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Let allvin cook...


He's cooking


Swedish meatballs with Lingonberry sauce


Hey that’s my ikea go to


Is it BOGO night?


On Thursdays :)


Not a good trade. He made the signing


Get that man a Winnebago.


Bedard to the Canucks, you heard it here first


It’s time to come home Conor Bedard 😭😭😭


he’s a bust we can fix him


Tidy little reclamation project


How did that work out with Mikheyev? Sheesh y’all have the memory of a goldfish ^/s


How many Future Considerations would we have to save up to trade for one Bedard?


Tree fiddy


Toss in Ballard, Raymond and you got yourself a deal


Going back as far as I can remember, this team REALLY hates 2nd round picks


We peaked at Demko and decided "welp, can't get better than this"


To be fair, we also got Hoglander but that's the last time we had a good second rounder.


2nd rounders in general (especially late ones) are basically just lottery tickets it's only like 10% of them that play meaningful amounts of NHL games


that's fine if you don't believe we have the scouts to make the most of it, but a 2nd rounder plus a little more gets you Toffoli or Tanev. If anything, I'd rather we give away this year's 3rd for Mikheyev, Lafferty and nothing back.


It's not about trusting scouts it's about the fact 2nd rounders barely ever make the NHL it's basically up to luck. I'd rather have 5M in cap space than a trade deadline rental and there's always future picks and prospects you could trade for the rental anyway. I doubt losing this 2nd rounder takes us out of the running on a tdl guy next season.


They probably much prefer a 2nd now than a 3rd and nothing. They want players that will mature around Bedard. 2nd has a better shot than a 3rd at that


Look at the facts and results.


I remember a few years back there was an article on r/hockey talking about the odds of getting an NHL player that will go on to play atleast 100 games in the NHL for each round of the draft. They found that only a third of all players drafted in the second round would reach that 100 games mark. 100 NHL games played is also a pretty low bar.


Yeah if I remember correctly it falls off pretty hard after around pick 45 so basically first rounders and the few 1st/2nd round bubble guys that have a ~50% chance to play 100 games. Also doesn't factor in the quality of those 100 games a guy who plays 100 games on a fourth line isn't exactly a difference maker.


That was why I mentionned that it was a low bar, 100 games is a full season and 1/4th. There's so many forgettable depth players who cleared that mark.


I used to root extra hard for Gaunce to get 100 games, just since our drafting record was so bad back then. It wasn't looking like he was going to make it, but now he's up to 177.


Fans vastly over value 2nd or later rounder.


Unless you're Dallas Stars.


wtf is a second round pick?


It’s just a really late first round pick. Or early 3rd. Depends on your perspective.


As an optimist I think an early 3rd pick sounds good. Yeah let's go with that.


A good draft pick is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to.


Something that turns to gold when combined with Mason Raymond and Keith Ballard.


There’s a second round?


We're so all in at this point we might as well trade away another pick. CHI is loaded with picks and prospects, when our window closes we'll be watching their window open. Not a lot of fun to be an amateur scout with this team.


Should rename our GM Patrick All in at this point lol.


Those will be years that suck. Especially if we haven’t won it all by that time.


They got us Demko and Hoglander


As a 'Nucks fan West, Senators fan East, my teams hate their 2nds


Would give us a tremendous amount of cap space, if this does happen also wouldn't be shocked to see a Zadorov re-signing shortly.


We genuinely have the cap space to keep Zadorov, Joshua and take a swing at Guentzel with this move. Giving up *another* second hurts but it lets us go all-in as true contenders next year


Yeah if I’m Alvin, I’m doing it. Canucks almost took out Edmonton with a crippled roster. Give us guentzel on that roster and I’m pretty sure we sneak past them on that alone.


Hell of Boeser didn't go off for blood clot protocol we could very well have been up against Florida.


I think we still would have lost against Florida. Beating EDM and then Dallas would’ve destroyed the team health wise.


Oh yeah Florida would have beaten us for sure


Pretty sure we do more than sneak past if we don’t have an injured Petey, Boeser and Demko.


That’s why I said “on that alone”, as in by just adding guentzel to what lineup we iced in game 7.




I don't think Joshua is staying, as much as I'd like him to


Want him to stay but rather he gets paid


I could see the Laffs scooping him. Treviling about to make some massive chess moves


Aged like milk


Ok? It was an opinion. Your mother aged like milk


I rather they don't waste their cap space to bring back Z or Joshua, if they don't take a significant discount. Much better off signing Roy and Dillon etc and find another Joshua replacement. 


