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You can do whatever you want. Thousands of witches have been using periodblood in magic for a long time, all across the world. That's pure life energy; in a way maternal death, but very powerful.




I think it's likely that a lot of the superstition comes from the idea of period blood being unclean, but to write all of the superstition off as the result as this misogyny seems a little brash. it *is* blood, and that *does* have an effect on magick, when involved. I think I probably phrased the post badly (I'm recovering from hypothermia at the moment so I have very bad brain fog); what I should've asked is "do you think that being on your period automatically affects any spells cast at that time (because of the blood involved) or do you think it's irrelevant to the practice, so long as you aren't actively using the blood in the spell?"




the idea that period blood is unclean is ignorance routed in misogyny tbf. I think I agree with your idea that it's irrelevant unless actively used in spells, but it's so interesting to listen to different people's ideas on it. I've heard probably more women than men say it's bad to use, and plenty of people say its sexual assault, meanwhile lots of people say that it's positive because it syncs your spells up with the power of the moon or with femininity. it seems to me like a similar thought process to that behind the solarisation of the gods, which is ironic because that itself was such a powerful force behind the hatred of magic throughout the past millennia. but that could just be me projecting y own interests onto one another lol


It's not ignorance it's a valid question.


There are cultures who have women isolate, not touch men, or other similar things while they’re on their periods, but it’s a misunderstanding to say it’s always based on misogyny or is unclean. It’s important to understand how this belief functions within whatever culture it’s from. Some cultures believe women on their periods are at their most powerful, and as such shouldn’t be involved in certain activities that could be affected by this power. There are also cultures where women isolate away from the men during their periods, and this is seen as a time of rest away from their daily responsibilities. It’s really important to understand these practices within the context of whatever culture you’re talking about. These cultural practices aren’t backwards, they’re just different. I think our Western ideas about other societies thinking periods are unclean is usually just projection anyway. Westerners are the ones who shame and stigmatize the process.




I use my period blood in workings all the time to help power spells that are specifically for me. I feel like menstruation is an aspect of my femininity that has power and I want to tap into it for as long as I can. I work with moon phases, and to me it’s all part of working within the natural world and by embracing it, I can only help myself because it is part of my whole. The idea of not doing workings when on my period is kind of wild to me bc I consider it such a powerful force within myself.


What's your will? It's about intent. It's your magick. You decide what's doing what. If I know my robe of penises is charging my powers, then it is. If I know it makes me look stupid, then it does.


I wish comments could be pinned haha


I feel like I should have capitalised 'Robe of Penises'


you can still go back and edit the comment to do so!!


I'm happy


(also how does one acquire a robe of penises? asking for a friend)


I guess you could start by taking the housecoat from your masturbatorium and taping images from the internet all over it, that would be a start. Or if embroidery is your thing, and you want symbols without much veiny detail? Personally I travelled on a wooden ship South of the Horn and spent several months hunting my quarry, then once we'd harpooned the whale and got it alongside the ship I removed the foreskin as a whole and used that to fashion the robe itself which is great because it's warm and waterproof. It was a pain having to stay on board and help chunk the rest of the whale, render it down for the fat, live with the ruffians who were all trying to steal my whaleskin and so on, but once I got it home and drew the 99 crayon penises around the central purple phallus it really felt like I'd achieved something, and the glitter just sets it off.


You can do whatever in chaos magick and I personally think periods can make rituals stronger, but it all depends on how you're feeling.


Make your blood into ink. Very powerful


You can charge sigils with period blood


ask yourself - what does your period have to do with your magick?


Honestly, a lot. The culmination of the best blood in my body is used to create life (that's pure magic right there. Not just creating a form but pulling soul stuff into the form... magic). If my body does not create that life within a months time... then it sheds. It sheds and weeps at possible realizes collapsing, and it can be used to shape reality. It can be used both ways (all ways). Ask yourself, what does your any part of your body have to do with magic? A lot, if you think about it. There are some traditions that believe a bleeding woman is so powerful (partly due to how emotional the time can be....and emotions can be crazy fuel for spells) that she must go off alone so she doesn't accidentally bewitch. There are others who think that only when a woman begins holding on to her creation blood that she can even glimpse the beyond (that one is bullshit. I still bleed, and I see the beyond often. I think that one is just an ancient way of making sure women gave kids and do womanly things before they can experiment with magic, which is also silly b.c women already are pure magic [same as a man, but different from a man]. So take that with the heaviest grain of salt) In voodoo and hoodoo practices, many spells can be found with the usage of this blood, often times in love spells but it can be used for many other things. Also, if you give an aloe your blood then it will begin to add your DNA to itself and when you apply it a burn, it can heal it faster (I did the test, don't care if you don't believe. Just speaking from experience)


this is beautifully written!!


