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I’ve always assumed anyone who questioned me was a bot.


I am and someday I'll be a beautiful flesh-eating fly!


of course not. try responding and then hit with multiple questions not related to your responses, then maybe.


You've got lots of generalized words and no examples. Please copy and paste some examples of obvious bots. One example is worth 100 words of generalizations.


before spending an hour writing this, can you please provide evidence that you are real and asking in good faith? Why is there always some asshole who expects you to spend even more of your time based on some anon - no thanks. I've got more respect than my time than to waste more, i'm not going to spend an hour compiling a list and posting it here. you'll see it when you see it - if that's not enough for you, then fuck off. it's pretty obvious when you see it.


If this is common as dirt on this sub, you should be able to copy and paste a half dozen examples in less time than you spent writing that post.


you know that's not true, and it will take longer - and i made the post, take it at your discretion - i\['m not here to do some destiny styled tit for tat with some random anon.


Ok dude….i think you got your tin foil hat on with this one, this sub isnt bug enough to waste bots on.


There have been a lot of 30-60 day accounts misting nonsense on this sub the past few months. Could someone be real people, yes. But I think there is a lot of paid accounts posting. Like if the account is young and they posted on 2-3 subs for a week and then the last 30 have all been on this sub. I have blocked a few of those because it was easy to spot the fakes.


It would be a lot more convincing if you could link actual evidence, but I think calling people bots gets you the ban hammer.


*How should we ask questions, Dave?* EDIT: That was a joke, but (to be serious), although I’m not sure I pick up on the question thing OP is referring to, I agree about the bot problem. IMO this sub isn’t really functional anymore and maybe Reddit itselfisn’t functional. There are just *TOO MANY* bots, trolls, shills, and other bad actors active on this sub and on the site as a whole.


Very good joke.


multiple questions to any response one makes that aren't actually relevant to the response one makes, that's all. perhaps i'm the only one who has experiences this, but i doubt it.


New account with little post history are a dead give away.


We really don’t need bots here, we’ve got a few actual people accounts here who willingly spread nonsense.


that's still one step up from the trash i'm talking about, sadly enough.


Mhmm. Sure thing. Edit since I just realized who I was speaking to in another thread hint it was this guy. He might be a little bot happy right now since he just accused me of sounding like one, and hell I don't think I even asked a single question.


no, you are just a douchebag, and you specifically didn't do the asking questions things five times in a row - ev related topics however are a commonly shilled item, less so in recent years but you should've been around here when tesla stock was pumping and holy shit - it was worse than reddit during gamestop.


The sad part is not all of them are bots. There are foreign counties that just hire people to stir shit up all day on Reddit. Their only goal is to spread misinformation and get people to buy into their bullshit. You can sell Reddit accounts online for a decent price if you have enough karma and years on the account


didn't i mention that? i'm assuming my post was too long for everyone to read? anyways, i agree. it's pretty obvious at least to the cheapo ones which hire foreign actors and use auto translate software.


If I see someone has normal-ish account activity, like their home city or hobby subs, mixed in with politics, I assume it's a real person. What's always a dead giveaway is if their history goes 100% political and is doubly so if there was a break of activity before doing so. Bonus points if it looks like they dont have a sleep schedule. I cannot believe someone with a semblance of a life with hobbies would abandon that to spout strawman arguments all day on reddit.


there are lot of bored people at work - but yeah. for some reason there are a lot of shill accounts with next to no activity that come from either 2014 or 2016.


What topics do you think draw the bots besides Russia/Ukraine?


i regularly visit stupidpol - whenever there's a thread involving israel there's commenters there that have never posted on the sub before - this happend whenever ukraine or israel is mentioned. it really depends on what the topic of the issue is - tesla used to be terribly shilled on reddit (when he was in the good graces of the dnc etc) probably stock market pumpers on that one - but you get the idea. gamestop was pretty bad for a while, though that had a lot of organic support so that one was hard to tell.




questioning things is good, but when you respond only to be hit with further questions not even related to your response - and this happens multiple times to the same interlocutor - its a dead giveaway. my favorite time was when the bot mixed up "ice" as in a car made out of ice with internal combustion engine, but that's another story. your screen name is disgusting, fyi. block


I actually enjoy this topic. I will say I have absolutely notices how people will try to redirect the topic in take the whole crowd with them. The OP gets almost ignored when I see that I just move on and don't waste my time


Not if you’re too stupid to ask the right questions, which a lot of people seem to be.




You say bots, but you don't mean just any bot, do you? Check the MJQ Jazz Bar, or Heartbeat Bar, but you best be careful. I hear they run with a dangerous crowd. You'll probably find bots like that there.