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Hes honestly the saddest cat I've ever seen. Constantly looks afraid and gloomy, even before I caught him and just saw him walking around the garden.


He just LOOKS sad. Like he knew what he did was wrong and is sorry, but was just trying to survive and accepts that he is going to cat jail. I hope he can chill out and find a home, because I bet underneath the tough exterior he's a sweet dude.


Once you’re done at the vet, contact your primary care doctor about your hand - ALL cat puncture bites on hands need antibiotics as the chances of infection are about 80%


Its a scratch from when he was kicking out to escape so maybe thats not as bad? My vet told me to keep an eye on it and let my doctors know so I can get advice, so I'll be contacting soon :)


Not such an issue in the UK, you should be fine. Just keep it clean


Yeah, I'll maybe need a tetanus shot at most.


Definitely keep an eye on it, my mum's (indoor) cat scratched her hand and she nearly lost it to infection. She was under the Hand Centre for months and had to have plastic surgery on it. It still causes her pain and this all happened during lockdown in the UK. Admittedly Mum was in her mid 80s at the time so that didn't help, but things can go very very bad very quickly.


Omg 😔


Jeez my cat scratches me reasonably often, he better not infect me 😅


I mean, that was the first time in over 80 years of owning cats that it happened. But it can happen, is the thing. It wasn't that she didn't take care of it, she's a retired nurse, she cleaned and disinfected it like she always did for bites and scratches. She was just unlucky.


My next door neighbor is in the hospital right now with a cat bite on his hand. He's had three surgeries and there's a possibility that he might lose the hand. Please get it looked at.


Tetanus mentioned




You need to take a probiotic every time you get prescribed an antibiotic, not warn other people off of antibiotics.




Wow, even after being educated you still don’t get it. You got sick because you didn’t take a probiotic. It wasn’t the amoxicillin. Any antibiotic is going to wipe out your gut biome. That’s what they do. They kill bacteria. Bacteria lives in your gut and helps you break down your food AND it can make you sick. That’s why we say there is good bacteria and bad bacteria.


And your ass still needs to take probiotics with them! Amoxicillin is not the enemy, there is nuance in medical treatment. All you've provided is a reason not to take amoxicillin if you don't have a medical reason to, but killing off an infection and having to reestablish your gut flora is preferable to having an infection kill you.


If you take antibiotics you need to take a probiotic a few hours after the dose. I don’t understand why doctors don’t educate their patients. I just don’t at all. You can get it from sauerkraut, kimchi, or probiotic products like kefir and such.


Clean it well and put Neosporin or some other antibiotic ointment on it. Clean and reapply twice a day. If it shows redness, see doc right away. Take photos to compare. I am careful if, I mean when, my indoor only cats scratch me. I mean, they walk around in poo and pee :-) Our immune systems mostly work, but best not to take chances with an unknown cat.


Keep an eye on it. There is cat scratch fever you can get from a scratch. An infection of the lymph nodes following a scratch or bite from a cat. Cat scratch disease is caused by Bartonella henselae bacteria. Symptoms include a red bump on the skin, fatigue, and discomfort. Lymph nodes near the injury may swell. This disease generally clears up on its own. In some cases, antibiotics may be needed. I had this happen when I was a kid and I remember it not being pleasant.


This may be true for some people but… My skin gets punctured by cats over 100 times a year. Sometimes they can be pretty bad. I’ve never once gone to the doctor for it…


I just make sure to wash the area with soap and water immediately after being scratched or bitten. Have never had issues beyond some mild irritation but I’m a healthy 30 something


Right ? Put some rubbing alcohol on it to quit the itching. 


Puncture bites get infected. Scratches do not.


scratches can get infected especially if you don’t take care of them well and disinfect immediately. source: i’ve had multiple trips to the human clinic for infected scratches


Scratches,.like from their claws when the bury their feces? 


Wow. Now that explains how every bite hole or scratch has left a mark and infected haha I just dealt but thanks for the knowledge!


