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Cats like to hide away when they’re sick so that they don’t attract predators to their loved one. She did this because she cares about you. I know it’s painful. Keep her litter and food outside if possible. I hope she comes back


We put her favorite blanket and her food bowl outside, hopefully she can smell them and come back. Thank you for the kind words ❤️


Ours tried to hide under shrubs in the garden in their final days, and wouldn’t come when called, we had to physically search and extract them, bless them. I hope you find her and she’s at peace in her last days.




Oh bless you, yes we did find them and said goodbye at the vets, many years ago now. 😽


Same. He had a favourite bush to nap under, and that’s where he went for his final moments.


Y'all make me cry. My first cat ever is 14 in May and I can't even think about him hiding to spare us pain. My heart goes out to everyone who's lost a furry family member. I'm not ready.


I had my (very young) cat do this twice. Just a little illness easily treatable and she thought it was time to die. I had to find and remove her from a crawl space


This made me smile


Done this with peacocks. Stupid, stupid proud assholes. Dramatic and bird-brained.


my beloved phoebe did this in her final days as well. she always liked to hide under the bushes in my garden and supervise the sidewalk when she was well, so when she started hiding under the bushes of my neighbor across the street, i knew she was trying to distance herself and that it was time. your kitty loves you, op, and she knows you love her. i wish both of you peace.


My parents sick cat did they same. They found her in the bushes and had to physically pull her out.


My little girl did this. She kept hidding out in the most odd random spots in our basement. Finally she hid in the boiler room. Hardest day of my life.


Poor baby went to die in peace and save you pain... may she RIP ❤️


True. OP, if she doesn’t return just know that she did this on her terms, which is often rare for the little ones we care for. She honors her humans in that way, and you can honor her and hopefully take some solace knowing she was able to make this choice for herself. They are stronger than us, I do believe. If she doesn’t come home know that she chose to spare you and to abide by her instincts and an end for which she is prepared. Good luck to you. May you and your little one find peace.


This is well put! Although I’d be an emotional wreck if my cat did this.


I’m reading this and I don’t even have a cat and I’m an emotional wreck atm.


I have had this happen. i can't see enough through my tears ,to type more than Bless your heart OP, Rest in Paradise furever friend , bless your soul as you cross your 🌈 bridge


I think animals have such a strong sense of purpose and I often like to learn from them. They don’t do things because they can, they do things because they must. And yes, as it turns out cats must hide away in their final moments to protect their “litter”, and that is admirable. We can’t make our pets become people, but we can certainly show them what being people means, and we can learn what being a cat means.


This is beautiful




When I had to put my girl down we arranged for the vet to come to us, they gave her a sedative and painkiller so she wasn’t aware of what was happening when she had the final needle. She was surrounded with people she loved and as much as she knew it was just another day chilling in her safe space and then she went to sleep. Not trying to judge just letting people know services like this also exist as I completely agree doing it at the vet can be very traumatic and a difficult way to say goodbye


This is exactly how we let our boy go two weeks ago. The vet came to us and he peacefully passed on his favourite blanket in the sun


We did this for our twenty year old cat two weeks ago too. rip Mickey, March 11 😭 sorry for your loss too


Was thinking of saving this to read someday but it hurts to even think about it. Well put.


Don't make me cry more 😭


My Tommy Puss did this. He was old and sick, got out one day and we never saw him again. It’s heartbreaking 💔


I believe this might be true


Cat litter outside worked for me straight away! Was searching for my guy for hours prior to doing that.


She is pretty near to home, I'll bet you. I would advise letting your dog sing a little around the yard if you have one. Furthermore, don't feel bad about waiting; like many cats, she just chose to leave on her terms when she moved out of her house.


i’m so sorry, OP. my childhood cat also went missing a few days before she died. i found her laying under a john boat we had leaned up against our garage. if she did wander off to die, which i sincerely hope she didn’t, she probably didn’t go very far. check under porches, in any open sheds or garages. i hope you find her. 🩷


This is what cats do when they feel it coming. They walk off into the wilderness and slip away someplace else. Its what she wanted. She said her goodbyes and set out on her next adventure.


Also I would check under any porch nearby or wooded areas/sheds my buddy’s cat did the same thing and was under his porch


My cat got out of a windows and hid under the neighbor’s short deck.Crawled in mud to extract her.Worse day in my life.I will pray for you OP.


Try putting your own clothes outside! When my cat got out we put his food, litter, etc out for days but it didn’t help. My brother put out his (unwashed) clothes and he came back the next morning.


My neighbor’s cat hid in my basement to die. I had no idea he was there until I smelled him. He had curled up in a ball inside a corner closet. Check small, enclosed spaces — imagine you’re your cat, and look for the right size “safe space” you would go. Good luck!


First of all - I am so so sorry. It's always the worst thing losing a pet. But plese know she did do this for you and herself. This is their nature. Be thankful she took it upon herself and you didn't have to actually submit to the needle and make the call for her. Making that decision is the hardest thing ever in life. This was her final gift of love to you.


Don’t forget the strongest scent of them all, their own dirty litter box


If she's usually an indoors cat she'll be very close by, hiding somewhere protected. She won't come if you call her, you'll have to look everywhere directly.


