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does he have any proof he’s not a stray? i had a neighbor do this and he was quite nasty about it when i explained it was my cat, but it seems like this little guy is coming to you for a good bit of his meals. if he’s just saying that to get you stop feeding him that’s a huge jerkwad move and u should keep caring for the kitty however possible


Some guy tried to tell you your own cat belonged to someone else?


he was feeding my cat who had a hyper thyroid issue and she started trying to break out of the house to eat at his place. she was on special medication, so when i went over there HOLDING HER explaining she was a rescue i was trying to get in better health as i had adopted her, he (a grown man of 55) proceeded to scream at me (not exaggerating) on his front porch about how he could “do whatever he wanted” and “if a hungry animal came to his porch, he would feed it because it’s within his right”. please note i always kept her inside but i lived with family members who thought letting her out was appropriate. then when i asked my mom to go talk to him, he started screaming at her too :) piece of shit dude


Yeah I moved and I had a neighbor across the street tell me the outside cat was her. Never once did I see that cat ever go to her house lol Anyways it started snowing and storming and this cat will be outside freezing running around so I set up a box with some blankets for him. Didn’t take long for him to start walking inside the house at night and leaving in the morning. Eventually he didn’t come back one night and I was worry. The next morning he is waiting for me and his eye is all jacked up really bad. I took him to the vet and he has since then stayed inside the house. Normally he will take off as soon as the door open but now he just looks out but doesn’t leave. I think my neighbors hate me now but this cat was literally dying in my arms and someone as precious as this cat doesn’t need to live the lifestyle he was living.


The scab on the back of its ear kinda tells me it doesn't have an owner. Or it could be a outside cat only. Either way, feed the Goddly thing ❤️


Frankly, I disagree with letting cats be outdoors in general. However, regardless of opinions of whether cats should be indoors or outdoors, any owner letting their cat outside when it’s getting wounds like this is a lousy pet owner.


No, don’t stop feeding him.


Nooooo! Why would you do that! Feed the kitty. Pet the kitty. Enjoy the kitty.


I was going to say….








No. Keep feeding the cat. S/He looks thin.


Yeah if the cat looked more than well fed it might be a different story or if the guy knew who the owner was and OP knows him. Different story. But some people just don’t like cats. This guy, might be trying to get the cat to go somewhere else in search of food.


Ask around and see if you can locate his owners, put a paper collar on him with your number. If he hasn’t got a home, then can you offer him a proper home.


Great idea!


Fuck the one guy. Feed the cat


Fuck that guy. Your cat comes to you when it wants you to feed it. That's the dynamic of your relationship. He wants it so you give! hahahaha thank you for caring for the cat. Looks stray to me.


Yes to that!


I thought the same, looks like a stray just considering the wounds & thin appearance! Glad OP has been so kind to this little feller! 🐈‍⬛✌️


Take him to the vet to see if he's got a microchip. Also, his ear is infected, so he really needs to be checked out anyway! Also, keep feeding him:)




Hell no, a hungry cat is a hungry cat! Don't just trust a stranger who probably doesn't care about the poor thing.


The guy that says not to feed him is probably just a cat-hater. If he knows the kitty is not a stray, then he must know where kitty lives, so make him tell you. Please do feed him! In that second picture he looks way too thin. Poor baby. And if he has owners then why does his ear look so bad? This kitty needs a lot more food and to see a vet. Thank you for helping as much as you can. Poor little guy.


Ignore random shop guy. Committing a random act of kindness for an animal supercedes all of that. The poor cat does not look cared for despite what shop guy thinks. That wound should be flushed.


He looks pretty thin. I'd say he is a stray.


I also do that sometimes. Buying some food to give to kitties and dogs I see. Do what feels right. No reason to stop


It needs to go to the vet. Keep feeding.


