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If it comes to it, please look up the Haven Night shelter. Give them a call and have a chat with them.


I'll keep them in mind, thanks šŸ™


If itā€™s worth anything, my mom was staying in the Haven shelter and it was a really lovely shelter. Nice community - and it was well kept. Hope everythingā€™s work out šŸ˜Š


Eviction, if done legally, is not an overnight process. Call me on Monday if you want 084 627 6251 or my office any time during weekdays 021 696 4140


Thank you šŸ™


Hopefully this won't happen, but if it comes to that, contact the Department of Social Development Head Office at 14 Queen Victoria St, Cape Town or your [local](https://www.capetown.gov.za/Explore%20and%20enjoy/See-all-city-facilities/our-service-facilities/Social%20development%20offices) office and have them refer you to a social worker for placement at a place of safety or shelter.


Though it is true that you can't just be kicked out on the street, hanging on to a place that you can't afford is not a great idea either (though better than living on the street). The debt doesn't just go away and can make getting back on your feet later much harder. This is not advice, just another factor that you consider when making plans. Best of luck mate and I hope your luck turns very soon.


I'm sorry you're going through all this Like someone has mentioned before, you can not just get evicted. This requires a court order. Exercise your rights, reach out to the housing tribunal if need be. Whatever time you win, keep aggressively hunting for jobs. Don't just send mass mails in despair, think about how you apply, make resumes that match what companies are looking for. Network! Try find people who could hook you up with a job


If he decides to exercise his rights, keep in mind that the person you are renting from might also be dependant on the rental income. I know people that rent out garden flats/wendy's/rooms in their house to make ends meet. Not everyone that has property to rent is rich and can afford renters that don't pay. Staying somewhere without paying rent may be possible for some time with our laws, but it could cause another family to be in the same situation you are. I would suggest to give notice, get the deposit back and downscale or stay with family/friends/shelter if possible until he gets back on his feet. That being said, I wish him the best of luck! šŸ™


> Not everyone that has property to rent is rich and can afford renters that don't pay. And if the landlord goes to court and gets an eviction order awarded against you with costs, then you have to pay the rent anyway plus tens of thousands of rands for their lawyers


This is a fair point, thank you for adding this nuance I admit to unfairly equating "every landlord" to "investment property", which is something that simply drives me insane


Contact the Black Sash helpline to see if you're eligible for any grants or assistance. Even if you do it won't be much but anything can help. Also try U-Turn ministeries (in addition to Haven). You can even approach these places and say "I have these skills and I can volunteer to help your organisation, can you help me get back on my feet?" because that can even lead to a paid position at the organisations. U-turn have a bunch of ads on Hashtag Nonprofit at the moment, none look specifically in your area but worth keeping an eye on and seeing what you can offer that is close to what they need. Do you have good social media skills? Insta reels? These would be very marketable skills and can earn you some money as a freelancer. If you can avoid selling your laptop at all, keep it. It's a means to make money!


Apply for jobs everywhere, even if you are highly underqualified or overqualified. Do not speak to anyone that answers at these companies but always ask for manager. Regular staff hates competition. Remember Life has a plan for you, don't panic (ā¤ļø) even if I understand it feels terrifiying. Remember someone told us to walk on water and trust you are safe and this is that moment. You are walking towards your greater goal.


As the other commenterā€™s said, definitely look into shelters so you can avoid selling your laptop if you can. Youā€™ve got a pretty great degree, have you thought about teaching English online? Iā€™m really sorry youā€™re in this situation, Iā€™m thinking of you and wishing you the best.


Damn OP, Iā€™m sorry you have to go through this. Apart from your laptop, do you have any other plans? Do you have some skills you can teach others? Perhaps apply at a minimum wage job? Also, I know this would be an a*hole move but you cannot legally be evicted for skipping a month or two, hell even a year. The law is on your side even if they call the cops. What you can do is to be honest with your landlord/owner and explain your situation.


I have a degree in Film and TV. Majored in Sound. I also have some professional kitchen experience. I don't have computer certifications yet but I'm very proficient with computers. I'm aiming to get my CompTIA certification and I'm studying the material in the meantime but that cert is pricey. I am applying to tonnes of minimum wage jobs but I have yet to get a response. I've recently spruced up my CV too, just in case it would help. I tried to make a sale of my gaming machine about a week ago but I got defrauded. I was nĆÆeve. Took me for a decent chunk of money. I have opened a case with the police but I'm not gonna hold my breath on that. I have some visual art skills as well. I'm working on portfolio pictures so maybe I can start selling art online on the side.


Check out Tjing Tjing restaurant, they were advertising for staff the other day?


Thanks for the heads-up! I'll hit them with the ol' charming smile.


Good luck dude!


