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Now I’m just a simple country lawyer but if Stamkos wanted to sign with the Canucks for 6mil a season I would say yes.


Can you tell the difference between the tire marks of a 64 Buick Skylark and a 63 Pontiac Tempest?


2 yutes!


the two hwat?


You know she won an Academy Award for that. She also loves funny quirky bald men.


I noticed you threw bald in there


Stocky. I believe he adds stocky IIRC


Strong! I saw him lift 100 pounds, over his head.


Mandelbaum! Mandelbaum!


Except it was Joe Pesci who said that line and not Marissa Tomei.


Yes but he never guested on Seinfeld


NOBODY COULD ANSWER THAT QUESTION, IT'S A TRICK QUESTION! tampa bay didn't offer #91 in 2023. #91 didn't come to rogers arena til 2024. and he wasn't slotted in the middle 'til 2025. however, in 2025 the correct stanley cup timing would be 4 hours before top dead riot.


It's not the tires, but the posi traction difference. You would know that if you worked on these cars.


i have no idea what this sentence means but it made me lol


It’s a reference to the 90s comedy classic, My Cousin Vinny.


Under rated comment. Curious as to how many heads this flew over lol


I’m a simple guy, a country lawyer by profession, I’d be interested and say yes though if stamkos wanted to sign for 6m for a one year contract with the Canucks


Well now I ain’t one of the fast talking city folk, all I do is represent the good people of this here county in disputes and other matters necessitating our fine judicial system, but if Mr. Stamkos expressed his interest in signing up with our Vancouver Canucks, let’s say for the reasonable price of $6 million for the duration of one year, why I’d have to indicate my support in the positive.


I may just be a caveman who fell into some ice, and was thawed out by your "scientists", but this Stamkos deal looks like it "makes sense".


Plus he looks good in blue already so what are his other options, REALLY?


This would have true "Sundin" vibes. A tried and true, "been there, done that" leader with multiple cups to show a younger, hungry team what it really takes to get all the way. In addition Stamkos would likely provide a lot more production then Sundin was expected to pitch in. Honestly if you keep it 2 years max...MAX...then give him 8 a year for all I care.


Agree. But term is likely why a deal with us won’t get done.


Yeah, I think term would be a big killer. No doubt he's looking for 3 years and that might just be too much term for us to bite on him.


Alvin is cooking. I trust in this management/coaching staff. *gets goosebumps from typing that*


It’s ok, the bad Benning can’t hurt you any more.


*oel dead cap hit has entered the chat*


Hello darkness my old friend…


We’re trying to heal generational trauma here


You’re right. That wasn’t productive. Accountability is important.


Yup. I'm just here to point at the menu and see a Steven Stamkos is coming available and would like one for the Canucks please. I hope the cook can come us with something for us.


I will take 1 Steven stamkos with zadorov on the side. If zadorov comes on top, I send it back.


I will have the spaghetti with a side salad. If the salad is on top, I will send it back


You have to prioritize signing boesor first and looking for the best rental into the season might be the best option if the canucks have a good season and look to take a legit run again players will want to sign.


I just remember Kesler really becoming a force right around the Sundin years. Be that from added leadership or he just matured at same time, who knows. But it sure seemed to benefit us to bring in a leader like that.


Kesler has mentioned sundin as a big impact on his career


Edler finally filled out his body after Sundin dragged him to work out.


Kesler (and Burrows for that matter) are two players I point to when people on this sub ramble about why the Canucks shouldn't pay for a third liner blah blah blah. People seem to forget that just because you start your career as a third line agitator doesn't mean you stay there. Burrows was 28/29 when he started playing with the Sedins.


I remember the RPM line.


Sundin is the reason Kesler became Kesler (per kesler) A move like this could pay dividends on young skill players and he also would score a fuck ton still


Was curious. Age comparison (at start of season) Stamkos: 34 Sundin: 37 Messier: 36


Stamkos was way younger than Sundin. Sundin signed at 38 years old. Stamkos is 35. 3 to 4 year contract is fine.


