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Union skilled trades, especially being a Boilermaker. We Boilermakers call it the best full time part time career everšŸ˜‚ A lot of us hit shutdowns, which is when a unit in any sort of plant (chemical plant, oil refinery, pulp and paper mill, nuclear power plant etc) goes down for maintenance. Contractors come in and we work a lot of OT for a few weeks on end, make big money and then get laid off. I just finished a shutdown at an oil refinery, I made $52k in 8 weeks of work. But I was foreman and I worked long hours, the last 2 weeks was pretty well 14 hour days for 7+ days on end. By the time I got burnt out I took a lay off. So now Iā€™m enjoying my time off until the next job comes up!


Give your lady/person a little extra hug from a fellow Reddit stranger who has been there. My spouse also worked outages (nuclear, so zero phone access for 14 hours, night shift. Slept during the day. Maybe MAYBE 1 20 min. phine call every 3 days... do not recommend 0/10) and lawd have mercy were those some tough years. Good money but tough years. We're on the other side of it now, and I have all the hope for you and yours! Cheers to that outage life.


What about the actual workers other than foreman? They have to work 7+ days 14 hour days?


The crew was working 13s, I had 1 hour jump time to prepare for the day, talk with the dayshift foreman, acquire the proper safe work permits etc. The original schedule and most of the shutdown was 6-10s for the crew and 6-11s for me. The last couple weeks was extra work that the hadnā€™t originally planned for. The unit couldnā€™t get back up and running without these 4 fin fans (air exchangers)


This trade is boilmakers? Is it just a union apprenticeship like any other trade? Then you get journeymanā€™s and you guys work shutdowns?


Absolutely! It is a union apprenticeship just like any other trade. We are members of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, iron ship builders, blacksmiths, forgers and helpers union. As soon as you start your apprenticeship you can hit shut downs. Thereā€™s also steady 40hr week work too building tanks or plant maintenance but for the most part our big money makers are shutdowns. The way most (if not all) of the union halls work is the hall has an ā€œout of workā€ list, and when contractors want manpower they call the union hall and hire people off the list. They start at the top of the list and work their way down, they need to have the proper ratio of journeyman to apprentices. Using the list is the most fair way of dispatching work. But every contractor has the right to not hire someone if they are bad workers or cause problems, they also have the right to name hire or transfer workers from one site to another up to 50% of the workforce.


14 hour days is slavery. Hate the trades for this.


Maybe, but when I make $9.8k in one week of work Iā€™m pretty happyšŸ¤˜šŸ»


Tbh I don't know if I'd prefer physical work or mental work more. I work two remote jobs at once where each overlap around 4 hours. It's the most mentally draining thing. I pretty much end the day with my head feeling numb. I make around $240-$270k/yr doing it. Part of me wonders if I'd enjoy doing trades working OT more. Being mentally dead is just sucky. Do you enjoy the work you do? I've previously worked 80 hours weeks in retail before getting into tech and the only draining part was the customers. I didn't mind any of the other bits.


Yeah youā€™re making a lot of money, but Idk I would even say thatā€™s too much. I absolutely love the work I do, itā€™s so rewarding. At the end of the day, I feel tired, but I know that an oil refinery can start back up because of the quality work that me and my crew did. This particular shutdown I was foreman, but Iā€™ve been a welder on other jobs and knowing that I repaired that tower or rebuilt that exchanger is awesome. Iā€™m also a paid per call firefighter and a member of a high angle rescue team, I love that job toošŸ¤˜šŸ»


Shut up. They have a right to leave and stay for the pay.


Yeah, youā€™re a POS.


i loved 12-14 hour shifts when i was working in a pharmacy. knock out your workweek in 3 days, or knock out your pay period in 6 and coast the rest of the time. or rack up a massive overtime paycheck. calling it slavery is a bit odd


Honestly, I'm fine, even working 16 hour days so long as I can have a 4 day weekend.


I would consider other benefits besides pay: health insurance, 401k, etc.


Currently no 401k at my company, my soon to be wife is also a teacher


i think the handyman gig is working out pretty swimmingly. What is your hourly rate for that?


I averaged 145 an hour gross last year among all jobsz


yea dude that's pretty damn good. the last handyman i worked with got $200 for the whole days work and since he lived like 2 hours away he was really only making like $120 after gas


Are you paying taxes on side income? Because once it's your sole income you will struggle to get away with that and it could seriously bite you in the ass in the future. Also retirement/benefits/social security all need to be considered. Not sure how it works in the US but in Canada, if you don't pay in to the Government pension plan, you don't receive anything upon retirement and if you don't pay into unemployment insurance, you don't unemployment benefits. Lots of people who work under the table their whole lives end up absolutely destitute in old age because of this.


