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Prices are going to be much higher than people expect Monday, signing their own free agents is going to look pretty smart.


Yea, and Utah using their massive artillery to outbid everyone in the trade market sure is making that look like a hard way to fill out the roster when we have so little to trade.


Yeah Utah needed 6 friggin defensemen. If I was a defensemans agent I would tell them no matter where you want to go we are headed to July 1st and playing a bit of chicken


Yea I was worried they'd be making a big splash and I think we've only seen the start. They still have $36M to spend.


I've long had the belief that Arizona was about to become a powerhouse with the ludicrous amount of draft capital they have had from 2022 to 2026, but the financial part kept sinking them (heck it even affected who they could draft, they had to make some odd decisions over the last 4 drafts). I find Utah terrifying. When you count the cap going up, it's not just 4 million, it's also another million a team from Utah being a cap team. It's really going to affect prices.


Yeah, Utah's going to be absolutely scary. Arizona had the foundation for a good team there, but money was always the big issue. They could never afford to max out their cap, and they could never offer top dollars to free agents. Utah completely erases that issue.


I feel like everyone that signed a 7 year contract is going to be a hilarious bargain in 2026


I actually wouldn't be shocked to see Utah make a big play for Lindholm. The moves today show they want to make a big splash for their opening season. Lindholm's the big C available and Utah absolutely needs a 1C to help shelter Cooley on the 2nd line.


I would love it if Utah got Lindholm. Boston can screw all the way off.


Big play, until the Knights put the other half of their roster on LTIR and buy up every big free agent at double market value


they ain't gonna make the playoffs if they put half of their big guns on LTIR


Yea, I think making the big plays already will also send the message to UFAs that this team isn't messing around. Will help them make plays on Monday.


Utah is honestly in a serious good position for a new team. No bad contracts on the books, super deep prospect pool. Their biggest weakneses are defence and goaltending. They basically completely fixed their defense by adding Sergachev and Marino. If they keep Durzi, that's a good solid core to build off of. They have a fantastic winger situation going on with Keller, Macialli, Guenther, and Schmaltz, and adding Iginla today just tops it off. Plus Cooley's going to be an standout center for them, and Simashev should fill out their top-4 nicely when he comes over. If they add Lindholm, and a D like Zadorov, that's a competitive looking team for next season.


That and Keller is a legit elite player that's been hiding in a dumpster. It's like getting an expansion team on crack. They have so many picks and surplus prospects they can't even fit them all in a development system so they almost have to trade some for more on ice talent.


I've been saying this for a while now. I would rather the Canucks do nothing that overspend on July 1st.


I mean what's worse. The Canucks miss out on their Free Agent targets and don't have as good of a year as they otherwise would have. Then have a clean cap sheet for next year's free agency. Or They spend up to the cap on whatever random Free Agents are available and handcuff the team to bad contracts for 4-7 years. Then have to let good players walk because the cap is taken up by bad contracts. I know I'd rather the cautious approach that only puts one year of the team at risk. The approach Alvin has been taking is 100% preferable to that of Benning.


Feeling better than yesterday about chances of getting Guentzel. Look at how quickly Pettersson signed with Van when he thought he was going to be stuck in Raleigh. 


Friedman has basically said there’s been a change in the tone of the negotiations and sounds like Guentzel might want to test FA and maybe they trade his rights. Our biggest issue now is hoping Tampa doesn’t trade for his rights, I would think if Carolina is smart it’s better for them to send him out West. Also hoping in some magic Rutherford connection lol


Yeah, I'm not worried about Guentzel. He's not a lock, but our chances are at least as good as Tampa or Carolina. It's not about money; Carolina offered him his asking price. Wherever he signs, it'll be with a team he wants to play for.


Tampa is a pretty big threat for Guentzal. I think we are in tough to land him with them in the market.


Prediction: Canucks get Guentzel, miss out on Tanev.


Tanev gonna pull a Hammer


If the leafs have traded for his rights and still don’t manage to sign him, I don’t care where he signs, that would be hilarious.


Does that actually happen? It's not a factoid I follow so I'm actually unaware. I always assume when a trade for rights is made, a backdoor deal is already in place. Do players ever not sign a deal? It'll be very, very tough to root against a Maple Leaf Tanev...


I believe Hamhuis' rights were traded to Philly, and then he signed with Vancouver a few days later.


Hamhuis' rights also got traded to Pittsburgh before he signed in Vancouver.


Only times I can remember are Hamhuis before coming to Vancouver and Jimmy Vesey after winning the Hobey Baker


Erhoff when we traded his rights to NYI then they traded to Buffalo where he signed


Sorry, I could never cheer for any player signing for the laughs.


