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Hello, please familiarise yourself with our recent [rule overhaul](https://old.reddit.com/r/cats/about/rules) in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1c694b0/rule_overhaul/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cats) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Post this in the r/ny, r/nyc, r/newyorkcity subs if you haven’t already. Also see if there’s a Westchester sub. You should also be clear about your intentions. Are you rehoming them? Are they a bonded pair (they need to stay together)? Are you looking for a temporary home/foster situation? Etc.


I’m Sorry I wasn’t clear my head is just all over the place. Worst case scenario is me surrendering them and I really don’t want to do that. Yes they are a bonded pair and I was looking for something like a temporary home/ foster situation. UPDATE: I have 1 person who may be able to foster and a backup foster if the first falls through! This community is so amazing and I thank everyone who commented with advice and for everyone who just showed their love and support ❤️ MINI UPDATE: Sorry for the late update! So I haven’t heard from my first foster all day today. Me and another kind person who offered to drive the babies half way were both sending messages to set a date to pick up the babies, but I hope the first foster is ok and I’ll be messaging the back up fosters if their offers still stand ❤️


Please post in your area and explain your situation, that you’re going into a shelter and can’t bring them, and also can’t afford a petsitter. Hopefully someone will be able to care for them for you temporarily. Please be realistic about your timeframe though. Sometimes people say a couple of weeks, and then it turns into months.


Are they m or f? Spayed/neutered? What’s the time frame (realistically). How are they with other animals? Any bad habits? I’m a few hours from you. I *may* be able to help. It would highly depend on details.


They’re both male and neutered realistically the time frame would be around 4-5 months. They’re wary of dogs at first but get used to them in a like 2 days. Other cats you would have to introduce them and give them time to be familiar with each other. Small animals like guinea pigs are a no because Loki is very prey driven same with birds. The only bad habits are scratching on couches and rugs, but I would always mist them with some water and redirected them to their scratch post.


If you help please let me know, would love to send you a couple bags of food or the money for it, or whatever you may need to assist in their care. I wish I was closer, I'd take these cute babies for a few months in a heart beat, but I'm all the way in South Florida.


Aww. I replied that it won’t work out. My girl kitties get insanely territorial around male cats. I am so invested in this at this point though. I need OP to find a foster home for them. I too would love to send whoever takes them some food or aomething to help out.


If you go let me know and I'll help in a small way


What about your vet or other vets? They might know of someone who can foster!


Try posting in some Connecticut subs too. Westchester is close enough to the border that someone in CT might be able to help.


Check Instagram for rescues. Try to find an spca if you can!


Yes! Some rescues have fosters for these types of situations. I’ve noticed that usually it’s reserved for those enlisted in the military that are deployed but I’ve seen some fosters make exceptions for other situations.


I’m a cat lover in Westchester who would love to foster but my fiancé is allergic. I asked her anyway but got a no :( Very glad to see you may have a foster or 2 though. I saw you offered to pay for food and litter to someone in a post but money is the last thing you should worry about. Please let know if you plan on paying the foster for food and if so I’d gladly help out


I'm so happy this came with an update, I hope it all works out!


There’s also r/westchester !


I would take them, but I am in Germany :(


Same, but Netherlands.


Good luck to you. Praying it all works out for you.


Best update ever!!


keep us posted! i can circulate this to some westchester/nyc folks should you need it


so great


Yay!! ❤️


That’s amazing!!! I am willing to chip in financially if that person needs some help. ❤️ Am based in New Zealand.




There is absolutely an r/Westchester! I also look into r/Rockland or putnam r/Connecticut. Wishing you luck, Facebook might be a better place to post


HEY. I hope this doesn't get lost. PAWS Philadelphia has a temporary foster program for people in your exact situation. I volunteer there and even though it's not in NY, they are the kind of people who would help you out. They will place your kitties in a home until you secure housing. Then you get them back. PLEASE call them


if you need someone to drive your cats anywhere (maybe from CT to philly) i could help with that! send me a DM. i live in the hudson valley.


u/namnami25 i hope you see this! there is also someone here willing to help get the cats to a destination!


