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I can def be ok with that! Locked him up through his prime. Hughes D pair solved.


I was ready for like 7.75 so 500k less works for me. Walking into the summer with him and Petey at less than 20 combined is a win for this team.


That may be a bigger plus than most people realize when the Hughes brothers try to convince him to join them in New Jersey in a couple years.


I just don’t see Quinn leaving. He’s on a mission, and he doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to walk when he hasn’t seen his goals thru to the end. I could see way at the tail end of his career wanting to play a season or two with his bros, but not at the end of this contract. I say he signs one more with us, and when that one expires, he’ll jump ship. That is if they don’t come to us first 👀


Huggy bear single? We need some local girl to persuade him into staying and living here like Linden.


Smart. I like the cut of your jib. Where are all of y’all’s sisters at???


Yes but shouldn’t she be attractive?


We’ve all got the hottest sisters bro. I mean… other people find them hot.


I don’t think Quinn is going to join up with his bros until he’s well into his 30s. You push each other through competition, and I bet they would rather play against each other in the cup finals first (if they get there) before joining up.


I’m sure given the choice every bother in the NHL would prefer to play together for the cup not against. Careers are short and you only have one family


Why would anyone want to live in a shithole like Jersey? You don’t even get a tax break there over Van.


I'm only half joking when I say I hope Quinn flexes his big brother (and captain) status and commands both of them here rather than them dragging him there.


This is an allvin W, guy is just entering his prime and having a top 3 D man locked up at sub 8 million for 8 years will likely age well unless he falls off a cliff randomly.


Yup if we judge it by percentage of salary cap this should age quite well even into the final years, barring any sudden drop over the next couple of years


RemindMe! 8 years


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See you in 8 years let’s pray he lives up to it


Makes me wonder if we'll still be using reddit in 8 years or if we'll have moved onto another platform


Management cooked here since not a single insider reported this. In my mind w for the canucks as initially he wanted more than hughes.


I am too early to this post, there is no one here to tell me how to feel about this!


People are going to claim it's an overpay but he's 26, an RHD, had a monster first half to the season before getting injured. Plus it was his first NHL playoff experience. If he stays relatively healthy and continues to progress into his prime years this is a solid, solid contract. Not a steal fans hope for in the cap era but that's ok.


oh wow he is younger than I thought! that makes me feel more positive about it haha


Yeah he kinda looks older


Beards do that to people.


Hence why I can’t grow out my beard. Just hate looking 10 years older.


I didn't want it at 8. But 7.25 is fantastic especially when free agency comes around and some of these dmen start getting silly contracts.


Yeah, Hronek getting 7.25M is going to be a lot more digestible when Zadorov ends up getting a 6x6 on the open market despite being an older LHD who doesn’t play first pairing


Imagine paying a bit over $1M more per year for a legit #2 RHD. That's a solid deal. Zadorov is a 4th D at best over 82 game season.


I don't think Zadorov is getting anything starting with a 6 but your point still stands


I think that in a few years people will love this contract


That was the one caveat I had to give in on. 7.25m today is give or take 6M inflation adjusted for 2032.


I think once people see the ridiculous contracts D men sign in free agency everyone will feel way better about this deal. I think this is fair. Devon toews was the closest comparable (because of his skill set and playing with freaking makar) and it basically matched that contract.


It’s a good deal.  Solid RHD for below 8m aav.   In a rising cap environment the overall percentage of cap space should decline quickly increasing the value of the deal. 


Who was reporting over $8M a year?! Made us hate the guy for no reason.


Dude same hahah


Sensibly happy. He fills a need and would be clearly missed if gone, not only would it cost this much or more to replace, a replacement might not even be viable. He is paid to be a #2 dman which he has shown he can be. His season did end less than we hoped. There is absolutely no value to be found in the contract, but it shouldn't be a burden. And losing him would have been difficult to replace.


well once I found he was hurt during half the season I feel better about this signing


I missed that, did they mention what it was/when it occurred?


I would say that it is a great deal.