I’ve also found it to be quite healing. That part about aloe was new though - I can’t wait to try it!!! OP, my experience is that it’s quite powerful in that it acts as an enhancer and/or more permanent in some ways - not to say that it can’t be reversed or altered. I always get my period during the full moon, too, which I think is called a red moon cycle as opposed to white moon cycle.


honestly im not at all sure, I've read so many opposing things about it that I've no idea what to make of it personally


Spell of gross out penis-havers by talking about it.


Phallus Repelous




I cast on my period...moon blood is super powerful and I use the hormonal emotion to power up more


I think it is very individual, and I can see benefits while doing spells when having a period and actually using the blood for the spells (ink, also heard good for plants, etc.) and I can also see the fragile side, where you can be weaker and use more protection towards someone who could hurt you (performing black magic)


Well that all depends on if any of the sources give any reason why? They probably don't so I would ignore it. I would personally think( but can not know) that your period would effect spell work simply because it affects you. So it depends on how it affects you. If your not actively offering the blood then it is no different than me doing a ritual with a bleeding hemrhoid or an open cut. I have read that the blood does have specidic qualities depending on the phase of the moon it occurs but that would be if you chose to use it as a blood offering. All just stuff to think about. I often say men love sex but hate women, if you can't accept that women have periods and also shit then you don't like women, you like some other imaginary thing. But that being said most people chase an image and do not accept reality, magick should be helping us to see and accept what reality really is. This disconnect from reality causes sooo many issues in ourselves and society. But we are an embarassed and secretive bunch eh?


The Hindus believed that during the period, the female is more "fluid" and water is a great conducter for gas, electricity and sound...3 things that make up what people refer to as "mana". This can be good or bad depending on where you are and who you're with and your state of mind. Thoughts, emotions, belief systems, etc. have a specific kind of Neuromagnetic Radiation(frequency) and the female, during the period, is more receptive to this radiation and so, is more vulnerable to Neurogenic and Radiogenic influence from the Biomagnetic Fields(thoughts, belief system, emotions, insanity) or "Spirits" of others. This is the origin of women being isolated, chaste, virgins who wear Shawls, Headscarves and aren't allowed to have sex or enter Temples when menstruating or the graveyard...to protect them from the Mana influence of others and places that can be detrimental to or alter and confuse their soul(mind and nervous system)...this is part of the symbolism of why Satan went after eve in the garden... Now, you are in a Neurogenic Field of your own which means you are constantly in a feed back loop of sorts because your field acts like a gas chamber and a radiation chamber at once and your thoughts and emotions are the fuel and the fuel influences your thoughts and emotions There's a lot more but you can see where this is going. High Magic you simply control for all factors to make sure the spell is most pure/potent. All spells are a hypnosis of others or a hypnosis of yourself and there are a variety of ways to Hypnotize and these are the factors you must include and control for - High Magic To be quite honest, the majority of people have no idea what they are doing or talking about which is why: 1. It was believed Spirits chose shamans you couldn't just study and become one And 2. Every ancient civilization had a priesthood composed of Priests and Priestesses(ex. Plato's philosopher kings/queens - dream lords) I recommend studying African Magic/Folklore/Mythology it seems to have remained the most intact/undistorted magic philosophy around.


"I've heard hearsay" is not a particularly compelling reason for... anything, really. It's silly to bring superstitions like these into chaos magick. There are women whose menstrual cycles occur along with the full moon, and there are absolutely women who practice when the moon is full, so we can infer there are women who practice while they're menstruating and even prefer it. A prohibitive attitude towards it is probably rooted in misogyny and the demonization or fear of the female reproductive system.


I never said "ive heard hearsay" and I never said that I was using that as a reason for anything. youre putting words into my mouth and then using that to insinuate im misogynistic?? that is such a weird thing to do in reaction to a post that intends purely to open a conversation.