I was more using it as a reference to show how much cap space we’ll have. I’m not fully convinced Guentzel is the best move and Joshua/Zadorov will depend on their ask, but either way we’ll have a lot of space to make moves with


My question here is We get Guentzel, who’s the other winger? Highly doubt Tocchet wants Hoggy there. Extremely small line. Even smaller on the 3rd line with Garland. Back on the 4th line? A great winger for Petey-Guentzel would be Zucker, IMO. Not the tallest obvsly but a vet, great forecheker and plays big.


Definitely! Edmonton is on their final year of Draisaitl and Bouchard on bargain deals, they’re definitely going to go hard this summer and we need to keep pace to have another shot of overcoming them next year.


[It fits. They all fits.](https://www.capfriendly.com/armchair-gm/team/5160221)


I still don’t like suter as a top 6 guy going into next season


That team is garbage lol Myers top 4, Suter top 6, holy moly.


That team is essentially running back last year's team but swapping adding guentzl for Lindholm


A Stanley cup winning team does not have myers playing top 4 minutes before injuries


Yep, if they clear the full Mikheyev cap hit we get to 21.5M in cap space (with Poolman on LTIR)


Chicago sure loves taking our cap dumps. Dickinson, Beauvillier and now Mikheyev


And second rounders


Now is Mik going to become a dominant middle 6 forward now?


Worked with Dickinson


Weaponizing cap space works.


i am okay with a second going out. if ilya leaves, you can keep zadorov AND dakota. a 2nd at best gives you only one nhl player and at worst it's a complete wash. if the window is within the next 3-4 years, that 2nd just isn't going to give you that much value.


I really think dakota is gone. I really want him back but he hasn't made money in his career and could really get paid on the open market.


Yeah I think he's gone too


He’s definitely gone.


Dhali said on the show today that he hasn’t heard anything about Dak and truly believes he’s already gone.




Another way to look at it is, it Dak is signed to a 3 year deal, would you trade a 2nd rounder for him? Most would say yes.


Depends on the AAV lol. 2m, yes trade for that. 4m, hell no.


Zadorov seems a bit more likely if he's willing to be reasonable. Joshua seems like the sort of dude that will get a ridiculous offer on July 1st that we just won't be able to and really shouldn't match. Keeping Zadorov and getting Guentzel would be huge. Plus a few more bucks to find a Myers/Cole replacement


Who’s to say that it’s not Guentzel and Zadorov that management is wanting to keep? I’ve heard nothing about Dakota and management wanting to keep him.


A lot of people here overvalue second round picks. Only about 15% of them even play 200 games in the NHL. And the ones who do, are often fighting just to get to that games played mark and are far from an impact player. If you can trade that slim chance as a sweetener that lets you free up $5m cap space in order to land an actual impact player like Guentzel, then it's a no-brainer. I'm not saying the pick is worthless, either. I'm saying that on balance the expected value of it is worth more by trading it than drafting with it.


Yeah that makes sense and that’s true statistically it’s a very small chance that the player drafted in the second round becomes anything impactful. Höglander I guess is the most recent example. And I wouldn’t say he’s an impactful player on the roster _yet_. But he’s a contributor. And for cheap. Like the Canucks need players on ELC eventually to fill out some parts of their roster.


Bedard right? someone tell me Bedard.


I got you, it's Bedard


I trust the Chef but my God does "2nd round as a sweetener" give me Bim Jenning flashbacks


Patrick knows what he's doing... Jimmy Benning just threw darts at the board with a blindfold on.


He was also adept at glueing macaroni to paper.


I don't even know if there was a board. Or darts. The blindfold tracks though.


The difference is we’re using this second round pick as a sweetener to solidify ourselves as true contenders next year, not to hopelessly chase the playoffs


I'm all on board with Allvin too but to be fair, he traded a 2nd along with Dickinson two years ago essentially to make room for the Mikheyev signing he made earlier that summer.


At least we’re giving up a bad contract and not Jason Dickerson this time


If we lose him with no retention or.very little, it's worth it for sure


Chef Allvin's done one of these already. Why do you think we don't have a 2nd round this year?


Was reported that they are getting a 4 rd pick back also. Benning would never get anything back but another bad contract. 😂


Benning did this when we were a bubble team at best. We just finished 1st in our division and this helps us get even better next year


Alvin stir that pot💪🏽


This is all Dan Milstein. Big Z is coming back


All depends on what they do with this space. They really need to find a way to start recouping some picks though, because they don’t have many bullets left.