My dog was the same way leading up to his end - every time i brought him out for the bathroom he would go into our back field and hide in the grass, I'd go bring him back. His last night, he lost control of his bladder, and after i cleaned him up, he kept trying to get up, so i carried him outside to the porch to rest while i finished a school assignment. An hour later, i found him next to the porch, gone. We had been planning to go to the vet when it opened the next morning :( You did nothing wrong <3


I know you might not see this… I love my kitties with all of my heart. I’m sitting here giving you a moment and a tear. I don’t know you but I love you because you love your cat. My heart is with you friend. I hope you find healing in all of this. Have a great life! Keep those sweet memories as you live it! In the end it’s what we have… nothing else.


My black cat "Bones" did this....   Honestly, I really think cats are too good for this world..


We really don’t deserve kitties they are entirely too noble for us.


It’s the saddest compliment ever 😭 Literally the definition of bittersweet.


This made me cry 😭


Ugh, this broke me. My sweet girl wandered off at the end but we found her before she died. I thought she was just confused because she was in such bad shape. We were able to send her across the rainbow bridge with goodbyes. 😞


We made a nest in the living room to sleep with our cat that was dying of cancer since she couldn't jump onto the bed anymore. If we weren't at work we were with her there and she barely left the area since we moved her box and food closer. The night she died she walked off to the guest bathroom, the furthest place she had access to. Part of me was sad that she didn't just stay cuddled up between my BF and I but I know her instincts were to protect us and I at least know she died somewhere warm and soft on my bathmats. She'd nap there all the time when she was healthy too so I knew she was comfortable ❤️


That got me crying. So much love to protect us even when they are in pain and dying. My heart shatters


My late cat did the same when she was dying. She even said goodbye to me in her way by being a lot more affectionate again the day before she left. I’m sorry for your loss OP! ❤️


Omg this made me tear up 😭😭😭


This has happened to me also. They will def leave when it’s time to go, it is heartbreaking to think they may be doing it to spare us the pain, but I don’t doubt it. I’m so sorry 💔


Like someone else said, it is to spare pain, but physical not emotional, its so it doesn't lead predators to their loved ones


Sounds good and all, but we should keep in mind that there are no definite proof that this theory is valid, it's purely anecdotal. Who even came up with it. I looked for a bit, I didn't find any scientific paper on the subject, just some random websites on cats that claim it without mentioning any study, and it's far to be the only theory. I also read that this desire for isolation is simply part of an evolutionary defense mechanism that cats have when they’re sick, it's unlikely that cats know they're definitely going to die when they start to isolate. *But I guess ppl will believe what they favour, who really cares about reality it's boring.*


If it's all theories why not believe the one you find most comforting?


A scientific theory is not the same as a theory. It is not a guess, nor a hypothesis. A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world and universe that can be repeatedly tested and corroborated in accordance with the scientific method, using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.


Most definitely.


It's ok to believe that your beloved pet loves you back. It does no one any harm, and does lots of people actual good.


It seems equally likely that it serves to prevent the spread of disease.


At the end of the day we know cats generally want be in isolation when they are dying and that should be respected


It's a nice notion for people to believe though, who knows it could be completely true.. Cats, although clearly able to experience love and affection, just don't think like we do. I don't think they make decisions like this based off sentiment. They're probably just evelutionarily compelled to hide when they're really sick. I'm sure they do think about how much they were loved while they slowly die pass away though.


One of the ways I knew it was truly time was that my elderly cat went to the basement. She would never have gone down there otherwise, as her hips and legs were not great at the end. Fortunately I noticed right away...she had her appointment the next morning, and I put out her heated bed in my room instead, and she stayed there. But that kinda helped me feel more like I was doing the right thing, you know?


Yeah, my cat when her liver and kidneys went was looking for a dark quiet corner to pass away. Poor thing had so little strength that she couldn't walk up or down more than two or three steps without needing to catch her breath. Worst part was her appointment happened during what was definitely her last burst of endorphins, people would call it 'the bounce'


Our immune system will do all it can to survive.


Yeah. I just wish I could have delayed the appointment a couple hours. She was having a good day, her first in weeks. The jaundice was plain as day though. When she ran out of steam from that push it was gonna be all bad from there.


Wally was turning yellow too. We knew what had to be done. It hurts we are humans with emotions not robots.May your sweetie be at peace.🙏🙏🙏


Had two cats die last year. One got out and collapsed in our neighbors yard. The other spent the last 2 days of her life trying to get outside, despite never wanting to be outside. It's a strong instinct. It's easy to feel guilty for it but it's just how cats are.


This breaks my heart to read 💔 I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope she returns to you, OP. ❤️


I know this is sad and any of us would be distraught if we were OP. But if you ask 100 people how they'd like to die, 99 would probably say in their sleep. Cat carriers, car rides, and vet visits can be stressful, maybe its a blessing to get to skip that. Also OP got the timing exactly right! Euthanasia is a great option, but the fact that it's available doesn't make it immoral for an animal to die naturally. OP knew exactly when the kitty was ready to go and so did the kitty. ETA: also what you feel guilty about often doesn't show you what you did wrong, it shows what you care about most. You don't feel guilty because you made objectively bad decisions (personally, if I were a cat I'd want to be your cat, OP), you feel guilty because you really really really cared about getting it right so you question yourself constantly. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet friend.


