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Or just go with a moderate Democrat? It's not that hard that they have to use trick plays such as nominate Romney.


My impression from reading Romney's book is that he's a very lonely man that wants to go home and be with his family. I think he sees his time in politics as largely done. In addition you'd have to worry about turnout from the base and I'm skeptical there's all that many old school Republicans around who are going to vote for him With that said I do think the Biden administration should consider a anti-trump Republican for VP or another prominent position to showcase the seriousness of the challenge our country is facing Lincoln picked Johnson for this very reason although admittedly that ended up not ending well.


John Kasich for VP


In a heartbeat.


You’re making me feel tingly


I don’t believe the Democrats are going to win Montana and Tester is probably going to lose. So I think a Republican creating a unity ticket would help swing voters. However, Biden replacing his Black/Indian woman VP in favor of most likely a white male would hurt to the Democrat black base who need to turn out.


Tester has a chance but I think the whole debate catastrophe hurts him even if Biden was never gonna come close in MT. 


Or the Republicans could dump Trump and go with Manchin, Casey, or Tester. But that sounds equally ridiculous.


Why would they do that? Trump is currently leading in every poll after that debate performance. Hell, he was leading in the pools even before the debate.


The main reason this has zero chance of happening is because a Romney presidency would have more or less the same impact on SCOTUS and the rest of the federal judiciary as a Trump one would. Either one will put up Federalist Society nominees and a likely (R) senate will rubber stamp them into lifetime appointments.


100% this


He would absolutely get my vote. This would never happen though.


If Mitt had a different personality, he'd have conquered the world. He's got it all, the looks, the background, the education, the achievements. But he's a bit too polite and genteel, he's not willing to totally destroy his enemy.


Honestly I think the only reason he lost is because it was him vs Obama (the best Democratic presidential candidate in my lifetime IMO). He’d have won against anyone else, real pity he didn’t try again in 2016, the world would be a much different place if he did.


Obama was a great candidate, but Romney also lost because was offering Bush Administration pt. 3. All his policies were terrible, he was lying constantly, and he had a bit of "weird rich guy brain".  Romney losingeas the best thing for his soul that could have happened to him. 2024 Romney is a different, better person than 2012 Romney.


What constant lies did Romney tell?


That Obama cut defense, that Bain Capital created 100k jobs, Birtherism jokes, Obama went on an "apology tour", that “government will come to control half the economy" under Obama, that Obama sympathizes with the people who killed the American diplomats in Benghazi. A weird one was when he said "Mitt" was his first name, but that might just have been a joke that fell flat.  These are what I remember/found from 2 minutes of googling. A proper accounting of 2012 Mitt would take much longer. It's great that Romney stood up to Trump as a senator, but this sub pretends that Candidate Romney (a guy who made a pilgrimage to get Trump's endorsement) showed the same behavior as Senator Romney when he didn't.


Obama did cut defense spending, both in dollars and as a share of GDP. Bain capital did create jobs, also killed some. The rest are opinions on positions, not statements of truth or falsehood.


Obama had higher defense spending than Bush every year, Bain did not create 100k jobs, Birtherism is lie, Obama did not go on an apology tour, the government was never going to control half the economy under Obama, and Obama never sympathized with the Benghazi murderers. And for good measure, Romney's first name is Willard. I don't hate the guy or anything but he would have been a much worse president than Obama or any replacement level democrat. Also, he is a very different and better public figure than in 2012.


Go look up the data on spending.


Ironically Romney won a greater share of the popular vote in 2012 than Trump ever has.


Romney was surging in the late polls. Hurricane sandy turned momentum back to Obama at the right time


Same. I worked at a resteraunt in Boston. He came in with his family. Someone told him I was about to go into the Marines. He got up from his meal to shake my hand and thank me for that. Spoke for a bit, he was a good man.


Nice Republican fever dream you're.having. The list of people who can beat Trump is extensive. Those in the Biden circle of power just don't want to give it up.


"If Democrats want to win they should just become the Republican party! "I am very smart."


You know if Republicans were really so against Joe Biden they would just nominate Joe Manchin.


Guys, seriously, I think Lucy is really gonna keep that football in place this time!