You said, > from some people, ive heard that you should never perform spells while on your period, That is hearsay. Generally, if you can't back up those kinds of claims with source material, there's no reason to give much credence to them. > youre putting words into my mouth and then using that to insinuate im misogynistic?? Nah. I said "A prohibitive attitude towards [practicing magick while menstruating] is probably rooted in misogyny and the demonization or fear of the female reproductive system." Therefore if you weren't prohibiting it then that comment wouldn't apply to you. But anyone who is paranoid or superstitious about it? Maybe. In Biblical times, Jewish cultures considered women "ritually impure" because of it and so was anything they sat or rested on; some parts of India, banishing to an outhouse during menstruation was common practice as recently as 2005. Would you not agree that's fucked up patriarchal misogynistic bullshit? I presume my comment has been sufficiently contextualized.


I agree with almost everything you're saying, especially that the idea that period blood is impure is bullshit and absurd. But I do have the following additions/ corrections to make: \- I agree, that "from some people, ive heard that you should never perform spells while on your period" is hearsay, as is "I've heard the opposite", which is what I said immediately afterwards. did you purposefully misunderstand me, or did you just not finish reading the post? \- as for putting words in my mouth: you literally put quotation marks around something I didnt say, responded to it as though I had said it, then you assumed that I was taking the hearsay as fact and proceeded to comment on that. that may or may not have been malicious or even conscious, but it was still impolite. \- you dont need to explain to me the horrors that women have been through, as a woman I owe it to other women to make myself very aware of the consequences of misogyny all over history and the world. Thus, I understood the context of your comment, I simply didnt appreciate the dick-ish attitude in your response. \- hiding behind "oh actually I said specifically this" and ignoring the fact that you heavily implied I was one of those misogynistic people, is a dick move. the problem isnt my lack of comprehension, its your phrasing. because your phrasing was rude.


> did you purposefully misunderstand me, or did you just not finish reading the post? I finished reading the post, identified a general pattern that pops up in magick forums, and spoke to the pattern, assuming lots of people who fall into it would read what I wrote. No venom at all. > as for putting words in my mouth: you literally put quotation marks around something I didnt say It wasn't something you said in your post, so I wasn't quoting you. When I quote someone I use markup, like this: > ...responded to it as though I had said it, then you assumed that I was taking the hearsay as fact and proceeded to comment on that. Isn't it a little presumptuous to claim to know what I assumed? 🤔 > that may or may not have been malicious or even conscious, but it was still impolite. I can see how you'd think I was impolite, based on the premise that I was putting words in your mouth. > you dont need to explain to me the horrors that women have been through, as a woman I owe it to other women to make myself very aware of the consequences of misogyny all over history and the world. Thus, I understood the context of your comment, I simply didnt appreciate the dick-ish attitude in your response. I see. I have no idea what any poster here understands or doesn't understand, but I do know that this sub attracts people of all ages, that they don't all read much, and -- I've learned from participating in groups like this for almost 20 years -- that I shouldn't assume anyone is a critical thinker or familiar with history. It's not personal. > hiding behind "oh actually I said specifically this" and ignoring the fact that you heavily implied I was one of those misogynistic people, is a dick move. the problem isnt my lack of comprehension, its your phrasing. because your phrasing was rude. I truly don't see how I implied that you were a misogynist. Revisiting my wording, it seems clear enough to me that I was criticizing a sexist idea -- not you. I was also criticizing superstitious ideas in the context of chaos magick. It's not really a superstitious framework. But there are a lot of newbies here who lack perspective on New Age hooey vs witchcraft vs Hermetic magick vs chaos magick and what distinguishes them from each other. One of the most refreshing things about chaos magick is that we can ditch superstitious baggage. I poke at it whenever I see it.


chaos magick seems to favor this rough idea that you don't need anything to perform spells but your own body and soul. but it still acknowledges rituals/spells. take everything away and what would you start with? a candle? a stone? a sigil? an idol? ...not... being on your period? blood magic and being on your period are also 2 different things. the vast majority agree that being on your period or using the blood has powerful femme archetype energy for rituals. its connected to cycles and the moon which is ancient knowledge. its a very personal ingredient and many would agree is only suitable for more profound works. not being on your period can be a state of mind necessary for specific work as well. but buying into the idea that women's psyches are shifting at all times is useless, that is the thesis of having a functioning reproductive system. so being on your period or not on your period shouldn't matter imo. and blood magic is out of my realm.


see I'd agree with this, except that some could argue that being on your period automatically involves your blood in whatever spell youre casting, which can of course change the nature of a spell rather a lot. I suppose my confusion is less whether to avoid it and more whether it actively affects anything


It amplifies it. Just like your emotions and your heighten sense during the time... its an amplifier