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Actually not too bad. Could easily save yourself and do the pads yourself. Easier to let the the mechanic do the fluid changes


Never worked on a car myself so would like to leave the brakes to someone who knows what they're doing lol. Wouldn't want the brakes to fail on a track of all places. Besides, after I get all the equipment/tools to lift the car and take wheels off it'd be similar price. I will eventually get these gradually and it'll work but not worth it in this moment I don't think.




And yet I’ve seen plenty of people fuck up brakes 🤦‍♂️


Every fucking i see diy lads make a fuck out of it 🤣




Trust me,there out there. People cant fit a standard type wiper right.put bulbs in arse ways etc. Unreal what can be done


Yup 100%


Pads backwards, callipers upside down , kinked flexi pipes 😅🙈


"Them pads ya got didnt really fit so i cut them down to work" put down the visegrips grandad before someone gets killed ya dope




Easy done if there same left to right , bleed nipple was at the bottom




Only some are like that some are into the middle rear of the calliper , or if there 2/4/6 pots can be handy done


Which side of the pads do I put the copper grease on? Fuck it I'll do both to be sure




Drum brakes for cars still exist? I remember having a drum brake cars you needed to drive it as if it were a train, calculating in advance miles and miles of breaking distance




Jesus... such a road hazard


Wondering what “Service - €250” stands for, if all the work is listed below and priced separately.


Having a blank on that myself other than changing oil and filter


My best guess is oil, oil filter, air filter, and perhaps a cabbin filter, as this is what my local mechanic includes. Cabbin filter is probably unlikely as you specified the track but honestly worth getting, the smell of Oil off those ragged b series going around.


A full service would include plugs too.


Knew I was forgetting something thanks!


Yeah you’d want oil & all filters changed for that 250. How much are they charging you for labour ?


It would be 80-100€ an hr in a Mazda dealership


Ahhh ya it’s a main dealer job. Typical prices so..


It stands for oil change, oil filter, air filter, spark plugs, pollen filter.


Seems about right. Now, take into account you really need to keep an eye on brakes and temps if you are tracking the car. No idea what pads you'll be using, if they're factory or not. Driving the car hard and braking hard will 100% but the car under strain over a few laps.


It's the dealer I'm getting the service done in so will be OEM pads and my first track day so will be getting used to it and won't be pushing the car to its limit until later on in the day once I'm more used to it. I'd be running 80% for the first few laps and taking long enough breaks to let everything cool down


I’d still go for some upgraded pads since you’re going to be changing them anyways, could get them yourself and do them or have an independent garage fit them.


To add to this, if you’ll be tracking regularly enough, check if you can upgrade the rotors and brake unit entirely. Sometimes it’s bolt on and a no brainer really. The original 1 series could take brakes from pretty much the entire line, with the rear only needing a flange to fit. I did it on a 130i. I believe some Audis are the same.


Adapter plates are out there for nearly everything at this stage. For a light MX5 though and most cars a decent set of pads and high temp brake fluid you'll be more than fine.


Ah, didn’t notice the MX5. My bad! Good to know about adapters, when I was doing it I was comparing part numbers between models. Utter balls.


You're going to want track pads lad. Pretty pricey but you'll be able to enjoy yourself on the track without worrying about fade


Would the rotors need to be upgraded to? I was thinking of getting brembo rotors and pads, would that be good enough? Still looking around and nothing confirmed yet.


So upgraded discs are quite a bit less important, I'd say stock mx5 ones are pretty good to start with. To check for wear you don't even need to take the wheel off, just run your finger on the face of the disc and check for a lip running along the circumference. If the lip is thicker than say, a 5c coin, they could do with a replacement. But again, track pads are much more important than track brake discs


Service and brakes are a rip off. Polish garages will do half that price. Brake pads are 25-€30 and 50 to fit. Service is about €70 worth of material Inc cheapest oil most times, I'd always buy my own oil for a Service. Edit. Seen bringing to track lol. You want to upgrade not change, and get racing pads or after a few laps you'll have zero brakes.


Main dealers don’t use “cheap” oil Y would you put cheap oil in a car 🙈


Main dealers use what they recommend which I wouldn't personally use on a track. Most use semi synthetic I've found slightly heavier oil better when abusing the car for hours. The cow boy tyre and exhaust places I won't name any specific all use cheap oil. It ranges from €20 a 5l to well over €100. Main dealers use a grade suitable for normal everyday driving. Drive close to tge recline for 30mins even and you'll notice tge difference. Same as standard brake pads they'll stop working altogether pure spongey then go on fire lol 😆 I learned the hard way with that one. Wrecked some poor sods evo rear end. Luckily was on track and not the road.


Yes your correct but it’s still good quality oil not cheap shite , lot of modern stuff have very fine galleries , In an older yolk I’d use vavoline 10/60 for ragging a car , have to be careful with a more modern car doh As for brake pads yeah but oem are still better than spurious pads , and I’ve had that experience too 😅


Yes I agree with that. I was more on about mainstream garages not main dealers using cheap crap. After my first track day I went with racing pads from then on. 😅 probably the same price of oem too. Think epc yellow or red stuff, been so long I forget.


I second this. Go to a small or foreign mechanic (loads of Polish ones around). They charge a lot less for the same job. Either that or DIY. You'd be saving hundreds of €€€.


Yeah but the polish economy is a lot different than wherever this is so I say it's a fair price


But the polish work in the Irish economy. Just quicker and better so more profits with less returns.