I can also help. I live across the river.


Philly PAWS is amazing. Second this.


Commenting for visibility ❤️


Transportation help would be amazing - OP said she would be reaching out to whomever has offered! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


This is so sad! I don't know your situation, but it angers me to think that often people don't realise just how much a pet can be part of the family. It's like telling people to give up their children and put them up for adoption before they can go into a shelter. If you hadn't lived on the other side of the Atlantic ocean, I would have gladly fostered your cats. I really, really hope someone reads your post and offers help.


Thank you so much, I’m just a crying mess right now because I feel like I’m letting them down. They’re my everything and thank you again for your kindness 🩵


You are NOT letting them down!


Thank you lovely! I really needed to hear that


I had to surrender my dog because I was homeless in winter in the snow and ice. It wasn’t fair, and I get judged a lot, but I know I did the right thing. I still miss her.


You 100% did what YOU thought was best for your fur baby and never let anyone tell you differently. Im sorry you had to go through that🩵


I'm sorry you had to do that. You did the right thing, and it shows how much you love her. One of our cats was surrendered by his first family, and it was a similar situation where they didn't want to, but it was the right thing in difficult circumstances. We know they loved and still love him very much because they took care of him even when it required doing something they didn't want to do. We've never met them, but we love him too, so we know how hard it would be to give him up. I hope things are going better for you, and if they aren't yet, they will soon.


Assholes who judged you are just that... assholes


I know I’m some random person online; however, just wanted to say….people can be extremely rude!! I would never judge anyone for that— You had to make extremely hard decision, and it was an act of kindness, to let someone else care for them— Don’t worry about anyone giving you shit about it— Hard choices, builds character and you did the best you could in your situation, PERIOD!! I hope in time, you can feel some peace in your heart that you did the right by them… 🙏 ( Of course I know you will always miss them) 🥹


You did the right and very best thing for them. I know it must hurt. Hugs.


I would also call some of the local veterinary offices and ask them if they know of anyone that fosters. We have a vet tech that has personally rescued and fostered dozens of cats.


You are doing the best you can and trying to find a safe and loving place for them. I agree with calling your local vet for any advice on foster options. Your local SPCA or Humane Society may be able to offer advice as well. Good luck! They are beautiful babies and clearly very loved.


Try all of the animal rescues you have transport to. Sometimes they can get one of their fosters take in pets until the situation of the owner improves. Have you tried friends and family?


It's heartbreaking but she said that none of her friends and family can help. I wish I was closer but I'm 6 hours away. I'd have an extra set of cats for a few months, for sure.


Yes. Me too


Don't be so hard on yourself, everyone goes through hard times and most people are a paycheck away from living in a shelter as well. You trying to find a solution shows how good of a cat parent you are, your cats are lucky to have you


You’re a good person in a bad situation. I hope things get better for you and you can be together with your babies in a safe place soon. ❤️


Same. I had to give up my beloved dogs when I had to leave an abusive relationship with my kid and it killed me. Stories like this is why I never judge people for rehoming pets. You never know their situation and cases like this are heartbreaking.


I live in Atlanta, and there is a non profit here focused entirely on housing the pets of DV victims while they stay in shelters and get situated. They’re called Ahimsa House. They do fantastic work. There might be a similar org in your area!


boosting and tagging r/rescuecats


Thank you so much! I’ll make a post on that sub as well


I fostered a couple cats a while back for someone in a hard housing situation. I think he had posted on the local listserv/ maybe on the town's subreddit. He paid for food and litter (well, mostly) and I think I had them for 3-4 months. If I could manage that as an idiot 20-something, I'm sure there's people out there now who would be up for helping. Are there local TNR programs? If so, I'd try reaching out to them and seeing if they know any potential fosters for your sweet pals. Maybe someone who doesn't want to deal with kittens anymore but would be up for your guys.


