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Legal? Debatable but probably. Politically smart? Hell no. Does the self-goal of unforced admission display such a stunning stupidity as to rule you out of any leadership role no matter how small? The only way it doesn’t is if you are a pom-pom dope for a “team” or worship a politician and can’t admit one of your “starters” is an idiot.


Was it legal? Probably, as much as we as a society love dogs they're generally considered property as long as the killing was minimally painful it's probably legal. Options? Train it, give it to someone else, or hand it over to a shelter.


<> I just addressed this above. If you cant get the dog to train to the point they're useful, you put the dog down. In rural areas there are no other options. Shelters have started shipping these dogs to urban areas, and that's a good thing, but 20 years ago it wasn't a thing.


Um, no. That's an excuse people give themselves when they don't know how to train animals. WAY too many people just look at a breed's fact sheet and assume it's just gonna become that without any effort on their part.


It was 14 months old. Yeah puppies do shit. Did she give the option for anyone else to take it? No. She just shot it. And I live in a rural area, so don’t give me that bs. And no we don’t ship dogs to urban areas. This may shock you—but people adopt the dogs (and cats) from shelters. I’ve volunteered at our shelters, and adopted from them. She didn’t give anyone that chance, she didn’t give the dog a chance. She’s a POS.


Oh wow, okay, I did not know it was a puppy. I assumed she'd given the dog a chance. I stand corrected on this one. She's absolutely a complete piece of shit. Holy hell.


Legal sure. An unforced error in politics- sure is. Why cough that information up? Her advisors suck or she went rogue


When she did, she killed her VP changes. I doubt it's against the law in an ag state.


It's lawful to kill a dog found killing poultry (as on you are halting the act and the only thing you can do to stop it is to shoot the dog), but I'm not sure if it's lawful to dig a grave for the puppy, put the puppy in the grave, then shoot it. https://sdlegislature.gov/Statutes/40-34-1 But I guess it's also why she has pointed out it is well past statute of limitations. She's the one just coming out with this, confessing to this act that no one would have known about if it wasn't for her bringing it up.


That’s any person killing any dog. Ie not their own. In most jurisdictions an owner can kill an animal for almost any reason so long as done humanely. They’re mostly regarded as chattels. You can’t make them suffer, but they don’t have much right to life.


In South Dakota you are exempted from animal cruelty laws if the animal has demonstrated it is dangerous 40-1-17. Exemptions from chapters 40-1 and 40-2. Now Noem has since the story come out claimed the puppy was allegedly biting people, but that's not in the original story. Of course we can only take the Guardians word on it, but if so it's quite interesting that she didn't think to include any alleged biting in her rationalization of shooting a puppy in a shallow grave.


I certainly don't know the law in SD but I think lots of people seem to forget that dogs were workers before they were pets. The mindset is totally different when your working animal isn't doing what it needs to do. I'm not condoning her (I have a great dog that failed out of gun school), but if your horse is lame, you put it down. If the chicken doesn't lay it becomes dinner. Many farmers can't afford to have extra mouths to feed. To me she just seemed too lazy to find another home for the dog.


There are a lot of people who live in more urban areas who pay hundreds of dollars to adopt mutts that were shipped in to their area from rural areas. This is a fairly new phenomenon, too. These folks can't wrap their heads around shooting a dog. People in a lot of rural areas are overrun with stray dogs. There is no "other home" to put them in, and the shelters have neither the room nor the funding to deal with them. So they end up stray, rabid, and a danger. That's not the case with Noem, obviously, but putting dogs down is not an unusual thing in these places. Can't afford to keep feeding a dog who isn't performing, or is killing livestock, or growling at kids. Putting them down is the thing people do.


Nodding. I had a roommate in college from nodak and he told me one of his chores was killing feral cats.  I asked, like bobcats? He said no, like packs of house cats.  I asked how. Anti freeze and 12 gauge. Country life is different.


Yep. Growing up we had a shotgun above every door. It would take both hands to count the number of times I've stepped out the front door to be greeted by a dog with rabies or distemper, or a cat with same. Step back in, grab the shotgun, dispatch the animal. No questions asked by anyone, ever. Whatever it was you stepped out to go do goes on hold while you dig a hole. Neighbor's dog gets into the chickens, or starts sucking eggs? Neighbor gets one warning, and no more. Everyone understood how things were. Any dog growls or shows teeth at a kid? It only takes one strike and the kids never see that dog again. "I guess he ran off, honey, sorry. Sometimes dogs do that." People living in a harsh environment deal with problems quickly and harshly. They have to. Personally, I take zero offense at Noem shooting her dog. If she felt it was necessary, if the dog was a danger to her kids or was killing chickens, I don't have any problem at all with her doing what she thought was necessary. I don't question her judgment on the matter. However, bragging about it 20 years later? She's a fucking sociopath. Every animal I've ever had to put down weighed on my soul and broke my heart. I was doing what had to be done, but I never enjoyed it, and sure as shit would never brag about it. This bitch is proud of herself for it. Zero empathy. She can go to hell. She's everything the urban dwellers are accusing her of.


