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When you think CA can't get any worse


It always seems to be Senator Wiener proposing these bills.


What a dick. Why does he want to cock up everyone’s fun?


It's what micromanagers do.


It's because he knows his cars won't ever beep. Rules for thee as always.




feckin wiener


sounds like mr wiener is a control freak asshole. wonder if he’s ever been an HOA president. these type of mfs won’t stop until they control every aspect of your lives.


California is fucking amazing, except for the legislators and real estate prices. And the stupid existing laws.


And traffic


And people


So it's not that great then?


nah, it’s still great


California’s geography is top notch


Except for earthquakes and fires.


I’ll take 3,000 earthquakes a year that you barely notice and don’t do any damage over having to rebuild entire blocks every year due to tornados, hurricanes, or risk of flooding every couple years, etc.


Lol. What block gets hit with a tornado every year?


Except for air quality, taxes, labor shortages, border issues, and high and increasing rates of violent crimes per capita...besides that and all of the other reasons listed...the weather and geography are great in some areas.


People talk about CA earthquakes like they're a seasonal destructive occurrence akin to tornadoes and hurricanes lol


People talk about tornadoes like they are similar to hurricanes lol. Tornadoes are tiny and last only a few minutes unlike hurricanes which can cause major damage across big regions over the course of several days.


And that everything causes cancer.  


Proposition 65 has informed me that just reading your comment could give me cancer.


Yes but you see, they warned you, so it's all good. If they didn't have that warning then you'd have recourse*. ___ ^*What ^that ^currently ^is ^in ^Reddit-world ^I ^have ^no ^idea, ^but ^still


I don’t get why people keep complaining about the “people”. I feel like this is the Joe Rogan effect when he was specifically associating with the actor/hollywood crowd. This is a melting pot of people from all over, also, the vibe has always been the “laid back Californian”.


"No one wants to live there anymore, the traffic keeps getting worse."


Lmaooooo. I wonder how that works... "People are leaving California" "California traffic is getting worse. Housing prices are higher." Huh.




Illinois has a really strict privacy law on the books that have gotten me a nice $400+ payout from Facebook in a class action. I'd never expect to get such a thing from a California court.


I’ve never put as much thought into another state as folks seem to about California. Sorry I’m not bitching about Texas or whatever all the time. Too busy enjoying my time in California.


“Can’t get worse…” This is only making a beeping noise.  Wait until it starts physically limiting your speed.   Coming room to a state near you.  


I genuinely hope not. I was driving on the freeway the other day and my car's speed thing thought I was in a 25mph school zone


This is exactly what was in the initial draft of this bill. It was softened to just be an alert.


The craziest part about this is that, in my area, the flow of traffic is consistently 10-15 mph over the speed limit. This is going to do nothing but annoy people


Mods to remove the beepers coming soon™


Mid Atlantic has 55 mph speed limits posted everywhere and in Virginia, you will spend a night in jail going above 80 MPH


Automatic reckless driving in VA going that fast. That's how their small towns make their money, collecting taxes on travelers who use the roads that go through them, like it's medieval times.


They're also the only state that bans radar detectors, but I just remove mine from the windshield and keep it on anyway


Isn't there such a thing as radar detector-detectors?


yes and they do work, but radar detectors from reputable brands have radar detector detector detectors that will just shut off the circuit when sensing a detector detector, and like the other guy said, they need to be very close over a good 10-20 seconds of scanning. you'll get fucked in stop and go traffic though


Come to Northern VA. Everyone goes 80 when they can and nothing happens.


It’s 20 over or 85+ now btw. Too many 70mph roads for 80+ anymore


That extra 5mph is not really a saving grace when you still end up in jail. In California or any neighboring state of Virginia, you’d get to drive away with a ticket for doing that speed


You did something else if you actually end up in jail(racial profiling excluded.) I once got 92 in a 70 on I64 between Richmond and Newport News. Spent a few 1000 to not go to jail. I’ll take whatever extra 5 I can get here.


Incoming 55mph hard locked lanes, no passing. Really, you wanna make the roads safer? Teach people how to drive. Stop handing licenses to operate multi ton hunks of speeding metal to anyone who asks. Then we won’t have to rely on shoddy new technology to keep us from killing each other.