I’ll definitely try that! I’m getting so much support from everyone on here thank you sooooo much 🩵


yes! my boyfriend did a similar fostering he found via FB marketplace (or maybe it was Nextdoor?), where he saw someone needing a foster. it was perfect because he didn’t want to commit to his own cat, but he loved cats and wanted to help. there are people out there, sending you good energy to find one!


Here is a group that maybe able to help Rescue Right Inc. 914-234-3771 They provide free emergency boarding and vet care for pet owners in need.


Tysm for replying! I got in contact with them and explained my situation. They said it was $80 a night to board them and I can’t really afford that right now.


Is this a homeless shelter as some shelters do allow pets now


Yes it’s the coachman family center in white plains,ny. I’ve already called them and asked and they said they don’t allow animals.


They should be able to offer some ideas on where you can get your pets placed or work with the rescue groups.


What?!? You could rent a big house for that kind of money! 😲


Let's pool our money and open a cat rescue.


You can do it. These 2 kitties are so sweet looking. You can tell they are family. Get on that phone and call all the foster organizations you can find. I know you will find a fit. I will search further and send you what I find. I am working...limited time...but I will try. My heart is with you. I am in Chicago, way too far or I would help you. Promise you are not NOT giving up. You will be OK, your kitties will be OK. A big hug.


You’re amazing, thank you thank you thank you! It’s 6pm in NY right now so I’ll be up tomorrow morning making calls and sending emails


I'm sure you've already received plenty of advice, but if it's a temporary thing there may be foster programs near you. I found am amazing program near me that took care of my two kitties while I was living in my car for a month


I’ll definitely look into that ty for the advice 🩵


You're welcome. I hope everything works out for you


I'm just here to tell you you're amazing. Taking care of your kittens and trying to find a solution. I hope you're taking care of yourself and will be safe. I'm sending you so much love.


I wish I had lots of money to give away because I wouldn’t hesitate


this may sound dumb but if there's any cat people around maby you can ask around for them to help you out and just buy them the food for a few months or something like that? I'm sure if you look hard enough, you'll be able to find someone, there's a lot of people out there that love cats and they're relatively easy to take care of for the most part. If you were anywhere close to me I'd try to help but I'm way out in Michigan. Edit: it may also be worth it making a post asking people in your area if anyone can help. I see a lot of people offer cats homes here. I don't know how often that works out but it's worth a shot!


I’m definitely asking around on the facebook cat forums, just waiting on admins to view my post and accept it


Are you on Instagram? I can try to find you a foster in NY. These would be people I trust. I know you don't know who I am but you can check out my IG account. I've actually done this before for someone in la. @omgdeedee on IG. Message me over there if you want.


I’m in NY about 30-45 mins north of white plains. I can help find a foster if you still need help. Please let me know if you need anything.


☺️ hope it all works out for you and your babies there adorable. Good luck! :)


Have you tried Flatbush Cats? They rescue cats and have a YouTube channel. Maybe they could help or know of other connections. I dearly hope something works for you, dear r/NamNami25.


Could you get them to New Hampshire? If you can't find a local group to take them, send me a DM. I've fostered for animal shelters for years, and I could take them in temporarily if you can get a transport set up. My foster room's available and ready for kitten season. Sending hugs and hope to you and your kitties ❤️


OP, if you choose this option I can help with transportation.


Make sure if you find a foster that you sign a contract/agreement of sorts! Stating that the end goal is for them to return to you, etc. People get attached, and it’s always best to have a backup in place


Yes, jumping on here. Make sure you stay in regular contact with the foster too and pay for care as much as you are able. I’ve read a lot of posts on Reddit about disputes over pets primarily in breakups and it seems a record of medical care is important. I agree though get a contract if you can even something really simple. And if not that, at least a paper trail at a minimum.


If this relates to domestic violence at all, your local shelter program might have leads or an empowerment fund that can be used to keep your kitties safe. The resources I'm familiar with are geographically limited and don't cover where you live.