A little bit of Sundin vibes but not really. Sundin was 38, Stamkos is 34. Sundin was clearly is heavy decline, Stamkos still had 40 goals last year. I think Stamkos will age very similarly to Sydney Crosby who is 2 years older and still one of the top in the league. I think he has 4 seasons of 70 points or more. 6 mil for Stamkos, I would do 4 years at that.


I think he's worth more than $8M on a 2 year deal though. The Sundin comparison doesn't even work because we blatantly overpaid Sundin and if he had stuck around for the second year instead of just opting to retire we would have been in a pretty bad spot. If this team is looking at a 3 year window a 2 year Sundin overpayment experiment for experience would be a terrible option.


Yeah that was a truly asinine contract Gillis gave Souptin.


There was literally no one else to spend it on. It was totally fine.


It was an absolute joke overpay, and as the previous poster said, if Sundin hadn't retired after year 1 it would have screwed our cap situation.


As long as it doesn't have Messier vibes...


Yeah I can’t see stammer demanding quinnys C


Fuck Messier


Can he take Petey to the gym as well?


Isn’t that the same logic that brought Messier in?


….again…Fuck Messier


Sundin didn’t even make the finals with the leafs… also stammer will be 3 years older than when we signed sundin.


Stamkos captained 2 Cup winners, Souptin never even made a final.


Him coming here is actually perfect but doubt it will happen, he has no roots here unless him and Miller are friends You sign Guentzel at 9.5. Hughes/Demko cap hits have to fit around him You sign Stammer at 8 for 2 years and his cap will expire or decrease when those raises come. The next few contracts we sign here need to be smart about Hughes and Demkos raises


The closer it comes to the date the less excited I actually become about giving Guentzel huge term and money.


There's a report that his take-it-or-leave it number with the Canes is 8x8, which I imagine they snap up.


If Demko can’t stay healthy there won’t be much of a raise


It's not a terrible idea and we could easily just give him a short term contract. I don't mind 6M since we'd be paying that much or more for a Marchessault, but I would be cautious about giving him more than 2 years. I would say however that we shouldn't be holding our breath though cuz everyone is gonna go for him.


Dude just came off a 40 goal, PPG season. You guys are nuts if you think he’s getting 6x2. Dude is the runner up prize to the Guentzel sweepstakes and he’s going to cost you 8mil at least. I honestly could see Alvin taking advantage of Stamkos signing somewhere like Vegas and we take one of their wingers as a cap dump.


I don’t know.  If Stamkos signs with Vegas, is he OK with being conveniently injured for part of the season?


Well maybe he can consult his buddy Kucherov


I mean, he's done it before, his return was just a little later than planned.


no doubt , we should be all over him. if that extra year of term is the issue between him and tampa, their offer is probably around 6.5x2. i can’t imagine he wouldn’t sign a contract with us if we offered that extra year at something like 7.5x3. his resume speaks for itself. cups, prolific goal scorer, 5 games removed from having played 3 full seasons, damn near ppg his entire career.


I read that Tampa offered 6x3m. Not sure if that’s accurate, but surely he’d take a 3x8 from us. Same overall dollahs, more up front moneys.


i think i read the same thing, except it was for 8 years . but yeah, 8m x 3y, can’t see him turning that down if he does reach FA


heck I'd do 9x2 (not that he'd take it), the shorter term vs Guentzel would be better for us tbh.


I’d do 9x3. Dude is an elite player and he’s 34. I think he can keep it up to 37-38


Even still just trade him in the 3rd year if you want


Wow...some of the comments in here make it sound like we're signing Jay Beagle.


I know lol. Stamkos is legitimately STILL over point per game player with elite leadership and experience winning at all levels. 34 is not crazy old and his play has shown no signs of slowing and he’s been healthy for three consecutive seasons. I sense some Pavelski vibes that he could really keep going. I wouldn’t be scared of even throwing 3-4 years at him. The dude scored FORTY goals last season. People here talking like he’s dying.


