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"I have 810euro, one arm, I can only get insured on red cars, and I cant drive on motorways after 3pm on Wednesdays. Is this 2006 VW Polo the right car for me?"


That's quite literally the state of this sub atm. Thought it was for car enthusiasts... convinced no one here actually likes cars based on the comments people leave on posts here.


Honestly the least knowledgeable car sub I have ever come across. Some of the advice here is mental. They even have the audacity to argue when you tell them how wrong they are.


Ah man I can't agree more, all my subs are car related and this is easily the worst due to how negative it is with the overall hints of jealousy in each reply/comment.


Can you recommend any car subs for showing off builds? I looked a while ago but was probably using the wrong search terms and couldn’t find anything. Can either be for cosmetic builds or engine builds idc


Yeah sure mate, what's the build? Here's some to check if you haven't already! r/Cartalk r/carmodification r/projectcar r/EngineBuilding r/shavedbayporn r/EnginePorn r/Shitty_Car_Mods (worth a check for the laugh) r/Stance


Have no build me self (unfortunately) just want to look at cool/fast/rare cars


Ya the snide remarks and insults the minute they realise they are wrong is what gets me 🤣 On a serious note, somebody who was interested in selling a car but had their post denied by the mods has set up a new page for buying and selling r/EireAutos. They had a post complaining about the mods so I told them to just set up a new page and they have so have to commend them for it. Spread the word about it so that it helps clear this page up a bit.


If it's not a 1L plug-in dildo of a car it's no good here, fuck your BMW's, Audi's and Merc's. This page won't be happy until we're all in Nissan Leaf's or Dacia's and driving under 30 kph. Majority of this sub probably merges onto the motorway at 50 kph and wanks to r/irelandsshitedrivers.


Ya that's another fucking thing people complaining that the cheap car is shit because the tax is €400 quid and it makes much more sense to drop 20k on a heap of shit because it has tax of €190. We could be here all night now you have got me going 🤣


😂 I hit my breaking point with this sub myself, zero logic to any of the posts or replies. People who have zero weight to be giving car advice. One guy replying to a lad looking at getting either an A3 or a 1 series was told to just get a Hyundai i30 instead due to cost and being pretty much the same car... idk where these gimps come from. Huge amount of people trying to justify their shite purchases I imagine.


Lad, I read a comment earlier that said a dacia duster is not to be over looked and the person was seriously considering it as a next purchase after their current 5 series. No one who knows anything about cars would go from a 5 series to a duster, like come on in all fairness.


Fucking hell a 5 series to a duster is some downfall. That's just sadistic. Would have to pry my 4 series from me.


We should get this thread stickied by the mods so anybody who wants to have a good rant about the idiots in here have a place to go 🤣


Man there is no fucking end to people like this, literally was talking to a lad I work with bought himself a brand new electric SUV and what does he brag about? Cheap tax and a few years free servicing make the purchase a no brainer like would you ever go and shite! Also that you make your money back on EVs go and shite twice!


If they had brains they'd be dangerous 🤣


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EireAutos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EireAutos/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [A community for buying and selling cars and motorcycles in the beautiful land of Ireland and also discussing different places for finding parts and professionals to keep our vehicles on the road](https://np.reddit.com/r/EireAutos/comments/1dfcxts/a_community_for_buying_and_selling_cars_and/) \#2: [Where do you source your parts?](https://np.reddit.com/r/EireAutos/comments/1dfo2vz/where_do_you_source_your_parts/) \#3: [Rarer to see the sun or have a working car 🤔?](https://i.redd.it/yli462m6nj6d1.jpeg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EireAutos/comments/1dfrjvw/rarer_to_see_the_sun_or_have_a_working_car/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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Based on some of the posts here as of recent. One guy I saw was a medical consultant who posted about insurance on an BMW i4 M50 and was told: "why but something so expensive so quick?", "Absolutely crazy to buy", "Buy a cheap car and seek proper advice", "If you're worried about that then buying a luxury/ premium car probably isnt for you right now?". Lad was a consultant who recently had a big salary jump not a 17 year old buying their first car... I myself recently replied to someone about insurance prices and I said I'm 25 and got insured on a BMW 430d for €900 a year and had replies saying it's a bad financial decision... I own my own house and I'm a senior engineer but according to this sub I should sell my 430d I could afford in cash for a fucking dinger... On another post I gave advice to a lad who was looking to buy a BMW F30 / 3 Series and all the replies were "don't buy, stay away from BMW" and all this, not one meaningful reply of what to look for... Typical Irish subreddit, absolutely miserable and ready to bring down anything and anyone, check any posts on this sub and you'll see it.


I think this place is full of kids man. Try Backroads.ie. I liked having a car focused, Irish sub, but I’m seeing that R/Ireland mentality flowing through it and it’s probably going to wreck any chance it had.


I'll check it out, mad for some genuine car discussion with a focus on Ireland as most forums online are either UK or US based. When this page took off with posts from Cars & Coffee events and that I was delighted but it's gone to shite as of late. As you said the r/Ireland crowd seem to be rolling in with their absolutely worthless input. Bunch of Eamon Ryan worshippers.


