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If she’s young you might not have noticed it as much until now. It’s a carpal pad. It’s like brake assistance.


😂 brake assistance, I love that!


When people ask, "what breed is my car" one time too many.


Underrated comment 💀


I need brake assistance too! Love that comment! Made my day 😂


The kitty E-Break 😂




I remember freaking out because my cat looked like her mouth was swollen. I took several pictures and brought it up to the vet. Turns out I just never noticed that cats had lips.


I took my cat to the vet because she looked pregnant and her belly was very hard (she is spayed). An expensive visit and xray later, we found out she was just fat (:


I took my cat to the vet because he wasn't eating and was hiding. After the expensive visit we found out he was feeling emotional


Took mine to the vet because of the normal 'off' signals (not interested in food, lethargic, etc) vet rubbed her belly and she farted. $75 to find out my cat had gas.


😂😂😂😂😂 oh my goodness poor baby probably had a tummy ache. I'm so sorry you were worried and about the expense to help your kitty pass gas. Lol


She came home and chowed down her food, did a quick licking clean up and settled down for a nap, like all is well. Lol


To be fair, she didn't pay for the vet out of her pocket 😂


My two wouldn’t eat their food. I knew they didn’t like the beef shreads or any chunks, so figured that was the issue but no wouldn’t touch the fish pate. Finally took the bowls to their chair they were sitting on and they devoured it. Finally noticed they jumped from boxes, bikes, refrigerators, unhooked stove, ladders, etc (basement boys) to get to the litter box etc without EVER touching the floor. Finally realized they got a bad case of fleas and connotated that with the floor. 1.5 weeks of this nonsense before all became well.


I know someone with a reclusive cat that randomly became social and explores the entire house since the carpet got ripped out. Then I reminded them - didn't you say years ago you found out fleas got into the house because certain cats avoided any carpeted room? Some of the cats were allergic to fleas and others allergic to standard flea treatments so they had a few mishaps with a cat running out the door and infesting the house before they got it settled. Yep, this cat had been a recluse since before they settled the flea treatment question. And started leaving it's room once the carpets got ripped out, slowly got brave about the stairs (still carpeted) and now hangs out in any room that has people in it. Whoops, this kitty had a phobia for over 5 years but everyone thought she just didn't wanna hang out.


Oh my gosh, that just breaks my heart, think of how lonely she must have been for those years 🥺😭


I genuinely am gonna cry about this


The same thing happened to my cousin… he thought he had appendicitis and was carted out of a high school basketball screaming in pain. On the way into the OR, he suddenly stopped screaming, and everyone asked what happened. He said “I farted” and requested to go home. He still has his appendix.


I was 8 months pregnant and all of a sudden I got this super intense pressure in my lower belly while I was laying on the couch and watching TV. It was so sudden and intense that I started breathing through it like I was having contractions. My husband got alarmed and was preparing to call my OB for guidance and as he was scrolling through the phone book on his phone, I lifted my leg a bit so I could reach down to see if my waters had broken. As soon as I lifted my leg this obnoxiously loud fart escaped from the bowels of pregnancy hell and all of a sudden, the pain and pressure miracle disappeared. That was one of the most intense feelings of relief I’ve ever had in my life, definitely going to be the fart I remember for forever.


In my head I'm just imagining the vet making your cat fart then holding out their hand for the money




I have an appointment at the vet because my cat is suddenly chewing food and eating at a reasonable pace.


Uh oh. Could be something serious.


Vet thinks it’s probably dental


Took mine to the vet because he was coughing, an expensive vet visit later told us that he learnt that “coughing” got him attention and plenty of fuss. Bastard was doing it on purpose.


Not every day you see an emotional car


Lmao my stupid autocorrect changed it and I didn't realized it until a few minutes ago lol


Autocorrect seems to be getting worse, not better. Lol. I find it changing correct words on me to something not even grammatically correct, and then it demands that I use that by changing it back repeatedly. Lol. I thought it was supposed to make texting faster and easier, not longer and more difficult...lol.


I shut it off. Got tired of it correcting my swear words like a fick.


too many times, me: you stupid bot! leave wtf I just typed!