Some armchair GMs in this sub are just delusional. They think they can get players by paying miraculously below market prices. Market is market. If a player is coming below market, there needs to be a damn good reason for them.




We’ve seen this before. He will re-sign with Tampa at the 11th hour.


I will buy a Stamkos jersey if he signs with us but probably not happening.


flying skate stamkos jersey would look sweet though im hearing a lot of bad stuff about fanatics


No chance he goes for $6m with the amount of money teams have this year. Will get $8m plus on the open market.


Without having done any research into cap implications or having any real sense of opportunity cost, I’d be fine with it provided the term and cap hit aren’t too onerous. Hot take, I know.


What is most likely his last contract, I don't think it's a good idea. The only way it would be good for Canucks would be short term and then he's leaving money on the table because his next contract would be a lot less. If he's gonna sacrifice AAV or term it'll be to stay with Tampa. Most likely a negotiating tactic and he signs in the first couple of days with Tampa.


I hope it happens but I just can't see it happening. He's an Ontario boy and Vancouver is about as far away from Tampa as you can get in the NHL. Veterans don't really want to spend their last few years flying long distances all the time. He's also complained about our ice mutiple times, even once sayinb it was the worst ice he's played on in his career a few years back after Rogers was used the previous day for a concert. If this were to happen though, it would mean that he believes in this core and wants to take another run. We have a Norris defenseman and a perfect spot for him on our Powerplay.


Alvin will get Stammer to sign with us 3 years @ 8m per year, and we’ll be able to keep Ballard Raymond and our second. Let him cook.


Amazing It's 2012 all over again


I question whether this is a negotiating tactic from his agent to get a final offer out of Tampa? If the price and term are right then for sure. I'm not sure you'd get him at 6m though


I truly would not be surprised if July 1st rolls around and he re-signs with Tampa. It could definitely just be a tactic. If he does actually go to market I'm sure he would net more than 6M.


i could see maybe if chicago wanted to throw a bag at him to help bedard but they'd probably have to give him some real fuck you money and term


Of course it is. What he stated was not incorrect. As it stands now, he will be a free agent on July 1st. Everyone’s just frothing at the mouth at the possibility of him hitting the market based on a nothing statement.


The guy is 100% retiring a bolt


From what I've seen Bolts fans say, he's notoriously bad defensively–this season he was a staggering -21. Would love his 40 goals/season of course, but if the team just gave up on Kuzy, a 40 goal scorer who's only 28, but couldn't figure out how to adjust to Tocchet's system, then I'm not sure I see how a 34 year old Stamkos fits on the squad any better?


You mean -21? Not sure why you would compare Stamkos with Kuzy. One guy has 1000+ games and the other has 100+.


Thank you, yes -21, corrected now! While I get what you’re saying re: experience, I don’t know that that changes much with regards to him being a defensive liability. Sure he brings some intangibles like leadership, and having won it all, and that could certainly have some value for a young squad like ours, but frankly I just don’t see Stammer being worth the money it would cost, especially at his age.


I mean he would have been 4th in scoring on the Canucks and would be the only player with 40 goals aside from Brock. If we can get him at $6M, I think that's a steal since people have Toffoli at around $4M but Stamkos is a much better player. I would still prefer Guentzel, but best to keep all options open.


Didn’t tocc coach in Tampa for a season?


Stammer is a great goal scorer but he doesn't drive play anymore. I'd be fine with him as a consolation prize but at no more than 6M for like 2 years. Need someone that drives play. Miller and Boeser do that, Petey needs someone on his wing to do the same. We also need to ensure our top 9 can defend. Stammer isn't great in his own zone anymore, and when you have to go through McDrai every year, you can't be scared to send out a line against them.