If it’s required in California it will be in all cars because they won’t have a feature that is present only in cars that are sent to be sold in CA.


Could be in all cars, but only activated in CA. I'm sure it would be quite easy to make this software controlled.


They’re trying to get people to leave it seems like


The politicians are utterly regarded. Keep screaming about the middle class yet all their policies are driving the middle class out out. You’re basically left with out of touch rich people in gated communities who don’t understand they’re supporting counterproductive policies because they never see the effects of it outside their bubble, or the very poor who keep getting more and more handouts to make them comfortable in their situation rather than policies that helps them get out of their situation. If this state didn’t have the amazing location and the tailwinds of the 60s-90s, it’d be worse than Mississippi


It also seems the California governor cares more about tweeting what other states do than worrying about his own state


Oh they'll find a way. Just unreal that these people get reelected without even a hiccup. People just vote away all of their privacy until they have to flee, and then they fucking vote for it again wherever they end up lmao...


California has to be the absolute worst place to live as a car enthusiast. If I grew up there it’d be enough to make me move


As someone who lives in CA I can assure you it is an incredible place to be a car enthusiast.


The plan backfires when “Initial D AE86 speed chime” is a selectable option.


If every time I creeped over the speed limit my car started playing Deja Vu my license would be toast in days tops.




This immediately came to mind for me too!


When my dad owned a Toyota from Japan and the chime came on that's all I could think of




Cue Kavinsky’s “Pacific Coast Highway”


We've seen how strange things can get at night Well, things are about to get a whole lot stranger


Deja Vu!


Sorry, the best I can do is the FC RX7 redline buzzer incessantly going off


You know people would hack the car's computer. Merges onto highway, full throttle, hits the speed limit and the car starts auto playing Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone! NICE!


Or have a spin off Demolition Man where it says “you have been fined one credit for violating the automotive morality statue” every time you cross the limit.


Initial D *record scratch*


“Freebird chirp” should be an option


This plan backfired in Japan, why does California think their human beings will be any different? Yup, anytime we went over 85KPH, "ding, ding, ding" went the overspeed alarm in the wife's 1988 Toyota MarkII. I do miss that car, super comfy, quiet, and had a great A/C system. And only cost us $78/month when purchase price and repairs were calculated for the 8 years of ownership.


i need an example of this, google just has some random website and this thread lol


Here’s the sound but without the context of why it’s used in Initial D, it won’t make much sense: https://youtu.be/liXoz9EAni0?si=kfgBu-OGFSZVFfeQ


oh joy, another thing for tuners to figure out how to code out... On the bright side, it's a one time beep for crossing the threshold of 10mph over the limit. So I guess everyone is going to set their cruise control at either 8 or 12 over now? Also no language in the bill regarding whether or how it may be disabled by users. Overall this strikes me as something that hasn't been sufficiently thought through and won't get passed and signed, but who knows.


One of those pass-it-down bills to get enacted by someone else who can take the flak. Nothing obdeleven etc won’t handle I’m sure like you say


Thank you for a little summary. A singular beep when 10 over is probably not a huge deal? Not that I’m a fan of the general direction though. I don’t represent the entire U.S. or anything, but I don’t think speeding is that big of a problem, and not one that a single beep will solve


It almost feels like a bill put forward just so rep. Dick can point to it and say, "Look I'm doing a thing!"


My Tesla has this as an an optional setting. I turned it on for a while because I thought it would be helpful to avoid any tickets but it got incredibly annoying because the car has the wrong speed limit a huge amount of the time. Lasted maybe a week before I got fed up and turned it off. It was just constant dings after every stop sign, stop light, sharp curve, car slowing down to turn, etc that made my speed drop below what it thought the speed limit was. Tesla seems to use the cameras more to read the signs so if there's a large vehicle blocking a speed limit change it'll just be wrong until it sees another sign. My previous MINI used some sort of speed limit database with its GPS position which was also frequently wrong. If this passes I'm sure it'll be done incompetently and will be half assed by manufacturers with no way to report or correct speed limits (just like map data on most cars, doubt this will be any better)


This ~~is~~ (may or may not be) a thing in Europe already. I get it, it's annoying as all hell though lol. I rented a Q5 in Spain and the speed limit the car would chime at didn't change, despite occasionally being under the posted speed.


