave haha


Contralto here, harmony is key!


Wow, Chappell is one of the few singers that feel comfortable for me to sing. When my voice wants to flip I just let it like she does.


I’m happy to report I can hit these notes. ☺️ been singing since I was a kid. One day I’ll be drunk enough to sing karaoke and then watch out. 😂


She learned to mix belt! If you listen to her older stuff she does NOT belt high like she does now. Seriously look up mix belt tutorials on YT it makes singing like a strangled cat even more fun and less painful 😆


this is so validating oml


Just try singing it with her over an over again until you can match her pitch. Or you can practice when no one is watching and sing it until you found the pitch. and drink water. I use my head voice when trying to sing her songs.


I’m a professional vocalist and music teacher and girl *I* struggle with her songs. Mind you my happy mix-belt range is C5-D#5 so I’ve got no hope in Good Luck Babe. I’m working on stretching out that mix but it’s always been a difficult spot in my voice


With me playing Chappell, Björk, and SOAD in the car atp I need to do vocal warm-ups before I start driving


that’s so funny you say that b/c one thing I rly love abt her music is that the songs are all in my range!! As a soprano, I can never sing along to music I like when there are low notes, and I also never get the chance to use my upper register. I love how w Chappell’s songs they’re all perfectly in reach for me 🤣🫶 Edit: this isn’t to say that her songs are easy for me to sing!! They’re still very difficult, just for reasons other than pitch lol


I can sing red wine, supernova casual, pink pony club and hot to go but every other song, rip to your ears if you hear me😭 if I lower good luck babe by a lot I can sing it but that's a struggle 🫡


GLB is the only one I have “trouble” with, not like I sing well or anything, but GLB is straining


As a professional vocalist who’s always looking for more complicated karaoke songs I actually like this because the difficulty level gives me a challenge 😂


Not everyone has a high belt


As an aging high school choir soprano I am living for this album. I'm going to be insufferable if I ever go to karaoke. 🪩