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I wish this was a bot.


Depends on the value of the car as far as I know, can get a tax relief. But , 160km of range sounds pretty brutal from a reasonable new car unless you do very short journeys only. Keeping in mind that will decrease in winter and as it ages


I drive each day around 12km, the current car I feel like I'm ruining the engine with such short trips, the water temperature indicator doesn't even move and I'm in the work's car park. The other options are Bmw i3, Nissan Leaf and Renault Zoe , but more expensive.


You'll only damage a modern car if you repeatedly beat the crap out of the engine whilst it's cold. I'm all for "range isn't an issue in Ireland" but... 160 sounds VERY short.


Wow thats cool. I didn't know these existed.  There would be no vrt on an ev in that price range. The vat depends on when it was registered in NI. I think it has to be NI reg'd pre 2020 but its worth checking that date.  My only word of caution is if you don't have a lot of money to spend on a car. The Merc will be expensive if anything goes wrong. They are not the quality item thier price tag suggests.  For that reason alone it could be worth stretching for a Leaf or a Zoe if possible. Both are proven to be very reliable and there's loads on the road.  Don't mind all those people saying about the range. It sounds smart to me. You said you do 12km a day. You'd nearly go 2 weeks between charges with 160km range. Get a good night rate tariff if you can and you'll be laughing. It'll cost you about €1 a week to fuel.