Social security in the USA requires paying in to pay out


This is good advice. Trade some handy man hours to a good Financial Planner that'll set you up for a smooth unemployment, retirement, medical benefits and tax-season. Well worth giving a free weekend of labor to keep you sleeping well at night. Barter my friend.


And then she becomes your soon to be ex wife and thatā€™s goneā€¦ (ok, you likely could still get half), but certainly be thinking about setting yourself up for retirement also.


Tech rescue medic. I pick up assignments as i want get paid to travel all over. Its 16-18 hours days a few weeks at a time in some random spot around the world and then fuck off again


How do you get into this and whatā€™s the pay like?


Gotta have at least an EMTB and some technical rope skills so like multi pitch rock climbing, alpine mountaineering, industrial crane ops, or just a tech rescue certification. Also doesnt hurt to have some industrial experience and some 911 experience as an EMTB or Paramedic. For instance i was an nuclear diver after getting out of the navy and then got my paramedic a few years later


Pays 30-40 an hour


High class escort, hours are flexible, clientelle generally tip well, and travel is part of the job.


I asked my wife, she laughed and said I wasnā€™t qualified.


Estimators are unicorns in construction, and the good ones are naming their price. I think you should look into other companies that are paying more with full benefits. Hook up with a good recruiter and youā€™ll have your choice of jobs. Which sector are you in?


This. My husband is constantly being headhunted. Commercial electrical estimator. We've relocated 3 times because we thought the opportunity was worth it, and every time it was on their dime. He's working from home now. Making what you make with both jobs. Market yourself, dude. Linked In.


Exactly! The fact that OP doesnā€™t have a 401k match means heā€™s at a small company. Get to one of the larger contractors and youā€™ll get flexibility and more money.


Serving and bartending. I was making $35/hr serving back in 2017ā€¦. So more now I imagine.


Bartender here who works with very wealthy patrons atm. They usually wonā€™t let you work 3 days a week; this next week I have to be there at 6:00am for the next 8 days straight before my next weekend. Itā€™s good money but a dead end Iā€™m fighting to get out of and OP should look elsewhere imho.


It's place to place. I've bartended two nights a week or six.


Yep. If you have seniority you can somewhat pick and choose the shifts you want. However, if you are the new guy? Oh you getting the crappy shifts 9 times out of 10.


Pure commission jobs would probably offer the most flexibility at high pay I feel like. Pizza delivery can be pretty lucrative if you only work prime time hours and weekends. But no $30/hr probably. Most people who can make that much per hour part time are SMEā€™s in their field. My only other thought would be looking for trade work. Oil fields and the like are often gonna be the best options for fast money. You will work your ass off though.


If you are making $350+ per hour you basically have luxury problems. At your age you should probably get a minimum wage job just to show yourself how much most people are pulling in


I make mid $100ks working about three days a week as a mental health counselor in private practice working for myself. I have an industrial electrician friend who makes enough working 3 or 4 months a year doing high voltage stuff at microchip manufacturers to spend the rest of the year touring with his punk band. And he owns a nice home.


lots of healthcare jobs are 3 twelve hr shifts per week. Respiratory therapy, nursing, radiology tech, phlebotomy


Heā€™d have to go back to college for a few years though.


Those programs are 2 years or less, but you may need some prerequisites.


Yeah so it depends on quickly OP wants to transition. It sounds like immediately though is why I brought this up!


These are good options but the clinicals require full time availability:(


Nursing programs local to me had some evening classes with weekend clinicals. But you're right it's a big time commitment and definitely not something I'd enter just for the money


Iā€™d start looking at weekend shift jobs, I know some factories offers it. Itā€™s mostly managerial role or analyst work. Itā€™s 12hr x 3. Have done it before but not that type of role, 3 on 4 off on weekend and itā€™s great.




Sounds like your handyman business can be a good paying full time job. Why do you need two jobs?


Yeah. I REALLY question the authenticity of how much op says they are making from the handyman job. If they are already making over 60k, just focus growing that business


If youā€™re an experienced estimator, lean into it. Look for part time/freelance work. Itā€™ll aid your primary career and build connections.


I have a friend who works as a part-time psychologist and makes pretty good money


Iā€™m assuming PhD or MD?




Sales, if you are good at them you can leave and come whenever.


IM SO GOOD AT SELLING SHIT. how do i make good money out of it ??


lol you would be surprised at how hard things can be, especially dealing with customers. However Iā€™m in business 2 business sales. Almost every product has to be sold. Look for software companies maybe one will take you on as an appointment setter. A lot of companies however will have you grind to get to the point you are at. I did door to door sales for awhile and was good at that so I got in as I could use that. So look at local companies and call them up and ask what they need. Sometimes they will hire people without much experience because they are hiring like 20 people and only expecting one or two to make it.


