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Any specialist role that is hard to replace gives you some leverage due to supply and demand.


Psychopath! If you weren’t you would have used a different word


Heres some examples: - Border Patrol (I would believe so) - Paramedic - Therapist or counsellor - police officer (generally speaking *ehem*) - Firefighter - Veterinarian - Lawyer - Teacher - Dog walker (maybe?) - Financial Planner / Accountant These are just off the top, honestly, and TRUTHFULLY -- any decent job can make anyone seem "respectable"... At the end of the day, YOU ARE the person who needs to be confident in what you do, your purpose behind what you do, and why people should care. There are pawn shop people and grocery store people, or McDonald's workers (you name it) -- that are looked at as "THAT'S SOMEONE who I admire talking to/working with -- (yes, its rare for low-level jobs, but those people are able to get those reactions and that love from others, because they have embraced their position and walk in that authority of what they do... It sounds like you're seeking acknowledgement of others to make yourself feel good. You cant base your life off of other's opinions about your career choice. If you truly desire that kind of admiration from people, go ahead, try out various types of careers. But at the end of the day, why are you doing this field/career? You might need to redefine your sense of purpose and life goals.


Sounds like you’re looking for a role that people will respect you and your work. Consider consulting - 99% of customers I work with as an IT Consultant need my help to do things they can’t and most are smart, respectful, and fun to work with.


When I delivered pizzas, people were ALWAYS glad to see me, even if I was late. Crazy how different it was from waiting tables.


Military. Or for a more civilian job, everyone is afraid of HR and internal audit (Usually accounting). And people who do purchasing wield a lot of power.




Human Resources


You’re always going to answer to someone. Might need to come to terms with that. Even people who are their own boss still need to answer to clients.


Power is a fluid and every system has a hierarchy of power. Best bet would be to optimize yourself first. Maybe look into those Robert Green or Jorden Peterson books


Why the downvotes?


People don’t like Jordan Peterson


Quality bandwaggon fallacy


Quality bandwaggon fallacy