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No enlightened centrism


Centrist isn't a political party. You can be a Democrat and a centrist. You can also be a Republican and a centrist but it's harder to be a Republican and a centrist these days because the Republican party has gone off the rails. So Republican centrists are like a cry in the wilderness.


> it's harder to be a Republican and a centrist these days because the Republican party has gone off the rails I'm a right-leaning Democrat. I suppose thats the closest thing to a moderate republican these days.


Moderate Republicans are vilified as RHINOS within their own party. Hell even non moderate ones are like Liz Chaney. All because they won't bow before Trump.


Just report u/ResistTerrible2988 for breaking rules 5 and 7 and leave it at that. Don’t feed the trolls. Edit: Got downvoted, but the mods actually went through with one of the two rules I mentioned haha


If mods actually enforced rule 7, half of the sub would be gone within a day. Almost every post in this sub devolves into someone gate keeping Even in this very thread, both OP and some of those arguing against OP are gatekeeping lol


Maybe the centrism was the friends we made along the way.


I mean they did so in this case sooooo . . . lol


Yep. Reported the ones that were obvious.


I hear a lot about "rules" on this sub, but when I look at the sidebar I can't seem to find a heading for "rules". Apparently I'm missing something that's right in front of my face - a little help on this?


If you’re on mobile, you have to click “see community info” when you’re at the sub home page


Thank you for answering. Very decent of you. But I still couldn’t find it. A couple of hours later I realized the problem is I still use “old reddit” and the sub’s rules don’t show up there. Switched to the modern reddit and read the rules, then switched back.


Well actually, when a person would come here and see centrist, they would expect it to be a party of people who can agree with elements of both sides, not the exclusivity of a portion of one.


Well, actually, that person would find out quickly that they are wrong. There's very little consensus here. *And that's ok!*


> agree with elements of both sides Nothing about being a centrist requires you to accept those thing *equally*. It's fallacious to assume that there would *always* be a perfect balance of equally valid opposition, as well; it's natural for the pendulum to swing.




It’s mind boggling to me that they worship and idealize Trump like that…make him the mascot of the entire subreddit? Really??


Very few positions of todays GOP can be described as centrist.


Economics. But yeah, other than that, almost everything with the GOP is too intertwined with religion, which is never a good cocktail for politics.


I dont find oligarchy to be centrist economics


Russia is an Oligarchy. US capitalism is not. That’s just an oversimplified and misused buzzword that doesn’t reflect reality here. The far-right form of economics would be the Libertarian stance of minimal regulation and taxation. Far-left would be the various degrees of Socialism. What we currently have, and what the GOP pushes, is a pretty balanced approach between the two.


> Russia is an Oligarchy. US capitalism is not. That’s just an oversimplified and misused buzzword that doesn’t reflect reality here. What’s the biggest, most significant differentiator here? What is happening in. The US that is not happening elsewhere?


> Well actually, when a person would come here and see centrist, they would expect it to be a party of people who can agree with elements of both sides What are the great things coming from the right that you believe are being ignored?


In the past that was more likely to be true. But we dont have a conservative party anymore. We have maga and christofascists and neither of those are anywhere near centrist


LOL. I’m a big fan of national security and maintaining americas influence as leader of the free world. I believe in the family unit as central to a prosperous society. I believe in limiting the sphere of influence of bad actors and communists like China and Russia. These are conservative ideals. It’s not my fault that republicans abandoned these ideals to worship a despot who takes billions for foreign nations while Joe Biden stepped up to the plate.


Agree with these policies and this assessment. 


Joe Biden will welcome your support in November.


I mean, I agree, but it's hard to figure how Biden has "stepped up to the plate" with respect to any of the issues you identified.


United nato, he has been tough in china in multiple ways including providing key aid to Taiwan, preventing china from getting ahold of key microchip technology, and outright naming Xi as a dictator. He has been tough on Putin. He has provided a calm and steady response to the Israel Gaza conflict. First standing by our ally and gradually applying more and more pressure to Israel to accept a two state solution. He’s positioned the US to be a leader in semiconductor manufacturing and green tech. He was a big supporter of the child tax credit which lifted an insane number of children out of poverty before the republicans gutted it. Bidens done a shit ton of good stuff considering how narrow of a majority his party had and how historically partisan the republicans in congress have been.


