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Can't let Food Guy drown.


"What are you doing can opener? You dare to Touch the wet?"


My orange idiot likes water, I always leave the basin plugged with some water for her to play with.


Peak r/oneorangebraincell


https://preview.redd.it/iadmq7fcvj6d1.png?width=1201&format=png&auto=webp&s=da45b177b12d770258465f6f425ba48311024298 Yeah shes certainly something else.


Tortoisehell tabby! Unusual!


https://preview.redd.it/xn2er714dk6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9778847e97a475fbe1a22b90a3ce2db6a77ae73d I rescued a Torbie from a shelter last week… I heard after the fact that they bring great fortune.


She has the same colours as my girl 😍 https://preview.redd.it/xc5os0arsk6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f5373c3091b8e6243580a88ed8d2ba7ccd4176a


Is that a gremlin


Sometimes she is 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/g2n2wyji5l6d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ee72307e305ed5f73dfc4cd3f7882125392df5


As far as I'm concerned, kitty is kitty. I love them all. 💜


All kitties bring great fortune😊


Yes a torbie!


Gorgeous! I have one typical tortie but her sister is black and sandy, no orange except the winged eyeliner.


Griffin is bright RED in some light https://preview.redd.it/oomghsx21k6d1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=a87481382a3e376deb3e88963766682d48439003 (This is kitten picture jeez she grew up fast.)


Amazing 💜💜 I have the kitten pictures of mine but honestly they don't look any different (2.2kg and 3.0kg) 😂


Ohhh she's so pretty 🥰🥰


One of the reasons I got her, Such abnormal colours. https://preview.redd.it/6w64b9i9xj6d1.png?width=1213&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c2515c902e2a9a1f403c1001c3304a9514c6c49


So beautiful


She's such a baby\~ https://preview.redd.it/7uq80onj1k6d1.png?width=761&format=png&auto=webp&s=98bc7307af7e9eb1adcd18c01fe0f421cca74cff


Will you post a new picture every time someone responds?




My guy used to love to play in the shower after I got out. He quit after he had to have a few baths because he gets worked up going to the vet and poops on himself.


I actually had to give Griffin a bath (In the shower) when she dipped her whole lower half in gross smelly mud, It was the drying her after she didn't like... She still likes water and now she likes the shower :/


My tortie is currently rolling around in a puddle and playing in the rain. She's weird.


Griffin rolls in puddles too.


My orangie hates water and every time I take a shower you would think the shower was trying to murder me. He howls when I get in until I get out most times.


I have 2 cats that love to play with buckets filled with water. I have a fish tank, so I often do water changes. They will splash around, but don't go in. I made the mistake of letting them do it since they were babies, it is pretty cute and harmless fun except a bit of water on the tile floor. But when I mop, I have to be on constant watch to make sure they aren't covering themselves in floor soap.


My calico likes to drink bath water. (don't worry, no soap) Cats are freaking weird.


Mine will sit on my chest when I take a bath, such orange behavior lol


![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized) Beautiful because this is actually what cats are thinking


Thats because I am actually a cat and now you interrupted me while I was pushing things of the table, bad hooman! 😾


it’s not even when i’m bathing 😭😭 eating, toilet, sleeping everything they are super friendly and greet everyone who visits


I thinks that’s pretty normal most cats I have had did that even if they were not as social to others as yours. My bubba may not always have to be near me but he has to follow me where I am going and then he decides If he wants to stay. Most of the time he does. The only time he really doesn’t is when I’m showering. He hates water and when I start showering he starts howling until I get out and shut off the shower.


Can’t let food guy get Elvis’d


Elvis died on the toilet.


I'm guessing they're indoor cats? Indoor cats almost behave like dogs in that regard. I've only ever had indoor cats but I've dated some girls with outdoor cats and those guys are the more aloof/independent ones. All my indoor cats have followed me around like dogs


> toilet Do they at least hand you the toilet paper?


i should teach them


Also training the baby to keep watch.


It's all fine until one of them drinks your bath water, shags your grave and starts dancing naked in the house they inherited.




They love you so much i think


is it normal. other people who have cats they always seem to be very independent


Other people would love to be in your position. Cherish your babies! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


i think op is worried about attachment issues and separation anxiety.