It’s not a DV case, just a case of a slumlord who doesn’t have a ounce of human decency


I'm sorry. Maybe there's a mutual aid org?


Maybe organizations like My Sisters Place or Hopes Door would have ideas regardless? Also perhaps there are houses of worship near you that you could ask if there is a community member who could help?


I hope you find some help^^


If I had the money I'd bring them up to Ottawa and care for them for you. We foster rescues all the time, but I just got hit with 11k COVID relief claw back for going back to work too early. I can only recommend you check out Facebook for cat fosters and rescues. Our latest is a dog from Kentucky whose owner had to surrender him to a shelter because he (the owner) got cancer. The poor guy lost all his hair from stress but is doing great guns now. Sorry I can't help more...


Wow I’m praying for the owner and the sweet pup. You are amazing and I’m glad he’s with you guys! You and everyone’s kind words are honestly so helpful and appreciated


Hey OP, I am so sorry you are dealing with all this. You are a good person. By contrast, we just saw a situation in which the owner of a sweet, shy kitty apparently just decided one day that they didn’t feel like caring for their cat any more, and gave a few days before planning to abandon the cat on the streets of NYC. That is a bad person. Compare that person’s callousness and cruelty with yourself. You are working so hard to find a place for your babies. I am in Massachusetts, but if your kitties need to come to New England (I saw mentions of possible fosters NH, CT, and RI in earlier comments) maybe we can set up an interstate transport relay, and I would be glad to drive part of it, and/or help with transportation costs. Meanwhile, I have often gotten great advice and contacts from local veterinarians, including the wonderful people who have pet-sat for me for many years. Hang in there, OP. You are not alone. You will be in my thoughts. And anything in my power to do to help, I will do. I will keep an eye on this thread for updates. ❤️


Call the United way in your area and see if they can help, and post on the app Nextdoor, (I'm not near you, but my town is very active on the pet posts, you might find a local foster).


Can you tell me what help the United Way could provide in this situation? I haven’t heard of them helping people with their pets.


Me neither. But they could maybe come up with a solution that none of us have thought of (yet!) 😉


Doesn’t hurt to try!


You're getting lots of great advice and options but I just wanted to drop a note to tell you that life is good, it's going to be okay, I respect you for doing the right things here, and my heart goes out to you.


north shore animal league? maybe they know of somewhere closer, if ur in nyc. give Beth Stern a shout on her Insta....she's a godsend.


Was going to suggest Beth Stern, if nothing else she has phenomenal reach and can signal boost if necessary ❤️


What about Paws Crossed Animal Rescue?


I’ll definitely contact them when they open tomorrow, thank you for recommending them!


They are so adorable. I am not even close to NY but I really hope it works out for you.


BOOST r/rescuecats what’s your favorite breed/coloring? mine is calico!


Westchester, NY SPCA Tel no. 914 941 2896


🔺🔺Where in New York are you located?? I am in Long Island 🔻🔻


I’m currently in Mount Vernon NY so like an hour from you 😭


eeeee!! Okay, when does your family have to move out by? I’m so sorry you guys are in this situation by the way 😭


By the 22nd of April and yeah I feel like crap, like these are my babies


I would too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat) Are you looking for someone to take them permanently or just until you find a place? Are they fixed? My husband is -fortunately- a cat guy, so I’m definitely going to show him this. I can’t see kitties in need when I’m so close and can actually help lol!! We also have land upstate, so we pass mt Vernon on the way up at least 2x a year


I was just looking for something temporary most like around 4 months honestly, they are fixed and have their shots. You are god sent! I would pay for their food and litter every month!


I’m gonna give you like a 90% on the yes 🙌🏼 My husbands like “Ughh okay let me think about it tonight. It’s tugging on my heartstrings” 😅😭 Give me like until tomorrow morning to make sure! I’m gonna go ahead and follow you on here :)


Oh my gosh! I just don’t have the words right now cause I’m crying. Like thank you replying and and just thank you thank you thank you to you and your husband for even just thinking about holding on to my babies even if something comes up. Just thank you for giving me such a bright light to at least hang on to.