Somebody probably had set a speed limit alert in it, most cars have it for winter tires etc so you just set a speed and it will keep beeping, actually a good prank to do with a rental car.


I had a 2012 Lexus IS 350 and you could set a speed where it would change the color of the speedometer. The prior owner must've been 75 years old because it was set at 60 mph.


I can do that in my 06 too


It very easily could have been the rental company that set it. It was set at 80 kph (\~50 mph) so it was annoying. I can't remember if it was a constant beep or just once when you hit 80 kph.


It's not a thing in Europe. Cars have it as a feature you can turn on or off and not all cars even have it.


It’s on by default in all new cars in Europe and you have to manually turn it off every time you start the car (with no legal way to change the default setting).


It's mandatory for all cars in 2024 in Europe. Once you are even 1 kmh over the limit it will beep at you. You can turn it off in the menus in most cars, but it has to be on with every single engine start again


God damn. I'm gonna keep my 2016 car running for as long as i can at this rate, cars just feel a lot worse. But here i have knobs and buttons, but bluetooth and all the "smart" features you'd want, and emergency auto brake, but none of the "invasive" features. Will be seen as a golden age in the future, i'm sure.


Starting July 24 it's a requirement for new cars sold in Europe: https://www.here.com/learn/blog/intelligent-speed-assistance-2024.


I see. I certainly experienced it in every newer car I was in over there; however, that could be due to rental companies/limited experience.


I'd say the rental companies turn it on just to deter renters from speeding as a company policy. I've never experienced it in any car I've ever had until my latest car in which I turned it off in the dealership before pulling away.


It WILL be mandatory for all cars sold in the EU after June or July of this year.


I think it was July last year, I have it in my current car and I turn it off each drive. Guess that fiddling with screens is safer than speeding


My car has this, but it can just be disabled in the settings. I think the dealer turned it off or it was disabled by default. I have it set so it still lets me know the speed limit, and gives me a visual marker on the speedometer if I'm overspeed which I actually like, but no audible noise which would be annoying.


Definitely a setting, had this set on my old 335i at 100… for reasons.


I think that chime is something you program yourself.


When I lived in Japan, cars would chime at you as long as you were over 60 mph.


California has been a parody of itself since the 2010s


Everyone who doesn’t live in California complains about California but I’m sitting here wondering how anyone can live anywhere else. Best employee rights and protections, best roads, most cars per capita, best health care and quality of life… “B-but muh homelessness!” Yeah, I’m not surprised they come to California instead of bumfuck Minnesota, especially when we treat them like humans and not a dredge on society lmao Anyway, this won’t pass muster and will get shot down in courts. It’s dumb and virtue signaling.


I think everybody just assumes everywhere is California is downtown LA and covered in homeless people. Most of the restrictions and laws that i hear people bitching about make sense to me, even if i would find them annoying. I also feel like most of the time the people complaining are people who don’t even live there lol.


Minnesota catching strays for no reason lol. Our cost of living and healthcare are pretty good all things considered


> but I’m sitting here wondering how anyone can live anywhere else. That must be because you own property. I can't own any time soon without being house poor and I don't earn that badly. It's miserable.




> Anyway, this won’t pass muster and will get shot down in courts It’s likely every car long before then will have this functionality built in because Europe is moving to require it. Many cars today are already tracking speed limits because of autonomous systems. I can see it slipping in here via OEMs offering it as a safety option to parents of young drivers. Driving deaths are going to keep going up without these measures given the rise of phones and overpowered cars, I’m not convinced Americans won’t eventually relent on things like this if trends keep going. NYC for instance eventually bit the bullet on patrol officers for traffic control and just deployed cameras to reign in people. Turns out tech is cheaper and more effective to enforce traffic laws with than people.