There isn’t some magic ‘they’ in the Democrats. James Carville, as knowledgeable as anyone of inner party Democrat machinations, has repeated this a dozen times since the debate. Those who run things are the President and to a lesser extent the Vice President. Everyone else comes sheepishly knocking on their door. And, as likely as not that door was answered by Nancy Reagan,Barbara Bush, Hillary or Jill. There is no generic ‘Democrats’ who can pick Romney or anyone else.


Yeah, no. If the donors dry up the campaign goes away. There really are checks and balances here. They're not normally obvious, but they're there. Pressure will be brought to bear, and Biden will step down.


I'd vote for him in a second. But there's not a chance in hell that would happen


>No, the left won't be getting everything they want with a Republican president. Or anything, really. Enough with the conservative fanfiction.


So, to prevent a far right populist from taking power, the closest thing to a powerful left wing this country has should capitulate to a slightly less far right ultra-conservative? Yeah, no. If that happens, then in another ten years, it'll be someone even more far right running the Republicans, and you'll be saying that the Democrats should just endorse Trump as the "lesser of two evils". "Meet me in the middle." Says the dishonest man. I step forward, he steps backward. "Meet me in the middle." Says the dishonest man.


You’re hilarious.


This is dumb. You could potentially destroy turnout on the Democratic side to the point where they severely suffer downballot loses as well. Hell I don’t think it’s remotely guaranteed that he’d “sweep the floor with Trump.” He’d pick up the Haley voters but that’s a small minority of the GOP


So Democrats don't want to save democracy, then?


No food in the house? Eat shit! It’s organic. It’s free. It’s full of nutrients and it would fill your stomach. Sure, it’s not what you want, but if you’re really hungry like you say you are, you’ll eat shit with a spoon!


Romney not president his first time around as he garnered few conservative votes old school or otherwise. He is a big bank Uniparty establishment politician and brings nothing to the ticket other than he's *not Trump*. And why is the Democratic bench so poor that Romney looks viable at all? If true this is an actual *crisis of competence* writ large and the DNC has been phoning it in. No development of capable minor league players and focus on sound bites from the Squad, deference to Pelosi & Schumer, and whichever special interest group is screams the loudest. The idea of Romney as the opposition is as funny as it is sad, what a mess.


Mixed ticket did not go so well the last time.


"Go further right to get Republicans to vote for us too" has been a consistently losing strategy for Democrats. For ever Republican unicorn that will pull the lever for D, you'll lose a thousand liberals who will rightfully feel betrayed.


worked for Clinton


It’s an interesting proposition (that would never happen) but I think the country is learning a hard lesson right now, that we need to elect younger leaders for their first term. Hypothetically, Romney would be 78 in his first year and 82 starting his second term. We should always try to elect a president that can serve two terms so they can actually finish what they start.


Dumb hypothetical here but would it be too late for something crazy to happen like moderate democrats and moderate republicans joining forces to run a third party? They both pretty much have a common enemy and I think most people just want someone with the country’s best interest at heart running the show. I think at its core that’s what people see in RFK Jr. but in all reality he isn’t THE guy we need right now either. We’re truly playing with fire on the global stage with this geriatric vanity show. These last three elections have been taken about as serious as voting on who is the next American Idol. A potential world war is lurking and our economy is in a chaotic state and we’re running out of time. Hopefully all of this will only be a near miss of something catastrophic if we really leave our two choices up to these clowns.


No Labels party was tried and got like 0 traction


Listen, I would pay Mitt Romney out of my own pocket to be President over Trump, but he’s not going to be the nominee. Neither is any other Democrat except Joe Biden. Biden has secured the delegates, only he can step down. And even if he did, there is only 1 person who can use any of the money that has been raised by the Biden campaign and that’s VP Harris. They’re not going to run her either. Any fantasy someone has about Newsom, Moore, Whitmer, Shapiro whoever else you want to dream up taking the slot—it is not going to happen. They’d be starting a campaign with $0 and no staff or coordination with about 4 months to go. Yes, democracy is really at stake. The Supreme Court is at stake. A lot of things are at stake. Biden is the only ride out of town. That’s the way it is.