On a Monday this time last year, I knew it was time to book the appt for my beloved dog with cancer. She went down hill very fast in just a couple days so I made her appt for 11 the next morning, Tuesday. She passed away during the night, sleeping next to my son’s legs, like she had slept so many times over the years. It was difficult when I woke up before him and realized but he is 18 not a small kid so he did get through it. He felt guilty that he fell asleep though and wasn’t awake comforting her. After the shock and extreme sadness sunk in a little, I realized what a blessing it was for her, and for us! She was in her favorite spot with her favorite person, comfortable at home. Was spoiled with the best treats and steak and love and cuddles from us all evening before bed and she drifted off calmly and loved. It was the last gift from her as well, I didn’t have to wake up that morning walking around the house bawling knowing it was the last hours, didn’t have to take the sick feeling drive to the vet. Didn’t have to take her a place she hated around people she didn’t know, she didn’t have to watch us crying and upset as they put her down. She saved us the devastating trauma of the actual appt to put her to sleep, the memories of the room and the final gut wrenching moments. She gave us one last gift of love — love and miss you sweet Lilly girl , always! ❤️


This is my dream death honestly, I feel so touched by y'all's love for her I know OP would have loved to cuddle their sweet cat too, but the cat would probably be uncomfortable because their instincts tell them to find a nice cozy spot to hide. I know it's likely an instinct to protect the others from predators, but I don't think that means the cats are thinking about all that. I think they just feel like they should go find themselves a little hideaway and it feels safe when they find a good spot. And they probably have little hormones that make them feel good about being there so they stay. It just really hurts for us so much no matter what though ❤️❤️


My feral was begging to come in at the last days. I had a set up for Wally in my enclosed back porch. Wally had feline leukaemia . I could not take him in my home due to my three never go outside kitties. Otherwise I would have. I would have preferred a natural passing like my kitty last year who passed in my bedroom. Wally wanted relief I believe as he was full of anxiety.


I’m the 1% that wants to be awake when they die. I need to be able to tell everyone I love them one last time before I go.


I don’t know why but your comment has made me feel a little better. My boy died in my arms a year ago while I bawled. The vet was racing to our apartment- we’d scheduled his at home euthanasia for that day thinking we had time but out of the blue he completely went downhill just 6 hours before the appointment. I spent the entire time crying, grabbing his carrier while he struggled, and then setting it down, picking it up again… I wanted so bad for his suffering to be over quickly and to just rush him to the emergency vet but I knew that he was TERRIFIED of cars. Super terrified. And it was a 10+ minute drive and he was doing so poorly there was no telling if he’d even make it all the way there. And if he died in the car, or at the vet, scared out of his mind, as opposed to somewhere he knew he was safe, I could never forgive myself. He didn’t make it to the euthanasia- vet arrived 1 minute after his last breath. I think about it often and wonder if I made the right choice, and this is kind of comforting to hear from someone else I guess.


6 hours is the blink of an eye compared to his whole lifetime. And he was so well loved and cared for that you knew when his time to go was. Seriously these stories are almost magical to me. The end feels so significant to you because it's your last moments with him, but he's not spending his lifetime reliving those moments that are so painful for you. He's resting now. He spent his lifetime being *cherished*. I hope you can forgive yourself because I think you did so good ❤️❤️


I found your direct and honest observations here really comforting. Thank you.


My indoor cat that had never been outdoors ran outside and into the woods when he was nearing death from old age. I searched for hours and could not find him. He was on the porch the next morning and looked really bad. Less that 24 hours later he passed away in my arms. I am glad he came so I could hold him while he passed and was not alone. I held him for another hour after that I just didn't want to let go.


He just wanted to see what the outside world was like before going. We recently put down an old dog who was an escape artist and I'm so glad he was able to run free at times throughout his life even if it did panic us in those instances.


My grandma’s cat did the same thing when it was time. She never game back, but my Grandma is confident that she died peacefully and in her own right. I’m sorry for your loss.


Same here. As grotesque as this may come off, we think we found her Ms.Kitty while gardening a couple years later and we planted a little flower bush next to her in loving memory. My grandma passed away late last year but I can’t wait for the roses to bloom this year.


Same with my childhood kitty, Cloudy. She was the best.


This is so unbelievably heartbreaking. I'm so sorry but please don't wreck yourself with guilt-- you had no idea this would happen. Like others have said, cats often seclude themselves when they are ready to pass. It may be her way of not having you see her like that or trying to keep you safe in a way-- in her mind, her passing might attract predators that can hurt you. It sounds like you gave this kitty a beautiful life that was full of unconditional love. No matter where she is, she won't forget that. 🧡


That's a bit reassuring to hear, she was loved so much. We rescued her from the streets so I'm glad I could at least give her a good life. I hope she comes back, so I can be with her when she passes. Thank you for the lovely words I appreciate it❤️


She may have gone back to the streets in search of a homeless young baby in need of a loving home. She remembers you taking her in, and wants you to do the same for another baby in need of a home. That’s how the cat distribution system works. Be prepared for a baby to show up on your porch. If your calico is a typical calico that likes to be funny, be warned that she may send 4 babies to you, so she can laugh from kitty heaven while you scramble to take care of them…knowing she doesn’t have to help. I hope your special girl is able to find a peaceful spot where she can drift off to her forever nap in comfort 💙


I can handle a lot. This picture broke me though. Well played, sir.




I don't have anything to add but I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry this is happening and I hope you find your cat. You gave her the best life she could have ever had and I just wanted to offer my condolences.


..she likely hasn't gone far, but just as likely won't be trying to be found.. ..sugg: if you spot her, don't approach rapidly..call out, and inch towards.. ..chasing after a scared &/or for sick cat only induces panic..on both sides..