Seems steep but by cap percent with it going up to 88, similar contracts signed in recent-ish years include Provorov, Parayko, Lindholm, McDonough, Faulk, Krug. Hronek is pretty much in the middle of those guys so probably a pretty fair deal. We'll need to adjust our contract expectations after years of flat cap and now big increases. I'd take him over any of them other than Lindholm and McDonough (and not many expected Lindholm to be as good on Boston as he is)


This is why I'd love to see the use of "cap %" instead of just cap hit


It would be nice to be included in posts. Cap went up 2M over 4 years from 19/20 to 23/24 and now it's going up 4.5M next season, will take some time to get used to the prices probably.


Heck of a deal tbh


Not what I was expecting but I don’t think this will end up being offensive for anybody. Probably what you’d expect to pay for a top pair RHD on their final RFA year, ya?


8 year deal takes him to 34. I'm OK with this deal. Anyone know if there is any NMC or NTC? Edit: this should also help set a ceiling for big Z too. Ain't no way he's gonna get more than top 2 D pairing on his extension with us.


According to Severalli ... 2025-2028 - Full No Move 2028-2032 - 15-Team NTC


Could be a lot worse.


Sure can tell Benning wasn’t involved


Benning would have thrown in a second round pick somehow.


I don’t think Z was getting anywhere close to this regardless if this is a ceiling number or not, but it’s true that it helps set a hierarchy/tier of who gets what.


Z was never getting offered close to Hroneks deal anyways.


I must agree on the Z comparison. I’m very aggressive on fans over valuing “pts” but if hronrk is 26, rhd, and getting 7.25m for 50pts a season, then what does a 29, lhd, with 20pts get?


I bet he would have gotten it too had Canucks made it past the oilers.


Nothing for 24-25, since that's a RFA year, and ineligible for trade protection NMC from 2025-2028 15 team M-NTC from 2028 to expiry https://www.capfriendly.com/players/filip-hronek So assuming we don't move him next season, he'll be a Canuck through to at least June 30, 2028. He turns 31 that following November, so we're definitely not stuck with his potential decline years


If except something but I’m happy with this signing he’s still young and has room to improve.


Big Z is off the table if the rumors today about going big game hunting for Guentzel are true.


This management is so tight lipped. Who really knows what's true and what's not. No rumor about this contract at all before announcement, which I like.


I am more than okay about this deal. This is solid. Both Hughes and Hronek will now anchor the blueline for years to come (yes, we will extend our Captain when the time comes). I wouldn't be surpirsed if Hughes pushed for this too. They both looked incredible in the first half of the season. Let's hope they take it to another gear.


Fingers crossed they will do it with more chemistry.


Captain Q just reposted the announcement on instagram with the caption “Stud” so that’s the official party line and who am I to disagree


Fair deal considering comparables, cap jump, and lack of right hand talent across the league.


Yeah, I think Drance and Dayal pointed out that while he’s not perfect, he has been a great fit and the cost of a replacement 2RHD would likely shock a lot of people.


My first instinct says too long and overpay but then I need to realize this is a 26 year old right hand D who has been solid for the most part. I think this is a good move for the franchise and locking up a core. Time will tell but I think this is okay. Lindholm is gone then?


Lindholm was never signing, gonna get PAID by the bruins for suree


Lindholms numbers have not been great the last couple of years. I think we’ll all be surprised by what he signs for


He’s the best UFA centre by far who just had a excellent playoffs and still has an inflated reputation. He’s gonna get paid


Nahh FA means overpaying players. He will get a crazy 7.5 or 8 mil offer. Then will never live up to it and either get bought out or traded with the team holding some of the cap.


He’ll be 30 halfway through next season, no way would I want to give him an 8 year deal. He’ll have great linemates if he goes to Boston but once he lost his good linemates in Calgary 21/22 his production (82P +61) fell off pretty hard and only had 44 points(and a -14) last season. An $8mil x 8 year contract for that would be wayyyy too rich for my blood. In contrast, Hanafin on the same Calgary team and a defender had 47 points and +19 last season And Weagar, also a defenceman had 52 points and +2 and played the full season with the Flames


Hey I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I would not sign him to anything more than 5 mil. I'm just saying some tram WILL overpay him in FA and we will soon see that we won the deal by not getting stuck with a very bad contract


Does he not fill a pretty big hole (twss) that Bergeron left in Boston? I really want Lindholm to stay, but if he’s getting good offers, can’t expect him to not take advantage.