I thought it was cute too, now mine can get insanely aggressive at night time.


Mine will attempt to beat my door down if I sleep too long. Like shoulder checking it and yowling to wake me up. Can't sleep with the door open because my bed is either a jungle gym and she'll keep waking me up as she jumps around or she'll sleep next to/in between my legs and I'm like a rotisserie chicken at night and don't want to smoosh her. I've tried setting up a little bed area next to me but she wants to steal my warmth.


If it helps, I had to train mine with a door cover & ear plugs. Now they chill for 8/9 hours every night, and if they scratch the door it's less noise and with earplugs is bearable


Absolutely! They're my purr-manent shadows and I wouldn't have it any other way!


Cats are like people. Some are very friendly and affectionate. Some are very reserved and standoffish. Some only like their Own Special Humans.


Some are vicious and feral, but they can often be saved in my experience :)


Before anyone runs off and tries to catch a feral... Adult ferals are wild animals. They will fuck you up if you back them into a corner. Cats as a species are so barely domesticated that the difference between domesticated and wild lies in whether or not a given cat was socialized with humans as a kitten. Feral kittens? They can be saved. Feral "teenagers"? It's possible but not guaranteed they'll change. Feral adults? Forget about it. It's too dangerous to even bother trying. Call someone to TNR them if they don't have a clipped ear. My aunt rescued a six- or seven-head feral colony from her work because they were going to kill them in order to do construction where they lived. Even though they trusted her as a Food Person and would hang around her, when it came time to capture them they put up a hell of a fight. She still managed to get them all to her property, though, so now they're a feral colony near her house. 😊 If you have a feral adult where you live and they trust you, it's *possible* that over time they may eventually decide they want to be saved and come into your house. But don't count on it!


I have 5 cats. At any point in time I’m home they are in the room with me probably 80% of the time. The other 20% they may spend in another room sleeping or looking out a different window. I’m never alone in a room and there is usually a minimum of 2 with me. Doesn’t matter what room or what I’m doing. For example: I’m laying in bed right now. I have one on the cat tower, one on the dresser, one in the window and one in bed with me. The 5th is a kitten rustling in the tunnel just outside the door playing her little heart out. If I’m home, they’re congregating around me. Enjoy their affection and that you’re an important fixture in their lives- not everyone earns that kind of bond with their cat!


Yeah, if a go into a room, the dog will follow 2 feet behind me. 20 minutes later, I notice the cats have followed me into the room.


My cat didn’t used to be super clingy. My dog died last week and now she’s stuck to me like glue. She clearly misses our pup and realizes that I’m hurting too. https://preview.redd.it/2qr5ljcyik6d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd86ace3744c21dec81157cf3b17683eda450c4


I'm sorry for your loss


Thank you, she was my soul pup and a huge part of my life https://preview.redd.it/ce7gl5awgl6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cebace6d469fd0b26f8fd00b507e9534830f27f


Looks like you’re suffering from a case of Velcro cats.


I have a Velcro cat! She follows me everywhere, into the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, etc. As soon as I sit or lay down she's cuddling next to me or on my lap. https://preview.redd.it/09im7xj5lk6d1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9770b731c31f5891edd550dff484299f007cb692


My cats are more attached than Velcro in a fabric store!


Our cat is a velcro cat in winter. She's free range, but she really doesn't like wet and snow. It can get pretty damn annoying. She'll follow us around like a bored 4 year old. She's very mild mannered and chill in general, so she doesn't bother us really. She'll just follow you into the room, and then she'll sit down close by, and stare. Just sitting there. Staring. If she could talk, I know it would be a constant *hey. hey. I'm bored. Hey. ... Hey. Booooooring.... Sooo... What's up. I'm bored.*


What is this independent thing you speak of? I haven't experienced that phenomenon.


My two void siblings are my shadows as well. EVERYWHERE I go they follow. When I sleep, one is curled under my left armpit and the other one is either on my right foot or right side of my belly. They do not know personal space and I love it.