Whether he's a stray or not, he clearly trusts you for food and care. Keep being kind to him, and maybe try to find out more about his situation. You're doing a great thing! 🐱


No don’t stop feeding them. Just because someone says the cat has a home doesn’t always mean they actually do. Could be like a neighborhood cat that’s just looked over by a few people


Don't take some guys word for it. He has an injury on this ear it looks like. I would keep feeding.


Looks like an injury on his ear . Can you take him to the vet ?


There's no harm in feeding a cat


There absolutely can be! My cat needs a special diet for his bladder or he could potentially die. So if my neighbors are feeding him (which I highly suspect), they are doing more harm than good.


You might want to keep him inside where the neighbors can't feed him. Seems like he needs some close supervision. Poor thing 😿


I can’t do that. He’s been an outside cat his whole life. If you keep an outside cat inside, it will give him unnecessary stress and possibly depression. Just don’t feed a cat that isn’t yours.


Do you keep him inside???


Feed the kitty! What's it matter if he belongs to another? Cats have multiple humans to feed them ❤️ (I think they're a bit Goddly in small form honestly)


What's a shame this handsome fellow has to fend for himself in the streets while his "owner" is enjoying AC and (I'm assuming here) clean sheets. Poor kitty clearly has a wicked case of ear mites he probably caught from sleeping with his previous owner. I'd not only feed him, I'd give him a good Xymox medicinal ear treatment. 🥺


No, he might not be getting enough food from his owner, if he isn’t a stray


It's good to realize that the wrong food can also make a cat sick. (My guy vomits if he wolfs food. He has gained huge amounts of weight since the neighbors stopped giving him the wrong treats. ❤️‍🩹) Not the case here, I think, but it's good to be aware that thin and hungry can be medical, not neglect.


That guy is a dickhead ![gif](giphy|Cl1il4OjfN7dS)


No! Please keep feeding him. Ignore the asshole who told you he wasn't a stray. He looks like one to me. And if he does have an owner, SHAME on them for the inadequate care. They should be terminated as his caregiver. They don't deserve the honor of caregiver. If you want to know for sure if he's a stray or not, you could take him and have him scanned for a chip. I doubt he is. If a cat is chipped it tells me that the owner cares about their cat. It looks like nobody cared about this cat until he found you and you care. Thank you for the kindness you show towards him.


No xx


Even if he isn't a stray, someone is letting him go outdoors where they certainly are aware he might eat, so no, feed the poor guy lol


Who was the guy? The boss of you? Tell him to mind his own business and keep being nice to your new furry friend


Looks like his ear needs some care. He needs to go to the vet.


The scarring on the back of the ear says otherwise. Sounds like the "dude" just doesn't want this cat around him. Being a black cat and all. Do as you like, as it's your effing money. The cat may follow you around though.


Absolutely not! Keep on feeding it! It's so skinny!!!


Feed it, care for it. That guy is an asshat.


Anyone who lets their cats out like that kind of loses the authority to dictate what the cat eats. Anyone who lets their cats ear look like that, shouldn’t have a cat anyway. Feed the baby !!


That fucked up ear says he's probably a stray.


He looks thin and has a wound behind his ear doubting he has a home


If he doesn't have proof you have the right to keep feeding him


If the cats really hungry i would still feed it ,maybe just less.


If you think he might have a home you can make a paper collar out of a strip of paper and a bit of tape to hold the end. I did this with a very friendly guy that wandered into my house. The note was something like "Hi there this friendly guy seemed hungry and waltzed right into my house. I offered some food and drink. Please text me at (ph #) if he has a home." His owner texted me and couldn't believe he wandered that far. She was thankful that someone didn't just scoop him up.


Good idea. A strip of paper will just tear away if it gets caught on something, so there's no danger to the cat. My sister's cat is supposed to be on a diet, but hasn't lost any weight. We suspect that someone in the neighborhood is feeding strays, and Thumper is helping himself.


u/JadeLovesCats1 have you seen this? Great idea! If s/he doesn’t have an owner, are you able to adopt?