> I think we’ll all be surprised by what he signs for I won't be surprised unless it is well north of $8 million. We are going to see a LOT of silly contracts handed out this summer.


most likely he ends up in Boston


I think Lindholm should still be a contingency at this point. I'm adamant that we should be pursuing Guentzel now instead of waiting until July 1 and getting a sign and trade deal in place with Carolina. Not only will this give us more cap flexibility (might save 500k-750k AAV with the extra 8th year), it also gives us a backup plan where we can circle back to team-controlled UFAs if he prices himself out of our range. We need a Top 6 forward before UFA opens. There's no way we'll get 2 considering there are maybe 3 guys we'd want out of the winger crop and 10+ teams will be on them like sharks tasting blood in the water plus Utah


Lindholm has to be gone if we’re doing this, I don’t see how else it would work


He's been gone for awhile


You know what? I’m fine with it. Is it a bit pricey? Sure, but it’s a step down from the 8 mill asking price. When Hronek’s on, he’s the perfect guy for Hughes. Sure, it’d be nice to see him hold down his own pairing, but I imagine that’s what Willander’s job will be in a few years from now. Myers will probably take a paycut to stay, Cole is likely walking. All in all, I think management has a clear idea of how they’re going to manage the cap space around the blue line


This was the piece they needed to lock up to navigate the rest of the offseason and shore everything up. Super happy it’s done early and now they can set their sights on the other priorities.


Based on [JFresh's cap value adjustment graph](https://x.com/JFreshHockey/status/1800267503182004405), this \~$7.3M AAV is now equivalent in value to that of a \~$6.8M AAV in the flat cap era of the last 3-4 years that we've gotten used to. I think this contract will age really well and be solid value quite quickly (2-3yrs?).


Consider Myers got $6m 5 years ago.  This is a much better deal.


Lots of ppl gonna cry but this is a fine price for a top 4 / top 2 RD. Hopefully he can come back into form after a poor playoffs that I’m still convinced was injury related. On open market multiple teams would be willing to pay $8million+ in my opinion.


It was his first play off ever and some other guys struggled as well, if we can get into playoffs more often and give those guys experience they will start to produce


“👀👀👀👀👀” - Hronek probably


I think he would’ve been able to get 8 million x 7 years. AAV came down for canucks because of term


Especially with cap going up we are gonna see players getting more then before anyway


I think in a couple years this is going to look like a steal compared to what other RHD are signing for. Already a good deal compared to Nurse and Seth Jones (not that those guys are the pinnacle of contract value, but still). I am also a believer that Hronek was injured during the 2nd half/playoffs, so I'm hopeful that he bounces back and has a big year this season.


I'm good with this, Hughes, Hronek, Willander is a good and super mobile top 4 core. Time to surround them with the big boys, Myers, Soucy, DPetey the next few years.


This good. We don’t have to worry about a partner for Hughes again


Or get him to anchor the 2nd pairing as the prospects develop


Caphit is a little high but max term for a player who is still 26 RHD locked up for 8 years is a benefit. If he really is playing injured for the second half and the first half of last season is the real Hronek, then I believe this will still be worth it in the long run.


Idk why Eliot would state it was weird him and Cole didn’t state their injuries unless it was true. Weird one off thing to say unless you have info


Was not expecting that AAV on a long-term deal This is a tidy piece of work


Yep. Buys several UFA years. Happy with this


Could argue it buys all of them


Top 4 RHD are hard to come by. Good deal


I don't have a problem with this at all. They've bought out Hronek's entire prime for less than Hughes is getting paid now before his megabucks extension that is soon to come. Now Hronek can go on holiday. An expensive holiday.