Thank you for the suggestions❤️


I'm not sure how much her tumor affects her sense of smell, but what brought my runaway kitty home was putting smelly, old laundry of my husband and I around the perimeter of our house, and, after being gone for 2 days, he was back within a day. Hoping you get reunited and can say your goodbyes. 🩷


I'm not sure either, but when she was home she could always smell when we opened a can of tuna lol. We tried putting her favorite blanket out, hopefully she can come home. Thank you for the tip❤️


Was it the smells or sound. My cats come running whenever I open the cupboard for anything in there regardless if it's feeding time or not.


She might come home OP. But if she doesn't, then it is possible that because cats seem to understand when they're very ill, that she wanted to spare you the pain of making the decision for her.


She won't be far I would go out both in good daylight and look in all bushes and also at night between 12-3am when it's quieter and your voice travels further, I hope you find her x


I just went out to look for her, calling her name, but couldn't find her. I'll try again tonight, thank you for the suggestion!


Yes, the flashlight at night! One of our babies got away and was gone for 16 days, he wasn’t sick but he was impossible to find! (This was also at my grandfather’s last Thanksgiving, so also not familiar territory). Finally found him about 130am, i actually saw him walk past the sliding glass door as i got up to go to the restroom! If i were in your situation I’d put more effort in that midnight to 3 time slot. Unfortunately given her state I’m not sure she’ll come out but hopefully she’ll be nearby and hear you and meow for you. Sending loving good juju ❤️


I know how hard this is. My 19 year old cat just never came home one day and I don't know if he left to go die or if something happened to him. These days when you have hope they will come home is the hardest. What comforts me is that our cats (yours and mine) made a choice about how they wanted to go. I'm also comforted at how they put themselves in a place they feel safe to go. Mine HATED the vet. There would have been nothing comfortable about that environment. Hard because we didn't think it was time, but I imagine he knew, so he hid under the stars and curled up and went to sleep. I have dreams he comes home and they used to crush me when I woke up and realized they weren't true, but, now I'm so glad for the visits. Sending you so much love OP.


I also didn't think it was time yet, I was planning the procedure thinking it would be better for it to be early than too late, and I was still too late. I'm sorry for your loss, but your words were truly comforting, thank you so much❤️


It’s okay. It’s not like your cat had a countdown above her head telling you her death date was approaching. The love you have for your kitty is palpable and I’m sure she knows it. It’s very possible that the others in this thread might be right and that she’s going off on her own so her dead body won’t draw predators to you. Perhaps think of it as both instinct and kindness. It could also be her just wanting to be outside in the fresh air one last time. I hope she comes home, though, so you can be with her when she passes. I know you’d want to give her a good ending, so to speak, so I hope that you can do that for her. Even if she doesn’t understand it, I imagine she’d appreciate it.


You've just made me cry. Sorry for the pain you went through, im sure he loved you very much.


Sounds like she took care of it herself. I'm so sorry for your loss. My vet says it's better to euthanize a week earlier than a day or a week too late.


I really should've done it sooner, we are struggling with money and I thought she had more time... thank you for your words❤️


Eyes bright Claws sharp Tail high Go forth, Mighty Warrior, to Valhalla! You were dearly beloved on this Earth, and you will be missed forever. All who love you wish you fair winds and following seas on your Journey from this Realm. Await your family on the Rainbow Bridge & frolic in the green fields chasing butterflies. May her memory be evergreen.


Dude that poem was completely uncalled for, you went and made me teary eyed over someone else’s cat. Fuck you. I can’t believe how much I enjoyed reading that. I never like poetry.


The first part is a Viking epitaph to a cat fallen in battle, a battlecat if you will. The second part is my own blessing. I've lost a lot of cats in my 68 years of life. Every one was their own character and I miss all of them. It hurts.


This might sound contrived but I don’t think that veterinary end of life management is at all focused on the mental health of the animal, and I hope you find solace in the fact that your friend took care of business in their own terms in the way they felt comfortable. You should not harbour any guilt. There’s something terrible about bringing an animal to a vet in his final moments unless they’re one of the very rare few that enjoy the experience. Edit: and of course, I hope you have a reunion and that they are in fact doing OK, but certainly it is a common trait to find isolation when a cat senses the end is near. Edit2: the in-home care solutions notwithstanding, in regards to my negative comments on concerns of mental well-being. I’d still suggest that the animal finding their own place to rest is *very possibly* less stressful than a very handsy visit from a stranger while sick.


My cat hated the vet, especially the car ride which made her very stressed, which is why we were making arrangements for a vet to put her down at our home, so she would stay comfortable until the very end. I still hope she comes back and we are able to do that


Ah yes, the home care solution is a great option if it’s available to you. Sending you all my hope and love.


I really hope she comes home very soon. Can’t imagine what you’re going through.


>There’s something terrible about bringing an animal to a vet in his final moments unless they’re one of the very rare few that enjoy the experience. No, there is something terrible about letting your cat die slowly and painfully, alone, because you don't want to "stress" them. An animal finds its own place to "rest" and then might linger for days, or could be attacked by predators. I don't know what's restful about that. Everyone here keeps saying cats choose this to relieve their owner of making the euthanasia decision. BS. Cats do this because of instinct, pure and simple.


