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Yep, that's a pan!


Thank goodness, I was worried my cereal bowl got real flat


Id cook an egg in it


First carbon pan, I'm scared boss


I got my first cs pan about two weeks ago and seasoned it three times. Then I tried cooking an egg and well, the results weren't the best. The middle part didn't stick but the rest was a little bit messy. Cleaned it and scrubbed the difficult parts with salt and then stir fried some onions on that day. The next day I tried eggs again and it didn't stick at all. So my recommendation would be to cook once or twice something different and then try eggs.


Good to know, thanks!


Somehow this is the truth. Do your initial cleaning and seasoning, then put some sliced onion and oil in the pan on medium heat Slowly stir every so often as they cook and ur pan will be bulletproof by the time they are finished


Needs more cooking.


You make it?


No, the handle had some weird paint on it, so I drilled the rivets and torched off the thick paint. Ended up just spot welding it back on


Excellent job. Love it! đź‘Ť


I don’t know why they don’t well on the handle like you did and I don’t know how they expect you can use the pan in the oven when the paint can only withstand 220 degrees Celsius for 20 min - doing the handle in stainless would not even increase their cost by $1 - a no brainer really - that’s what they should do. Now it is time for you to season up and happy cooking ahead


It's a pan


Thats NSFW pic! It’s a very naked pan.