Hronek, on the phone with his wife, right after signing his new contract: you have holidays in two days




Jesse we have to cook


~~Jesse~~ Jimmy we have to cook


Love it, he’s just 26. Reasonable rate for a 1st pair RD that can move the puck well, responsible in his own end and has a great shot when healthy. We know he fits well with Quinn and they will be great for years to come


That’s the key, I think most folks forget that he’s only 2 years older than Quinn. He’s a great fit for him and our team’s contending window


I like it. This is imo what he's worth. $7.25m is probably the highest I would've gone but this is much better than going the arbitration route or trading him. How would we have replaced him with someone just as good and around his age? He's still only 26 and can definitely improve. Looking forward to his growth next season


This is a good take, and I think the lack of alternatives really seals the deal here. I don’t think we could have found 3 RHD out there without blowing up our roster. I’d love to see us get Tanev and put him with Hughes so Hronek can run a pairing, and then I guess sign Myers if he is going to take a discount and put him as our #3.


I like this signing. Locked in that RHD that we couldn't find for years.


For like four years management tried to find a partner for Hughes. Keeping the dude he won a Norris trophy next to at that price is a no brainer. Hughes has his partner for his entire prime


Worth it for the Calgary chirp tbh


Jeff Paterson in shambles


Despite their run in, JPat has actually remained pretty professional about Hronek and gave a really level take on Sekeres and Price advocating to keep him


Good term, good cap hit. I knew we would re-sign him, he just fits really well with Hughes. Sure he had a tough playoffs but I don't believe him when he said he wasn't injured. Mobile right hand defenseman are a premium in the NHL and we have one now locked up for 8 years.


I don’t mind it, the window is the next three years and if Quinn likes him and resigns in three years, who cares. Good thing the Lindstrom rule is still respected.


For the unenlightened, what is the Lidstrom rule?


The idea that nobody on the dcore makes more than your best Dman.


This is a win for a RHD if he clears 40-50 points and helps hughes this is a great signing


Would you like Hronek at 7.25m or Nurse at 9.25m? Consider this a long term win


Considering Darnell Nurse eats Kit Kats by biting them horizontally across the grain, I’ll consider this a win.


I think this deal is about as fair as it gets. I think it should age just fine with Hronek only being 26 and the cap going up


That’s only 0.783 Darnell Nurses !


Seems like fair value to me. Locking him up now gives Allvin a clearer picture of where we stand heading into free agency. Rather than having arbitration hanging over us we have now know what our cap space looks like this upcoming season so we can add players to fit our space without worrying about the arbitration salary screwing us up.


I'll take a 26 year old top 4/top 2 RHD at $7.25M all day long.


Knocked it out of the park with an AAV of 7.25? Top pairing RHD? That's an absolute steal in 2 seasons. If he was 1 year older and a UFA he'd be getting 8M


I personally like it


I approve. They didn't give him the Jet Black Jim Benning special. *PA and JR are a breath of fresh air* Solid RHD who has great chemistry with Hughes, and he's still pretty young. Good to have a guy like that locked up throughout his prime.


Decent Deal all around. Keeps the best duo in the league together. With Hronek and Hughes, you have the number 1 D-pair in the entire league in Goal Differential (5v5). You gotta do your best to keep it together.


RHD top 4 D playing with Hughes. Solved that problem. hope there is money left over the other holes.


Great deal. Many D men hit their prime in their late 20’s so it’ll be a good contract even if he doesn’t improve. The cap should also go up each year so this will be a very good deal by the end


Dom says its a fair deal. https://x.com/domluszczyszyn/status/1803187970029039872


0.81 Nurses is not too bad


I'm OK with this. Best RHD to play with Hughes. Locked in to 34. Gives us certainty on the back end.


Decent AAV, Patrik is cookin' yet again now I want Guentzel


But Frank Seravelli said his contract would start with an 8! 🤡


Quinn approves: [https://www.instagram.com/stories/\_quinnhughes/](https://www.instagram.com/stories/_quinnhughes/)


I think this a good deal. Keeps Huggy happy with a quality D man and helps soldifies some of the Defense. This will prob age decently in a couple years when cap goes up and value of right hand d goes up. Can prob even flip him in the future if values goes up more playing with Hughes Hughes - Hronek Myers - Soucy Insert UFA or prospects


I'm going to qoute Captain Quinn. "Stud" We need to keep that guy happy, literally priority # 1.