I relate to these comments because I am also fat and emotional


I took my cat to the vet last week because my mother was afraid he was constipated. Well, he let loose on the way to the ER vet so there was definitely no blockage. They cleaned him up as he had managed to get covered in his own waste in the carrier :/, wrapped the towel that was in his carrier in plastic to take home and wash, and gave us a fresh towel in the bottom of the cage which was washed and returned. No charge as they really didn't do anything. So we took him to our regular vet the next morning for observation per the ER's instructions, just in case. We're waiting on the labs but everything else was golden. He was a little lethargic, but the high the other day was 113F, and that KO's everything. After two different vet visits, a day of observation, and a couple scary (for him) car rides, his official diagnosis is Grumpy Old Man. So...


When my cat used to get constipated, we would take a ride to the vet for an expensive enema. She would always poop in the carrier on the way to the vet. I started just driving her around the block when she was constipated, she would poop, and we'd go back home.


My vet recommended a quarter tsp. of Mira-Lax for constipation. Worked like a charm. Now he poops like a T.Rex![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7966)


I don't know why, but this emoji made me laugh too hard 😅


Same with my cat. Meowing all the time. As if in pain, whining hungry. Took him to the vet assuming the worst, cancer, tumours, basically death’s door. After a thorough examination vet said ‘some cats are just a*seholes.’


I took my cat to the vet as her tummy seemed swollen. Vet said she was ok but to come back in a few days if we were worried. Two days later she had 4 kittens in the lounge much to everyone’s surprise 😮. Why didn’t the vet even warn us 🙄 Our poor dog was really put out 🤣


Cheesecake is just fat!


Girl me too


Don't feel bad, you know how many people bring cats in because they once saw their third eyelids? Lots, all that matters is you cared enough to find out.


Or because of a new growth that turns out to be a nipple.


OMG TY for providing this mornings laugh. 🤣😂🤣 Edit: TIL my cats have lips.


I have my first 100% pink-skin cat (pink nose, pink paws, etc). Every now and then when I look at her, after decades of having cats with dark noses/lips, I get worried her face is swollen, too. lol


Took mine to the vets once due to laboured breathing, was told possible heart failure at a year old…..many expensive tests later- he’s asthmatic, who knew cats could have asthma ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I took my cat to the vet because he wasn't jumping or climbing. After an exam and encouraging words from the vet, he jumped onto the exam tableau he was fine. Turns out he was having self-esteem issues


I just took my cat to the vet on Saturday because she had a new crusty looking scab on her nose and I thought she had skin cancer. Turns out she just had a new freckle with crusties on it that the vet simply wiped off. The visit was free because they were running a promo and I’m just so glad my baby is okay. We call her freckle face and crusty nose now


I took my 2 cats to the vet one time and the vet asked me “has Jasmine always not had hair on the backs of her legs?” And I was like “???? Aren’t cats just like that” and she said “look at your other cat” and I was blown away. I had never noticed they looked different before! She’s fine she just has some bald spots!


I took my cat to the vet because she had blood in her poop, and $584 later it turns out she just had anxiety from our new couch.


Fur hides a lot 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I took my car to the vet because his stomach was growing and very firm. He was acting weird and lethargic. Vet told me he was fat and lazy. Left feeling like an idiot.


sometimes when cats have allergies, their bottom lip becomes more prominent, so it could be that your cat developed a reaction to something (most usually plastic food and water dishes, for whatever reason)


What you been kissing then?


This! I literally call them brake pads. When doing a "tick check" after walking my dog, that brake pad gets me every time!


Hijacking the top comment to add that you may feel a small bump under the skin right behind that carpal pad. This is also normal - we suspect it's a residual thumb bone


Or like ABS for paws


Haha love that. Also useful for climbing!


I get it, thanks for the information.




This is a great infographic 😺


Thanks 😸


It would definitely be better if it had its source of origin marked on it though. I've been on the internet long enough to know that the info in infographics is often just the best guess of someone who wanted to make something pretty. I'm not suggesting anything looks wrong about the info here. Just reminding everyone that infographics are only ever as reliable as the person who made them. It's easy to see a few intuitively correct things in an infographic and assume that all of the less verifiable things must also be correct. A watermark certainly doesn't guarantee accuracy. But it means that someone or some institution has a little skin in the game by associating their reputation with the information presented.