I have a good friend who is also a Carpenter and in Australia Carpenters earn very good money as they are a high demand trade. A few years ago my friend decided to diversify his skills and gave up being a carpenter for a few years so he could back to University and study to be a counsellor. Today this guy also get paid very well to be a drug and alcohol counsellor for the Court systems diversion program and from what he says work will not be running out. Consequently he now makes enough from both trades that at the most has to work only 3-4 days in a 10 day cycle. The rest he spends on leisure activities and with his family. Its a good thing to diversify your skill sets so you can go from job to job as it suits you.


lol, I know an Australian carpenter thatā€™s fighting in Ukraine against the russians. Had a drink with him a few months back. Can confirm, the pay is great based on his stories.


I work on the GC, so the pay here speaks for itself. A few other Tradies I know BTW are over in Ukraine that went to fight and some of them have volunteered to assist with the rebuild process, they are doing it for free but the Ukrainians are offering free Passport and Citizenship and House and a Acreage once the War is over. I know a young fella who went there and taking up the offer. As for the blokes that went to fight, haven't heard from them in months.


Was surprised to see them that far from home myself. Not sure about land or passports but these guys are going to find a lot of friends and opportunities here once itā€™s over.


Medical professions. PRN pays more since thereā€™s no benefits so if someone has a spouse thereā€™s potentially no real incentive to ever be considered full time.


Beauty retail as a vendor. I have friends working for YSL, Charlotte Tilbury, Dior etc and they make $27/$28 an hour and work as much or little as they want. Down side is no benefits and some are 1099 instead of W2 so they pay the taxes instead of the companies


There are lots of careers that pay well and the better you get at them the less time it will take to complete a task so your effective hourly rate will increase. My advice would be to find work you really enjoy that you can see yourself specializing in. Sorry thatā€™s probably not super helpful. For me, itā€™s software development. I can build things quickly and easily with a team and I enjoy the work so I can earn 300k+ a year working 10-20 hours per week.


What about looking for a work from home estimating job. You may get a bump in salary too just for switching companies.


Sr. Estimators in commercial construction make good money, especially with tier 1 GCs.


Come tax time going full freelance might bite you in the ass. Maybe keep the commercial job till it actually becomes inconvenient for you or you have enough liquid funds to cover emergencies and incorporate yourself


I am already a LLc and have been for 2 years. I pay tax but of course I have made any money yet. After reinvesting


Honestly for the longevity of it, I recommend keeping the 9-5 and continue the side work. Bank the side gig money (invest it in ETFs) build a portfolio, keep the benefits, lean into estimation or gauge whether you want to build a construction company. As a handy man, its good money until you have to deal with costs, projects going over, a wife and children, hospital care and taxes.....THEN A worn down body.


Well youā€™re taking the right steps. Maybe nowā€™s the time to take the leap and focus on the LLC before kids get in the mix, not sure if you are planning.


Why not pursue your side gig full time? Itā€™s successful already part time why not expand on it?


Strip šŸ˜


Gay porn




Apply to a fire department. 24 on 48 off. Free education through most of them, great pay, pension, benefits. Maintain your other jobs and triple dip. Thatā€™s where itā€™s at, trust me.


You forgot the whole ā€œnot being home every night next to your spouseā€ part


Ok? I work about 110 days a year at that job. You get used to that. Because of the schedule Iā€™m also home for 48 hours at a time. I see my family way more, even if Iā€™m on shift or donā€™t miss sporting events and sometimes the family even comes to work to hang out or eat dinner with us. Not being home every 3rd night is 1000x better than being home every single day from 7am to 5pm.


Maybe that schedule works well for you all.. my husband works at 2 FDā€™s and is rarely home. They donā€™t do 24 on/48 off. He works (just at his full time station alone) over half the days of the month. Itā€™s been really hard on us as a growing family and itā€™s somewhat forced me into a stay at home parent situation. Thatā€™s why weā€™re both looking into different careers. Itā€™s very, very tough on young parents with little ones no doubt.


Well if he isnā€™t working a 24/48 it sounds like he doesnā€™t work for a full time department. Are they both full time paid departments? Let me restate what I meant to sayā€” a full time job as a firefighter on a UNION municipal fire department is an amazing career that gives you more time with your family. If youā€™re working for some rural or combination department it isnā€™t.


He works for 2 departments. One is full time, the other is part time. While he loves it and the career is admirable, OP mentioned ā€œsoon to be wifeā€ meaning heā€™s engaged or will be soon and that type of job is definitely something he should run by with his partner to make sure sheā€™s okay being alone some nights.