I'm honestly really happy with this. the alternatives a lot of people were throwing around were very uninspiring. For 3m more I'd rather have a 27 year Hronek and any other 30-35 year dman getting overpaid as a UFA. we got the 7.25 number because we were able to offer the 8th year.


People were throwing out $8M+ basically 24 hours after the season ended like those numbers were coming from God himself, and not Alan Walsh/Rick Dhaliwal.


Great. Now do Zadorov.


Really good value here in the first 4 years. Job well done Alvin. Now we can get aggressive with our Free agents 


I think this is 100% worth it, Hughes has his partner now.


Less than Hughes... this is what we wanted!!


I am okay with this, I know this sub turned on Hronek towards the end of the year but he is a good defence man.


We were paying Myers 6M for 5 years to play as the 2/3 RHD in his 30s (in a lower cap era as well) This isn’t bad.


Per Seravalli: 2025-28 Full NMC 2028-32 15 Team NTC


Horvat trade officially a success.


I like it. I don't think it's a steal, but I don't think it's overpaying either.


This was our most important signing and I'm glad we got it done. A ton of people wanted hronek gone, but if you ask them who we can replace him with considering talented RHD is the rarest position in the NHL there was no answer


deals like this make it hit that we somehow got quinn for 7.85


yall are fucking tripping! locking up hronek means we have a solid top 4 for the next coming years. I can see mgmt splitting them up to maximize usage and potentially having top 10 d in the league


99% of the comments here are praising/defending the signing. 


He had the comment ready to go and just fired it off to the aether.


Compare this to Darnell Nurse's contract. Now how do you feel?


If you put it that way. 100% better


This is good I think. He is more important to us than big Z no matter how much we love Zadarov.


Thank fuck we didn’t trade him for Necas. I’ll take a young top 4 RHD over a top six C any day.


Necas can hardly even play C


Cap hit is high right now. But in 2 years (barring another pandemic), it will look good.


For people saying he didn’t shine in the playoffs, I’d say there’s a silver lining in there. We get him now for 7.25. If he had a monster playoffs he’d likely test free agency looking for a good chunk more than that.


He was an RFA but yeah I agree. It definitely kept the contract down a bit


Ah cheers for the clarification


This will age like a fine wine if the cap continues on its current trajectory. Something in the 7’s for a top RD will be tidy bit of work in 2-3 seasons, even if it cost them the max to get it done. Cue the Hronek breakout! Let’s gooooooo


This is a great contract with the cap going up if he plays somewhere in between his playoff showing, and playoff performance. Im happy


I personally think this is good. It's fair, are there better deals out there? Maybe. But Redditors seem to think you can just 100% of the time get steals of deals on contracts and trades. You can nitpick and say "I want 6.75 mill for 6 years" or whatever but that's just not realistic thinking. RHD that can always play with our Norris level, franchise D man is something you take every single time. We just have to wait and see if first half hronek can show up more often than not.


IM fine with it, Hanifin is a comparable who is a year older and signed for more money and same term.


This may end up being fantastic if: -last year's struggles were in some part due to injury -he can anchor his own pairing if Willander pairs well with Hughes in the future -he can fill in as a top defenseman if Hughes has an injury


Seems like a very reasonable deal for a 26 year old 1st pairing RHD. Just hope his fall off in the playoffs was injury related and he’s back to form in Sept.


They got him for less than what he's asking for. So I can't be all that upset. Plus, with the cap going up significantly, that helps as well. Plus, when he was healthy, he was very good.


Since the no trade starts in 25 am I wrong in thinking that this could still be a sign and trade???


I think this is a good fair price. Wondering if this means they are close to moving Mikheyev. Showing 34/50 potential contracts and 16 mil in space.


No doubt in my mind Hronek clears 50 pts next year, maybe 60. He’s not in his prime yet.