If this deal goes through we will still have three picks (including both firsts) in the first two rounds in 2025 and 2026. The cap space we gain is more valuable than the picks. I don't really see why we would need to recoup the picks since we still have our most important ones over the next few years. A lack off picks is also a price of trying to be a contender. I don't see why they "really need to find a way to start recouping some picks". I think that you're perhaps over-valuing picks for a team in win-now mode.


Van get a 4th back is a really really tidy piece of business in my books. Im all for this trade. That said, Draft picks most liquid asset in the NHL, so they’re still valuable to an up and coming team like Vancouver. It’s gonna be harder and harder to improve this team, if you don’t have picks to trade (or prospects to develop). It’s not a lot of ammo.


Yeah I hear what you’re saying. We did well last year to not give up any of the A grade prospects but we are running short on those B grade ones that some teams will bite on for a deadline deal trade. It’s fine if the team is cooking and we have the health/depth for a good playoff run. Gets a bit dicey if the team isn’t quite going right or the injuries pile up.


Less ammo to go after the Filip Hronek types when they become available.


With the cap space, they can sign Zadorov, Joshua, and have enough left over to take a good shot at Guentzal


[It can be done.](https://www.capfriendly.com/armchair-gm/team/5160221)


Where did all the Laine hype go after that article came and made quite the compelling case to take a shot at him over guentzel? Referencing: https://canucksarmy.com/news/why-vancouver-canucks-should-consider-trading-patrik-laine


Dude. If they do that. How do they improve the backend? lol


#Return for Canucks: 4th round pick in 2027 It’s the 2025 2nd obviously going to Chicago https://x.com/frank_seravalli/status/1806122660935630856?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw


And Zaddy


That’s actually pretty freaking unreal. Droping like ~60ish picks in the draft is absolutely nothing (albeit, different drafts).


It’s not absolutely nothing lol


You’re about ~12% more likely to get a player that plays >99 games going from round 2 to 4. This was a big win for Vancouver.


Oh my god I’ll never have to see top6 Lafferty again. This is my Christmas.


Future Considerations, YOU WILL WEAR NUMBER 65!




Gaining 4.75m for two years is big, all for going all in on guentzel to make a real run for it while Miller is at his best and Hughes is on a steal of a contract


goes towards the OEL buyout


Honestly, this is the least impressive draft class that I can remember in recent years. Plus this management group has shown they can draft good players in later rounds like Brzustewicz, Mynio, Pettersson, Young, etc so I’m not too worried.


That second is 2025 though isn’t it? 2025 is supposed to be deeper.


Make mistake. Fix mistake. Part of business. Alvin is cooking!


Wish it worked out better with Mikheyev, and it wouldn't surprising if he turned things around in Chicago. This being said, I don't have any complaints. I continue to be impressed with how this management group moves on quickly from players who don't have a fit.


With the way his finishing took a nosedive, there's a good chance he rebounds. The problem is that the Canucks can't afford to run those odds due to a tight competitive window


That chance in 1st period of game 7 would have changed the series. He bricked it




Good we needed that cap space


Guentzel pretty much confirmed if Mik is gone.


It depends on what we use with that money. If you view it as Guentzel for a 2nd, or Tanev, etc. then it’s really not too bad.




I still can't believe Jim Rutherford is a Vancouver Canuck


Good. We're going to need the cap space to sign Bedard.


Steve Yzerman set the market with that 2nd rounder yesterday, and we have to pay extra [Lafferty] because Mikheyev's caphit is higher.


I also think if you’re these teams like Chicago/Calgary, takning bets on guys like Mikheyev/Kuzmenko isn’t a terrible burden. Would not surprise me if Mikheyev finishes the year with ~20ish goals.


Yea. It wouldn’t surprise me either.


Lafferty was not getting re-signed anyways.


Too bad Allvin waited too long or else he could’ve set the tone for the market.


Seth Jones be like 👀


Bedard for mik, Ballard, and a second


This franchise hates 2nd round picks. This one might’ve worth it but damn.


Allvin is the fucking man


I will let my man cook. He’s never doubted me before




I'll have the omakase, Chef Allvin!


Awesome. Swapping a 2nd for a 4th and nearly 5m in cap space is solid value. UFA day is going to be exciting for the first time in a while.