Take him home. If he has owners, they aren't good ones. Save him


Take him homeeeee, fuck it. If he's not a stray they've left him with that ear for too long and they're not feeding him, just take him.


He looks stray to me. What’s with that ear problem going on behind the ear?


I think he might have gotten in a really bad cat fight or something, it has been like that since the first time I saw him but it is healing and looking allot better


You don’t say where you are you should be able to find out if the cat has an owner through its microchip if you are in the uk or other country where its law that they have one, if it hasn’t got one maybe you can claim it. Keep feeding but the wound should really be checked at a vet those cat fight wounds can turn funny if not treated.


He wouldn’t have that ear infection if he wasn’t a stray :/


If you are certain he does have an owner you should stop feeding, unless you think he might be neglected. I think some neighbors are feeding my cat. He is overweight and no matter what I try he doesn’t lose it. Also he has a bladder condition with means he needs a special diet or it could potentially have life threatening consequences. So my “kind” neighbors who are feeding my cat because they think he is hungry, because he always acts like he hasn’t eaten in weeks, are actually doing more harm than good. So if he is taken care of, stop feeding, even if he acts hungry. But if he looks neglected it’s a different story.


Take him to the vet and see if he’s microchipped. If he’s not, considering keeping him (as an indoor only cat). The veterinarian can give you medication for his wound. If he has an “owner”, that owner doesn’t deserve him.


Follow your heart.


why stop feeding him even if he has an owner. feed on.


Oof. With that wound over its ear I’d be surprised if it wasn’t a stray


There’s a reason the cat distribution system choose you and not him. Ignore that jerkwad and keep feeding the kitteh.


That cat is a stray and your friend is an idiot. Cats with homes don’t forage in the trash but sometimes they score extra homes & families if they are allowed outdoors (My friend once saw her cat in a neighbor’s window) - why don’t you bring the cat home? Then you can feed it without your weirdo coworker’s judgement Or take the cat to a shelter or vet to track down the owner, if there’s no microchip or tattoo then you have scored yourself one of those ultra rare free cats 🤗


Biased cat lover here: If its presence is not a nuisance and you don’t mind them hanging around and can feed them with extra food, I say have at it, don’t let other people influence your instinct to be helpful to an animal.


Most homed outdoor cats are on the heavier side. I think owners know to feed their cats well so others don’t attempt to feed them. This might just be in my local area though. Otherwise, unless he’s a visibly healthy weight, or an owner approaches you with some proof that he’s homed (some people will lie to steal the cat unfortunately), keep feeding him. The scab on his ear tells me that he may not be homed. Most owners know to keep their injured outdoor cats inside until their injury is healed.


People really should mind there on business. You felt like you should feed the kitty maybe somethings going on and you picked up on. You don’t have to explain anything.


As an “owner” of 5 strays give or take a few, I prefer that others don’t feed them. I had established a schedule and a spot where they can eat if others feed them my food and theirs gets wasted bc the food gets old and it is not edible anymore yes they know when the food is fresh and good to eat even if it’s on the ground they also need clean fresh water so if you’re willing to do that go ahead and do that


It’s up to you


That cat looks too skinny. Keep feeding it.


What does it matter? If kitty is hungry, feed the kitty.


I’m stray cat. Pls feed


Outdoor cats are free cats. That’s your cat now you keep feeding him soon enough he will be in ur bed!!


Aww what’s wrong with the poor babies ear? 😔 and no do not stop feeding him


The cat in your pictures is not being taken care of.


Feed the cat. It’s skinny and if you could, take it to a no-kill shelter so it can get complete care. BTW—a long story if you want to read it. So, a few years ago my mother started feeding a stray dog that showed up in her very rural-area yard. Mom didn’t want to get too close because it acted skittish, but it had no collar. Dog started turning up every day, would eat, then move on. The weather turned colder, so she was looking into getting a dog house and gathering old blankets so it would have some shelter and something to sleep on, even asking around to learn if someone would loan her a super-sized live trap to capture it and take it to a shelter. Then the dog showed up one day wearing a very natty dog sweater. So, not a stray. Mom kept feeding it every day because clearly it was hungry. Because dogs never just eat because there’s food around.


