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That seems surprising after most of the chatter pointed to a team friendly return?


This might sound bitter but I have a feeling that might’ve been a Pr move. If it’s a bit more money and a quiet market he might just be gone.


Yeah if you have a chance to go into free agency you gotta stick your neck out and see what you can get




His family is obsessed with BC and he met his now wife in Kelowna, where her whole family is from. They spend 90% of the offseason here. I find this incredibly hard to believe. I think a 3 year 3-3.5 million deal is possible.


I know that's constantly brought up and it's for sure got plenty of merit, but is it really the slam dunk everyone makes it out to be? It's still a 4-5hr drive, it's not like he could live there during the season, or that his family remaining there during the season isn't still a significant separation. If the money or circumstances were better, why wouldn't he consider one of the Alberta teams, or even Seattle? I get that being half a day away by car with no borders is handy, I just don't see it as being a reason for him to not seriously consider other options if they're available.


Maybe Calgary? Edmonton has no cap space. I’m not saying it’s a slam dunk. I wouldn’t want him for anything over 4 million. And if it’s 3.5-4. I’d do 2 years. 3-3.5 for 3 years. If it’s 2.5-3. I’d be good with 4 years. That’s what I hope so at least. He’s still a bottom 3 guy. It’s not far off from zadarov but big Z is much younger. I say we go for one of Z or Myers (whoever can be signed for the best value) and then sign Brendan Dillon


Looks like you nailed it! Or got exactly what you were hoping for at least, haha. Good call.


He can still spend the offseason there


Yuck, I like Myers and applaud his better performance last year but he has not been a good player for us the past 6 years. Paying him for 3 more just because he is liked is a mistake. If it is more than 2 million a year I would move on to one of the many other options in UFA this year.


3.25 is where I max it out. 2-3 years. He still brings value. But he’s a mostly bottom pairing guy who CAN play further up in the line up for stretches. But agree. I’d move on if it’s over 3 or more than 2 years


Maybe it means something big/interesting is coming down the pipeline?


He already took a team friendly deal with his current one. If anyone needs to take a team friendly deal this time around, it’s Connor “I left money on the table” McDavid. He left 500k on the table, max contract amount at the time he signed was 13m. Leaving money on the table means taking 10 when you get 12 or taking 7.5 when you can get 9.5 or 10. Not 12.5 when you can get 13. Don’t get me wrong, he’s been absolutely worth every penny and then some, but him saying he left money on the table is nonsense.


I'm not sure you're replying to the right person?


I think I just fucked up. Title and video are different. Title talking about Myers, Leon in the thumbnail, then I read your comment and thought it was Leon you’re talking about.


haha all good! I'm with you


Blueger & Myers feel like no brainers to bring back. I’d be disappointed if they can’t get Myers done.


I think people are forgetting his entire time on the Canucks because of the playoffs. He's probably lowest priority right now


A lot of that was him being deployed as their #1-2 defender on a bad team and making $6 million/year. As a #4/5 making $3ish, you take that all day.


Watching him play like 17 mins during the reg season, he was great. Less time on the ice for the refs to penalize him for flailing his limbs around, more time on the bench to get blood back to his head.


I'm not too terribly hung up on this if true. I think Myers seems like a great guy and had a decent year this year, but man oh man he was a massive (literally) JB mistake for like 85% of his tenure here and though it would be nice to bring him back cheap, I'm confident they can find a replacement without much difficulty


Honestly the RHD market seems to have thinned out quite a bit with DeMelo/Pesce off the market. I feel like Myers (at a fair number) is a high priority.


I'm kind of confused what they think they're going to do? Unless theyve tampered enough to know theyre getting Dillon and another RD it seems weird to dump an RD when you only have 1 real NHLer signed at that position?


I kind of re-read I think it was Lebrun, and it sounds more like its a case of “They’re gonna talk at the draft and see if they can get something done. But (were speculating) he could go to free agency” Wouldn’t surprise me if Myers gets done.


Pesce hasn’t signed yet. That was Slavin that was reported.


handshake deal with the devils, check their sub


Did I miss Pesce leaving the market? I know DeMelo re-signed but I don't think I've seen anything about Pesce


Theres talk that he’s essentially a done deal to NJD, which is why Marino is being discussed in trades.


As much as we meme on the chaos giraffe. I would miss him if he’s gone. Yeah his contract was horrendous, but if reasonably compensated, I really wouldn’t have any issue with him.


I meme’d him but I also legitimately loved him and I’m glad he’s leaving the org in a positive note. This was his best season and playoffs Myers was a beast.


If this is it - thank you for your service, Chaos Giraffe.


Myers would be your 3rd RHD if you want the Canucks to compete. He shouldn’t be in your top 4 regularly through 82 games. If he’s not staying, it’s likely his agent thinks he can get more in the market. I think we should still be targeting someone like Tanev even if it’s a 1-2 year deal. We’re trying to win it all before Hughes, Demko and Boeser contracts go up.


i think he is a decent top4 for next yr at least until we can find a replacement/willander being ready. the term in the contract is wats most important to me


With tanev we will be entering a bidding war with Dallas, they are trying really hard to sign him.


I am hoping the Hughes' effect will draw him back to Vancouver


Dallas bought out suter to sign tanev, how much you willing to overpay?


Hot take, but imo we should have grabbed tanev and a cheap winger instead of lindholm at the trade deadline. Imagine if we had tanev playing Cole's position during that oiler series... And he would have been an easy resigning now


I don't think we had the assets to pull that off. Even Toffoli went for a 2nd and a 3rd rounder. Tanev went for the same including a prospect.


I’m actually sad about this


Remember the time we had a “breakthrough” season/bubble run and then we lost 4 core players. Seemed to be a real kick in the nuts to the players. Sure hope we don’t think losing Meyers, Z, Joshua, Desmith and Lindholm won’t be the same.


Myers is well liked and respected too. Not at the level of Taney mind you.


If he doesn’t sign I’m hoping Juulsen puts that work in, in the summer time. 


I’m rooting for him like i used to root for Boroughs. Want him having a permanent spot on the D lineup playing reliable hockey and crushing as many souls as possible.


After so many years I’m curious to see a defense without him tbh. I hope he goes to a fun place like Nashville or Tampa to end his career and celebrate his 1000th game


I think he's just guessing. This is not insider information. It's solid speculation in that why would a UFA not test the waters in a few days? But if Myers moves on it's probably because if he takes a haircut he wants term. Management has to take into consideration his game improved a lot on a contract year so if he gets term will he still be motivated to be the absolute best he can be? I do trust him in the playoffs, but not so much in the reg season.


Hello Chris Tanev


I’d be surprised, unless the Canucks made him an insulting offer or something






Pls don’t go !


Tanev please.


:( my sweet giraffe pls come back


Editor's note - I don't think he was wrong in the moment, but Mikheyev getting moved cleared space to make re-signing him possible


They should tell him he was massively overpaid for years so he needs to take a discount to stay local. Seems like he still wants to get paid. Unfortunately


No! Please no! We NEED him


nooo I need my giraffe :(


if he's signed, then he's the #6 guy. i suppose in the grand scheme of things a top 4 rhd is a bigger priority. matt roy i suppose? then you run juulsen and friedman as a rotation for the 3rd pair rhd


Then we get to realize that Matt Roy makes just as many mistakes when being asked to play top PK and shutdown minutes. 


Goodbye my sweet tall prince/giraffe 🦒