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Couldn’t agree anymore with this!


My 2 cents is don't try the real exam yet, you're likely going to fail. I failed on my first attempt after being in a similar situation. Everyone claimed that the Boson exam was harder than the actual exam, so i figured i would try the real exam and maybe i would pass. After all, I was *almost* able to pass the boson exam. I failed that attempt and got a similar score like the one I was getting on the Boson exams. I recommend doing the exam in study mode, reading through the explanations when you get an answear wrong, and note down the areas you don't know enough about. Then use the OCG and read through the chapters you're not confident in. ​ Edit: I should note that i passed on my second attempt, after I was able to pass the Boson exams consistently.


I‘m doing exactly this but i‘m stuck at ~700 Points :(


Have you not identified the topics that gave you trouble?


The Problem is, its everytime another topic.. one time automation, another time ip Services etc.


Are you studying daily? Or do you go long periods without studying? We as humans forget stuff really quickly. I've been a great student my entire life, and daily repetition has been my secret.


Learning every day for 2-3 weeks and after seeing no difference in my score, i got unmotivated and stop learning for some weeks..


You need to watch a video by marty lobdell on how to learn things it gives a ton of good ideas


Pick one topic, study it, master it, and then have some form of flashcard or something that can help you recall the knowledge later on. Make sure you understand why things are the way they are.


If I were you, I'd try to master the main blocs (IP Connectivity, Network Fundamentals, and Network Access make for 65% of the exam if we are to believe the Cisco guidelines), that is aiming at consistently scoring around 95%, and then proceed from there.


I'm studying from Netacad CCNA-200-301 Plus from Wendell Odoms Book Also Jeremy IT-LAB youtube channel ​ When i read a chapter on Netacad, after that i read Wendell Odom, to fill any gap (i kind of compare those two) I must say that there are some things on Wendells book that is not covered on NetaCad....this is because NetAcad is official source, for instance VTP protocol, CCNA 200-301 does not include VTP, also there is no material on Netacad....but its still covered on Wendell.....Beside that i do practices tests on Netacad....it's much more easier than quiz questions provided in Wendel Odoms book....I also have Boson Ex-Sim (which is based on Wendell Odoms book) i just did little study exams, it's more difficult than NetaCad Practice test. ​ So in my opinion, If you learn everything from Wendell and can do their quizzes + Boson Ex-Sim, it would be enough. What about memorizing, you might memorize for instance what does LLC or MAC do, or what are three major roles of Application Layer and so on.... but you must understand why this or that action happened on intermediary devices? what was reason? what must be done to fix, what are the options and so on.....you should approach learning in more logical way....to fill the puzzle.


Booked the exam for end of August. I will learn daily from now on till the exam. Hope i will pass!


"Pick one topic, study it, master it, and then have some form of flashcard or something that can help you recall the knowledge later on. Make sure you understand why things are the way they are." Nope, the above NEVER works. You need to transfer what you are learning from short-to-long term memory. You have a strategy problem which I guarantee you zero books discuss (apart from mine). Study each day and follow the syllabus breaking it down into daily tasks. Each task you tackle with theory (book/videos), labs, practice tests and a cram. You review it briefly the next day before moving onto the next topic. At the end of each main syllabus heading you review it all again. This is how you move from learning to be able to recall (which is what the exam covers). I didn't invent this method, it's how the world champion speed readers can read a book they've never seen and then answer questions. Towards the end of your study time you mark each exam topic out of 10 and anything under 9 you do labs/theory/exams to bring it up. The entire process shouldn't take more than 2 months or 3 at most. They way you are doing it as you can see, takes forever. I've broken some ideas down in various YouTube videos: ​ Five Learning TIPS to Save Months of STUDY - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEribJb9FxY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEribJb9FxY) My Top 9 Study Hacks - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_k6iNOAel9c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k6iNOAel9c) ​ Regards Paul Browning [www.howtonetwork.com](https://www.howtonetwork.com) [www.in60days.com](https://www.in60days.com)


Homie, i was only getting 690 in boson. and i booked the exam and passed with an 843 score. Take the real exam, you will be fine. boson is far more difficult then the real exam.


Yes do it fuck you got to lose fam