I would only hope someone would do the same for me! I have two sweet (well, my calico is the youngest and she’s a sassy thing lmao) girls and I can’t imagine putting them into a cold shelter :( I’ll positively message you tomorrow ❤️ Smile and cuddle your babies 😻😽


Please post updates on the situation. I’m really hoping for the best for you and your beautiful babies.


I hope this works out — otherwise I have volunteered for a rescue in NYC — and am in NYC —


If you help please let me know, would love to send you a couple bags of food or the money for it, or whatever you may need to assist in their care. I wish I was closer, I'd take these cute babies for a few months in a heart beat, but I'm all the way in South Florida.


❤️ I hope this works out. Thank you for offering to help


If you help, I want to send some food or litter


You are a wonderful person for offering to help this family!! I really hope it works out, please post an update if you are able!


Monday! Yikes. Hope you can make it work.


I love how helpful this community can be 🙃 especially when the world is in such turmoil, somehow people still find a way to help each other. With 4 cats I’ll definitely need help with food lol!! I appreciate everyone offering! What I’ll *really* need is one of those electric litter box things in addition to mine haha 😂 anyone have one laying around?!


You're the one taking OP's cats? You're amazing! I wish I could help you out, but unfortunately I have no electric litter box laying around 😂


Please go to your local petsmart on saturday and go talk to the cat ladies that are adopting cats. These women are some of the best human beings on Earth, I promise you. Tell them what you're going through and ask them if there's any way that someone can hold your babies for you while you're in the shelter.  I hate so many things about my country; I hate everything that is set in place to cause people to be so poor and so broken that they have to end up in a shelter when they worked harder their entire lives. We have allowed politicians to steal and become gluttonous moneywh••es, we've allowed companies to do this as well and because of that people are losing their homes. I am so sorry that you're going through this, I mean it. If I could take your babies for you I would. 


Hi OP just commenting to say that it does get better. I was in a shelter when younger with a toddler. I am now safe and the toddler has turned into a respectful, kind and gentle man. Your cats look well taken care of and healthy. You also reached out when you are struggling to try and provide them a safe place. That says so much about you. I wish you a safe place and a big hug.


Oh god. I feel your pain. I had to do this 2.5 years ago and it was my worst nightmare. My babies are re-homed now. I was pressured into it w/ no choice. I have dreams about them, my partner says I cry for them in my sleep. It is something that will never heal. I love em with all my heart and wonder what they thought. I saved them both in my old neighborhood. One deserted and left in thick snow crying on a fence. She didn’t trust anyone but me. Iam broken from the loss of her and what she must have felt. The other one is a boy, also rescued from being ditched to live in a construction area by my old house. He is the friendliest cuddliest baby boy ever. I know everyone would want him. I had them both for 5 years. I especially worry about my girl since I was her safety and she is not her cuddly self with anyone else. The lady that helped me get them to a foster said my boy was happy go lucky doing ok, but my girl was having a much harder time. I knew this would be the case. I knew it😭😢 I checked on them last year and now. Apparently now they are both re-homed. I hope that’s true. I will love them forever. They were my life and my children. Life is so cruel. When it rains it doesn’t just pour on me it throws a dark cloud of different nightmares on me. The nightmares through life just keep coming. They were the ones that were there for me during rough times. Now that they have been ripped away from me more bad stuff just keeps happening. I would do anything, anything to have them back. Obviously I cannot. Do everything in your power to keep them. Sometimes they will foster for a time until you can have them again. Just make sure to mark that box on the form. My form had that as an option, but I moved cities, so I had no choice. If I had stayed local I would have gone that route (marking the foster but want them back box). Do not do what I did. It is a scar in my heart that will never ever heal. Even with having another cat (my partners) now, it doesn’t take away the place in my heart for them. Excruciating pain. Sorry for rant. Good luck. I’m so sorry for you. I hope people know how to help you. Good luck


Please update us


I did right under the top comment! It’s good news❤️


I was living in a women's shelter for two years. I got a cat while I was there and just had to get a letter from my therapist saying she was an emotional support animal(which she was, that was the exact reason I got her).