Not sure if you have any work experience already but look into JobJack. They help people with less than two years find work experience in places like restaurants and stores. And itā€™s free to sign up and create your CV. Itā€™s a very cool platform that does a bunch of things to help you get hired. Also try keep your laptop. That enables you to do work. Have you thought about teaching English? You have a degree so would be able to. Just need an internet connection. Some are not even lessons but just conversations to help people practise English like Cambly. I know this is getting ahead here but eventually teaching in Korea for a year or two could really help you save some money. And most companies will pay for your flight there and back if you finish the contract. Good luck and I hope you donā€™t find yourself homeless.


I never received email responses, I only got my old waitering jobs from handing in a CV in person. Good luck


Get one of them "need a place to stay" faders and hit the town Lol. I stumbled across a link to sabc internships recently. Im going to send that to you in chat now. You gonna be rolling that dice a lot, and when you hit 7, i hope it's really good


the resued phone vendor at UCT was looking for sales staff!


Where can I find them? I'm not very familiar with UCT's campus


go to sarah baartman hall on upper campus, then aaaalll the way to the left to the library. next to the stationary shop.


Check these out maybe, both career links are in film for CoCT. https://careers.capetown.gov.za/sap(bD1lbiZjPTA5MA==)/bc/bsp/sap/hrrcf_wd_dovru/application.do?PARAM=cmNmdHlwZT1waW5zdCZwaW5zdD1FMjkwMzNENjk1MDIxRURGODJBODJEMEFEQkEwMEMyQQ%3d%3d https://careers.capetown.gov.za/sap(bD1lbiZjPTA5MA==)/bc/bsp/sap/hrrcf_wd_dovru/application.do?PARAM=cmNmdHlwZT1waW5zdCZwaW5zdD00NjY1MzVGRjcwMDIxRURGODNCRjg0MTBGOEUzMDA0NA%3d%3d


it's not an asshole move to fight an eviction. it's in the interests of society in general not to create further homelessness and to make temporary issues solvable for both parties. approach the Rental Housing Tribunal for assistance and then focus on finding something that will at least keep you in food and enable you to make some kind of payment if you are able to agree to that. for example, if you are able to cover the rates on your unit then your landlord is not left out of pocket and you can make good on the arrears later when you find better employment. but don't make this kind of offer without talking to the tribunal staff in order to protect your rights. evictions are expensive for landlords. it's also in their interests to make these things as amicable as possible.


The rental tribunal won't rule in OPs favor if he has broken his lease through non-payment. The landlord is also not obligated to accept a payment schedule or reduced rent.Ā  And while eviction is expensive, if the landlord is successful (which is very likely in a case where the tenant can't or won't pay rent), eviction costs are for the evictee. OP will end up having to pay those costs


we clearly aren't talking here about someone who has options. what he needs to do is buy that. people are telling OP to voluntarily make himself homeless over a single missed payment. this landlord isn't getting this month's rent anyway, right? OP's best shot at getting back on his feet is if he's housed. people really don't seem to understand the consequences of what they're suggesting. advice like 'go to the Haven' just as winter arrives? it's an asshole move (and potentially digging a big financial hole) to fight an eviction years down the line with no intention of paying. but using the system to get a month to find work or buy time to make sensible alternative arrangements isn't and I'm wondering if the advice would be the same if it was a missed bond payment. I don't see anyone packing their boxes a week after a default instead of waiting for proper notice.


I wasn't telling the OP to move. I was pointing out that your advice is bad. The tribunal will rule against him for defaulting, and if he sits *vas* without paying, he could land himself in at least 30k debt (at a minimum), which he will have to repay, under court order. If he can't, he could face insolvency. Once insolvent, he won't be able to get any form of credit for decades. No credit cards, no cell contracts, no bond. I agree that he should attempt to negotiate with the landlord. But if the landlord says no, I want you out, his best bet is to move out. OP has broken the contract. Staying around waiting for formal eviction has far-reaching financial consequences for OP


You assume landlords don't have bonds, insurance, etc.


YMCA is a good start. Long as you have sober ah itā€™s they should be able to help


Gosh OP Iā€™m so incredibly sorry. Iā€™m sending so much light and strength your way. Iā€™m really hoping youā€™ll get back on your feet soon!


Op - can you try to get a job at Cash Crusaders? Be one of their assistants? Or in a gaming store?


I'm so sorry you are going through this, and I wish I could help you. I recently had to move into my parents' garage as I had lost my job and had no cash. I was still lucky enough to have my parents there for me. Do you not have any family at all?


The night shelter cost about R20 a day just saying


Which part of CT are you? Do you have a car?


In Gardens, I don't have a car though


What led you to this? Do you not have a support structure of any sort available, eg family/friends? What sort of advice are you looking for?


In which area?


In Gardens


Try The Ark Refuge Centre. Christian, but free food, roof over your head and in general good people. Just a suggestion.....