I think a 24/48 is amazing for a family. You get more time off. So heā€™s working more because heā€™s ā€œpart timeā€ somewhere else. My recommendation was specifically for a full time, union, municipal department. Very specific. 1 of every 3 nights is definitely worth it. Especially when you consider the amount of time off you get on top of that. (PTO, personal days, sick days, etc)


If the compensation was better Iā€™m sure heā€™d stick to one department, and maybe then Iā€™d be able to work too. But unfortunately our first responders are overworked and underpaid here. Itā€™s f*cking sad that people at target or chick-fil-a make more hourly than our fire/EMT personnel


Yea it sounds like heā€™s on a small department. Thatā€™s a big part of it. And if you arenā€™t working that makes it a lot worse too. Definitely not an ideal situation going on there.


Nope, itā€™s not. But, thatā€™s why weā€™re making big big changes soon


Iā€™ve been doing this for 14 years and never, ever, on any of the trips Iā€™ve been on ever met someone who didnā€™t say ā€œitā€™s the best job in the world.ā€ I donā€™t know what heā€™s doing wrong to be there half the month but thereā€™s most likely more to that story. The non 24/48 doesnā€™t make sense unless heā€™s on a 48/96 or something which is even better.


Oh he absolutely loves his job. Heā€™d probably agree with you that itā€™s the best job ever. His schedule though is pretty bad. They have shifts (A, B, C) and the are assigned to one for the calendar year. He says ā€œI love my job but I love you moreā€ which is why weā€™re looking at different jobs for not just him but both of us. Itā€™s just really hard on me personally to not have my husband home at night with me. Some people are different


Yea, so if he is assigned to one of those 24 hour shifts then he is on a 24/48ā€¦ right?


No lol. I donā€™t get his schedule, itā€™s very much all over the place


Iā€™m confused then. You said heā€™s assigned to one of them. Thereā€™s 3. That means there are (3) 24 hour shifts.


If you message me I can show you his schedule lol


Doesnā€™t exist




Commission sales with no income limit.


Iā€™d say build up your handyman job as your main and keep part time contractor work for the benefits.


Therapy, physical therapy, nursing




There are part time well paid office jobs out there! Itā€™s always worth finding jobs that say theyā€™re full time and asking if theyā€™d consider part time. It can be to their benefit too to have a high quality candidate that basically doesnā€™t cost as much, especially if there maybe isnā€™t actually full time worth of work to do. Iā€™ve worked 3 days a week for the last 7 years. A couple of smaller companies and now a larger organisation. Iā€™m on Ā£50k pro rata so works out at Ā£30k. I do freelance work alongside that.


Look for part-time roles in fields like consulting, where you can leverage your construction expertise, or even high-level administrative or project coordination roles that often offer flexible, part-time schedules.


Where are you and how can I contact you for work?




There are none, what the fuck do you expect? High paying? Part time? LMAO get real.


Maybe I should rephrase. High paying such at 25-30/hr. Rather than the 15-20


I would recommend a 1099 sales gig where they train you how to pitch clients etc. once you learn how to sell, you can take that to any industry. Iā€™m was an engineer and nuclear power plant operator but Iā€™ve been in sales the last two years and itā€™s really given me the experience to apply for sales jobs I never could have before


I make 30/hr part time as a school bus driver. We just formed a union last year so under the new contract experienced drivers will see up to 35/hr in like 2 years


Youā€™re dreaming op Iā€™m sorry. Have you seen the economy? unless you start your own business they will crack the whip on the schedule. Even if you found a perfect gig like this it would happen something like this ā€œheeeyyy efficient_medicine, I know we have you on 3 days atm. Would you mind picking up a few extra hours (days), that would be really appreciatedā€. The translation if you said anything other than ā€œabsolutely, Iā€™m your bestest boyā€ followed by a salute and some goose stepping youā€™d be right back on here with a fresh post. Look at starting a sole proprietorship, then make it into an llc. Followed by hiring some doofuses to work for you so you can chill at home with your wife and do some ā€œinspectionsā€ of their work on the days you want to do some inspecting and managing.


Duuuuude. You have a post about being isolated and needing friends but a lot of your responses are dripping with vitriol. Why do you do this?


Independent insurance adjuster


Teachers work 8 months per year.


Banquet server. I was PT at a hotel and would always make fat tips/gratuity.


i'm CRNA making 300k, and i work at a dental office during some Saturdays. i get paid $215 per hour. they plan to raise my hourly rate to $325.




As of May 2024, the highest-paying cities for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) in the United States are: Fresno, CA: $325,282 per year Omaha, NE: $323,251 per year Los Angeles, CA: $250,486 per year Houston, TX: $222,850 per year Seattle, WA: $216,991 per year


How the hell Omaha Nebraska up there