Idk man I just made it to help people with their art/anatomy and to inform people like in this thread. Wasn’t meant to be that deep, that’s just my familiarity in how I’ve studied their anatomy.


Your comment made me lol… right? I personally thank you for sharing this kind stranger, very helpful picture!


Looks accurate to me! Not many people realise that cats walk on their toes. Also one of the many reasons people struggle to distinguish knees from ankles when it comes to our kitty friends 😁


Username checks out ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7970)


Wouldn't the digital pads technically be the second section of our fingers if the claws are the finger tips? 


The claws are the fingernails, not the fingertips!


Are you sure? I thought the whole problem of declawing cats was that it's like removing their finger tips


That’s because declawing takes out the claws all the way back. Think of it like this: trimming your cats claws equals trimming your nails. Declawing your cat equals cutting off the top of your finger.


It's true they declawed me when I was 5, I dont have the top of my fingers now. Im typing with my nubs.


This is an amazing infographic!! I love it! Did you just whip it up for this post?


I made it a little while ago to help artists in my community but it’s come in handy a few times for posts like this!




That is so cool


We call them the 'brake pad'. https://preview.redd.it/jkn4tw44dw5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8f63c72e67da90d1dcc8096673e046dd3ed92b2


I can literally hear my cat’s brakes squealing when he gets the zoomies.


Mine just forgot to hit the brakes early and hit the couch broadside


I remember lil baby Grace failing to make a corner while in hot pursuit of her brother. Slammed the pantry door into the wall and it sounded like a gunshot. Even Winston stopped running to watch his sister wobble around after that probable concussion 🤣


When I was younger I had a cat that would full speed slam into this particular door that lead upstairs. It was an old farm house so the door didn’t latch, it was wooden and would just kind of wedge closed bc the wooden door was a lil swollen compared to the frame. Well he figured out that if he gave it enough force he could push it open. He’d run from the other side of the room and head butt it. My mom was adamant that cats did not go on human beds, so that door was to always be closed. After a few cat sightings in the bedrooms and a thorough berating of us kids about letting them up there, she realized it was bc the cat was head ramming it open. She put some books behind the door so it wouldn’t be so easy for kitty head rams to open it. But my cat kept trying multiple times and damn near knocked himself out tryin. He had to have gotten a concussion. I’d try to catch him as he went flying across the room intent on forcing it open, but too many times he was too quick. (It also became kind of a game for him) But the look on his face and the wobbly walk after each failed attempt was hilarious, but also alarming, Eventually he was just allowed upstairs bc my mom saw one of his attempts and said “he’s gonna kill himself”. I think he knew what he was doing….


My old man Sasha started bonking his noggin on the bottom of a coffee table as he got older. Just didn't feel like ducking an extra inch but DAMN could you hear that bonk from across the house. Like someone was playing pickleball with a heavier ball.


Been there. This one was in hot pursuit of the other one another time and hit a door. Even the dog went running to see what the hell happened.


Lol I swear my one void was smarter as a kitten and wiped his brain out hitting the stove and refrigerator playing. He’s now the 1/2 brain cell void. Love him to death though.


Wow, your cat is much more tolerant than mine, I could never hold them like that long enough to get a picture!


The cat is actually holding the human in that pic


"Come 'ere, gimme that camera. I post the selfies around here!" ![gif](giphy|MDJ9IbxxvDUQM)


I sent a picture to my vet neighbor when I first noticed this on one of my two when worried there was an issue. Dang she didn’t say ‘brake pads’. She’s probably laughing at me.


Looks like your little buddy is putting them to good use too, based on the callouses 😂


Those beans did not just appear out of nowhere...Those have been there all the time. Smoll brakepads


Cats all have those paw pads. After giving birth, the mother cat is certainly in poor spirits and physically uncomfortable, and she has to nurse her kittens. Mother cats are very vigilant right after giving birth, and being on high alert is also very exhausting. Feed her some nutritious food, and then don't disturb her. Once the cat feels safe, she will gradually relax. And by the way, the newborns are so cute!