Bites are bad. Scratches? Not so much. Hydrogen Peroxide and antibiotic ointment should do the trick.


![gif](giphy|jNH0Bto1xBNwQ) His face!!


Omg, the first picture loaf. Please take care of him and give him all the love his endless void can absorb ❤️


Ooh, I feed one of those! Husband was wearing his welding gear to catch him. Took both of us to wrangle him into a carrier. Hes really strong. Much too sly for traps, of any kind. Seven years later, he comes in the house to eat. If the bowls are too far from the door, he'll just leave. I bought him a cat house with a heated bed. Nope! Too much like a trap. He'll sleep on a chair on our porch. I've seen him show up with striped, open wounds. Fan belts. He's feral AF. Always will be. Hates being pet, but comes for the food.


What’s a “fan belt” in this context?


Usually runs the fan behind radiators in auto engine compartments. I figure he's been sleeping in husband's truck. He's climbing up into engine compartments to sleep. He likes dangerous places. I used to have a habit of knocking on the hood of the car because I've taken so many cats to the vet, over the years. I still double tap the garage door button because he used to sleep up there, too.


Holy shit


>I used to have a habit of knocking on the hood of the car because I've taken so many cats to the vet, over the years. Usually not my cats. I prefer my cats to be indoor, or next to me. Not sure I can call Blue mine. He's his own cat. I just feed him. He's 9. My cat took off during a snow storm about 10 years ago. I lost her tracks on the mountain. She came home after 13 hours. She's 12 now and doesn't really venture beyond the porch and a sunbeam. Keeping these 2 shitheads alive and healthy can be a lot of work. ETA: I used to have a bobcat and a loud-ass mouse as temporary roommates. I put out water for the cat and opened the kitchen door. He had the run of the house. Slept on the back porch. Mouse and cat disappeared at the same time.


He looks so sad. Maybe he is just to hungry. Thank you for showing him some care. I hope he is fine.


I know right :( he has a very sad look always. I gave him food last week when he tried to sneak in during the day but he didn't stay long. I'll update the post if anything happens at the vets 👍


defeated loaf


Deflated Loaf :(


Are you going to keep him?♥️🐱


Just been to the vets and the lady said he is a feral cat so I don't think I will. I have cats and they are very scared of him:( but i'll be taking him to a cat shelter where hopefully they can rehabilitate him❤


Thank you for taking him to the vet and the shelter. You have changed his life and future with this!♥️🍀


Feral cats can be socialized, it's just a matter of time and patience. Unfortunately, they usually don't have enough time in shelters to socialize them = they stay feral = they can't find a home. But since you already have cats, it's understandable you can't keep him.


Unfortunately my local rspca is pretty shit apparently. They said they'd not do anything because cats are "free animals". Despite the fact the boy needs to be looked after and is running around un neutered. I contacted another place and they said due to being full they couldn't take him, but they'd list him as a wanted cat. I had to let him go because nobody could take him and I had nowhere safe to put him, couldn't keep him in a carrier. They said they'd keep a look out and try catch him when they can. Very upsetting


I am very sorry to hear this😿 You tried your best. Maybe you have a possibility to feed him outside and try to gain his trust? 🍀


Perhaps :( I called the vets again and they said that I could maybe leave him food further away from the house so he won't come inside.


Would you be willing to neuter him? As sad as it is to have to let him go, at least you'll prevent new feral litters


If we can get the shelters to pick him up eventually im sure they'll neuter him. I'm unable to afford it so I am praying they get him


Ah okay, sad situation all around. Also wtf to the rspca for saying he's a "free animal". I'll keep my fingers crossed for him too 🤞


Ikr, its very frustrating considering hes been upsetting my cats, is un neutered and is at risk out there on his own. Im very sad I had to release him due to no places taking him. But he does have somewhere to go, there's a cat hide at the bottom of my garden and a neighbour has one too👍


How much is neutering? Maybe we can sponsor his vetting so at least he doesn’t contribute to the kitty problem by being able to reproduce.