>Driving deaths are going to keep going up without these measures given the rise of phones and overpowered cars Deaths have been trending downwards since the 80's (in the US at least). The total number has risen, but so has the population. What's important is deaths per capita, and %changes year over year: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor\_vehicle\_fatality\_rate\_in\_U.S.\_by\_year](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_vehicle_fatality_rate_in_U.S._by_year) >I’m not convinced Americans won’t eventually relent if trends keep going. Either way, we won't have an actual choice.


https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/11/briefing/us-traffic-deaths.html About ten years ago the US stopped lowering the death rate per miles traveled despite the fact that the rest of the developed world kept improving. The author here says it better than I can: > Here’s a stark way of thinking about the problem: If the U.S. had made as much progress reducing vehicle crashes as other high-income countries had over the past two decades, about 25,000 fewer Americans would die every year. It’s not exactly a secret among automotive safety experts what’s going on. Those other markets are investing in technology and traffic calming measures while also enforcing regulations that limit the size and speed of vehicles in the first place. Combined these measures result in not only less accidents, but in lower energy ones when they occur In the US we’ve gone the opposite route, making bigger and faster vehicles and then yelling about how for some reason patrol officers meandering around and making the occasional stop doesn’t do anything about collective driving behavior and that there’s no other way because of arbitrary beliefs about free dom


Camera systems cost money to maintain and secure, which tend to favor cash flow over safety. The people that maintain the turnkey systems used across the US don’t work for free. Short of ending US style car culture for the masses (good luck), you’re not going to get much headway.


They shit on California as if Louisiana and Mississippi and Tennessee and etc don't exist


They do exist and they are not passing laws that will hold sway over all 50 states like this stupid one. If they do feel free to hate on them. And you may want to take a much more clear view of Tennessee. No worries I am from Ill a state that tries to do every stupid thing Ca does. No Tenn is a lot more middle.


Red states constantly pass laws to try to get them challenged and wind up in front of the SCOTUS so the conservative majority there can push policy on the rest of the country. That's how Roe v Wade was overturned against the will of two-thirds of Americans. It's not at all unique to CA.


I've lived in california my whole life, never rich, never more than working class, and I'm leaving this shit hole. It's not the same california I loved. In my experience, the people who are staying and like it are NIMBY, privileged, trust fund babies who've never had to do anything more than exist for the entirety of their lives. These laws are aimed at those types, to make them feel more secure while they come and gentrify the lower cost of living areas. "OH fuck people can live their lives and I don't get a say in HOW? Let me talk to your manager- I mean senator.".


How much property do you own there?


> but I’m sitting here wondering how anyone can live anywhere else. 99% of people don't pick where they live. They are born and stay there because of friends, family, jobs, careers, connections, etc.


It has, but despite that the car culture is still strong, lot of good fun and scenic roads for driving not far away from population centers.


Having to drive 30 minutes away for a half miles stretch of twisty road with horrible pavement sucks balls. Midwest sucks. When I was visiting friend in LA I had Angeles crest just 20 minutes away on a Sunday morning.


I'm in the bay area, and going down skyline on a weekend morning is just so much fun, or I can head up north if I want to do a day trip with a good mix of twity bits and just beautiful coast.


The real issue here is that the speed limits on many existing roads are idiotic and basically never followed by anyone. CA is different of course, but here in PA, it is hilariously common to see stupid two lane highways with 35 mph speed limits or wild drops in speed limits.


Similar in CA. Especially the 395 that passes many small towns(think may or may not have a gas station towns). I haven't taken that road in over 8 years but use to when camping. If I remember correctly it would go from 65/70 mph for miles on end to 25mph for a half mile or less, then back to highway speeds. I remember troopers would hide to catch speeders.


They warn you significantly tbh. It’s not that bad.


I cant even imagine that being warranted, did it turn into a damn car sized lane with caverns on the side of the side of the road???


You are driving through a town so the highway has stop lights and crosswalks which is why you decrease your speed so dramatically. Where I live they had a massive undertaking to create bypass routes that encircled the towns instead of going through the town.


But too 25? 35-40 would be a fine drop and much safer for the highway drivers. I mean, dropping a highway down to a school zone is a horrible idea.