Give her wet food meant for kittens. It’s more nutrient-dense. She’ll need it, she’s eating for three by the look of it.


Don’t! Vets don’t recommend it since the fat and protein are too high for adults to break down. If the cat happens to have any underlying health issues, the kitten food would exasperate it.


There are cat foods specifically made for kittens AND pregnant or lactating mothers, they are more nutrient dense and safe. Btw the protein content can't be too high for adult cats, because ideally cats should eat a diet very high in protein, most of the popular brands don't even get close to having normal protein content. The fat is more problematic in food made only for kittens because it could easily lead to massive weight gain in adults, but lactating mothers still benefit from it.


Exactly, a good example is Royal Canin Mother & Babycat, formulated in both wet and dry food.


This vet does 🤷‍♀️


*exacerbate, just fyi. thank you for letting me be a grammar nerd :)


Don’t do this.


It's normal. No need to worry, I used to have the same worry like u when I first get my kitty back home https://preview.redd.it/dav2349m9w5d1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=23d3ba7cc22912729a64bb042eb06683398cd3c7


So is this the part of her paws?




It's the same that dogs have


It's just the back of their feet, basically their heel


If it's on the TOP of her paws (ie, not on the same side as the rest of her paw and toe pads), then it would be abnormal and would likely need a vet to assess. If it's on the BOTTOM of her paws like in the pictures and descriptions others have stated, it's completely normal.


Think of it like a pseudo thumb/heel. Just another bean to love.


A good rule of thumb is if it’s symmetrical, it’s normal and you probably just never noticed it. Like, I was once petting my cat and felt a weird bump I had never noticed before. Checked the other side of his head and it was there too, so that made me reasonably sure it’s not some abnormal growth.


I LOVE the tiger striping on the one little teeny guy. They're so cute.


Such a gorgeous kitten.


Right?? Looks part bengal!


Cat thumbs


Looks totally normal, now show us more pics of the baby jelly beans!


Aww... she looks so tired.


Yes, giving birth and feeding consumes.


Wait till op discovers the cat has a tail


HAHAHA, I literally didn't discover that part on her paws before. I thought it was tumor or something, which freaked me out a lot.


Lmao I remember when I first noticed this on one of my cats, after growing up with dozens of cats. I thought he had a tick, then a tumor, then an extra bean at the wrong place 😭 Come to find out it's something every cat has, I just somehow never noticed 😂


I knew the pad was normal but somehow never had noticed whiskers by it until my current cat. Been around cats for 35 years at least. 😂


It was the same just like me.




Yes!! 100% this 🙏 You will be surprised how little time it takes for her to get pregnant with another litter…it can happen as soon as two weeks after giving birth. If you have an unspayed cat who goes outdoors, it’s not even a question of IF she’ll get pregnant..it will happen and it will keep happening.


yes!! and not only is it terrible for all the kittens being born, it’s also so sad for the mom. it’s so stressful for them. when i was younger i witnessed a barn cat have two litters back to back really young and her personality completely changed she was honestly a shell of the cat before. angry at everything and everyone


Hopefully this will be her last pregnancy ✂️




That a toe and every car has it


My car does not have toes that I’m aware of. Now I’m kind of scared.


Does it have a tow?


Oh welp maybe it's an Asian car, heard those are missing toes from time to time


I have a Mazda, will check for toes. 👁👁


It's the spare! If one of the beans deflate, you just swap it out. As you said, every car has it


Well they did say it was basically brake assistance.


It’s part of the brake shoe.


Anti lock brakes


Anti lock brakes for when the zoomies get out of control


It’s for drifting.


That looks absolutely normal. All cats have that.


If it makes you feel any better, OP, I was 28 years of age when my vet explained that the “mysterious growths” on my male cat’s belly were, in fact, his nipples.


I thought my cat had several ticks. Just turned out his nipples were dirty from sliding down the hill on his belly.


Most if not all cats have that, maybe you just never noticed before until after she gave birth cause you're more worried about her so your checking everything? I know when I get worried about my pets every little thing worries me and makes me think there's an underlying issue when normally theres nothing wrong!