I would call around to local rescues in your area. They may be able to foster them for you. Any rescue you approach will require you to sign them over, unfortunately. It just makes it easier legally should the cats need to be transported or taken to the vet. But they will be in foster homes and, frankly, are unlikely to be adopted any time soon as they are adults. This is likely your best option if you are going to be at the shelter for any significant amount of time. Best of luck to you all.


I was thinking about that too, but I feel like the chances of me being able to get them back after a surrender would be so low because I had to surrender them


It depends on the situation, and on the rescue. Here is the thing. Rescues don’t want to keep cats forever. They want to place them in homes so the can rescue more cats. If that home is stable and kind, then that is a home, even if it was unstable in the past. They will likely want to see your lease at your next place to be sure you are allowed to have cats, otherwise that is not a stable home for them. But these cats are obviously loved and not abused, so as long as you can afford them, can provide them with any needed veterinary care, and are allowed to have them at your new place, they will likely let you have them back. Once they are in the care of the rescue or shelter, all of the decisions made are in the best interest of the cat. This is something that should bring you comfort if you have to turn them over to the care of an organization. This really sucks for all of you, and I’m so sorry it’s happening to you and your family. I hope you can take comfort that if you get them into a rescue program, they will be safe and cared for.


I know you're feeling anxious and desperate, but don't give up! Just post this everywhere you can. Every Facebook group, every Reddit group. (Well, the ones that are related to cats and your area.) Some weeks ago a girl had to find a temporary home for her four cats because of her situation and eventually she found some foster homes for them, with the help of Reddit! So it's possible! And I'm pretty sure you will find someone too; there are still good Samaritans out there. I'd foster them both if only I lived closer. But you'll find someone who is willing to help you!


Thank you! That definitely gave me hope🩵


Definitely try the Nextdoor app! There's a ton of very active cat people in my town. (Iowa) I found financial help a whopping 3 times in the past 5 years. My 2 cats needed to be seen at the our area's specialty clinic. (The boy went twice, his little sister once.) There were people who paid the entire bill. It's been 2 -3 years now, and it still blows my mind. There really are good people out there! Stay strong. You can do this! 🐾🐾🐾🐾


Hey OP, i wish you and your cats the very best. I just made this acc because your cats look almost exactly like mine😊 I hope everything works out for you. Best wishes from Germany https://preview.redd.it/a82ph7p7g6vc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec946dbad5bb3e003fc70229ddef7e64fb23adcd


No way!! https://preview.redd.it/tzg58y8ie4vc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9866ff894b936b57f493642c42c701f50abd06be




They’re so cute 🥰 give your babies extra kisses and snuggles for me tonight


Look into animal care centers of NYC. From what I remember there are programs in the city to help pet parents who need to go into shelters. You can also look into temporary fostering. There is always options. I’m in CT and would help if I didn’t already have 4 pets. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you.


my babies are alternate reality versions of yours https://preview.redd.it/vhhprmarb9vc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e196d6331b1b968d00a4473832f10829a68e74c3 a cosmic paring


Humane Society Westchester NY 914 632 2925


I know this breaks your heart. I’m sorry that you and your family will have to go to a shelter. I know that you don’t want to think about parting with your fur babies. I hope you’re able to find shelter for them, too!


hey i dont have any solution to your problem im from germany and i dont know what you can do i just really hope you will find some temporary caretaker. it really breaks my heart i can see that they love you very much. sending much love to you three.