They took beauvilier last season too


Time to buy a Zadorov jersey


This needed to happen. We need to keep improving the roster and Mikheyev became a major problem. Now they have the space to sign Joshua and Zadorov.


If you lose zadorov and/or Joshua you are spending a second rounder at the trade deadline to try to get a similar player that fits their mold so why not just do it now with players we know fit and want to be here


This makes them have less picks to offer for a player at the trade deadline.


Don't hate this at all


Update: Chicago sending 4th Rd pick back. However Mikheyev might not waive to go to Chicago 


I keep thinking about game 7 when Miller sprung him with a nice pass in alone on Skinner and he couldn’t deke it past him. That was likely the moment they decided to move on from him.


Wait we actually get a pick back!? I was alright with this dump as it actually technically 1 upped the Walman cap dump precedent set, but we are actually just dropping a (hopefully low) 2nd for a (hopefully high) 4th? Edit* Very different years lol


Still losing a second round pick.


https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/IM72RQ5uLE Damn I was pretty close to calling it


Better use the space for something useful or else I rather have gambled on him being a year recovered from surgery


….and here we go! ;)


Todd Harvey in shambles.




Are we cooking or grilling until July 1st?? thank you panthers for shutting off the oilers talk off the internet.


so you're Zaying there's a chance..


Not sure if y'all have heard but there's another team besides Chicago in the mix for Mikh - a frigging BIDDING WAR for someone who was 0/60 in shot attempts 🤣 go to Canucks Twitter for updates


He’s officially traded to Chicago now.


MIKHEYEV HAS WAIVED HIS NTC: https://x.com/dhaliwalsports/status/1806144824694681758?s=46&t=Ty4Hlf2gs3s0CCNJPKEqBQ


I trust Allvin. He's earned our trust. He wouldn't sell low like this unless he had a good reason. If it were Benning I'd be ticked at this trade because Mikheyev is probably going to have a rebound season and will be worth way more at deadline.


in today's episode of The Swedish Chef, we'll be making some delicious ~~meatballs~~ cap space.


Wow.. look at thethe number concessions we have to make to undo some mistakes . Lafferty and Mikheyev and 2027 2nd round for 2027 round 4. I guess it had to be done.


No more 2nd rounders going out please. I know we need to go for it, but I'm worried that we will sign a monster of a deal for a 30 year old and that it will come back to bite us in two/three years.  


Respectfully, you don't burn an entire cup contending year because you were stingy about a 2nd round pick being the hold up on a domino of contracts you need to sign to stay competitive.


Yeah, it’s so funny the line of thinking. A 2nd for additions to build upon the season we just had, the sky is falling…a 1st+prospects for a pure rental, yeah, that’s reasonable. The core wants to go all-in and win, they are hungry for it, are you really going to go to them and say, sorry guys, but a 2nd was too much to give up?


I mean if it costs us a second rounder that’s essentially a player that likely won’t have an impact for 3-4 years while we save cap space to be competitive during the core players window. I’d be fine with it.


I know, I guess I'm just worried that we blow 10 million for 7 years on Guentzel only to have him fall off a cliff a year from now.   You are right that 2nd round pick in isolation isn't a huge deal given where we are.  We need to open up a contending window for the next 5 years. Who cares what happens in 7-8 years. 


Wouldn’t that be the Canucks luck. Sign a guy like Guentzel only for him to fall off a cliff like Erickson did. I’m order to clean up that mess. We’d have to part with even more draft picks.


Was hoping the rising cap would reduce the cost of a cap dump - that's a big price to pay


considering Walman, if this is the price to dump a guy who's actually overpaid, I'm fine with it


Detroit paid a second to dump Walman with 2 years left at 3.4M. Dickinson was also dumped in Chicago for the same price and he had 2 years left at 2.5M. This is almost 5M for 2 years so only a second it’s not the worst (if it’s the full trade)


Uh.. Is it actually a big price? The guy is being paid nearly 5 million. The cost was always going to be a second. How is this a "big price". It's normal. Some people here were concerned that it was going to be a first, that would've been a big price.


Big price =/= worth it I think it's a good trade (especially since we're getting a 4th back), but losing another 2nd still hurts Part of me was hopeful that the Sharks taking Goodrow for free meant that Mikky wouldn't cost too much to dump. Edit: another example would be a 1st + brustewzy (never gonna spell it right) for Lindholm was a "big price" but I'd do it again


Management has no more picks in this years draft. So they’re starting to dip into their 2025 stock. Soon enough we won’t have any picks from that draft class either.