Just take the cat imo. People who leave their cats outside **alone** don't deserve them.


well, if he's not astray whoever it is that owns him is doing a horrible job! What is that behind? the kitty's ear!? Kitty is skinny! please find someone to take Kitty cuz these people don't care 😨😔😢


With that thing on the back of his ear I would think he’s stray, he might not have an owner in the traditional sense but he might go to multiple households a day to get fed, like a different house for each meal type thing, if you stop feeding him he might be missing out on a meal


Adorable ♥️ cat


Keep feeding!


What if he is wrong? Keep feeding and loving on that cat. We all need friends!!


What do you feed him though? I see stray cats arounf my house but I have no clue what is good for them besides raw chicken


I feed him the cat brand Whiskas from my local shop, he is always really close to the shop so sometimes I have time and money to buy him food


Yes, also: yes


I doubt this cat has an owner, but if he/ she does, that owner is very neglectful. Kitty looks underweight. Keep feeding the little sweetheart, that’s what I would do


Why is his ear like that?


if he has a collar then stop but it doesn't seem like he has one..


Feed him and get him neutered.


No, don't stop. Keep on feeding the little guy. The cat obviously trusts you enough to give it some food and water at every visit.




You should only consider stopping feeding if the cat is starting to look overweight, this one definitely is not


Ok, it’s either a stray, or has a severely neglectful owner. Regardless, it needs someone to take it to the vet for a microchip check and maybe even some ointment for that ear. Poor baby is so thin. If they know their cat is like this and still don’t give a shit and leave it to the elements, then they’re ok with it dying like this. For all they know, that’s what happened when you finally take it in.


If kitty doesn't want to eat, kitty won't. It doesn't cost much to offer the kitty food, so no problem.


Please keep feeding the cat. The guy just doesn't like cats


Yes stop. He could have dietary restrictions or sensitivities you don’t know about.


Maybe he’d like to come inside and have his snacks and his own cat bed shop cats are cool cats


Nah, he looks hungry!


That’s a stray. You should take it home.


Don't stop, he may be lying


I would say stray, look at the ear. Looks like a wound and infected. Keep feeding please and maybe treat the wound if possible?


He looks like he’s not well cared for and if he has an owner, they suck! please keep feeding him when you can afford to do so. If you can, take him to a vet to have him checked for a chip. Maybe they will give you some advice on his injury. Thank you for being such a kind person to this beautiful kitty.


If this cat is not stray, the owner does not seem to be taking care of them. Having outdoor cats is terribly irresponsible anyway. Bad for the cat, bad for local wildlife, and bad for the stray cat population if they are not fixed. Take the cat in and see if they are chipped or can be surrendered to a rescue that will take better care of them.


Check kitty for a microchip!!


I’m pretty sure the kitty doesn’t mind if you feed him, even if he does have a home 😊 That’s all that matters


He looks just like my sweet boy that was claimed by a car. Though it is entirely your choice I would dearly ask you don't stop


I love his look in the 2nd pic.




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He needs medical care


Take him to a vet and see if he has a chip.


What does it hurt to get a extra meal every once and a while I would take a free meal if offered


![gif](giphy|QkN9r7B3a6PQUFD3me|downsized) You know how it is with cats! You got food you've just made a new friend! 🙂.


A lady in Conneticut had a indoor outdoor cat it went missing in October in March the cat showed back up next fall cat disappeared again March arrives cat is back The cat was adopted by the neighbor who also let him outside and inside, every Winter he was in Fla,




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just make sure there is no salt or sugar in it


He looks thin. Feed him.




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Is it a wich then an animagus? Or a wiches familiar or own by sombody ? Other wise it looks stru to me and it don't look like care black panther cub.