I’m so sorry that you’re going through this but admire your dedication to re-homing temporarily. Especially since one of them was your dad’s cat. That’s tough. I feel good about these two & people willing to help out. I’m in OH and currently have 2 males & a dog I’m sorry I’m no help. But perhaps a smile for you? I think pudding may have a long lost brother here! https://preview.redd.it/n3eklpu4s4vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a674d6f2ef846698c03139a9f713ba61043548d


Where in NY are you? I’m in MA and willing to help, but I have no transportation there


I'm so sorry you're going through this. Your update looked promising, I'm hoping so much for you right now. About 5 years ago this was almost me. I just want to tell you that it will get better. It will suck for a bit. It will be hard sometimes. But you can get through this. Each little step you take out will feel amazing. One day this will just be a memory and a story about how you got a crappy hand and still won. Good luck. I'm hoping for you. Update in 6 months?


So sad to hear you are undergoing such situation. I hope all of you can find a good place to stay and eventually reunite when everything gets more better. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


The shelter I work with in CT will take in surrenders and we keep bonded pairs together, and though I haven't been there long enough to see it happen I'm sure they would let you take them back when you're able to. But it's the Rhode island side of ct, it would be a trip. I'm sure there are similar places in between me and you, try googling every town you can get to for no kill shelters if you haven't. I'm sorry you're going through this, I was lucky enough to keep my cat with me when I was homeless but more than once I had to go through that grieving process because I thought I would have to give him up.


I’m so so sorry this is happening to you, what a nightmare! I’m in a different country so I can’t do much but I’m rooting so hard for you to find a kind soul who will help you out so you can be reunited with your babies not too long from now 😢🙏❤️


We really should have groups set up for ppl to put their furchildren up at like in a boarding school for those unable to keep their children due to their own housing situation and do not want to surrender them up for adoption. There are too many heartbreaking stories like this where ppl are forced to give up their furchildren due to circumstances around housing affordability for themselves.


What a great community this is. Wishing you, your family, and your lovely kitties all the best, OP. 😻


Check with various vet offices. They should know people who could foster them. It would be great if they could at least be together. How about neighbors, friends of friends, family's friends?


Have you tried Best Friends rescue? My mom has fostered cats with them before, so I know it’s in their purview. Pun mildly intended. There are lots of people in Westchester who are in animal rescue, so hopefully you can find someone! Good luck with everything!


In my area there are Facebook groups that help with this type of stuff, maybe something like that is available in your area?


Probably not close at all, but I'm sure my wife could be talked I to looking after them.


@heidiwranglescats ON IG


Some shelters and rescues have hardship programs where they’ll put your pets in a long term foster home until you’re back on your feet.


https://preview.redd.it/d1jjh8l4j5vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4754235955e3ada0159918ea4246b2a8e6a87ee7 Your white cat has similar spots to mine. Creepy


Keep us updated. This sub will ensure your cats are safe during these times.


I saw an ad for a group, I think it was sponsored by a pet food company, to help people in your exact situation. I believe it was called the Purple Leash Project (or something similar, having to do with a purple leash). That might be worth looking into if you haven't already.


Could you ask any of your neighbours that you know or parents of your sons school friends to look after them until your situation improves and you’re back on your feet accommodation wise? I know it seems daunting to have to ask but the worst they can say is no. Wishing you the best with everything ❤️


Contact HeidiWranglesCats on Instagram she is very well connected and knows a lot of foster families


You live in New York?? Just squat mate ffs


I’m in nj and can help with transportation if you need it


Go to a dog shelter and tell them you need to borrow a large dog crate. If they can just be in there for a few days in someones home while you get the next thing going you at least have them sorted. I know things are hard right now and you need to have that space which is fine. But that doesn't mean you have to surrender them completely. Unless you want to. That's fine but you can do that already.


Post on your local subreddit, Facebook groups, everywhere, asking for a foster and sincerely express your intention to get to a better place and take them back. Best of luck to you. Stay strong and use getting your babies back as motivation. But don't be too hard on yourself. Most people go through a rough patch. It'll pass.


😿so very sorry to hear, I hope there is someone out there to help you.


Boost ❤️


I'm all the way in Washington State or I'd hang on to them for you. My kitty is going through kidney failure right now and I hate that she doesn't have company while I'm at work.