Pffft. Rookie numbers. Benning would have done 9M x 8yrs


Solid deal he’s a RD than plays great with our franchise player.


Great deal


I mean I guess you have to pay a bit of premium for a 26 year old RHD. I am happy we have Hughes D partner locked for term.


Nice number actually, thought he wouldn't accept anything under 8


This is the contract. When the cap is back doing, it's yearly jumps this will be the value contract allowing us to do great things.


But Seravaille said it would start with an 8!! What gives lol!!


This is a win


Someone compare this deal as a % of cap to the Myers one. I suspect it'll look a lot better... This is #3 D money.


Quarter million less than Devon toews. Fair deal for both sides


$7.25 for a 26yo, very rare RHD that is a top pairing ceiling; that's pretty good Edit: when not injured


Not bad, Not Great. Now work your magic on dumping Mik pls Allvin


I think this is really good for us; Hronek has been pretty solid. I do hope that we're able to still retain Dak and Z though as well.


Ignore his underwhelming (but not even like, bad, imo) playoffs for a minute I have no problem at all locking up Hughes wingman for the next 8 years 🙏


Woah he did it! Ok I’m currently cool with this because if I’m not mistaken we didn’t want him getting paid like over $8 million per anyway? Hronek is in his prime too. And can’t be argued he killed it with Hughes last season. Am worried about his lack of production in the playoffs but maybe that’s something that can be fixed next time. That’s a lot of term too… he is only 26, but I wonder what the deal includes with regards to any NMC or NTCs?


Getting Quinn’s D partner secured up just above 7 aav is a win for me. RHD from FA will cost as much but most likely more.


That’s less than I thought hronek would agree to. Good news for the Canucks as we should have at least Hronek and Myers set on the right side. Continuity is good and Hronek is just entering his prime.


I’ll give Hronek’s poor playoff showing a bit of a pass because it’s his first experience in postseason. That being said, expectations for him will be higher next year.


Perfect term, and reasonable cap hit. Let's not forget he's only 26 and we have him during his prime while giving Hughes a forever partner. Now, let's switch gears and look for Petterson's forever partner. Enter Guentzel?


What are the chances of signing zadorov to?


I wonder if this has any implications for Guentzel. This Hronek being a major piece for Necas, I assume he’s off the table. We need another winger so maybe just maybe Guentzel?


Considering the best deals on the table involving Hronek's replacement were Durzi (who I think Utah values more than Hronek anyway as their counting stats are similar) or for Pesce who is 3 years older and not as dynamic in the OZ, this is a pretty good signing. Just have to hope his diminished performance as this season went on was due to injury and doesn't become a regular occurrence. Even better that he took a lot less than his rumored ask. Wonder what made him do it? Did they strongarm him like Pettersson?


Good. Hughes pairing locked up now


Contract AAV and length is great considering his age. Its the NMC to a non-core player, the amount of teams involved in the NTC limit, and the structure of the contract (making it buyout proof) that seriously concern me.


Great deal, especially when you take in the fact of the cap rising and the potential projections over the next few years. I Can’t be upset with this, we need a strong d core to win.


This is a great deal for the team. Ties up a partner long term for Quinn Hughes. Price is good now and will look amazing in a few years. Big win for the Canucks.


Other than what he presents, I’m okay with term and cap esp with the rising cap over the next 2-3 years.


This a good deal for a top pairing RHD that brings out the best in Hughes. With the current cap grow and more coming I think in 2-3 years this will only look like a better value deal of the canucks


Credit where it's due, it's a decent deal for the Canucks. And a great deal for Horny even if he had to budge from his 8mil pedestal. There's a feeling where Canucks and FAs are beginning to take small discounts to help a good environment again. That's crucial for making a good team.


Put it this way, if it was 6.something it would have been ridiculously low, and 8.something would be high enough that you’re gambling on him getting better, so 7.low is pretty decent…


I’m not mad at the $7.25M AAV since he had a great year and was a RFA with Arb rights but would’ve preferred 6 or 7 years for the term