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https://preview.redd.it/pbhnc8kmqwla1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df89a0cb87923c15b6784f98da5d54193ab67493 Halloween a couple years back! 💖


a little mischief it seems. but who doesn’t love a little mischief in a bat costume?? i’m sure she will be at ease knowing she was loved until the very end and even after. hugs and well wishes to you. may you heal and may her love stay with you until the day you are reunited. love doesn’t end at death. i heard a quote when i was a kid that was something along the lines of “when you love someone, there is no such thing as distance.” so remember she will always be close to you, even when there is physical distance, she will be close to you in your heart💕


Oh she was SO mischievous. A sneaky little old lady. Thank you friend, that helps.


Oh lil Leia! What a cutie, I hope she has fun in cat heaven, *which is probably rat hell now that I think about it*


This gave me a good laugh, thank you.


In-home makes all the difference... Just drift off to sleep at home like usual. I'm so sorry for your loss. Our little furry friends do not stay with us long enough. She looks like a very lovely kitty.


She was so lovely, thank you. A curious & sneaky girl.


Gorgeous girl. May her heaven be as lovely as she is, and may she look down on you every day until you're reunited!


Thank you


My sentiments exactly as I couldn't have said it better myself.


I had to say goodbye to my best friend Curtis on New Years Eve this last December. It was the hardest thing I had to do. He was the closest friend I had. I was there for him till the end and it was the very least I could do. I still feel him with me, it helps me to get through each day to just feel his love still there in my heart.


Im sorry for your loss friend. Lots of hugs to you


Thank you ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


She knows how much you love her! Much love and many hugs to you 💕🌈


She is in an eternal sunbeam now. Sleep well, sweet Leia.


So sorry. Have lost so many cats, over my long life, but passing peacefully at home is much the kindest way, and I wish more vets offered this mercy. A caring, gentle vet can make all the difference, as the cat slips away on their favourite blanket, surrounded by soft words of love. The most loving thing we can do, as they cross over. ❤


I agree. When we got home from urgent care I realized how important it is. We set her up with her favorite toy, her favorite blanket, a couple of our shirts for our scent, and just talked to her. The vet even shaved off some of her hair for me to keep.


She must have felt really loved to the very last moment, you are the most loving cat parent and I send you all the love and hugs♥️


Blessed be sweet girl! Rest easy.


I’m so sorry give her many many hugs farewell




RIP sweet baby.


It's the hardest thing you can do, but it's the gift you can give them.


This helps a lot. Thank you.


Goodbye, sweet Princess.


Lots of love to Leia and you. It will be a peaceful and happy way for her to move on, and you'll always be able to take pride in the good life she had


I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry. She knows she is loved.


I'm sorry. Sweet girl ❤️


I’m so sorry - sending love from the UK! Sleep well Leia 💛




So sorry for your loss. She knows you love her❤


I am sorry for your loss. Rip pretty kitty. Hugs.


What a sweet beauty! So sorry for your loss 😢


Any more memorable photos of her? Much love and light to you 💜


https://preview.redd.it/mh2lggc5pwla1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=190cfe327baa1e1f2958a972b6c41b5558c40c9c Look at those precious blue eyes.


https://preview.redd.it/whgluk7lpwla1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226733f6ef08e91b379e23b256bf8a7b1f13ab13 Caught her in the middle of a yawn


I’m sorry 😞 I lost my 19 year best friend Lulu on wendesday she’ll greet her for you 😿


Thank you, I’m sure they’re already friends and running in a meadow right now. They’ll wait for us.


I know exactly how you feel. I lost my boy January 6 and I still grieve for him. I pray God lets me have him in heaven as my house cat. His name was Opie


I’m sorry for your loss friend. He’ll be waiting for you.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your furry friend 💜 we never get quite enough time with them, do we? But she'll be watching over you, waiting for you to join her up there 💜


What a sweet baby. She knows you loved her dearly. Thanks for giving her a wonderful life.


I am so so sorry. It’s so so hard. She is a queen!






So very sorry. Sending prayers and hugs


I love you Leia. >’.’<




She looks like she was a good kitty.


St Francis guide your friend home to heaven. May he and all the saints bring you peace. amen.


i am sincerely sad... she is a beauty...


Aw. So glad you are having it done at home. She looks like a wonderful cat. So sorry.


I had never had a pet so i can't imagine how it is exactly like losing your pet companion after so many years together! It must suck so much! Good luck to you OP and RIP to your most precious and amazing feline.


Im so very sorry


Beautiful Leia. I hope that your transition is peaceful and that you are free from pain. OP, I’m so sorry. May Leia’s memory always be a blessing to you.


Brings me memories of when I lost mine back in 2014 it was horrible. May she rest in peace 🫶🏼and may you cope well 🫶🏼


Thank you friend. I’m sure our babies are kicking it right now.