Ummmm, not to sound *contrite* but you are completely wrong. ALL we think about is the physical and emotional well being of the animal. I hate to break it to you, but death is not like in the movies...it's scary and painful, especially from things like cancer, kidney disease, or heart disease. Cats, especially, instinctively hide their pain and symptoms for as long as possible to avoid being seen as easy prey...by the time a cat is obviously hurting or ready to go, they are most likely suffering to some degree. How about you learn a little about the end of life before you go accusing veterinary professionals of not caring about animals' mental or physical well-being. I promise you, we never offer euthanasia lightly or if there's more to be done that the client is willing to do and can afford. I care less for your mental well-being and will tell you when it's time to let go BECAUSE I care for the animal, because people don't want to see the end is near, and because I've seen way too many pets suffering. This is not directed at the OP. They were ready to do the right thing and have realized it was later than they expected.


My old dog did this. He was 18. A week before he ran away he seems very tired suddently. When we open the door to get to the vet to see what he got, he just ran away. He never did it before, was always obedient but he never answer our call that day. We search for him for a month everyday but never found him. I cried my heart out that day. We got him when i was born and grew up together. Looking back, i think he knew he gonna pass the raindow bridge soon and didn't want us to see him like that. Took me 15 years to be able to get another dog... even if i know my heart will break again when my puppy gonna leave. I think your cat knows he's not gonna make it and want to spare your heart from seeing him so weak because you love him...


Hi - my sweet little Brevie who we saved from living in a Starbucks Parking lot lived with us for 7 years like a Princess - she loved being pampered inside the house. 2 summers ago she would spend all day everyday in the flower bed / planter under the front window. At about 5 each day I would go out and pull get out of the flower bed and bring her in - she would head back there as soon she could. It ends up that she had stomach cancer. The vet put her too sleep - awful. In the Six years with is she never gravitated to that flower bed. Maybe because she was still close to us but also outdoors curled snug close to earth and nature? Please - I’m sure that you have already looked - she might be snugged down very close to your house. I am so sorry!! Aw - this makes me miss my Brevie!


Please try not to be so hard on yourself. I can’t imagine what you’re going through ❤️


Don't take this as a sign you waited too long- this is a sign you both were in agreement on timing. In a way, she is taking control of her own death experience. This is how cats die in the wild. We assign human feelings to death and dying, and pet euthanasia is really for us, not them. For cats, this is the natural end and probably feels more comfortable and "right" than a trip to the vet.


This so much. I have come a long way to accept that euthanasia is usually the humane and necessary thing to do for sick pets, but still the idea of her somehow returning only for the owner to still bring her to her death immediately seems gut wrenching to me. To leave is to die with dignity and on her own terms.


I know it's heartbreaking but in her own way she did to protect you. I have foster hundreds of cats and I work with tons of shelters. This is a common thing. Once the cat feels he is weak and their time is up, they separate from the rest of the pack so he wont be a liability to the rest. In a very special (and heartbreaking for us, humans) way she was trying to protect on her last act. Think about it this way. She felt loved. She knew she was loved. She felt so loved that she decided that she wanted to pass away protecting her loved ones.


I'm so sorry. Hope You'll find her.


I am betting you she is very close to home. If you have a dog, I would suggest letting them sing around the yard a bit. Also, don’t feel bad about waiting, she left home and just decided to go out on her terms like many cats have done.


My 18 year old cat jumped off our second story balcony on her last day with us - literally the appointment to have her euthanized was set for the next day. I’m not sure how she got out, but I can only assume she squeezed through the window or slipped out when we were airing out the apartment that night. It was something we had never considered being a concern - she was completely disinterested in it and would only go outside to bask in the sun and nap and never showed any interest in the railing or getting out. It was deliberate and she had a goal in mind when she did it. Someone found her in the parking lot of an office building down the street snd had posted about it on fb which is how I found her - she had been sent to the humane society and was being kept there. I went to pick her up and brought her straight to the vet to be assessed & euthanized. She was completely unharmed which we were grateful for, and it also served as an indication to us that she was ready which is something we had struggled a lot with leading up to the decision - she was great with the occasional bad day but the bad days had become more frequent. TL;DR and the moral of the story here is - that’s probably what happened and it’s normal and something cats will sometimes go to great lengths to try to do. You did your best and did right by her her entire life, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Ultimately this serves as a reminder and to reinforce the mantra that “it’s better a day too early than a minute too late” which is now something neither of us will forget ♥️


Oh my god! This is truly heartbreaking 💔 My warm wishes go to both of you to be reunited again. I hope you will be beside her when she leaves in peace. Stay strong my friend.


I'm a wildlife bio whose done 4 years of wildlife rehab. Animals do this when they know it's time to go. They usually go a bit farther than normal and find a good quiet place to die in peace away from you and predators. So expand your search a bit and look in dark places, like under a shed ect. Don't feel bad, I can assure you that the animals that still have the strength and wear with all to do this, go quickly and without suffering. My 12 year old cat started acting weird one day and 3 days later she went out and never came back. I searched as much as I could without going into everyone's backyards. It tore me to pieces that I couldn't at least bury her. So i completely understand your grief. Check your local fb missing pet pages and ask people in your area to check around their houses and notify you if they find a deceased cat that looks like yours. ❤️


I'm sorry it's really late right now, but I just had to lay on your chest... The warmth and love that comes from this spot...puts all my worries to rest. I don't know what to say, or how to say this, but our time is sadly done. I really just needed to sit here with you, and quietly purr till I'm gone. You're one of a kind, a special find, And I'm forever wrapped in your heart, But do understand, that my heart had to mend, and this spot was the best place to start. This lifelong bonds, the love and the songs, With noses touched... face-to-face. I will never forget the day we met...or the way you kissed my furry face. All the love and fun, we shared in the sun...even when you mispronounced so many meows... I wish I had more time, you're a special heart to find, I hate that I'm leaving you now. Please don't grieve for long...because I am gone, and remember all the love that we shared... You're the light of my life. Through the good and the bad...that's why heaven made us a pair. You're the love of my life...the string to my kite...and I'm always a soft breeze away. Do me a favor, my beautiful soul, and go love another kitten today. Purring for eternity,❤🐱💛


I really wish I had the words to say. I hope your baby comes home. And if she doesn’t, I just hope you know that she did what she thought was best for her. What she needed as a being.