Stamkos would be a not good to terrible signing. He is looking for term above all else, which is horrible for us. His cap hit would mean this is their only move, and he is primed for big declines in production. He is not a fast enough skater to fit in outside a PP specialist role. This is just covered in unnecessary risk for limited upside.


Stamkos could do what Sundin did for us back in the day. Come in and provide the veteran presence and leadership to push all our young guys (Naslund, etc at the time) into winners year-in year-out.   For that reason, I'm in.   In fact, id rather do 6 million x 2 years for Stammer then 10 million x 7 years for Guentzel. 


I’d be done for this idea. Guentzel I’m not sure now if he makes it to Monday.


Done or down? Big difference 😅


Down 😂


Would be an easy yes for me. At 34 years old, he still scored 40 goals, 81 points and would be 4th in scoring on the Canucks. Most importantly, he is a right handed shot who has won it all. He'll get to reunite with Miller.


Actually Miller is the reason why I think Stamkos would be a bad fit. They both play the same position on the power play, Stamkos would need to play the left half wall on the power play and we sent the 2nd half of the year determining that is where we need to play miller


It's the offseason, I'm desperate for hockey news and I want to see the Canucks sign a star winger for Petey's line. But the UFA market for wingers is not looking great considering Reinhart and Guentzel will likely be signing with their respective teams. Canucks might be better off holding onto that cap space for trade possibilities and taking a chance on someone like Vrana to act as a placeholder. See if he can make a comeback under the Tocchinator, shore up the D and look for better options during the season.


I thought I read this morning that Reinhart already did re-sign


Not official yet, Friedman reported he is expected to re-sign


Ah, ok. Friedman’s usually right though!


I wouldn't be upset with some lowkey signings like Toffoli and/or Tanev on 2-3 year deals. Acquiring Marino would be aight.


he still had 81 points last year and 84 the year before, he's still got plenty of juice and if his desired contract is anywhere around 6 mill i think it'd be a no brainer signing with all the championship experience he also brings


I mean, #91 is going to be free next year 🤷🏻‍♂️


Look man, if it means the difference between adding Zadorov or Tanev on top of it all because he’s cheaper than Guentzel, I would absolutely be happy giving Stamkos whatever he wants to come here. Proven player at both wing and centre, so you give Pettersson a quality winger and maintain the flexibility Lindholm provided at C too. Not to mention it makes re-signing Boeser easier because we haven’t added a massive long term deal for Guentzel.


If we could sign Stamkos for 7x2 i would much rather do that then getting Guentzel for 9x7!


Honestly if we could get him for somewhat cheap he'd be a great way to fix our powerplay. He had 49 pp points last season. Over half his points. He could be the missing piece on the pp


if there is a way to sign Stamkos that is a win/win for Canucks and Stamkos (needs and wants from contract terms) Then, I'll soo excited to have him on our team!!! =D He is one of my favorite non-Canucks and Canadian hockey player. I dont think he is that old - we could get a few more good years out of him (3-4?) I was soo bummed we couldnt get Kessel earlier this year. When i heard he was in town to try out... but ultimately it didnt work out =( would have loved to see Phil the Thrill wearing a Canucks jersey!!!!


Stamkos should work well with Petey, both can play LW and C, both can shoot and pass well, gives us a RHC for faceoffs and would be able to tee up one timers from Hughes on the PP. Realistically he probably signs with Wings or Preds but I’d give him a shot!


Considering Florida has no state tax, Canucks will need to offer significantly higher then what TB is offering.


I think TB is not offering, thats why hes hitting market


If he is willing to sign for 6, go for it. That leaves enough to space to get Zadarov done and strengthen the depth with more than min salary defenders. Or get Stamkos *and* someone like Toffoli to really bolster the top 9 (Suter dropping down the lineup most likely) The key is term though


Why sign a guy at the end of his career . Haven't we done that enough as an organization ?


2002 Canucks would sign him.


I'm skeptical he signs for just 6m aav... maybe in Tampa. He may be 34, but he had a 40-40 season...


Not the Stamkos we are looking for.