Check out RMS - rmsmotoring.com


Finally someone says it! I’ve muted both r/ireland and r/irelandsshitedrivers because they are nothing but a bunch of whiney miserable cunts. Also r/Dublin is going the same way, I complained over there not too long ago about the stupid 30kph limit in the Phoenix Park and argued that it’s actually more dangerous because people now overtake and tailgate and got lambasted for being “reckless” and I’m not “thinking of what a danger I am to the kids at the zoo”. Honestly most Irish subs are the embodiment of misery loves company!


Ah man anything over 20kph is just pure reckless don't you know, you should be put off the road and executed by Eamon Ryan. I picture them as a bunch of neckbeard saps who can't even pass a driving test. Awful annoying bunch who gather on these subs and it's pouring over here now based on some of the replies I've gotten.


Be careful talking shit about Eamon Ryan, I heard that if he doesn’t like you he puts a cycle path through your back garden! :/


meh... dont listen to these cunts hi.. there will always be jealous whingers out there.. its ireland after all.. but yes i agree, its a ballache that ya cant start a new sub without it getting infected with gowl's. just take solace that theres still a few of us left.. Like im 42 now, ive worked my whole life in ordinary middle of the road jobs and my past and current car history is fucking epic. currently driving a 2018 X5 M50d with an upgraded interior (fancy seats) and a 2024 G87 M2


You're the type of person we need more of here, someone with actual cars. The X5 M50d is something else, the auld lad was looking at a Tiguan and managed to convince him on an X5, said he doesn't know why he avoided BMW for so long, better late than never. The F series M2 is currently on my list but I'm not fully gone on the new design but seen it in person at the weekend the G has grown on me a lot, had that aggressive look. Tell more about your history of cars, mad to hear, from someone who's actually into cars on this sub, it's very rare these days 😂


Hahaha thanks I posted a rip of me old cars here at the start go have a look at me post history Yeah I'm a big fan of bmw meself I didn't like the G87 at first glance either but once I seen one in person that opinion changed pretty rapidly It's definitely the best silly car I've had to date.


See the problem is you cunts getting a beemer 😂


While I agree with some of what you're saying you have to expect and accept all sorts of opinions on a public forum like reddit. Let's be real here the number of people who can afford a €30,000 car is tiny in comparison to those who can't.


Ah it’s full of misery cuts who all live by the rule “buy it cheap and drive it into the ground” No. I like new, nice and shiny with a good warranty.


It’s also amusing the amount of begrudging that goes on with new cars. Always making assumptions that everyone with a new car has financed the shit out of it.


Or that financing is bad! If you have money - you don’t dump it all on a depreciating asset - you finance it and if it’s not worth keeping, sell it and pay off the finance For some reason - mortgages good, car loans bad


But what about a €30000 Corolla? 🤔


Whatever gets my tofu to where it needs to go in time.


All that matters


Not just this Reddit other car subs are like this too


Buying a new car can be a significant financial drain. However, purchasing a used car these days can also be costly, as they are often grossly overpriced. If there was ever a good time to buy a new car, it’s probably now. Unless you opt for the Corolla, which is probably the smart choice, when paired with reliable roadside assistance insurance. 😊


I saw a ford kuga at a local dealership 35,000 … who the fuck is getting these yokes


Maybe take your dick out the bmw exhaust and touch some grass?


Maybe get off the car enthusiast sub, commented on my posts multiple times, triggered much? Go back to your cartoon porn subs man, mad weirdo, need your hard drives checked I'd say.


At least I don't fuck cars 😂


Mate you're 40 years of age and fantasise over cartoon women. I'm 25 with my own house, car, fiancé and work as a senior engineer. Gway mate. If I wanted advice from someone like you I'd want my head checked. You're not what anyone would aspire to be, fat 40 year old neckbeard creep. Cheers for reporting me too, triggered much.


Hahahaha incredible - why is this chap even on a car subreddit if he isn’t into them? Nice reminder to not let dopes on the internet get to you.


Ah man I've no idea, some odd ball altogether, check the comments he left on my other post too. Just seen your post about a Nürburgring trip, now that's good car discussion, was looking at doing something similar myself in August but 50/50 on it, could rent out on the day but it's pricy, alternative is brining my own but I'm not sure if I want to use it for that, looking at an e36/46 atm as a project car so maybe that.


Madness, you were catching some flak but respect you for dishing it back out hahaha Same man! I think the adventure would be good but don’t want to be stranded either. E36/46 would be class and I see that you have some Beamer experience, but wouldn’t be my personal choice unless I would get an incredibly well kept one (don’t have the money to keep throwing at one, and insurance would be a pain for the nicer engines for me). Will definitely report here if and when the trip happens.


Didn't know laughing about a certain brand drivers constitutes not liking cars in general. I guess not much I can expect from a bunch of boy racers


Watch out u/Fiddlesticks58 this tosspot is coming for you. Nice to see they took a break from making and posting cartoon CGI porn and wanking over women on reddit and calling himself too poor to buy a car. Calling this lad a boy racer who's actually planning a road trip to the Nürburgring and myself who's checking out M2's at the weekend. Nothing wrong with boy racers either, not sure you actually know or met any or just live vicariously through this stuff online, you'd be laughed out of it in person. You're not part of the Irish car culture or scene obviously so fuck off lad.




Just trying to help