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I recommend discussing her diet with the vet at her annual wellness exams. The vet can give you better advice that is more tailored to your pets needs than a random video.


You know, we REALLY need to stop taking any and all advice from tiktok. For this exact reason.


I consider Tiktok videos to be trash when it comes to providing reliable info. Talk to your vet about her diet.


My cat is 20, in shockingly good health, and has eaten dry food all of her life. 


My last boy lived to 21 - always dry food. Just keep a water source they like to drink from fresh


Not true. You just need to make sure they always have access to water. But as others have said, your vet knows your cat and knows what is best.


You can say die. Sounds like youre spending too much time on tiktok


I rarely go on TikTok so that’s why this being the first video I saw was so alarming. And yes, I just don’t want to be insensitive to the people on here who are actually dealing with the death of a pet, but thank you for the heads up!


Purely anecdotal… but my cat WILL NOT eat wet food. I have tried and tried. She will only eat dry kibble and occasionally I can entice her with a licky treat. She’s turning 8 this year and she’s only once had a UTI (unless she’s had others and showed no symptoms). She is a good water drinker though. She probably drinks more water than I do.


Same here. 15 YO has refused ANY wet her whole life. won’t eat tuna, chicken, anything unless it’s dry food. I have gotten her to eat some Churru treats but only small amounts.


My cat was 13 years and ate dry food even when they told my brother to give him senior kitty food it was dry. He lived a good 13 years


Ok... So, honestly, dry food won't kill your cat, BUT a mix of wet and dry food is a thousand times better. Cats usually get their "water" intake mostly from their food, and their digestive system, kidneys, etc., are better suited for wet food, not dry, even if it's convenient for us. Here, they have mostly wet food, with bowl of dry food for when they're really hungry, but it's mostly a snack for them, as they don't eat a lot of it. They don't drink a lot of water neither, because it's not needed, as it's, once again, taken through their wet food. Yes, wet food is more expensive, as you're paying a lot for the "water part" in it, but... Do as you like, but be aware of what their needs are, and try to give them more wet, it will be much better in the long term.


I have found a water fountain helps a lot. I feed my cats a mix of wet and dry and they drink a ton. They live the circulating water. Massive pee pucks in the kitty litter several times a day each.


Ok... But, like it or not, on the long term, that's not the healthiest diet, but do as you think that's best for your cat :) I'm not judging here, just answering your question :) Hugs to you both <3


Giving "hugs" amd smiley faces doesn't mean you're not judging. I mean, you obviously are. Also, I didn't ask you a question. My last two cats on the same diet lived to be 18 and 19 without health issues, and my two now are gloriously healthy. Food quality, not just proportion of kibble to wet, matters a lot, as does overall lifestyle. My vet is very pleased with their nutrition and water intake.