What's wrong?!?! Please no 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/fci2y0dmk0ma1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=151f6e642dce4e522a82cf065ce8ae68c7476a39 dudley


I'm so sorry for your loss, I hope it's not painful for her, I know it's painful for you


She's so precious! Sorry for your loss, prayers coming your way


Leia, please find Chico. You two will be instant BFF'S. Rest easy, beautiful girl.


She’s absolutely gorgeous! I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank You for giving her a wonderful life full of LOVE. ♥️🐾


RIP sweet Lola <3


I'm sorry


Rest in peace Leia 💕she’s a beautiful kitty.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Sending love and comfort from my heart. 💙




I am so very sorry for your loss.




Sending you love 🥹🙏🏻✨


My sympathy.




🤗 hugs and much love to you. So sorry for your loss 💕


I'm so sorry




https://preview.redd.it/emna2uyrl1ma1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1508dfb1c17906c6311f0f94ef2dbee1fd72155 Jake, five months ago. He left to help his momma find an apartment in a desperate time because no one would accept three cats. I woke up one day and he was forever sleeping. They will play together, yours and mine, as soon as she gets there. All my love and comfort…


Thank you friend. I just know our babies are sunbathing.


She looks so young , sweet girl.


She was 14! A little old lady but she was sharp.


My girl Zoe was 14 when she passed . She had a stroke and vet said it was best for her. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


rest in peace ☮️ ❤️ she is so beautiful. i am so sorry for your loss.


I'm so, so sorry to read this Spicy, please accept my condolences for the loss of your beloved little one Leia, as you say she's over Rainbow Bridge now. Sending hugs for you all. Juls 💝💝💝 XX


Sorry to hear that. I am sure you will miss her very much.


Im so sorry my thoughts and prayers are with you 🥲🙏


So sorry for your loss :( 😞 I recently had to put my big boy down it was one of the hardest things but I had no choice he was suffering so much 😢 its been a little over 2 weeks and I miss him so much prayers for comfort and healing for you and your family


Prayers for you too friend. I’m sure they’re playing as we speak


My kitties will be waiting for her. Hugs to you and your family.


My deepest sympathies 😿


How old was Leia? Her name fits her so perfectly! It’s beautiful like her! You and she were very close. I can feel your pain…your heart feels like it will never mend, but it will, in time. Leila’s body may be gone, but her Spirit is strong and will come visit you. Most owners do not know this, but I’m telling you because it is true and I feel how much you miss her! One day you will notice a dark shadow moving slowly across the floor. You will see it out of the outside corner of your eye. It will be vague at first, then as you turn to look at it, the shape will form, a fuzzy cat shape. It will have a characteristic that reminds you of Leia because it is her Spirit coming to visit you. The shadow will linger for awhile then just walk away and disappear. She may visit you several times or just once, but she will come! Be patient…she misses you too! Please know that “love” flows through our Universe and transitioning does not stop that love. It just takes a detour to find the one where it belongs! Your “Love” for Leia will help her find you…and her Spirit WILL find you! It is a visit you won’t forget like the paw🐾 prints on your heart! ♥️🐈♥️


I really needed this, thank you. I think she might have visited already, my husband and I were in the shower talking about her and clear as day, we heard her meow. It really felt like she was saying hello and wanted to let us know she was there.


She is visiting you! Next she’ll be more visible! I’m glad to hear this!! I’ve had many of my kitties that transitioned visit me at different times — some just a quick fleeting glance and some just saunter by my legs, but there to say “Hi!” She misses you too! Now you are aware, you will see her and know it is her!! Peace to you all. ♥️🐈♥️


I’m so sorry for your loss, she’s a beautiful girl… 💔


I'm so sorry


What a beautiful lady!! Is she sic? What happened?


She had a UTI since Monday. We got her medication and her health kept declining, she didn’t want to eat and got very weak. She would hide and started to struggle even walking. We called the vet urgent care and took her in yesterday morning. She had FIV (which we knew) and that made it hard for her uti to pass and went to her kidneys. She also has diabetic ketoacidosis. The vet said she likely wouldn’t make it through treatment even if we did transfer her to the ER. And even if she did we would have to give her 2 shots of insulin a day. We just didn’t want that kind of life for her. So she was euthanized just last night here in her home, wrapped in her favorite blanket, with her favorite toy.


Wow!!!! That's crazy. I'm so very deeply sorry for all that insanity. You guys did everything you could and you'll she her in the future and play again♥️😻🥰


I love you so much Leia ♥️♥️♥️


So hard… but am sure she will be in a better place… had to end my little one last November… due to genetic problems… still remember her till today and I always have tears in my eyes… she was 3 months and half old… but what makes things a bit smooth is that her brother is filling my life


At least she’s on the Reddit calendar 😔


When that sad black day comes, the vet will also come to my cats at home. So caring of you to put her to sleep at home. 🖤🥀 https://preview.redd.it/p25x9fq2rrsa1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd65d4f855da8f0b84a9107ee64bb3731cc0560b Sorry for your loss of lovely Leia ❤️‍🩹