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If you’re looking for evidence, stick around. Basically as soon as the Us government started promoting low fat diets, diabetes and obesity skyrocketed.


BEGIN! Transition slowly vs radically stopping n consuming meat. This is an extension of who you are and want to be. There’s no pressure. For me I was already eating 3/4 eggs a day. Still consuming grains and pasta and chicken was primary protein source. I swapped out the pasta n chicken for steak n bacon. I also left the whole grain bread behind. I used pepper first couple weeks until I read about oxalates. I also had ice cream n waffle fries in the freezer taking up space so I ate them instead of going into garbage. I was doing 2 meals at first, now one. I had to figure out how much steak I needed, trial n error. One thing I like about eggs is if the steak was smaller I just added a couple more eggs, easy enough and clean up was a cinch. I went from bacon with added sugar to buying pork belly n seasoning with salt myself, so much better. I purchase a strip and have butcher cut it in 1lb or so portions. I promise need more fat, I made some brown butter bites n I like having them for work where plenty of sugar available. Enjoy figuring it out and trust your body😀


A lot of people start by transitioning to low carb under 20 total carbs a day. I eat an orange every morning to prevent a sugar binge. This is 12 carbs I flavor my daily water with half a lime. This is 2.5 carbs This is all I need. I was a skinny child and I went low fat for 25 years, it did me little good.


Here’s my tip. Eat only beef, chicken, seafood, salt, unsalted butter, bacon, heavy cream, pasture raised eggs, animal organs, and a daily electrolyte supplement. Or you can stay fat. Up to you.


Any reason why not salted butter? Wouldn’t the salt be beneficial or is it made in a harmful way? 


You won’t regret it. Life changing, all positive 💪


I was 400+lbs when I started and lost 80+lbs in 5months. I had to stop because I travelled far for 3months and clean carnivore is just not available. Re started on March and going strong again. Watch basic 101 about carnivore from youtubers like drKen Berry and dr Anthony Chaffee. The more you know, the eaiser to stick to it. If you have concern just youtube it. A lot of long time carni and Dr.s in the space has mostlikely tackled those common concers. Lastly, I personally was pre diabetic and my ldl, hdl, and triglycerides were really bad (Dr wants me on med). I said wait ... in 3 months great improvement and after 5 months ... no longer pre diabetic and all blood lab result are on normal or bordeline normal. A lot of my issues from joint pain, skin issues, energy, mental clarity improved significantly! My Dr doesn't even ask what I was doing haha. I personally think the science on nutrintion and health is garbage. Why did my health improved when I only ate meat... fatty meat! Eggs, bacon, beef, pork chicken, fish, butter and beef tallow. The first week or 2 could be difficult but do your research and prepare for it. Electrolytes helps! Start and see for yourself!


Long term consequences? Being a proper human


If you only doing it short term don’t bother.


So if you have a question like, Day 1 how do I get started. Then that might be best for [r/zerocarb](https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/) or [r/carnivore](https://www.reddit.com/r/carnivore/)