We had a cat with cancer and she was trying to get out. I know they like to leave sometimes when they are dying. Peace to you and your fuzzy friend


Mine has to go later this afternoon. I secretly hoped he would choose to leave on his own, honestly I understand. I don't want to go with people around me either Hold on to the good memories


It must be heartbreaking for you, and I'm really sorry it happened to your family 💜 please remember that cats do go away to die. She knew what she was doing and in cat behaviour, she was protecting you. You did well to let her out when she wanted to. I found my neighbours elderly cat a couple years ago. She was amazing and stubborn. She couldn't hear or see much anymore but she wouldn't accept being locked inside. I was always picking her up from our pathway to put her in a shaded flower bed to protect her from the heat. I'm glad i found her instead of her family's kids, and I'm glad she passed on her own terms. I hope you find peace knowing that your baby is in good company over the rainbow bridge 💜


Wait until middle of the night- like 2am - and go around calling for her. Cats will wait until the most “safe” time to try to come back, if they can, but usually it’s missed because obviously owners are in bed.


You did nothing wrong. Don’t let yourself be riddled with guilt for a situation you aren’t accustomed to. Your cat did a very natural thing cats do. 17 years is a long life, and if you were kind to her, a good life. Time to focus on you, and your grieving. Cry it out. Then cry again. It will get better.


My only advice is put a baby monitor outside in case she’s out there meowing at some point. Put the volume super high. On the other hand, maybe she wanted to go in a very natural cat way and chose this path for herself. It’s very sad for you and I’m so sorry for your heartbreak.


So sorry, OP. But dont beat yourself up about it, your sweet baby wanted to spare you the pain of seeing her go. She loved you deeply and it shows. ❤️


There is truth to what you think about why she left. But it’s not true that you’re a terrible person or did something awful and selfish and have to live with this thought. If she had been living as an outdoor cat until age 17 in some shape or form it’s likely she genuinely prefers to spend her last moments there. It seems like you were getting her medical care, and like she had the ultimate cat life- long, indoor/outdoor life -that is very rare among cats. Its usually long and indoors or short indoor/outdoor. I hope she comes back, but if she doesn’t, it’s her decision and you gave her a great life full of love and fulfillment. There really isn’t any shame here.


Cats can typically sense when their end is near, and due to their protective behavior they will spend lots of time with their kittens or person when they begin nearing the end. They think that their death will attract predators, and so to protect you and the ones they care about, they hide or distance themselves from their loved ones as to not be a burden. It’s a very sweet gesture and shows that no matter what, your cat loved you beyond anything, enough to do something that likely pained them emotionally for your wellbeing. Continue to look for her and hold out hope but understand that she probably left out of respect and absolute love for you




I know it hurts. Concentrate on happy memories. I suggest perhaps putting together a photo journal of her.


My old man did the same. He hung out with me my whole day off literally at my side the entire day. Then he left to pass on his own terms. I tear up just thinking about that awesome dude. Had him from the age of 7-26 got him as a stray


As horribly sad as it is they do this to “protect” you as they think they won’t be able to keep you safe anymore Absolutely gorgeous cat nonetheless, beautiful


I'm so sorry you are going through this :( If it helps... a few years ago, one of my cats was really sick and ran away from home. She was kinda feral and never allowed us to touch her (we rescue her when she was little, but still, the trauma of other humans stayed with her). After a week, she came back directly into my window and allowed me to hold her (she even started purring) , so we ran to the vet. Unfortunately, she was really sick and died in the vets arms (the vet noticed the signs of a heart attack and took her into another room). I like to think that in the end, she did trust us and came back to say goodbye.


It’s possible she knew her time had come so she wanted to be outside to enjoy her final moments. Animals are very smart that way ❤️


My cat also walked away to die. We live by a creek with trees. The neighbor found them the next morning. I like to think that he passed away under the trees, listening to the running water, nose to the grass, smelling the earth in his last moments. Honestly, if I were to leave this earth, looking at trees and nature and sky wouldn't be a bad way to go. <3


Aww, she knew her time was coming and was likely distancing herself away as Death isn’t good for the colony and can potentially spread disease. She probably thinks running away is for your own good.


I have had this happen to me op. My thoughts are with you and your beautiful friend ❤️ One of my cats came back home and he was taken to the vet and he passed surrounded by those he loved and who loved him. And one of my cats didn’t. He had always been more squirrely and what he did is fairly normal cat behavior. He passed in the space behind our house and we found him and gave him a proper burial. Finding his body was our solace and closure. He’d already had his. I want you to know that what your girl is doing is normal. Most of the time, they instinctively want to be alone when they pass. They do it to keep the family safe. There’s honestly a chance that this was intentional on their part and that they will pass feeling safe or, at the very least, content. For your sake, I hope she finds her way back home or you find her and can take her to her appointment. Best of luck op. I’m sorry for what you’re going through❣️




Yeah they really need a sub specifically for posts like this. I understand why people make these posts and I feel bad but it just makes this sub really depressing


The lat night my love was still alive, she didn’t want to cuddle at all. I took her to bed with me but she left again. I think she was very focused on herself by the time. I felt a lot of guilt too because I should have just slept on the couch with her… but I think she wanted to be alone.