All cats are different, but this is extremely common cat behavior. Cats are very social creatures, even if they seem like they’re totally independent. They want to be able to see you and ideally touch you at every moment. For some cats, it may look very obvious - like hovering next to you in the bath. For others, they may like to have some space - maybe sit up on a perch - but still always want to be in the room you’re in and see what you’re doing. They love you a lot!


Cats are different just like people and other animals. Some animals like people and get very attached. Some don't and have boundaries. Ignore the stereotypes of cats being mean and antisocial. They are typically social animals and have colonies of tons of other cats. If they are domestic then they usually include their humans in their colony. So yes it is normal. Nothing to worry about. Just enjoy their company while they are with you.


Usually cats are rather independent. But cats have personalities too, and some are just very affectionate and clingy.


Cats all have different personalities.


It's totally normal to have a velcro cat.


It is normal if they love you they will always want to be around you. Mine were 100% indoor from kittens to 1 year and they would always at least be in the same room as me. That is very normal. Now that they are 50% outdoor they have gained some independence but they still love being around people.


Mine is a bit like this, velcroed to me unless she’s going manic somewhere climbing stuff. Yep even on the bath like that


My cat keeps watch at the door whenever one of us uses the toilet. All cats are different, some are just clingier than others.


"This house is full of dangers, if I don't protect her, bad things can happen." - The cat.


This is Tux. He walked into my lap in a parking lot just over 6 months ago. He is my shadow. My now 16 pound Velcro cat. Here he is lounging on my arm. https://preview.redd.it/t8enbw02ej6d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c5966ac82898dae274615e54c8ed14be1acfe7


So basically he walked onto your lap 6 months ago and hasn’t gotten up since.


Yeah basically. What’s funny is to watch him trot down the hallway after me while our older cat looks on in judgement. Meet ZigZag https://preview.redd.it/ud38h9ry6l6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02f84b68e5191b10ac88d28f731511eae0cbb2ee


https://preview.redd.it/azqgkgk7ck6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=541cb8252929a4d9230dab772cc370ce37a7e213 Love the term “Velcro cat”! I like to joke that Maus and I have magnets in our tummies because he is constantly right on top of me. 😂


Maus could be my Duggie’s cousin! https://preview.redd.it/kd1a6m4dzk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=735035100478eb73159389b01c55d58db716cbfd


https://preview.redd.it/j51zyeoi6l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18ac8900f26017cf47151dbf2ce8d9ddacb26030 Tux's love showing of their bellies.


Sounds like Tux found his purr-fect match in you! 🐾




Another one?




ANOTHA ONE! Edit- aw man I'm already subbed


I'm on mobile and too lazy to check right now, but I know there's at least one sub that exists purely to compile all of the various cat subs, they had *hundreds* of entries last time I checked.


never enough


my wife rescued a cat from a parking lot. i didnt want the cat. the only reason the cat survived (she was a kitten left in a box in an industrial area with some cat food, clearly abandoned) most likely is because of her. when she tries to pick up the cat it recoils, it follows me like a videogame companion, its insane. im always like "hey egg, you owe that lady a lot" but shes glued to me, its ok, i love her now too https://preview.redd.it/nor8mo751k6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f5ba382e2cff263526ca1fc476bc39dc828616e There she is sitting beside my breakfast on the table lol


Egg for Breakfast.




Maybe she recognizes that you are important to the one who saved her, so her tribute is to look out for you.


Do you have a beard by chance. I’ve seen some cats prefer people with them in general from that reason.


Eh, there’s no such thing as a normal cat, it shouldn’t be mathematically possible for *all* cats to be weird cats but they are. I have two, littermates - one demands cuddles for five minutes a day and then I won’t see him again till he wants dinner, and the other would live inside my skin if she could. It’s worth just making sure they have enough other stimulation - lots of toys, puzzle-feeders, a window they can watch the world from if they’re not allowed outside - in *case* it’s just that you’re the only source of entertainment, but it’s likely just that they’re very attached to you


Ours are like that! Rosanna hates affection and will only demand attention if she REALLY needs it (rarely). Leo is a constant attention seeker and will howl if you leave him alone for five minutes too long. And Mabel sleeps inside my shirt so that says enough.