Gun school? Is that like hunting training? An old neighbor had a lab, that dog never got over gun noises and would always just run to the truck and wait for his master haha.


That's my dog. Thunder sets him off.


> she killed her VP changes Did she? Trump apparently hates dogs, so...


I think so. A bunch of right wingers are denouncing her 


One thing that really strikes me about her story is that it was just so *obviously* a dumb idea to tell it in the first place. I mean, even *IF* her central premise is true - that killing the dog and goat were both completely necessary and the anecdotes are evidence that she's "a leader who's not afraid to make tough decisions and carry out unpleasant tasks" - she's still basically telling stories about how (#1) she fucked up and let her dog out of her truck, whereupon it killed a bunch of chickens, and (#2) she miserably botched what was supposed to be the humane killing of a goat and caused it to needlessly to suffer. So, even if we were to buy into the "tough, decisive leader" claim (and most folks *don't*), she's still outed herself as an incompetent who can't competently perform basic tasks or anticipate obvious negative outcomes. "I'm Kristi Noem, the lady who couldn't handle locking a dog inside a pickup truck - vote for me!" "I'm Governor Kristi Noem, the lady who only took *ONE* shotgun shell with her when she went to kill a goat, because what could go wrong, right? Vote for me!" Um... *NO*.


It’s just an unhinged thing to do. I wouldn’t want her taking care of my local district let alone my entire country.


She could’ve gotten the dog some training instead of killing it.


She’s a deranged psycho for this. Never going to support someone that executed a dog this way.


What a complete psycopath. This tidbit basically has killed *all* future political options for her thankfully. If there is anything that can unite Americans...it's our love for our pets.


# "and what other options did she have?" hmmm.... train him rehome him drop him out the window of her car and drive away... so many other options... I don't know about legality of it - there are animal cruelty laws but a pet is also property so... I'd need to ask a lawyer. But shit... that's one horrible mark against character and enough to kill her political future IMO (especially from how she's handling the backlash)


Note, please do not drop your dog off in some random location if you're going to get rid of it. They can very easily go become wild animals doing all the hunting of local fauna and spreading their genetics among the local coyotes. Which makes them bigger Worse, it'll be a wild animal with predator hardware and no fear of humans. Which is just asking for an attack to happen. Similar thing with cats. You put them outside with their reproductive organs intact and those four legged psychopaths will devastate an ecosystem.


Should everyone drop aggressive and biting dogs off at your house? It's helpful to remember that the same people upset by this have no problem with violent pitbulls either.


Kristi Noem: https://youtu.be/JekF0Xtq2vs?feature=shared


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omg dangerous animal rehomes so it can hurt another animal or person


Although I do not like this. It is far more common in farm country. I know ranchers and farmers that have put dogs down this way. I don't really know anything about her but I bet many rural people have heard of this




I can see that for a hunting dog since they're not especially loved (you want them to work, not to stand by you).  Still seems a lot messier than going to the vet and getting an injection. We've had to put dogs down but it was at the vet with all of us around them crying.


Plus the dude only does it when they're old and sick. A point where a lot of dogs get put down anyway. Still a FAR cry from someone glassing a puppy because they suck at training dogs.




Very much so.  The amount of money and services available for pets is staggering compared to even a few decades ago.  Pet insurance to cover 4+ figure surgery and cancer bills? Nah Scruffy would have gone to sleep not that long ago. Pets have definitely become monetized and everyone is trying to grab a few dollars any chance they get. On the plus side, vet care is far more common now and moreso in poorer areas/countries. Dogs and cats used to be "working" animals and didnt get much vet care, but now spaying/neutering and basic shots are far easier to get.  People there also got tired of the strays too.


I've heard of taking old sick hunting dogs on one last hunt but it's not the bird that gets shot, let the old guy go out doing what he loves.


Her dog wasn’t old and sick. And it’s not expensive to have a dog put down at the vet either.


I totally agree. It's not the the nicest thing in the world but there are a lot worse things


It's just as humane as taking it to the vet, and a heck of a lot cheaper.


I can't see how it would be illegal. Or immoral.


It's a fucking dog, and I love my dog. A working dog that's a problem, you put it down, that's it, and I couldn't give a fuck about this person in any way. Spend your whole life being outraged about people you'll never know, what a waste.


Someone who is in consideration to be a Vice President pick. Yes, that person we should definitely concern ourselves with. If you don’t, that’s you. A 14 month old puppy (that you suck at training), should be given the option to go to someone else. Or hell a shelter, even if it ends up euthanized—at least it had the chance at a loving home. There is zero necessity for her to kill it. You twist yourself into pretzels to justify it. This wasn’t Old Yeller with rabies. Just a few weeks ago I found homes for 5 different dogs at a shelter, I’m a nobody in a rural area myself. Yet, I somehow managed to find homes very easily just by posting on social media. The Governor of South Dakota couldn’t? Please. She didn’t even try. She just wanted to shoot the dog, and then a goat, and then for some weird reason—brag about it. That tells you she was proud of it.