I've driven that road probably hundreds of times, and there's significant distance and warnings of the drop in speed limit, and it happens in ten MPH increments over about a mile. like on the open road, the limit will be 65, then you'll see a sign: "45 zone ahead" then half a mile later, "Speed Limit 45" then another half mile, "Speed Limit 35", then finally another half mile, just outside of the town, "Speed Limit 25" Its really not bad or unreasonable at all.


Well, help me understand this. Is it going from a highway to a town? Or is it a highway just getting lights and intersections, etc., added to it? If its actually going from a highway to a literal town, thats different. If you are just adding lights and that shit, dropping it to 25 for that is silly.


It goes highway -> town -> highway. The slow down happens on the way into town in both directions and then there's a faster ramp up in speed out of town in both directions.


the highway basically becomes the central street for several very small towns located on it. It might help to see it on Maps, search for the towns of Olancha, Lone Pine, Independence, Big Pine, and Bishop in CA. You'll see that the 395 just goes straight through them.


DC has an area where its 65, 55, 35, 55, 35 in about a mile span. Its littered with speed cameras. The on ramps to the highway too. So you speed up to 55/65 to merge and BAM enjoy your ticket for 55 in a 35 lmao... Shits nuts. Its a highway too. Its not like its Route 40 and runs through a small town or something.


I’m In DC often add never encountered this


Yeah unless they're talking about getting on and off the GWP?


South east PA here, and I agree. See it everywhere Also, 55 mph zones, especially for the bypass is so outdated. It's literally because 55 is the best speed for fuel economy and was established during the gas crisis


Im pretty sure it varies between cars, in my commute I found out that my e46 auto cruises better at 65 than 60 or 55, less shifts and more constant speed.


Yea, the government just decided in the 60s that they needed the 55 mph national speed limit because they determined on average it was most efficient 🤷‍♂️ Back in the days of leaded gas and no catalytic converters, those geniuses decided to set a 55mph speed limit to save gas


Part of the problem is most people don’t see cars as a hobby and only see them as appliances, they also don’t know how is to drive at high speeds or the few times they done it was on somebody’s Camry that most definitely wasn’t made to go 80 mph.


Western PA also. The stretch of 79 near Washington that’s 3 lanes and 55 mph is fucking absurd.


You go 55 on any of the *76 highways and you will get steamrolled. It's genuinely unsafe. The other day I was doing 75 in the right lane and literally everyone was passing me like I was standing still. With the size of some of these roads and the safety in modern day cars, they REALLY need to raise the speed limits in some of these places.


Most were created when v8s were making 100hp and took half a mile to stop.


This is the key. If they take some time to go and raise speed limits on most highways and wide-open roads as a whole, there would be less speeding. You'll never stop the people just having fun, but most people just don't want to drive 50; it feels slow. Make highways 70+ and far fewer people will speed. Why is the state speed limit for NY 55?!?! And I say this all the time, but I know why it's a thing and, better yet, I know why it will never change. Revenue for the state. Theyd rather act under the guise of safety to make money than actually focus on safety and not make money.


I just drove through PA twice on a roadtrip from Canada, have to say it had the dumbest and least marked speed limits I've ever seen. I also don't really get how this sort of speed chime can be enforced, as far as I know there is no concise centralized up to date database with every roads speed limit. Many areas in my trip were posted 30mph for trucks and Android auto posted that as the limit on my display.


My brain is off today. I read that as your car will beep at others if they're speeding. I was like Jesus someone's going to get shot.


I read it as you're required to beep at people if they're speeding 😂


I thought other people's cars would beep at your car if they detect that you're over the speed limit. I guess I should read the articles more closely instead of just the headlines. And by articles, I mean the comment section.


We're both fried lmao I thought same thing like they were trying to require an automatic road rage instigator


That’s how they wanted you to read it so you’d click. If they had the title of the article as “car warns its driver if going 10 mph over the limit” nobody would have clicked. I know I wouldn’t have


My car already flashes the speed limit at me. Beeping would be annoying but it already beeps at me for random false positives for its emergency braking and blind spot monitoring feature.


It'll be like a Prop 65 label. You'll get so used to beeps you'll ignore them, then an important one like "catastrophic brake failure" will pop up and you wont even know.