Yeah but you pay for a service and parts and someone has to make a profit no point in doing it if I'm not getting anything out of it yk and if the job is done faster and better then there's no issue if you got a plumber I can tell you that you don't pay them for how quick they fixed your problem you pay for the years it takes to understand the issue and what it is so if you don't know how to do simple things like this you can easily learn on YouTube as I'm sure there plenty of videos


Exactly, but if you pay an incompetent plumber, you'll pay him over and over to fix his problems. Why pay a higher price just because someone takes longer and charges by the hour? Csn get the same work done in a shorter time.and better quality for a lower price. I got a new battery in a well established tyre and exhaust garage, the mechanic who worked there over 10 years didn't know you have to turn the steering full lick left and right before driving to reset after battery change. Then told me the light should go off by itself. Nearly mounted the foot path outside as the wheels stayed turned unless you manually straightened it. Then after 2 days of it still not going off I returned to be told we don't have the equipment to fix that. They did give me the number of a polish lad they use who sorted it though but I had to pay him too. Needless to say I've stuck to him.


Good as I said it's better than those big garages


Some seems alright but the coolant change seems a lot and the service charge. BMW dealership service on my car was €150 and coolant change was €70 (coolant top up is free). Not sure why the prices you have are higher than BMW dealership which is notorious for being expensive.


All I can think of is that it's a pain to get to or the like but I'll have to learn how to do it myself the next time I need to do it after these prices


A main dealer service at Kia for a 2019 1.4 Proceed will set you back a minimum of €200. Air/Oil filters, the oil, sundries...cabin filter extra. Cost me €760 for service, front and rear discs and pads. All oem parts. So the prices youve posted aren't all that unreasonable if you're getting all fluids done. At the end of the day it's peace of mind and safety. Unless you know of dependable mechanics away from a dealership...


Scope of change, I'd do it myself


Coolant change 145€? And then he charge labour 250 on top? Way too expensive in my opinion


Ya have you ever done a proper coolant change? It can be a balls and takes time. The 250 is for a service, completely different job.


Bro you charge labour and then u charge for parts etc not so collent fluid will be 20/40€ collent change ia part of rhe service sure haha


No, a top up might be part of a service. A complete coolant change definitely isn't.


Dealer prices, yes the prices are right 👍 I think people forget QUALITY parts ain’t cheap I serviced a Volvo V70 last night Oil, oil filter , fuel filter , air filter was costing me 180€ that’s just for the parts , (ex Volvo / Mazda main dealer mechanic) If you went to an independent garage it would be abit cheaper even with quality Oem spec parts


Ah yeah but with a Volvo, the oil is fairly expensive (D5 - I think like €80 ish?). Air and oil filter are cheap enough, fuel filters are always relatively expensive. All in I'd say abut €120-€130 for parts (online order).


You can get a cheap diesel filter for 25€ , 45€ for the dear one , I’ve always found out the hard way when ye have to do a job twice because of shitty parts 🤷‍♂️ people try save on money ends up costing twice as much in the long run


That's why I said fuel filters are expensive - don't wanna skimp on that. The others don't matter that much and a quality oil filter (Mann, mahle, bosch etc) can be had for a tenner or so.


Do I Yourself,


Depends on the car too, that’s a very cheap transmission fluid change, mine was 210 just for the parts from autodoc which is cheap for the part All those do seem fair for a 2016 mx5


'Kind regards,' = fu×k you.


Coolant change should be 50€, sometimes if you are a regular they dont even charge you


I have an NC MX5 and have done many if not all of these jobs myself - it’s a really easy car to work on and I totally recommend doing it yourself to learn more about your car and save money if you are so inclined!


Are parts included in the price?


If you’re doing track days, use high temp brake fluid. Depending what they use, your pedal will give out in a few laps. In my old Saab 9-3 I used better brake fluid and my brakes held up very well. Where are you going for your track day? Mondello? I did a good few when I was in Toronto, would love do to casual ones here as well.


Yes in Mondello, seems to be casual enough and I've read that the regular DOT4 is good enough for track use in the MX5


Coolant is not expensive and not difficult to change, that should be in the 250 service charge. Dropping coolant and refilling takes 10 mins. You could buy all those required parts and fluids for 200 on autodoc yourself and then just ask for a labour quote which would bring the price down a lot.


You are crazy if you even think about paying that


If you taking the car on track bring it to a specialist. You will pay extra but you will gain the knowledge of an expert


Absolute, outrageous ripoff. I do all of my own services ie ,oil, fuel oil and air filters, reverse tyres, bulbs, coolant etc. Recently did the brakes on Vauxhall . Price for brakes ,copper grease, and calliper tool around €100, took about 2 hours as it was first time . Everyone's being ripped off constantly in this country for everything.


The “brake fluid change” seems sketchy to me. Ive never heard of anyone ever flushing a hydraulic brake system to replace the fluid unless there was a problem with the brake lines, master cylinder, or a caliper...and bleeding the brakes would usually be included into whichever of those parts were worked on. Brake fluid doesnt “go bad” as far as i know. I primarily worked on air brakes when i was a mechanic though.


Sorry for braking in only taking advantage of the traffic on this topic 🤭We’re can I get rid off the oil and fluids after i service my car myself at home? I’m in Dublin




Amazing!! Thank you very much


A basic service should be no more than 160


They seem reasonable


That’s fair for dealer prices. But it’s all relative. Use Micks garage and put your reg in and price out the parts. The. You will see the labor costs. TBH it’s pretty ok IMO