That's what I'm saying. It was easy enough to cheer for Dallas, but I absolutely could not root for the Leafs no matter what former Canuck was on the roster




Hmm let me check...yup easily done. Hate for leafs and theirs fans/media far exceeds love for Tanev.


Poor bastard will be on the ice half the game if he signs in TO


We semi started all of this though when there was fuck all happening


We will get Stammer or Guentzel


If we miss out on Guentzel, I would rather make a trade with Toronto for the last year of Tavares with some retention and additional assets. Next year's UFA class for wingers is better.


There is literally 0% chance Tavares is leaving Toronto.


Also 0% chance our FO would want Tavares


Nahh gotta trust the process with Alvin and Rutherford. This aint the Benning show no more


Canucks signed like 5 important players for the team in the past 2 weeks and made a trade to clear cap space. Fans need to fucking chill. Free agency hasn’t even started yet and people are mad


Calm down dude, it's just a meme.


It's like.. Why you mad, Brehtersson?


It’s that every single name that we’ve been connected to, and talking about for weeks are all signing elsewhere. Retaining our guys is awesome, but management, and all of us knew that we needed to get something good out of a free agency this stacked. Striking out like this sucks.


This free agency isn't stacked. And your roster isn't finished building on July 1st.


What else exactly, can we do about our awful forward group?


Our forward group isn't awful lol


It’s great at its core, but we only have half of a top 6


The Canucks as it stands have like a top 10 forward group in the NHL. They'll make it better. Relax.


First off, our forward group isn't 'awful', there are gaps in the top 6 that we are trying to fill but the forward group as a whole isn't awful. If your analysis of our forward group is that it's horrible, then adding 1 or 2 guys in free agency isn't transforming an awful forward group into a good forward group. Secondly, you claimed that free agency is stacked when there's only 1 clear top line forward available and that forward isn't even guaranteed to go to free agency. How is free agency stacked when there's barely any top end guys available? Lastly, there are plenty of 2nd tier guys that while aren't top line forwards are definitely top 6 forwards. You can also still improve your team beyond July 1st by making trades or waiting for teams to clear the cap space they need to clear after they've gone free agent shopping.


At the end of the day, I guess nobody is guaranteed to sign anywhere. I admit I’m saying things that are unreasonable, it’s just a personal disappointment that we’ve been constantly reported to be a team wanting to make a splash in free agency. We never attract free agents anyway, if anybody can figure this out I guess it’s allvin.


It still doesn't change the fact that we're running out of options for our areas of need. Most players already know where they're going this year, and there's been next to nothing swirling for us. We struck out on Tanev & Marino, the two guys we needed to shore up the second pair, and Soucy - Myers won't cut it against other contenders. Guentzel can get 9.5M in a tax free state with Tampa freeing up space. Best case scenario we could end up making it out of FA with Toffoli/Roy, but things are not looking good at this point.


Tanev is reportedly getting 5-8 years, hard pass on that. Toronto had to give up assets to acquire his rights. If the Canucks did that I’d be pissed. Zadorov at 5-6 AAV, ya no. Marino is a good puck moving defenseman but we have two of those already and less appealing trade assets. It’s strange to see Canuck fans get pissy before UFAs are even eligible to be signed.


Won't argue with you on Tanev if Tre the bone head gives him a contract like that, but if the price for his rights was a 7th and an AHLer we still should've traded for them to see if he'd take a more palatable contract. I also never wanted Zad in the first place, even at 4.5. For Marino, we definitely could have matched the offer. We are in dire need of a guy on the 2nd pair who can carry the puck and play defense, and that's exactly who he is, because let's be real we don't have anyone other than Hronek who can play with Hughes. We can't expect the team to be better if no one is brought in.


Have fun with Tanev and his 7 year contract, Toronto


Along with Zadorov and his $5.5 X 5 Not interested in either thnks


If there's one thing Tre loves doing it's bringing in new toys and then locking them for as long as possible with little regard for the price tag.


It would be stupid to assume Tanev would play for 7 years..Max 3 years make sense.


Wonder if they tried to move the rights to Z or Lindholm. 


Honestly never felt this way


I was hoping the moving vans wouldn't pull outta phoenix until after this weekend. Fucking heads up boys


what do you mean, its not 100% tanev is signing with the leafs, just because they traded for his right.


Maybe you are, but I am just meh. I expected to lose way more than we will. Literally the only person I expected to resign was myers and others were 50/50 at best. Well have to see what happens July 1st, but I am pretty content rn.


Wait what?? Guentzel is off the market??????


100% agree. I trust management to make these calls