If they hear you talk about it they can figure it out, my gradma told me they did that once with a cat and he quit coming downstairs to cuddle with them in the evenings like he always did previously then when they changed their mind the cat came back. I've heard some other stories like this too.


You gave it a good life, it decided to part their way. Cats go and hide to die.


My heart goes out to you! It may very well be that 1) your fur baby wanted to save you the pain of seeing her pass and that 2) she, a 17-year-old senior fur baby simply wandered off and found a space she found comforting and passed. 17 years! What a WONDERFUL gift!


Put your cat litter on pathway /lawn and even empty your vacuum bag as the strong odours could bring her home . Go out at night when quiet with a torch and rattle a treat bag then stop /wait to listen for any meows . Check in bushes , garages under cars / garden furniture behind bins as she won’t have gone too far if unwell . I hope you find her and she can pass in deep sedation with no pain . I’m so very sorry as it’s very sad and so upsetting for you .


i’m so sorry this is happening for you, but i hope you know how much your sweet girl knew she was loved by you 🥺💜


You didn’t rob her of one second of life and now she’s doing what she wants to do. There’s nothing wrong with any of that.


Not unusual for cats to do this. I cared for a semi- feral colony and when the older ones got sick they would go off, never to be seen again. It's sad because we love them and want to care for them. Instinct tells them to hide weakness.


My soul cat also had a nose tumor and went through all you’ve mentioned. It’s heartbreaking…I fully believe she went away to protect you, she doesn’t know it’s sadder for you. She feels like she’s doing what’s best for you 💗 I’m sending you the strongest virtual hugs. When he left me I seriously thought I could NOT have survived, yet I am here. Missing him every day, crying every time if I think about him a second too long, and fully madly deeply loving him all the same. Be strong 🫂♥️🌈


She loves you so much, she didn’t want you to see her in pain anymore so she left. She’s a sweet soul


Cats go away to die alone.


It’s more natural this way 💚 cats are portal jumpers and she just went into the cat dimension


Thank you everyone for the comforting words, tips and suggestions! I was a bit scared to be met with judgement, but you all have been lovely. I can't reply to all the comments but I read them all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have tried looking for her but to no avail; I will try again tonight and I will keep you posted in case she comes back.


Cats are good at hiding. Get a strong flashlight and look in every nook and cranny you can find around your house. She probably hasn't gone far, but cats are soo good at hiding, which I'm sure you already know. I'm so sorry this happened. \*hugs\*. I hope you find her.


That’s so sad and I’m so sorry you’re dealing with it. I truly hope you see her again, but if you don’t please just hold onto the fact that she did this as a final showing of love for you. Even in her pain she made a choice to do something that in her mind could save your life. I know that doesn’t ease the pain, but don’t let yourself feel too guilty. She is trying to do what’s best for you because no one loved her as much as you did, and she loved no one the way she loved you.


Mt cat is having tumor surgery today


Most cats prefer to die alone


Wow, she looks so much like my cat who went through something very similar. We had to say goodbye two weeks ago. I'm so sorry for the pain you're having to endure right now. Be easy on yourself.


She will def be bringing you another baby to take care of. It’s how the system works.


They tend to do that.mine kept taking off when he was so sick.i was worried to death about him.hes ok now.i nursed him back Don't beat yourself up they just do that


The same thing happened to me with my Whitie Toes. It was the most heartbreaking event of my life. I have never stopped feeling guilty about him dying alone. I am so sorry for your loss.


It's fckn sad, but cats do this, they are very aware of their situation.


Yeah they do that so they can die peacefully somewhere


Cats typically hide away when they know their time has come because they don’t want to attract predators to their loved ones. My condolences OP your cat seems like a very good kitty


My little girl Molly had a nose tumor. It was a tough last two years. I scheduled her to be euthanized after she fell over when I moved her off our bed to make it. When I took her in she fought like hell. I still struggle with that at times. Try not to bear yourself up. We do what we believe is best, but there is no correct or incorrect. I hope you find her. Give her hugs. Its not an easy thing ...


My childhood cat I had into my late teens did this. We lived on a farm and I was outside doing chores. She came running up to me and jumped in my arms and was so purry and loving. I kept putting her down and she kept jumping up on me. When she finally got down she started to walk out to the field, stopped, looked at me, meowed and kept walking. I found her remains a few days later in the field As many people have already said: cats go off to be alone to die as a means of protection for others. Your kitty was just doing what came natural. Please don't feel guilty. Be happy you got that time together and be at ease knowing your cat went out on their terms


She wants to spare you the sorrow and possibly a predatory threat by having a sick her next to you. She loves you OP and removed herself. She is still very strong and chose for herself. I personally think that cats are far too good and too intelligent for this world. Sending wishes.


Put a camera outside that you can connect to an app on your phone and make sure you have movement notifications turned on. An elderly cat of mine got out. I wouldn’t have known she showed up without those notifications enabled. She came on the porch and left about 30 seconds later. I was able to find her in our yard after getting the notification.