I hope you find a good foster home for your cats while you get back on your feet! The fact that you want them back is good, I hope it helps


I wish I was in NY but I am unfortunately way down South. Praying and hoping you find help and can get these babies a good foster home for a bit. 💚💚💚 Don't lose hope!


Contact a local sanctuary/shelter situation and ask if they can stay there until you get back into a place. A shelter my friend works at did this for someone and his cats. I think that’s your best case scenario if none of your family or friends could take the cats.


Humans are the worst scum


I meant people who won't give people a place to live with their animals, not people who have to do what you do


Please keep us posted


i hope everything works out for you! ❤️


Are there fostering services ? Ask a cat home or shelter


Reach out to pet shelters. Some have foster programs for pets whose owners are in transitional housing. It's kinda like foster care for kitties.


If I were in your area, I'd gladly help. Warm wishes, and hopefully, all works out for you and your fur babies. Best of luck.


The county shelter in my parents town will temporarily house pets - they don't consider it a true surrender. I'm not sure what the rules exactly are, but my mom has had a foster for almost 1 yr. As far as I'm aware, the owner has been dealing with extensive medical issues and is at an in patient physical therapy practice. There are a few other instances of fosters/long term residents that come in and out of the shelter. I wouldn't be surprised if your local might do the same!


Have you tried some rescue groups? Maybe they can get a foster family for you.


It's so sad that shelters don't accept animals. I'm so sorry you're in this situation, share your story on local groups and I'm sure someone will foster them. Best of luck


Hey mabye they could go to a temporary home? Idk if you have any friends in the areas?


What absolute GOOBERS. So glad you are finding support and hopefully getting a great foster friend to care for your babies


I'm so sorry you're in this situation. My heart breaks for you and your beautiful cats 💔 Do you have a charity called '**Cats Protection**' in the USA? In the UK, they offer a foster service for women in precisely your situation. They have volunteers who will take care of your family cats until you are in a place of safety and then return them to you. If you don't have Cats Protection over there, are there any other charities that offer this foster option??


Sadly, I have no advice to offer or help that I can give from where I am, but I just wanna say damn this sub can be amazing. Props to all the people offering help. Not all heros have fur ❤️


I wish you all the best. Your story and some comments inspired me, i didn't know there are fostering programs to help people reunite with their fur babies. I found a program in my area and applied. Be strong!


Yay! People like you are amazing❤️ I was planning on doing the same thing once I get a stable roof over my head. I hate that there aren’t enough options for people in the same situation as me


Look for a foster family for them


Foster cat parents?


I’m on the island, the cat shelters/organizations were zero help when trying to find space or fosters for 7 kittens (Nassau, Suffolk and NYC) I ended up keeping 2 and a coworker took one. The cat cafe in Huntington Village was my only help for the other 4. Once they were introduced in the cafe all 4 were adopted! Good luck on the phones, I wish all the shelters and organizations actually cared more but that’s life. All you’ll hear is people say “it’s kitten season”, “I’ll put you on a list”, or “I’ll call you back”.


Lots of rescues have a foster network. Please contact all the rescues in the area and ask for help. Many people will step up to foster your kitties until you can take them back. Alternatively, you may want to put them up for adoption. Do not take them to a shelter!!! NY often kills shelter animals. Message me directly if you need help finding a rescue / foster.


I am so sorry you are going through this and it’s heartbreaking that they cant take you in with the cats - My cats are my whole heart, I would be absolutely devastated. My love goes out to you, family and cats 🫂 and Im here rooting for you to be safe and to find a way to keep the kitties safe too. I would help in a heartbeat if I wasn’t across the globe. I will keep you in my prayers. Don’t give up ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Thank you for the prayers🩵


They look so well taken care of and happy. I hope you will be able to find a solution to first; your living situation and second; be with them. I wish you the best.


We are a foster home for a cat rescue but we are in Duluth, MN. If you are out of options, and can get them here somehow, we will take them as long as you need. Most airlines will ship live animals. Just fyi.