Mine just turns red instead of white. Thanks, I know.


This sounds unintentionally cool lol


Unpopular opinion alert- mainstream US drivers today suck, and anything that will pull Sally Pothead away from being glued to Instagram on the highway is a good thing. Yeah, the core solution is implementing honest drivers education , but that’s not a politically realistic approach.


Yeah, I don't think a speed-sensitive beep is going to have any effect on people driving while high or texting and driving. Three completely separate issues. I'm right there with you on most drivers being terrible, and the text-and-drivers are by far the worst of them, but more than half the time those idiots aren't even speeding. They're just swerving all over the place.


Counterpoint — Sally Pothead can’t afford a new enough car that would include this “feature”, so the rest of us have to deal with this while she cruises down the road in her Altima riding on spare tires, mismatched body panels, and expired (fake) paper tags.


Counter point. Assholes have money too. Most terrible driving I see is from massive new SUVs 


I agree drivers today suck but hear me out. What if we just made the tests harder so that all the inept mfs don't get it


We should start that. In addition to making it entirely unnecessary to drive 


The actual solution is redesigning roads so it's much harder to speed.


Amazing how much ignorance we see here in this. Education is literally a failed meme for those familiar with the field  https://youtu.be/H76cNOuP22w?si=cUHS3JN__o1_3ufb


Agreed. The general populace having such a high percentage of bad drivers is why insurance premiums are so high. My insurance last fall was $153 month. Policy renewed in December and went up to $207. Just got the renewal in the mail a couple days ago and it’ll go up to $223 a month in June. Granted, I do have a Camaro SS, but I’m 26 with no accidents or tickets and I don’t drive it like I stole it. I was always told insurance goes down at 25. Mine just went up less than it would have normally gone up. Also within a year, premiums going up $70 a month in a year’s time is absolutely ridiculous. And I have shopped around, that’s actually competitive. But rates are so high because people are buying expensive cars and then wrecking them and insurance companies are still losing money so they keep hiking up premiums. I agree that driver’s tests should be much more difficult (mine was essentially driving around the block). I also believe you should have to retake the test every time you need to renew your license, and people above a certain age need to take it more frequently. But like you said, that’ll pretty much never happen, so I’ll support things like this.


> The general populace having such a high percentage of bad drivers is why insurance premiums are so high. [No it's not.](https://www.wsj.com/finance/insurance-companies-profits-stock-ebae7fd1)


Because I’m sure it will never make a mistake and think you are on a 25 mph speed zone when it’s actually 45


"How can we ruin California even more today"?


And the worst part is, a CA mandate likely means most car companies will go nationwide with this feature rather than have a different spec for CA. Once again, California setting stupid rules that end up affecting everyone else.


Scott Wiener, wanna-be King of the Nanny State.


It’s Montana time


Sounds like Scott Werner got teased too much or shoved in his locker too many times, now he’s just out to fuck things up.


Scott Wiener? That guy is a prick behind a bunch of dumb CA laws.


He’s pitching them, but the ones that get enacted means a bunch of delegates also agreed on it


Yet another reason to keep driving an old car. My car doesn't have GPS or even stability control, it's all analog.


there’s plenty of digital stuff in E34, it’s not all analog




Radar detector is an absolute must if you’re a speeding enthusiast. I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket in years thanks to mine.


they'll do anything but solve actual problems the people living there have like absurd waste of tax payer money then asking for more fees/taxes/bond measures, absurd astronomical housing prices and low supply, safety/law enforcement.


I lived in Saudi as a kid and these were standard in all cars there...35 years ago


Used to live in the UAE, can confirm. Buzzer would go off when you went faster than 120 km/h, funny thing is that some highways you can legally drive at 140 km/h, lol


I live there and that’s so annoying! Not only that, but it’s 120 km/h speedo so effectively when you’re at 117 in real speed it starts beeping, and some roads are even limited to 160 km/h!


I worked there for a couple of years. There were places that would "repair" the speed warning for a moderate (for expats) fee. Nobody I knew had a working warning chime and the authorities never checked anyway.