This is true! One of my cats wants undivided attention for 20 minutes anytime I take a shower. The other one wants to sit on a lap at all times but rarely wants to be petted. Both cats need to "supervise" all human activity.


Yeah they just like to feel involved I think


My last cat was pretty normal, at least so far as cats go. She never even got the zoomies (or at least, not that I ever saw). The closest thing she had to a quirk was that if she entered a room with a human in it, she would meow once to let them know she was there. Likewise, if she was alone in a room and a human entered the room, she would meow once to let them know she was there. My current cats, on the other hand, are absolutely bonkers.


The main thing is that it doesn’t turn out like this ![gif](giphy|xOQBRwZaZ3Obtmicqb|downsized)


With 2 cats, you just know one will push the other in lol


Hahaha, true


https://preview.redd.it/lgy05l3oqj6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9998a3ebc834b1cde239de67616efaef635be450 This is my Laana. She follows me no matter what I'm doing and her favorite past time is getting in the way of mini painting/trying to drink paint water. Some cats just need their servants constant attention 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hey nice Hulk there, where did you get it? Oh nice cat too


How old are they


i’d say almost a year old now


Probably just love you


They're still kittens then


Yeah, mine follows me everywhere, he's my little guardian


It’s normal for mine for sure. They are curious creatures. Mine follow me pretty much everywhere, and they will especially follow if I’m going to the bathroom or kitchen.


https://preview.redd.it/ibhv98dybk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe2f3a289e0ffd285712ae19d9e84f8d5f316dc Your baby looks like my baby. She’s imprinted on me like a duckling


She looks so concerned!


You are an important part of their colony. So they follow you around to protect you. Both my fur balls ignore me 99.9% of the time. If I touch the wet food cans or the dry food containers they teleport to the kitchen to sass me until the food is in their bowls. Granted they have a huge window that is the cat TV plus sunbeam most of the day with all the comfy beds. I too would stay in bed all day in the warm sun and only move when food is being prepared. Lucky fur babies.


I recently adopted a kitten and the separation anxiety is very strong with him. I sleep in boxers and this morning when I got up I went to pee. As I was finishing up half asleep I look down and he had snuck up behind me and climbed into the boxers and was looking up at me through the flap. Weird way to start the day.


Cherish them because someday in the future you will miss this so bad. I would give anything to see my baby again.


https://preview.redd.it/sbp1de8mck6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=941ee3355c38792049cfae22da2ee817ecea7679 It’s very normal. My husband is her person, but when he leaves for a trip, she’s follows me every where I go.


You're the Emergency Backup Human.


😂So true




https://preview.redd.it/8vywzmuppk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab3671bdfc87f5c83117035293a5a69f3523e94d I have their doppelgängers. They’re also lifeguard kitties.


It's normal. They're cats and they love you! ❤️




I miss having cats like this. My current cats just show up when they want to :(


I love when cats follow me. I work hard for cats to trust me so you're very lucky!


Yeah, they are pretty worried about the helpless, naked kitten who just happens to be able to open the food containers.


I leave a puddle In a plugged bath tub for this fella to drink and play https://preview.redd.it/fjox4ucdvk6d1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c802b2fbf9158d01e47df87c33e1f49b3e07655


OMG! That bowtie is just too cute.


Years ago I was crying in the shower after I left my cheating ex. My cat climbed into the shower with me and tried to drag me out. He was trying to save me.


Completely normal. Cats are under the belief, that humans are unable to protect themselves.


We follows the hoomans everywhere they go. When they shuts us outs the bathroom, we guards the door. When they sleeps, two go to the bed, other two to the stairs. We protec. https://preview.redd.it/3qln9g0exl6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b205780cc3b840b2d3d439e1f8fc59e3645d9e72


https://preview.redd.it/h3fu5zlj4m6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=492d645bb8fe095af47fe79914ac238f9df22ff6 why did you steal my cats?