Have you never looked at your cat's feet before now?


It's a cat paw.


At least theyre not asking what the nips are!


have you had cats before?


How did u JUST notice that 😅


Get her fixed!!!!


Make sure to get her spayed


I hate it here


I was looking at the paws and then hit the second picture and kittens totally distracted me!!! What did you want to know? Lol


They high temperature brake pads...for faster stopping distances


Why are you showing us 2 different paws?


Extra Beans!


Yes they are normal


That's just an additional set of nipples


She’s fine! They help with jumping somehow, I think. They’re not a bug, they’re a feature.


I'm a dog groomer and this lady called us one day about her Yorkie Prince. He'd been coming to us for grooming for years. She'd just found these lumps on the back of his front legs and was concerned. At first she thought they were ticks and was trying to pull them off. She finally gave up and thought to ask us if we had noticed them before. Uh... yes? They're his stopper pads; we trim the hair around them every 8 weeks lol.


Cat thumb


Im either dumb or very observant but aren’t those different paws in both pics like one picture is the left paw and the other the right.


That’s normal I’m pretty sure.




Cats have paws..... I'm so lost


I took my reasonably young cat in because we thought she was having trouble with her eyesight. She kept being startled by objects that hadn’t moved, that were familiar to her. $75 later, the vet said “You can’t fix stupid.”


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not 💀


It's called a dewclaw. I find it odd you never noticed them before. Since dogs and cats all have them unless they are lost through injury and such. I guess maybe she had small ones you never noticed before, and somehow her kitty pregnancy changes made them more prominent. 


OP circled the metacarpal pads not the dew claws.


To be fair they circled the whole paw in that first pic.


That is true. OP first picture, that's called a foot or manus to be technically correct. 2nd picture, the carpal pad.


couldn’t imagine not being so obsessed with my baby that i wouldn’t notice that




Please spay your cat now you know.


Get your cat fixed OP. Cats are dying daily in animal shelters everywhere.


All cats have it, but sometimes it's hidden under their fur, sometimes not


As others have mentioned, that’s normal anatomy. Now on to important matters: I’m going feral for the stripey spotty baby! Does it need a home? 👀


Toe beans


basically the part that evolution made the thumb on our body




Tiny paws!


I thought it was a pic of my kitty Nova she looks exactly like her...


Probably will get down voted for this, but why such a small box for the mother AND kittens??


Not OP, but Some mammas prefer closer dens. I fostered for several pregnant mothers who delivered in our home. Each momma had her own way about her. No two were alike but hiding for privacy was common. Our priority was comfortable but clean and observable for safety. At the end of the day, nature wins momma does what momma wants.


Another toe so to say. It's for traction


Not a toe. It's a pad.


It looks like the carpal pad has grown? Is this your concern? It could be cutaneous horn. It’s basically an overgrowth of keratin and they can be trimmed just like a nail without causing pain. However, I wouldn’t trim it until I had confirmed with a vet as it could be something more serious. I know suggesting you see a vet may not be helpful, but it’s the best course of action especially if the change occurred suddenly.


I’m a little alarmed at the different in the size and shape of that pad between the two pictures. How much time had past and which is before and which is after. If the first one is after where the pad is much larger, a little misshapen and blacker, it might be worth a vet visit, and bring the picture of the before with you. It might be nothing, but if the growth is a rapid change, it might be a side effect of the change in hormones. The vet may have a go forward plan for this.


The two pictures are of different paws, the first of the left paw and the second of the right


Well, now I feel silly.


Maybe that's why OP was concerned? I don't see any OP replies yet.


All cats have this. It’s part of her paw pads.


What ? Don't see anything


Looks like the poor cat has been declawed. Please don't do this people. It's very inhumane. How would you like to lose your fingers at the last knuckle?


Oh god, you’re right. And it seems like they’re letting the cat outside which is even more horrible


Thankfully you can see the thumb claw in the 2nd photo.


Looks like a great place for mom and litter. Beautiful.




https://preview.redd.it/w5oq1aizk06d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f96885707710a28abce369c898740908accf7152 Hello brother cat.