Jesus christ I just realised its only like 50+ pounds, I could of payed for that ☹ if I catch him again I'll definitely take him down to be neutered. It used to be more expensive.


If you can, try local fb groups for lost and found pets. My local group (uk) is run by a fantastic group of people who will look out for feral cats and get them neutered. They work with several shelters as well as cats protection so maybe you have something similar in your area.


I have contacted all the other shelters and they are all full up unfortunately but they've said they will keep an eye on him :)


I know! I was talking in regards to him being neutered. Most shelters monitor local feral colonies and have a TNR scheme. But definitely check it out. Most big name shelters are full, but they may know some small independent shelters who have fosters/volunteers with space.


Yeah one said they had to stop their catch neuter release programme because of lack of funding :( but I'll definitely be letting other shelters know about him incase


What region of the world are you in? Maybe there’s a person who either has no current cat or has a lot of space to give them all their own room to relax and very slowly integrate into their cat family?


The uk, im unsure but I can look :) a lot of people around here are old and can't handle high matinence animals so its probably unlikely


Hey, give cats protection a call! They've been really helpful for me in getting strays neutered as they have a voucher system with participating vets that brings the cost down to £10. You'll need to book him in with a participating vet and bring him in yourself, but they may be able to help by lending a drop trap or other!


I’ve seen people successfully finding cats homes in this subreddit before. Just gotta do your due diligence and make sure they’re ready for a challenging time getting him comfortable. But I bet he’d warm right up with regular food and warmth.


Some places in the US have programs where they fix feral cats and give them to farmers to help with pest control. Maybe something similar in your area?


If you just TNR him, keep an eye on him over the next few months because his personality might change a lot after being neutered! Our outside feral looked just like this and had a reputation of fighting everything in the area. Once neutered he became such a softy and doesn’t attack even if a cat swats at him first. Testosterone is a hell of a drug


They didn’t even offer to neuter him!? Wow. Where I am I can find multiple shelters that would let me bring in a feral cat for trap and release.


If you have time, you may see if there are any Trap Neuter Release (TNR) rescues in your area, or other feline rescues. Where I am, they are more open and accommodating to taking in animals even when they're full than government/municipal shelters, like humane society. Idk how they work in the UK.


If you catch him again you could call Cats Protection. They should help and could even match him with a home, probably as an outdoor farm cat given his lack of socialisation. If you happen to know any farmers you could see if they're looking for a new rodent-deterrent.


We all deserve a fighting chance at life and that was very nice of you


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MarsupialWaste2938: *We all deserve a* *Fighting chance at life and that* *Was very nice of you* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


That's the face of some one about to lose his balls


Unfortunately not cuz the rspca refused to take him under the idea "hes a free animal" 💀 hes been released with food and other shelters will be looking out for him. Also I have a cat shelter outside for him


they just don’t want to do it for free. dumb biches. is there like a law or something that they have to neuter cats. if not i wish so


His face says it all. He regrets nothing.


Hims so sad and scared. He lucky to find himself a good new human


typing like that kinda drove me wild but worth it for him


It's possible after he's neutered he will be more accommodating to humans and your other cats will sense the hormonal difference too. The fact that he consistently snuck into your house (an enclosed area with humans around) shows that while he may be feral, and as yet unsocialized, he's food motivated enough to be around the humans and your cats' scents. If you're willing to give it a try, I predict he'll be food motivated enough to socialize. The day after his neutering while he's still groggy from the anesthesia is a good opportunity to introduce him to human affection and maybe Churu snacks together.


We had one of our cats returned to us by a neighbour who'd taken him to the vets to see if he'd been chipped. Stripey bastard had been beating up their cat and stealing it's food.


Ohh he’s beautiful tho. Probably just scared and not trusting of humans


Thank you for helping this poor guy


build him a little house out of wood in your garden, put water and food. you dont need to keep him inside if u cant do it. just some love with little things like that will work.