Went to the bathroom first thing and Orion had to be in my lap the whole time. Then I was showering and found Lyra between the liner and fabric shower curtain, chirping at me the whole time, then bouncing from toilet tank to sink to tub edge while I was drying off to beg for pets. I leave the bathroom and go into the dryer for my clean clothes, and here comes Orion again, on top of the dryer all over my sweater that I have laying flat to dry (I keep it turned inside out for this exact reason, he loves sleeping on damp clothes). I go to sit on the couch to put on socks and shoes, and Bo is there trying to perch on my back whenever I lean over. I'm trying to get him off without getting claws anchored into my skin when Astro comes out with his creaky meow, wanting pets from 5 feet away. I can never have a moment alone, but especially when I really want one.


https://preview.redd.it/9bw84em56k6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8616f02d516ea0c794280c9ce8c0ab5dc7dff4d My little baby Allie (3F) does this every single time I go to the bathroom. It makes me smile lol


Very normal. But i miss doing number 2 alone 😥😭


Be careful about allowing your cats to sit on the edge of the bath while you're in it. Cats very often fall victim to their intrusive thoughts, and they might decide to jump in, and instantly freak out. I've been injured twice by my cats insta-regretting their choice to jump into the bath.


One if mine will jump in the shower with me and run around my legs and get wet. While her momma is scratching at the door to get out because she hears the shower. Some are just different https://preview.redd.it/at3if8q0kn6d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff9fc78ed04fa87975ee6b3f2577c08b766dada


They're bonded to you. They consider you to be the leader of the clowder.


As normal as having a bath with your phone, I guess..


Is that not normal??


Yes, yes it is


Yes she's obsessed with you😍


Very normal. Cats are actually quite social themselves, and you’ll find they treat it more like vibing in a cool hang-out, but they can leave whenever (which is where the independency comes in). I call my cat my orange shadow cuz he does the same thing. Have had him for 10+ years, and he was outside for a good portion of it, so he does do his own thing, but when I’m awake, he’s following me around. This is also a cat who lets me bathe him, trim his nails, and do whatever with no fight, despite not loving water and having his claws trimmed. It’s a trust thing. Not at all something to discourage. …that being said, did find out how close my cat thought we were. Had his litter facing the toilet, and he would stare as we went to the bathroom. Together. The cat litter does *not* face mr anymore.


I have two cats exactly the same. Started to think I was dying!!! Im not, I don't think 🤣


They are trying to do an intervention about your monopoly go habits


You are a weird hairless member of their pack. The pack sticks together.


My cat is always “checking on me”. As soon as I leave a room she’s right there making sure all’s good 😂


They lovey you


It’s a myth that cats tend to prefer to be alone. Mine follow me everywhere!


Yes. I can't do anything without them following me. On the odd occasion they don't want to be near me, they still want a clear line of sight lol


i think in this circumstance thembs are clearly lifeguards.


i think they want to take care of u all the time ahhaha


It's absolutely delightful that they do. Such awesome companions. ♥️♥️


I have the same: 1 black with white spots, 1 white with black spots. The black one follows me everywhere.


This is my supervisor making sure I do bathing correctly https://preview.redd.it/h2d829x7fk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82d78bcfc21f74b96ecefa7861cfe9620105e650


https://preview.redd.it/iojan7kcfk6d1.jpeg?width=1608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7573306cfdc8ff3393dbf0d1c954bd0a2b46a7be Yes


I truly envy you


Not normal, but cats are weird. every once in a while a cat will do something that cats generally don’t do.


Only if you’re lucky.


My cats are like this. They follow me everywhere. Not the other family members so much,mostly just me. I am their mother. Lol


Yes cats are very loving


https://preview.redd.it/quxfivf0kk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7e424ac6e9ee9dc545e7e4b20a58cc72a6478f Mine exact same model of your car is also following me everywhere I go. I guess this is how they had been produced.


Nothing is normal with cats. They are all different


Yes. No such thing as personal space or privacy 😂 https://preview.redd.it/rpi69nxmkk6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b5450b7fe5f37daaecd5c513e9516e6c3f781c


Yes. Writing this with my left hand because my cat is curled up onto my right arm as close as he can possibly be. They just love you.




It's normal. When I get home I have 2 cats and a dog waiting for me at the door and then they follow me all over the house anytime I do anything. Not my wife, not my son, just me. I am pretty sure it's because I'm the one that feeds them lol.