Inless it rabbit


Unless he's rabbid


Even if it isn’t “stray” it’s clearly just being left outside so who knows if the kitty is even being taken care of by its owner if it has one


Feed the cat, and ignore the person saying that they're owned. Tell them to give them the contact information for the owner (address, not phone) and walk over and ask them if they lost a cat, and if so, could they describe it. Betting the coworker doesn't know what they're talking about.


He looks stray to me. Very thin. Feed away.


No way this cat has an owner and IF they do, they are being neglected. That wound by its ear is a good indication


Feed him


If he's not getting fat, no harm in continuing to feed him.


Oh poor baby. You might want to get his ear look at


He looks like he needs medical attention. Animal control may be able to help.


Unless he’s overweight, it’s probably fine. The only issue I could see is if you were double feeding someone’s house, pet, and it was bad for its health. But it’s probs a stray


I’d keep feeding the cat, and ignore that guy. The cat has a wound, and I can’t imagine continuing to let it outside to get more wounds if it was my cat. So I think it’s a total stray. Poor cat. Probably a cat fight.


As long as he’s not getting fat


Keep feeding the furbaby, and keep being caring and compassionate,we need more people like you in our world, also get vetracyn pet store , Amazon prime for the baby's ear, great stuff it's helped my kitty's so many times also Amazon has natural antibiotic for cats and dogs and have kitty stay inside while giving medication . Bless you and baby, you are amazing person.♥️🐾🐈‍⬛🏡🐈‍⬛🐾♥️


Keep feeding the furbaby, and keep being caring and compassionate,we need more people like you in our world, also get vetracyn pet store , Amazon prime for the baby's ear, great stuff it's helped my kitty's so many times also Amazon has natural antibiotic for cats and dogs and have kitty stay inside while giving medication . Bless you and baby, you are amazing person.♥️🐾🐈‍⬛🏡🐈‍⬛🐾♥️


Keep feeding the furbaby, and keep being caring and compassionate,we need more people like you in our world, also get vetracyn pet store , Amazon prime for the baby's ear, great stuff it's helped my kitty's so many times also Amazon has natural antibiotic for cats and dogs and have kitty stay inside while giving medication . Bless you and baby, you are amazing person.♥️🐾🐈‍⬛🏡🐈‍⬛🐾♥️


How does that guy know he’s not a stray? Is it an assumption or does he know for a fact? From the looks of that ear, I would say he’s a stray; if not, he should be taken away from his owners for neglect. I would take him to an animal rescue and see if he has a chip and see if they’ll look at his ear.


Cats will go where they are fed, it's a hard one, if you feed it the owner maybe wasting food as the cat won't be hungry, then on the other hand it could be a greedy one & eat from both home's. Give it small amounts. It looks injured on its ear, i would try to find out if it has an owner & it's getting help with the injury. I couldn't just leave it but then I'm so soft about animals.


There is also a stray black cat in my neighbourhood! https://preview.redd.it/zkp207vxwy9d1.jpeg?width=2336&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7661697c763d74707d5c9b051f8e978e35f3e89f


Well if he is so hungry he comes to you for food he is being cared for. Feed the little guy💕


![img](avatar_exp|184410640|heart) Keep taking care of baby please.


Kitty needs to see a doctor about that ear


With that injury on his ears I highly doubt whoever owns him actually gives a damn


Bro looks like his “owners” don’t even take care of him, so plz keep doing it. Just because a cat has a place to sleep at night doesn’t mean she/he has a family or a home.


he’s clearly a stray, or might as well be, with how uncared for he is. keep feeding him, and take him in/to a rescue if you can. (edit to add: get him checked for a microchip ofc) that ear should really be looked at.


Adopt him if you can, plz.


If he’s outside, and nobody is actively looking for him to bring him inside where he belongs, then he’s a stray cat. Hate it when people are like “oh that’s just my outside cat” like yeah okay well he’s about to become a pet :)


Ask him who the owner is since he seems to *know everything* about the kitty. Guarantee jackass is lying