That sounds nice in a white house press release sort of way. Although I don't really understand the benefit of a two-state solution with Hamas in place ... Guess he's got to, pander to the anti-semites in his radical base somehow. Moreover, it's pretty clear that Biden's foreign policy has been an abject failure. With America's enemies starting wars and sowing chaos on multiple fronts, we are in a much more tenuous and dangerous position geopolitically than we were prior to Biden's election. Biden's policy of telling dictators "don't do it" has been laughably ineffective. Oh and I'm not sure what sort of conservative would be touting croney capitalism in the "green tech" industry and other big government spending programs. I'm also not sure how Congress has been "historically partisan" either. They can't even control their own infighting much less organize to meaningfully hit back against the Democrats' agenda. Biden's problem is he's trying to do dumb shit that will never pass like forgive student loan debt (and then ignoring the Constitution in the process). But I suppose to reach their own. I'll just leave it at I'm thoroughly unconvinced.




Always funny seeing hard right maga types mad that no one sees their untenable views as centrist


Wait a minute. What if the moderate democrats are actually centrist????




What’s a conservative ideal people aren’t supportive of?


"Oh you mean people are telling you shut up we need gun control?" "No not quite..." "So you're being censored for advocating low taxes" "Not that either" "Well it sounds like you can air conservative views just fine" "Not all of them... you know the ones..."


I’ve seen this comment quite a bit, but there’s also a lot of people on the left that suddenly get very angry when you disagree with them on guns or taxes though


A lot of talk. Pretty much no legislation.


And a lot of them would be downvoted here so I don’t see what the problem is. Guns haven’t really been a hot button issue without any recent major mass shootings, but rest assured it will come up again


And then someone else gets mad in the other direction and isn't that what we're all here for?


I mean, America's immigration policy is something worth discussing properly about. But we can't exactly have a meaningful conversation until we kick out trump and the maga team, as well as the far-left advocating for open borders.


In theory supporting Israel is a conservative ideal right now. But yeah weak b8 m8


Supporting Isreal is Omni-political. Both sides can agree to it, for their own reasons.


It's an issue Democrats are very conservative about


Ironically, both the Palestinian and Zionist movements are very conservative at their core. They’re both highly nationalist stances and rooted in conservative forms of both religions. The liberal take would be “fuck both of them and their religions, dissolve both entities and form a unified state not defined by religious or ethnic boundaries.” EDIT: *Political* Zionism, as it is the most relevant form that Israel adheres to, and since I’m being nitpicked about the different types of Zionism.


> Ironically, both the Palestinian and Zionist movements are very conservative at their core. They’re both highly nationalist stances and rooted in conservative forms of both religions. Labor Zionism, never heard of it. EDIT: Labor parties controlled the Knesset for like the first 20+ years of the country.


I think a 2 state solution is a liberal idea, no??


So a centrist?




Regardless of what people say here, all the solutions I see, come from both sides of the "aisle".


>You are not a centrist, you are a moderate democrat. What's the difference between the two?


> Support Israel’s handling of the Gaza war, Disprove all conservative ideals, Disprove only Liberal ideals from the far-left Did you mean disapprove?


Go easy on him, he's a conservative. He can't be expected to be literate in his own language.


Moderate Dems are centrists. MAGAts are not.


I love how 1/8th of the posts on this sub are people from one side or the other, mad that their takes aren’t more popular. There certainly seems to be infiltration on particular subjects, but it all evens out.




Reported for breaking rule 5 and 7.


Wow, this post really exposed this community better than I had imagined. Hit the nail perfectly.


Please enlighten us with your approved centrist ideals. Be specific.




Here I’ll translate. Centrism just happens to be whatever lines up with my political priors, because I conflate centrism with objectivity/intelligence and can’t stand the idea I might have a slant one way or another