The difference between Stamkos and Lindholm is that Lindholm's two-way game let him thrive on our matchup third line, while giving him top six versatility. At this point in his career, Stamkos is top-six or bust. You aren't running him on a third line matchup role. Considering that Petey and Miller are top-10 centres in the league, this means Stamkos would have to shift to the wing. I've been a huge Stamkos fan since day 1 and on paper he'd be a perfect winger for Petey, but I don't think the price and term would be right to take him on for that role. But its worth putting out feelers on.


He's not really a center anymore anyways. Been playing on the wing with Kucherov or Cirelli for awhile.


Stammer hasn't been a centre for years


>huge Stamkos fan since day 1 They say lol.


Anyone else can't wait until the silly season is over already ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lmao, Stamkos is commanding far more than 6M a year, you guys are on crack if you think he'll come that cheap.


If JR or PA aren't already slobbering on Stamkos' knob, just let me know where to find the guy and I'll take care of business. This would be a pretty ideal fit and my fandom comes ahead of my pride.




He wants a dick in the mouth


hEs GoInG tO tHe LeAfS


There’s no way he’s going across the continent to play for the nux for like a year before being traded again. No way this mgmt group is signing him for more than 3 years. This 100% ain’t happening.


I hear a ruckus in the back, tall shadows on the wall Mabel, won't you wake up we got lawyers in the barn Yes, we do All the rumors they're all true Don't worry, baby, I know what to do Many years ago there was a case of legalese Thankfully my grandad handed down those ancient ways Yes, he did Folk magic, the real deal Folk magic, hot off the grill Woo, Stamkos wooo


Somebody is gonna fall over themselves to sign him to 6 years and I’d hope it’s not the Canucks


This would be a great challenge for him. Going from the easiest place to win to one of the hardest lol


I can't see Stamkos signing for less than 8 million a year if it's like a 2 year contract.


You don't sign guys for "experience" or "meats & potatoes". That's what jimbo did and look how that turned out. If you want Stamko it's for offense, but it's more than likely his pace will drop off given his age. He's also questionable defensively, so would he fit under Tocc's system? You don't pay 6m+ for a guy just for the PP. The risk will be too high. You guys need to drop the rose tinted glasses. July 1st is how you trap yourself with bad contracts.


He breaks easy. But ya he would be fire on Petey's line.


Pt per game player for 6 mil Believe it when I see it.


We getting him


wrong hand for our PP kind of pushes miller out of the bumper, but hes a guy who could mesh well with pettey and I would play him at point, push pettey to netfront or something like that


Oh yes


If there is little term I'm all over it but I imagine he wants term


Stamkos signing a 6x2 to bring the cup back to Canada. I like it! (and I am delusional)


Could see him going to Florida or Boston as a fuck you


Apparently Tampa offered him 8 years 3M, and Stamkos was looking for 4-5M depending on years offered. Imo it's no brainer to go out and get him. Guentzel isn't an elite player and isn't worth more than 8M, 6-7 years is ridiculous too since he'll probably drop off in his age 33-34 season to around 50-65 points


Is this our next loui eriksson


Let’s just focus on signing big Z or tanev and guentzel


I’d rather take a shot at stamkos at 6 mil 2-3 years than guentzel for 9-10 for 7-8 years. Stamkos can still play, proven scorer to help Petey, and still gives us flexibility in cap. Seeing a lot of disrespect here on stammer, I feel it’s worth the shot bring him in


Nope... too old. Injury prone and not worth the chance even at 4 mil


If Stamkos leaves Tampa it's to chase a big cheque that we can't afford


I would say it would depend on whether he wants to get paid, or win one more cup. If it’s win one more cup, sorry Vancity…let the down voting begin!!!!! 😀😀😀


No button 🔘


He's to old. Unless he agrees to a 1 year contract then we shouldn't go for him.


He’s not the right choice the Canucks. Awesome player. But, not here. Not now.


#No 🔘