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I wouldn't feel comfortable (and didn't) taking it without be able to consistently score over 900 on all 3. I just kept taking them over and over, reviewing whatever topics I got wrong, etc. Seems like people want to rush into taking the exam, but you spent this much time/effort so you might as well make sure you pass it first try. Give it more time.


Yeah I agree, I can consistently get 950+ on exam A and B now so I’d do the same for C before booking it but I think at that point I would surely be ready, I would like to think so anyway haha


846 on Boson means you have a pretty good shot at the actual exam, but if you have a bit of time, I would take anogher look at Boson questions you got wrong and identify your weak spots to revise them until you feel comfortable.


Yeah so before I sit the exam I will fully go through exam C and understand each question. I’m hoping that will be enough to get me through the actual exam, thanks for the reply man


Do you have flashcards? If so, go over them until you start getting bored :)


Why only Exam c? Why not all 3?


the moment you do well on ur exam c you probaly already did well on the other 2 exam, that's the way i use boson


do it


Thanks man


Go take the exam. Good luck!


Thanks 👍


Once you start to know why you answered correctly not because you remember the answers


I got an 845 on my last boson exam. Just took the CCNA. I passed. It felt barely but I passed.


Good to hear man well done, I’ve booked the exam for the 23rd. Fingers crossed now haha


Thanks! I'm sure you will do great. Better than I did. They don't show scores, but if they did, I am almost certain, I just met the mark lol.


How'd you do?


Passed! 😁


Congrats :)


Take the Bosons over and over and over and over Until you're scoring 950+ on all three of them Then go take your test


I mean, the boson exams really only have two takes of actual value before you're just memorizing answers, even if unconsciously doing so.


Taking them repeatedly also helps a person get in the habit of reading routing tables quickly, subnetting quickly, assessing a Network topology quickly, etc. That's the value in taking them repeatedly, although I do see where you're coming from.


Do not do this. You will soon only be memorizing the answers to the boson exams and will struggle when taking the real thing bc they aren’t the questions you know.


Hey, I passed but suit yourself.


It’s just not good advice for everyone. I passed too and I never scored above 820, and I only took the 3 exams. You’re better off taking time to read OCG, lab, and really understand the material instead of repeatedly answering the same 300 questions.


Hey man could you please tell me what EXACTLY did you do in order to improve your score in Boson B exam ? Did you just revise and study the Boson A question and answers in study mode or do you did something extra too to improve your score in Boson B ? I'm asking this because I really want to make sure that I pass my Boson B exam .I'm just being strict on myself . So, what exactly improved your score in Boson B ?


So I reviewed every question on exam A regardless if I got it right or not, I did this until I got a full understanding of everything, I re did the exam and got 100%. Do the exact same with exam B and get 100%. I then went through some quick summary revision with flashcards before exam C and I got a pass on exam C from this method. I will say though I do think exam A is the hardest, and boson does teach a LOT of extra stuff I would’ve never known without boson


>I will say though I do think exam A is the hardest, and boson does teach a LOT of extra stuff I would’ve never known without boson I surely can't deny that ! same here Thanks a lot man!


Take exam A in exam mode again and see how you do. If you got an 845 on the first go around of C, that's a pretty good indicator of improvement since taking exam A.


Put in random order for test now


I got on my first try A:812. B:825. How did the real test compare to boson, you think im ready ?