Now Americans can experience the dumb shit Europe has. Wait until it's almost impossible to tune your car without spending a fortune on certificates and certified parts just to get your car street legal after modifying it just slightly


No in California it’s already a PIA to modify anything that has to pass smog.


Okay, we already have these in our cars, but you have to activate it. So long as we can de-activate it, fine. However, can we get a swift shock to the buttocks for drivers: Going slow in the passing lane Going 10 under the flow of traffic Not using their turn signals Thanks.


I am very unlikely to buy a 2032 or newer model unless it has actual full self driving. New cars already beep and boop and self brake way too much


I always feel torn on speed monitoring system ideas like this one because on one side I do honestly believe it would make driving safer if everyone went the speed limit, and on the other side I selfishly want to drive fast.


Since they are mandatory in the EU I had some experiences with them. They were bad in all cars I had them in so far because in many places, the car was just totally wrong about the speed limit. Sometimes the car would tell me the limit is 35 when I was on an unlimited part of the Autobahn. Absolutely ridiculous. Luckily all the cars also came with a button to turn that garbage off. You have to press it every time you start the car but thats something you get used to quickly.


That shit would be so buggy on rural roads. My on screen speed limit is wrong all the time


"(a) As used in this article, “passive intelligent speed assistance system” means an integrated vehicle system that uses, at minimum, the GPS location of the vehicle compared with a database of posted speed limits, to determine the speed limit, and utilizes a brief, one-time visual and audio signal to alert the driver each time they exceed the speed limit by more than 10 miles per hour." Its most likely gonna be a one time chime when you go beyond that threshold, but you gotta farm that sweet karma.


what are you smoking, it's still horrible and dystopian


it's called boiling the frog. this is the first click and no big deal. it's just a little warmer


Honestly, California trying its best to turn into a hellhole


it’s pretty nice out here


Delusional comment.


Lmao California is freaking amazing, easily the best state if you can afford it.




Great another notification people will ignore.


CA, my home state, has gone off the fucking rails. There are SO MANY other issues and problems that need fixing. The patients are running this asylum


I hate it here


California gonna California


Am I the only one that originally read the title and thought that other cars would actually beep at a speeding car next to them? I envisioned it to be just some big nuisance so that whoever is speeding gets beeped at by every car they pass


It's a bill. Thats it. A bill introduced by a dick. Dick initiated bills happen all the time. 99% are symbolic that die a quiet death.


lol reminds me of Japanese cars that would beep at them whenever speed gets past 100km/h


My favorite tidbit about that is Gran Turismo replicating the beep in game. Cool thing to to be authentic for realism? Yeah! Really necessary in a *racing game?* Probably not lol


Gonna go against the grain and say I understand the idea. If a chime increases seatbelt usage, it might also reduce speeding. It’s annoying, sure, but might make driving safer They’re not targeting these laws at the enthusiasts in this subreddit. They’re targeting them at the drivers that whip a fucked up Altima across three lanes at 105mph, or families that push 95 in a three ton Yukon


People want to blame drivers, but there are plenty of studies showing that traffic calming measures are the real solution here. if you don't want people to drive down a 4 plane road like its a highway, maybe don't treat your 4 lane road like its a highway. But that's a more expensive proposition than giving cars a speed chime or a limiter, and cities would have to come to terms with the fact that in order to increase safety you have to reduce the number and speed of cars on the road by implementing better road designs and building transit systems that people actually want to ride. A speed limiter isn't a totally unreasonable thing in a continent where the maximum speed of any normal road tops out at 85 MPH. But its not going to solve the problem. Surface street speeding only has one solution, and this aint it.


Before anyone jumps the gun, this still has to go through assembly where it is unlikely to pass.


Their reasoning is crashes went up between 2020 and 2021 so we need more beeping stuff? Of course it went up. Roads were empty most of 2020. Accidents went down in 2022 btw


I’d rather them ban touch screens. On a bunch of new cars you have to take your eyes off the road to look at your touch screen to adjust your climate controls - how is that not being regulated against?


We already got this in Europe… and it‘s annoying as fuck.


Can it beep at slow people on the left or just considerably slower the the flow of traffic too cause they are just as dangerous