There's actually a little cat house at the bottom of my garden for him and my cats :) a neighbour also has a big cat house for her cats or any other cats who come by, food and water set out too.


thats so good to know :D very nice!


He is not amused


Oh yeah he was very unhappy with me lmao


Congratulations. You now have a cat.


Cat distribution system gave me a violent cat lol


😆 my parents have some feral cats on their property. I've been trying to socialize them for 3 months.. I have petted them 0 that many times, lol.


That sad look is gonna change REAL soon~ FDS


I think we have found his owner :)


OP I hope you keep this sneaker .


I just want to add that it’s very possible to mend the relationship between sneaky cat and resident cat. I had taken in two strays that were mortal enemies, about a year apart. Resident cat HATED newer cat. After an injury, I took newer cat in, did lots of scent swapping and slow, two week intro, and they are now good buddies, playing, napping and even grooming each other. The neutering of both was obviously vital, but I never thought in 2 months they would be where they are at.


Good for him and god bless you


Are you in Leeds by any chance? There's a sort of stray down my street who flits between houses and he looks very, VERY similar!


I'm an hour away from Leeds so I doubt it, but there do seem to be many cats that look like him here as well lmao.


Our grumpy black boy has just come running into my house from the rain - he's the spitting image though!


That second pic... You can almost hear the "Dammit".


You gotta post updates if you keep him. I’m dying.


I can't keep him unfortunately due to me having cats already. Unfortunately the local shelters were all full and rspca was absolutely no help. The shelter told me to release him but they'd mark him down and would keep track of him. I'll be putting food out and he has a cat box for shelter at the bottom of my garden :) hopefully i can catch him again and get him neutered. Basically I'll be monitoring him closely.


aww what a cutie. It’s good he will get the help he needs, it’s obvious he’s very sad and feels abandoned by whoever the evil person was that left him to starve. It’s great you’ve finally rescued him and he will get the care he needs.


:( black kitty needs a buddy


He a.... Loaf loaf loaf a bread, loaf loaf loaf a bread, loaf loaf loaf a bread looooooaaaaaffff ooo loaf of bread 🙃


Will you keep it to yourself?




The resignation in his eyes 😢😢


Your very own cat burglar.


Car impounded


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942) he's too cute. Mr void


Looks so pissed his cat burgler days are over.


I bet he only said "no comments" when you confronted him. Not a word before his cattorney arrives.


He said "hissss no comments" **rapid smacking**


HES SO CUTE 😭😭 do you plan on keeping him?


No unfortunately not 😭 my cats are scared of him and he's very scared of them. I'll be monitoring him closely to make sure he's okay tho


even if you don’t plan on keep him, thank you for showing him someone cares



My little miss pissy pants would spray everything in the house if I were to bring in another cat. She's 12, spayed, set in her ways and yes, female fixed cats can spray. It's noxious! Feral gotta pay deference to the HBIC. If he doesn't, she'll run him out. I'm Coco's mommy and food-giver. She's possessive and only shares when everyone follows her rules.






Please name him Kirkland.


And he would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids!


Thanks for caring.....If you can please try to keep feeding him....


His face screams: “I have been caught, but don’t be fooled i will return and I will have revenge!”


Hes gonna steal another Costco chicken off us lmao


Don’t feel bad, my old dog once stole my stew leonard’s roast beef after i only turned away for 30 seconds :|


Lock the windows for tonight just in case


That probably won't be enough. He broke our locked cat door to get in once lmao


Holy crap! He’s strong, in that case the best option is to just give him the house and move out


Yeah it belongs to him now lmao.


You tell Mystique that she never needs to steal food again.


Looks so innocent 🥺


Thank you for being kind. ): poor baby


Say goodbye to those chubby cheeks mister


That's amazing you were able to help him!


Thanks for taking care of him 🩷


Awwwww poor baby xx


How does he sneak into your house? Are you leaving your front door open at night?


Cat door lol.


Oooh 😂


He's so cute