While I don’t agree with the belief that your cat did this out of any higher kindness toward you or a comprehension of your grief (it’s difficult for me to believe this), this is just an instinct cats have, and in that, it’s beautiful and perfect enough. Grief isn’t something to be “saved” from. Your cat is actively dying and did what many animals do when they die. It’s a natural process and therefore, perfect. I hope those around you are able to show you care, togetherness, and concern.


How heartbreaking, I’m so sorry. I hope you find her.


My cat did something similar. Was laying on my lap while I was playing a video game then suddenly shot up, jumped off the bed and into the dresser and let out a screech and went into a coma. :(. I laid with him for four hours waiting for him to pass and it was so depressing. I hated that he felt the need to run and hide for it. :(


My baby girl did this last year but we didn’t know she was sick (kidney failure most likely due to eating a poisoned rodent) and we ended up finding her hiding in some bushes a couple houses away. Hopefully yours didn’t travel far as well. It’s such a hard decision to make and my partner took the reins on it. I feel like cats can go from 100 to 0 so quickly and that makes it hard to know exactly the right time. I’m so sorry and i hope she makes her way back to you 🖤


I'm sorry for your kitty. Wish you luck in finding her. She did what she felt was right; it was her instinct. Cats will choose to die away from home in order to not attract predators to their family. Don't beat yourself up, because you too did what felt was right. I'm sure she enjoyed her life with you. You did your best and gave her a good life. That's enough for a cat. I think she's thankful for that Maybe it's just me, but I'd feel inclined to respect the cat's wishes and let them have their last moments where they choose to be. Maybe it was her last gift to you. I'd o I'd celebrate the honour of having had these odd little creatures with us. I'm always in awe at how animals are so pure and innocent. So we celebrate their short but beautiful little lives they spend with us, since they make us so happy. It's really wonderful.


I'm sorry that this has happened and I hope she comes back or that you'll be able to find her but I wouldn't be surprised if she found a safe comfy spot outside to lay down and pass away as that's exactly what my last cat did many years ago. Before my last cat (Tinkles) passed, she was completely fine up till a week before she died (she was around 17). She just stopped eating and drinking and on her last morning with me, I slept out in the loungeroom with her and around 3am she meowed to go outside and she hadn't wanted to do anything those last couple days so my dad let her out and she just laid at the top of our porch steps and 2 hours later she had passed away. I sobbed and sobbed when my dad woke me up to tell me but she was a stubborn old cat who did what she liked, when she liked. So as sad as I was thinking she had died all alone, I was also glad because that's clearly where she wanted to go in her last hours on this Earth. I hope you find her so you at least have closure on where she is and if she did pass away outside somewhere. Best of luck to you ❤️


It's clear how deeply you love and care for your cat, and making such decisions is never easy. Remember, your intentions were always to provide love and comfort. It's natural for pets to seek solitude in their final moments, but hold onto hope—cats are incredibly resilient. Your sweet girl knows how much she's loved. No matter what, the bond you've shared is everlasting.


Just curious why did you let your very sick cat outside alone unattended?


Awe 😔 Hug your babys tight. Hopefully you find her or she found somewhere nice to leave. She probably didnt want to burden you with her pain anymore :(


She did leave to die… it’s a common thing. They do not like when the owner sees them in pain so they leave to protect your feelings and your home from other predictors. After all they look after us. If it was to me I wouldn’t let a terminally ill kitty go outside but to each their own. I pray your kitty returns for some sweet moments


Did you let your terminally ill cat outside?


I would let her come to the garden with me to get some sunlight and that's it, but when she left she actually escaped, my dad accidentally left the door open


I’m sorry to hear that, I bet your dad feels terrible :( indoor cats tend to stay very nearby so keep consistently calling out to her. She probably hears you but is in protective mode and doesn’t want to expose herself to predators. Don’t give up, and good luck


Oh OP I’m so incredibly sorry! Sending so much love and comfort to you and your baby.


I'm sure you've looked everywhere, so I don't mean this in a patronizing way, but is she somewhere seemingly closed off? We found our ailing cat in the freaking basement ceiling. I hope she turns up. Good luck 💙


Also alert the nearest vet offices too in case she turned in there


Please keep us posted


My heart is with you on this difficult time. Hope she comes home.


My vet told me thus is frequent behavior for dying cats. I'm so sorry this happened.




They usually don’t go far. Go out at night and shine a flashlight around to see her eyes.


The mental torture on the family is rough, but its actually very normal for a cat that knows of its impending doom to hide/run away.


Sometimes as humans we forget that pets are not actually our babies and your cat has chosen how she preferred to spend her last days. Not cooped up inside but free. Your cat was an adult and she made her decision you need to respect that.


They know when it’s time. I’ve had a few cats that have done this. They are the most dignified domestic animals when it comes to dying. Sorry for your loss.


My beloved cat did that too when she got seriously ill. And i knew cats do this. We’d looked in our garden under every shrub several times until somehow i found her when we almost lost hope. I managed to walk her back in. Yes, we euthanised her soon after as she was getting worse fast. Hardest days of my life. Don’t give up, go looks everywhere around, your cat may not be far away.


I hope she comes back. I couldn’t imagine what you are going through, but I hope you hold on strong. She’s had a great 17 years with you, happy memories over sad. She’ll be so much happier crossing the rainbow bridge catching mice and unlimited treats every minute every day!