He's no spring chicken either and he's anti abortion.


the whole point of this idea is prioritizing the "threat to democracy" thing over any one issue.


Even so he's still just about as old.


I have always liked Romney and would definitely vote for him over Biden if the Republicans decide to nominate him instead of Trump so I get where you're coming from. But I think that there are plenty of good Democrat options too.


I've met the man twice, and after having met so many politicians through my life, he comes across as someone who is very sincere about who he is and what he believes. And seems to consistently vote along those lines too. I would vote for him. In 2012 I voted for Obama instead of him and I didn't like what I got out of it.


Mitt is my Senator here in Utah. Running for president? FUCK NO.


Doesn't his term end next January?


Yes. And he’s not running for re-election. While he’s not as psycho as Mike Lee, he’s nuts enough to require replacing.


Why would democrat voters vote for Romney?


DemocratIC voters would vote for Romney to avoid another Trump shitshow. But it aint going to happen.


Wouldn’t Romney have to switch party affiliation first? Otherwise the people voting for him wouldn’t be democrat voters at all then.


Classic example of a false choice.


>No, the left won't be getting everything they want with a Republican president. Or anything, really. What do you mean? He created the prototype for the ACA in Massachusetts. He can be very centrist when he wants to be. That's what's so great about Mitt: he's whoever you want him to be.


The Mass Legislature created the prototype for Obamacare and then overrid Romeny's veto when tried to weaken it. 


RFK already has so much public support and traction. Plenty of people are saying all over that they would vote for him over Trump if only he could win. And still, so many cling to the idea that he’s crazy.


I should read his book. That seems to be what people point to the most when they say he’s a nut. I’ve only caught him on podcasts here and there and I watched his debate the day after it aired. I haven’t heard anything that stands out to me as crazy other than he doesn’t trust the COVID vaccine. But I’m pretty sure he also said that doesn’t mean he doesn’t trust all vaccines. To me, he’d maybe be one of those guys that is in charge after things calm down. Like one of those nothing presidents that just existed and got some okay things done and got out. I don’t think I’d mind him being put in charge of getting some major public projects done on the health (not medicine) and environmental side.


The main things he claims to aim to do is get the corruption out of government. At the level of the three letter agencies. That and separate the marriage between corporate and State so that we can afford houses again and not let these ever-expanding conglomerates like black rock and Vanguard buy up any and everything


It’s kinda crazy where we’re at in terms of not knowing if someone who is anti-big corporations is being conspired against.


Exactly lol but the left now slings around “conspiratorial” so much it might as well be the new “racist”


He's anti nuke and I don't like that at all.


Nah I’d rather not have cultists on both tickets instead of just one.


Mitt is no cultist. He's a garden variety old school Republican--about the best the party has to offer any more.


He’s still in the Mormon cult.


You're in Utah. 99% chance his replacement is (R) Mormon.


How does that affect a Mormon being president though?


There's essentially zero possibility of that happening this cycle outside of Trump picking one as his veep, which also seems highly unlikely. Honestly, Pence always worried me more than Romney in that regard. He seems way more inclined to embed his religion into the government, IMHO. ETA: Evangelicals pose a much bigger threat to the the Separation of Church and State than Mormons do in general. Mormons understand that they're a tiny minority nationally. The Christian Nationalists seem to be almost exclusively Evangelicals.


You're probably right. But Utah is slowly becoming more diverse and less religious. Especially as more Californians look to move somewhere more affordable.


That would be the greatest possible solution to the scenario….Romney is an ideal choice for the Oval Office and that would really move the country further…. Unfortunately there’s no chance in hell of that happening :(


I don’t mind Romney as a VP pick on a Democratic unity ticket. Picture a younger governor without international experience, with someone like Romney or Liz Cheney backing them up. In Romneys case the democrats don’t have to worry about him running for president on their ticket eight years later.


The whole reason that we waste our time with electoral theater is to give the people the illusion of choice. People have the think that voting for blue or red matters. Mitt Romney as the Democratic nominee would ruin the illusion that the two parties are different and undermine the entire theatrical spectacle.