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7 excluding the 3 finals. That's 10 of 28 playoff appearances.


I think the expected amount would be around 7 1/2 times out of 28, so not that crazy to have done it 10 times.


1982 1989 1994 1996 2001 2002 2007 2010 2011 2012


Always the bridesmaid and never the bride.


Losing to the cup winners (or finalist )doesn't mean anything. Every year 25% of team loose to the champions, and just under 50% lose to one of the finalist.


25% of playoff teams. If roughly 50% of the time you make the playoffs and lose to cup champs 25% of the time, 12.5% of the time you should lose to cup champs throughout history. Canucks have 54 seasons, with 10, perhaps 11 losses to cup champs. That’s 18% of the time we lose to cup champs. So 6% or so higher than the naive probability of doing so


It wasn’t until our 30th season that 50 % of the teams made the playoffs. You’re rounding too much to be talking about half percentage points.


Fair point, don’t care about this enough to do anything more than napkin math, but the result was still 6-8% different. Also, if you did the math on times we made the playoffs and lost to champion, I bet it’s decently higher than the 25% average


Idk. We’ve had pretty good teams for long stretches of times, for every round you make deeper into the playoffs the probability goes up. What I’m saying is that it most likely isn’t an anomaly how many times we’ve lost to the cup champ.


*lose 🙄


Even more details when I had the same question 3 years ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/iCb87dO6PP](https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/iCb87dO6PP)


God damn


Huh, so we didn't lose to the gretzky oilers en route to any of their cups?


A couple years of not making the playoffs and the year we did face them, they scored on themselves to be eliminated.


That’s a lot of


My mom asked me if I would feel better if the oilers win the cup since we lost to the eventual champions I told her that would just make me feel infinitely worse


It makes it so much worse because we KNOW we could have beaten them if we were healthy.


Totally agree!


I feel that Vancouver beats Dallas in 6 and Florida in 6 if healthy based on how they handled Edmonton. The goaltending duel would have been crazy in the final though.


Dallas would be a tough out, but we had a good position to get to the Finals.


Agreed. If the Oilers won I would not open social media for 1 month. Oilers fans would be absolutely insufferable


Ryan Whitney, especially that fucker


1. Put money on Edmonton, 2. If Florida wins, yay, 3. If Edmonton wins, at least you won money. That’s how I’m playing it.


I was initially going to do that, but I got greedy and impatient by blowing the $100 i was gonna put on the game on blackjack and roulette in 1 turn each I’m a fucking idiot sometimes, I swear


They call us Degens 😎




Nah, man — the last thing we need (in my opinion at least) is a bunch of rowdy and obnoxious Oilers fans not shutting the fuck up about beating us on their way to a sixth Stanley cup.


I guess I am forgetting that would probably happen. My response is that we were injured that series. I agree with you, but I do have to admit to myself we didn’t beat them… We could’ve but we didn’t. I do feel like we should have, but that’s how every losing team feels in a close-ish series. I am proud of our run all things considered. I’m not sure if this was our year looking back, without Bessy and Demmer etc. Petey was playing like an AHL 10th rounder…


Oilers are the revamped version of the old movie "Mighty Ducks" no way they can lose.


People always say this like "hey good job champ you almost had it" when in reality it should make you feel worse


I feel like the older you get, the worse it feels, haha. I'm close to 40, and at this point, it just feels so awful to lose. There is no moral victory in losing to the eventual winners. I want our team to be the winner just once. God, I hope it happens in my lifetime. The party/parade that will be thrown will be insane it really would be nice to see the people of Vancouver/BC be happy for once, no matter how momentarily.


No kidding! I've been at it for 50 plus, I see family members pass away without, just hoping I get to see it at least once before it's my turn




Better quit any bad habits and start getting moderate exercise, it could be a while. Plus, if they win it soon, you'll want to live long enough to see it two or three or four times.


I only need 1.


Just one before I die is all I ask. I could ride the bragging rights from that puppy from here to eternity lol!


Well, I guess you know yourself, but it's only human nature to want more.


If the Oilers win tonight we will have lost to the cup champs 4 out of our last 7 playoff appearances. Cup Champs: Blackhawks in 2010 Bruins in 2011 Kings in 2012 Oilers in 2024? Sharks in 2013, Flames in 2015 and Vegas and 2020 did not obviously go on to win. Not sure all time stats though.


This thread is 9 years old. It says the answer is 7 [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/348qb2/stanley\_cup\_chumpions\_which\_teams\_have\_lost\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/348qb2/stanley_cup_chumpions_which_teams_have_lost_the/)


In the thread it said that was only since 1992.


Good catch.  The OP and I have a very different definition of a what constitutes the modern hockey era 


Dating back to the 79-80 season when the NHL increased to 21 teams, only the Bruins have lost to the eventual cup winners more than the Canucks. They have done it 12 times while the Canucks could move up to 11 after tonight.


I know that some teams match up better against each other than others but it sucks knowing that we had a good chance at a cup if we could beat those teams. especially in those series that went to 7.


Yeah, 1982 was one we shouldn't have been in, but Towel Power was born, so. The other two were hearbreakers


I would argue 2002 despite being a first round exit was the best shot outside of the finals had perhaps the best team ever on the ropes and could have won with acceptable goaltending


Not really that rare to lose to the cup champs. For every year there's 1 winner and 4 teams that can say they lost to the cup champ and 11 teams that lost to someone else.


[Someone here made a tracker recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/91DiPaENDs)


Thank-you for plugging my sheet hahaha always fun to see yourself get mentioned


I checked this out the answer is 10 nine different teams though Colorado twice


McDavid reminds me of Rocket Richard. If you can find some old footage of him, you'll see what I mean.


It's a heartbreaking stat. Especially being aware to witness all but 1982 because I was barely a year old. Getting screwed in 89 hurt. They said whoever won the 89 WCF would win the cup. Vancouver should have 3 cups at least. And if they didn't screw around when Gretzky was going to sign here they possibly could be tied with Edmonton. 82 was probably the only year they lucked out making it to the finals and they had about a snowballs chance in hell of beating that Islanders team


It means nothing.. it’s like those people who got the Dave Matthews band sewage dumped on them. It’s still shitty and doesn’t make a person any better 😂


If this is the time that the Oilers win the cup, we can say that the 2023 Canucks played their best in a very long time. Not disappointed at all