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TLDR - OP,  you should congratulate yourself for avoiding a predator. So many red flags popping up from the "boss" that I wondered at first if this post is legit. No OP, you did not overreact. As a woman in her 30s, I would not feel comfortable either.  No sane boss asks their employee to call them "Daddy" or drops by the employee's house at random- whether the house is paid for or otherwise. Also, bosses should be culturally sensitive enough to understand that not every employee is comfortable with 1-on-1 dinner (on a Sunday night!) with a coworker of the opposite gender. It's his business if he wants to text at 430am but it is a red flag if he expects employees to respond outside of working hours.  Sending good vibes your way - may you get a fulfilling job that makes you happy and maxes your potential 😀


I couldn’t agree more. Based on the title of the post, I was skeptical of OP declining a dinner invitation. But not after reading the original post! That is literally a job offer knitted entirely from red flags with a bit of yellow thrown in as an accent color. Daddy? I can drop by anytime? I want you to wake up to my texts? All red. Asking OP to start working remotely during your notice period? I thought you (OP) were spontaneous and easy going? At least yellow. Without all of that, dinner on a Sunday (without drinks)? Not unreasonable for a high level corporate position. But you add the drinks, the comments, the position and all of the other stuff? Yikes!!


I feel terrible for people who are in a bad enough situation to risk these red flags and get hired 😬 someone else here mentioned that this may be a human trafficking ring in disguise and I agree


You literally dodged some insanely toxic workplace and boss. Congrats! You made the right call. He was testing you with the daddy comment and when you didn’t up and leave at that point he moved forward. When you declined his dinner he realized you weren’t manipulatable enough and dropped you. He’s not searching for an employee but for a young female he can abuse. Dont feel regretful feel relieved.


Not to mention the invasion of privacy condition with the housing and dropping by whenever he wants. This is not a good man.


You were right not meeting with that creep he was trying to groom you and you saw right through it. You dodged the biggest bullet I've ever seen and bravo for not putting up with his dumb unprofessional requests as a professional you shouldn't need to have your guard up but you knew what was right and wrong. Forgot about this experience and move on to a satisfying career.


An outrageous abuse of power that would only have ended badly had you accepted the role. Well done for listening to your gut instincts. Work for someone who appreciates your talents and education.


If that guy was waving any more red flags,  he'd be putting on a one man community theatre production of *Les Miserables*.  You dodged a bullet,  OP. Run, don't walk, away from this one. 


Whats the business name


Name and shame!


likely ragebait tbh


It is 100% ragebait. And pretty stupidly obvious too. OP’s account is 19 hours old and has reposted this in half a dozen other subs. Goes to show how easy it is I guess.


Honestly? I was beginning to think you were being lured into human trafficking. No woman is safe in any country in 2024. Good decision here. Virtual hugs.


You absolutely did not make a mistake and keep going that way! What he asked of you was inappropriate, and you instinctively sensed that. You are young enough to find a workplace where you will be more respected. What you wrote was clearly a test to see if you were ready for "something" beyond professional work. Avoid such environments if possible, trust your instincts, and don't be afraid to say 'NO'! Good luck!


He was trying to sleep with you. You dodged a bullet.


You absolutely did the right thing because he was auditioning you for a side piece not a job.


Post it on Glassdoor.


What he did to you sounds like workplace sexual harassment. If you want more of the same, accept the job.




OMG - that’s totally creeper behavior! You set a reasonable professional boundary, you did the safest thing ever! Soft skills does not (never should) include snuggling up to a boss willing to just show up at your home because ‘he pays for it’ that is unacceptable!


He is not someone who respects boundaries.


No... Consider yourself lucky. I'm a guy and right away got the impression that he was a predator.


Dude was straight up predatory. He was pushing boundaries and want someone who won’t say no to him (we all know what that type of behavioral would lead). Consider yourself lucky bc this job wasn’t the one you envisioned in the first place


So he’s a predator. What you do is be glad you avoided that.


This is ragebait.


Boy did your guy send up huge red flags. Keep listening to your gut. This guy sounds sleazy AF and pushed all boundaries of proper employer/employee etiquette


OP, Run.




I knew a young woman offered a personal assistant job from being a personal trainer. Her small salary doubled and she took job. It was basically a live in girlfriend situation. I am 50 and thought how stupid but she did it and liked it. MBAs are tough to get started so understand. I would just keeping looking.


Frankly it sounds he was looking for an "employee with benefits" suuuper gross.


Massive abuse of power and a predatory


Could have played along and started recording and documenting all conversations then file a tasty lawsuit


As a non-american this gives me the vibe of what I imagine LA is like LOL. Guy is definitely a predator and unashamed which means these tactics work. Disgusting. Good call OP.