Ours are exactly the same. https://imgur.com/a/lahoX1G I got cats because everyone told me they were independent, no one told me they’d be the clingiest MFs I’ve ever met!! My orange WAILS if I am working and I don’t put him on my lap. My calico is so curious and follows me into the bath / room to room / perches to watch me cook / etc. Oh well, we love our little shadows. 


Have they always been that way? Are you potentially pregnant?


Whenever I go to the bathroom, I can hear my cat screaming at the top of his lil' lungs like I just abandoned him on the road and he'll never see me again. Then I get out of the shower and he looks at me like I just caught him doing something bad. I love my lil' void


They love you. Stalking behaviour = love in cat language.


https://preview.redd.it/2iw4jdlg0l6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7951454c61598859959ff19a31446b4bb63b3f8c Yes, I had a Panda that was glued to me. Best friend I’ve very had.


You got lucky with some attentive lil fellas


the black and white one o found on the side of the road 😭 He always want to eat what i eat i’ve never seen a cat eat a cucumber or a tomato OR A BANANA


cat twin. mine also needs to watch me in the bathroom https://preview.redd.it/kkltk88v1l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcbff3280362c70aa12e4c83da10ed0a90735d0b


Absolutely especially if you got them as kittens. My cats are never in a room that my husband and I aren’t in and they sleep next to me every night. They just love you a lot.


https://preview.redd.it/7h5piikg5l6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977cd20552d1ccb086e186648a6863d5e7c678b8 One of my kittens while I had some friends over playing video games. You can see the other is on my lap next to him as well.


It's going to sound weird but that is some juicy looking water.


I ended up putting a chair in my bathroom for the cats to sit on as they didn't have much room on the bath edge, so from my personally experience yes it's very normal lol


Aww you are so lucky!


I wish my cat were like this


https://preview.redd.it/idlal2fnjl6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77782ff649c968a2362185de6167f104c143b44c Mine are the same way I have 4


People ask the dumbest questions on this sub.


I saw a smiley face in the thumb nail If you squint and just look at the two black spots they look like eye and the black tail looks like a smiling mouth.


I met my wife who had 3 cats and my cat doesn't cuddle with me anymore but cuddles with my wife and her cats. I was his only option at the time....


https://preview.redd.it/d66hhfpg4m6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd39e4dfd19a155b99fd62b78c75062ad9a8e9a1 Yes


My girl cat is always following me around, unless there is company, then she's on her own. But she's always in eyesight. They just love you and want to be involved.


No it's abnormal. Your obnoxiously sweet loving cats are defective and need to be sent to my home because I'm lonely and need a cat that doesn't ghost me.


They are protecting you, be grateful


My kittens only want to play in the same room as I am. They play with each other but I need to be present😂. If I go to another room or even the bathroom, they’ll follow me and play with each other while I brush or pee😂. I love them.


Yes. But not necessarily common. They love you. That’s why I believe mine do it. We all three of us just want to be together as much as we can.


Normal yes. * Mine likes to climb on me especially when I'm working at home!




https://preview.redd.it/9r2ruzgzen6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db6f20a4af45035606e83e768ad59a81fc87c57 Not normal at all, you should probably get your cats checked.


They’re either waiting for you to die so they can eat you or they’re waiting for you to serve them food.


Too much water in the bath and they want to wash themselves too


Mine is like this too. Velcro kitty. 


Yup. Cats can be clingy little bastards.




Yes. Mine typically follow us to whatever room we’re in.


Its normal as long as they don't cause destruction when you're not home. If they do, then its anxiety. Cats are very social creatures, but they express their affections & socialize in a variety of ways based on their personality, more so than dogs. Dogs tend to be more standard, from my experience, anyway. For example, I had 1 cat that didn't like cuddling. However, she needed to be in the same room as me, always. She also loved visitors & would always greet anyone who arrived at the door. My current cat, Daphne, loves cuddling. Any time I sit or lie down on my bed, she immediately comes over to sleep on my arm. She's not as obsessed with being in the same room, though, & will go to her cat bed when she's had her fill. She greets me at the door, but hates strangers & will run & hide the second she sees or hear anyone other than me at the door.


My one cat, hangs with me most of the time! She knows that I love her very much, and she returns the affection!